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Using Literal and Grammatical Statistics
for Authorship Attribution
O. V. Kukushkina A. A. Polikarpov D. V. Khmelev
May 25, 2002
This paper was published in Problemy Peredachi Informatsii, vol.37,
number 2, April-June, 2000, pp.96-108. Translated in \Problems of
Information Transmission", pp. 172-184
Received August 8, 2000; in nal form, January 11, 2001
Markov chains are used as a model for the sequence of elements of
a natural language text. This model is applied for authorship attribu-
tion of texts. An element of a text could be a letter or a grammatical
class of a word. It turns out that the frequencies of usage of letter
pairs and pairs of grammatical classes are stable characteristics of the
author, and they could be used in disputed authorship attribution. A
comparison of results with letters and grammatical classes is given.
The research is carried out over 385 texts of 82 writers.
In Appendix the research of D.V. Khmelev is described, where
data compression algorithms are applied to authorship attribution.
1 Introduction 1
2 Pre-processing 4
3 Technique and its cross-validation 6

4 Description of the results 9
5 Conclusion 13
A Appendix. Application of Data Compression Algorithms in
Authorship Attribution 14
1 Introduction
In this paper the problem of identi cation of a text's author is presented
as follows. Some large fragments of prose works by a number of authors are
given. These texts are in Russian or in a di erent, written, phonological (non-
hieroglyph, non-character) language 1 . An anonymous text known to belong
to one of these authors is disputed between all of them. One has to predict
the correct author. D.V. Khmelev in [1] has o ered and tested statistically
a technique giving correct predictions with quite a high probability. The
technique chosen is based on the data about usage of subsequent elements in
the text (letters, morphemes etc).
To the best of our knowledge, rst attempts in the search of a technique
for authorship attribution were given in [2]. Markov [3] had an almost imme-
diately replied to [2]. This shows that the founder of the theory of Markov
chains was quite interested in this eld. Notice also that the rst application
of \events which are linked to a chain" Markov described in [4], where he
studied the distribution of vowels and consonants among initial 20000 letters
of \Evgenij Onegin".
Modern methods of authorship attribution are reviewed for our country
in [5, Chapter. 1] and a good review of foreign papers is given in [6]. Despite
the huge variety of methods described, none of them have been applied to a
large number of texts. Often, these methods are not automatic and require
some human intervention which makes the computational analysis of a large
number of large texts almost impossible. Hence a question of generalization
raises: can they be used outside the situation they were developed for?
Until recent times the only exception was the paper [7], where the chosen
technique has been tested on a number of texts. They examine the proportion
1 Written non-character (non-hieroglyph) texts are mentioned, since character written
language reduces opportunities in analysis of subsequent elements because of very implicit
phonological data (telling apart morphemes)

of function words used by an author and nd that this proportion is stable
for each author among a large number of Russian writers of eighteenth{
twentieth centuries. This technique has been applied in [7] to the problem
of determining plagiarism.
A new method of authorship attribution for natural language texts (ac-
tually, independent of a language considered), has been o ered for the rst
time by Khmelev in [1].
The new technique is based on the Markov model for the sequence of
letters (and any other elements) of a text, i.e., a sequence of letters is consid-
ered as a Markov chain, where each letter (element) depends on the preceding
letter (element) only.
The matrices of transition frequencies of element (letter, grammatical
code, etc) pairs are calculated over all texts by each of the authors. Therefore
we know (approximately) the probability of transition from one letter to
another for each author. The true author of an anonymous text is calculated
using the principle of maximal likelihood, i.e., for each matrix we calculate
the probability of the anonymous text and we choose the author with the
maximal corresponding probability and the chosen author is assumed to be
the true author.
This method is amazingly precise as was shown in [1], where this method
was applied to a large number of various texts. The result becomes even
more amusing if we recall that only frequencies of letter pairs are taken into
Markov models of rst and higher orders have been used in a large number
of works in 50-60 years of XX century in order to estimate an entropy of
various kinds of texts. A lot of those works are described in [8, Ch. 4.3].
But none of works mentioned have raised the question of application of
Markov chains to the problem of authorship attribution. Moreover, a gener-
ally accepted viewpoint was that characteristics of any ction text measured
via letters and letter pairs frequencies are close to average characteristics of
the language. Hence these characteristics are indistinguishable from practi-
cal viewpoint (see [8, footnote on the p.181] and [9, 10, 3]). A principle of
maximal likelihood have never been applied in authorship attribution either
because of the following reasons. Firstly, computations on a large amount of
data was awkward until appearance of computers and a large number of elec-
tronic texts. Secondly, a kind of a psychological barrier existed in an absence
of underlying theory, since Markov chain of rst order is just a rst and a
very bad approximation for a natural language text. This fact is pointed out

