About =>
Main CDFE activities within NRDC Network.
maintaining of CDFE Web-site that contains many data for atomic nuclei,
nuclear reactions with photons, neutrons, charged particles and heavy
ions and nuclear spectroscopy data;
compilation of numerical photonuclear data and related
information for photon induced reaction measurements for international system
of nuclear reaction data using EXFOR (EXchange FORmat) system; the CDFE digital data
fund contains the data on the reaction yields and cross sections (excitation functions),
on the reaction products angular, energy, mass, charge and other distributions,
and on another features of the photon and electron interactions with atomic nuclei;
compilation of the relevant bibliographic information,
development of "Photonuclear Data Index" relational database: results of
experimental studies of photo- and electronuclear reactions, photon
and electron elastic and inelastic scattering processes, radiative
capture reactions;
development of methods for evaluation of photonuclear reaction cross sections
obtained in various kinds experiments, evaluation of data, production
of an evaluated photonuclear reaction cross section libraries;
development of computer software for managing nuclear data from international data files EXFOR,
ENSDF (Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File), and NSR (Nuclear Structure References)
using the IBM/PC and compatible computers; the development and maintainement
of the universal relational nuclear structure and decay database NESSY (New ENSDF Search SYstem)
which provides the possibility of high efficiency processing (the search and retrieval of any kind of physical data)
of the information from the ENSDF;
development of computer software for processing and management of nuclear data
from international data files EXFOR, ENSDF (Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File),
and NSR (Nuclear Structure References), development of correspondent powerful relational
databases; the development and maintenance of the universal relational nuclear structure
and decay database NESSY (New ENSDF Search SYstem) which provides the possibility of high
efficiency processing (the search and retrieval of any kind of physical data) of the
information from the ENSDF;
international exchange of experimental and evaluated data,
the dissemination of nuclear data.