Современные проблемы химии Курсы по выбору на английском языке
Курс по выбору
"Modern problems of chemistry: the point of catalytic researcher pragmatist"
Кустов М.Л., проф., д.х.н.
Аннотация курса
This original course of lectures in English represents a survey of modern trends in chemistry, including: - Application of principles of 'green' chemistry in the synthesis of organic and iorganic products, including nanomaterials, for instance the synthesis of less toxic nanomaterials,
- Solutions to environmental problems purification of air, water and soil) using nanomaterials,
- Analysis of the opportunities of modern spectroscopic methods (DRIFTS, UV, XPS, XAFS) for characterization of nanomaterials,
- Non-traditional methods of performing the chemical processes of synthesis of organic and inorganic products (microwave activation, low-temperature plasma),
- Chemistry of hyrid nanomaterials
The tentative title of lectures are listed below: - "Green" nanomaterials by design: synthesis, characterization, application and environmental footprint
- Microwave- and plasma-assisted activation of chemical processes
- Hybrid nanomaterials: Quo vadis?
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Вебдизайн: Copyright (C) И. Миняйлова и В. Миняйлов
Copyright (C) Химический
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