Современные проблемы химии
Курсы по выбору на английском языке
Курс по выбору
"Polymer-surfactant complexes in aqueous solution"
Сергеев В.Г. зав. каф., д.х.н., проф.
Аннотация курса
The basic concept is to combine in one course the physicochemical behaviors of both surfactants and water-soluble polymers. The interaction between surfactants and polymers is a core topic of the course. Together, the surfactants and the polymers provide the stability, rheological behavior, deposition, and so on, needed for the specific applications. The solution behavior of each component is important but performance of the formulated product depends to a large extent on the interplay between the surfactant and the polymer.
Thus the aim of the course is to introduce the basic concept of polymer- surfactant interaction, properties and behavior of the complexes. This course deals with solution and interfacial properties of surfactants and polymers and cover basic concepts and self-assembly in solution as well as at interfaces. Course covers polymercolloidal systems in general as well as some applications.
The goal is to provide a background in polymer-surfactant complexes and give the student a framework for applying knowledge in colloid and surface science to the solution of practical application and the development of new technologies