I. V. Melikhov, V. Ye. Bozhevol’nov
Variability of nanosystems
a surface of growing nanoparticles a mechanism of synchronization of molecular
fluctuations operates increasing their scale up to macroscopic one. Thereof the
kinetic equation for states distribution function of nanoparticles approaches
the Fokker–Planck equation that is experimentally established on an example of
nanoparticles of different nature. In a series of suspensions and aerosols,
where the ordered aggregates of nanoparticles are formed, aggregation is
multi–stage process, and at each stage the change of a size distribution
function of aggregates is also described by the Fokker–Planck equation.
Multi–stage aggregation is completed by appearance of the particles in system
with multilevel hierarchical texture having tendency to accept polyhedral
shape. Aforementioned features of nanosystems can be treated as development of
variability and ability of systems to self–organization.
Copyright (C) Chemistry Dept., Moscow State University, 2002