in many papers concerning estimating the texts entropy via Markov chains
of high order [8, p.187] Finally, in authorship attribution it was believed that
there exists a set of stable quantitative characteristics for grammatical infor-
mation, and these characteristics are useful in distinguishing the writers. To
the best of our knowledge, until the recent times the only signi cant result
for Russian language in this direction was obtained in [7].
In this work we develop further a validation procedure of method [1] and
apply the method of [1] for di erent units of the analysis, i.e., we study:
(a) letter pairs in their natural sequences in a text, i.e., in words (as they
appeared in the text) and spaces between them;
(b) letter pairs in sequences of letters in the vocabulary form of words. For
example, the previous sentence is reduced as follows \letter pair in sequence
of letter in vocabulary form of word". For Russian texts this reduction is
much more signi cant, since Russian words have a number of various forms.
(c) pairs of most generalized (\incomplete") grammatical classes of words
and parts of speech in their sequences in sentences of the text. In Russian, 14
parts of speech are traditionally assigned: nouns, verbs, adjectives etc. We
introduce the other 4 categories: \end of sentence", \shortening", \unclear
class", \dash sign". A category \unclear class" was introduced, since gram-
matical classes were assigned automatically to more than 99% of words, but
some words (for example, misprinted) was not assigned automatically, and
hence, their grammatical classes have not been clear.
(d) pairs of less generalized (\complete") grammatical classes of words,
for example, animated noun, unanimated noun, qualitative adjective, relative
adjective, possessive adjective etc.
A full cross-validation was carried out over 385 texts of 82 writers. Results
are presented in Tables 1 and 2. The details of authors and texts are given
in Table 3; the size of texts and the number of texts per author are included.
To gauge the precision of the method one can calculate a percent of
correctly classi ed texts. The best results were obtained in cases (a) and (b)
(73% and 62% of correct classi cation, resp.). 61% of texts were correctly
classi ed in case (c). Results for case (d) are much worse (4%).
In Section 2 the principles and results of preprocessing are described. In
Section 3 the procedure of cross-validation is described. A detailed descrip-
tion of results is given in Section 4 with conclusions presented in Section
5. In Appendix written by D.V. Khmelev, another approach to authorship
attribution is presented. This approach uses data compression algorithms.

2 Pre-processing
After pre-processing the source corpora of texts was presented in all forms
In case (a) all words of unclear grammatical class were omitted, i.e.,
words, not recognized automatically, were ignored (and this is the main dif-
ference of present research from [1]). These words are ignored, since we are
now able to compare results in case (a) with results in case (b). Also, text
is converted into a sequence of words and delimiting spaces without any
formatting. All punctuation is removed. Finally, words beginning with a
capital letter are also omitted (in particular, all the rst words of sentences
are removed). It was shown in [1] that the last trick signi cantly increases
the precision of authorship attribution. There is a conjecture that this im-
provement is implied by ignoring of names of characters, that are usually not
related to the style of the author of the ction text. A letter \e" in Rus-
sian alphabet was glued to the letter \e", and hence we had 33 characters
including the space. Each letter was encoded with its number: letter \a" cor-
responding to 1, letter \ya" corresponding to 32. The space is corresponding
to 0. The total number of letters in all texts is 96209964. The total number
of di erent pairs of letters found in the corpora of text is 1011 (out of possible
33  33 = 1089). Clearly, 1011 is larger than an actual number of di erent
letter pairs to be found in Russian texts. This is a result of a number of
misprints in electronic versions of books and this fact can lead to errors in
computations. In order to obtain an estimate of this noise, 121 letter pairs
were selected, those whose appearance in a Russian text was unlikely. In
total, they were used 38495 times or 0,04% of total size of the corpora, and
hence they could be disregarded.
The pre-processing of source corpora in cases (b), (c) and (d) is carried
out with help of automatic classi er developed by O.V. Kukushkina at the
Laboratory for General and Computational Lexicology and Lexicography of
the Philological faculty at Lomonosov Moscow State University. The clas-
si er is based on the grammar vocabulary of Zaliznyak [11] and Academic
grammar [12, 13].
Case (c) is based on the information obtained from the most general
grammatical class of word form, i.e., we use only the information concern-
ing the part of the speech (particles, prepositions, interjections, copulatives
and adversative conjunctions, other conjunctions, verbs, pronouns, adverbs,
adjectives, nouns, numerals, predicate nouns, comparatives, modal adverbs).

Case (d) is based on the information obtained from lexical and grammat-
ical category of the given part of speech (animated noun, unanimated noun
Let us present some data from cases (b){(d).
In case (b) the total number of letter is 110704464. There are 1029
di erent pairs of letters out of 33  33 = 1089. As one can see, gures are
increased w.r.t. case (a). This e ect is related to conversion of oblique forms
to vocabulary ones.
In cases (c) and (d) the number of elements is 20262449. In case (c) the
total number of di erent pairs of elements is 302 out of possible 1818 = 324.
In case (d) the number of di erent pairs of elements is 8124 out of possible
112  112 = 12544.
3 Technique and its cross-validation
An analysis of texts in each case was carried out based on software developed
by Khmelev. For each case we present results of cross-validation of the
method of [1]. Cross-validation is carried out as follows.
Let us recall that elements of texts are encoded with numbers from 0 to
32 (in cases (a) or (b)), 17 or 111 (in cases (c) and (d), respectively). Code 0
always corresponds to a delimiter between large blocks, i.e., in cases (a) and
(b) code 0 corresponds to the space between words and in cases (c) and (d)
code 0 corresponds to delimiter between sentences (\end of sentence").
Given W writers each of which has Nw texts, where w = 0, . . . , W 1,
we count Q wn
ij which is the number of transitions from letter i to letter j for
text n (n = 0, . . . , Nw 1) from writer w (w = 0, . . . , W 1). In order to
nd the predicted author for text ^ n (of known author ^
w) using information
about authorship of the other texts for all authors including ^
w, we have
Q k
ij =
Nw 1
Q kn
ij ; Q k
i =
Q k
for authors k 6= ^
w, and for author ^
w we exclude text ^
n from a training set
Q ^
ij =
Q ^
ij ; Q ^
i =
Q ^
ij :

We then have
 k ( ^
w; ^
n) =
i:Q k
i >0
j:Q k
ij >0
Q ^
ij ln Q k
Q k
w ( ^
w; ^
n) =
i:Q ^
i >0
j:Q ^
ij >0
Q ^
ij ln
Q ^
Q ^
Ignoring degenerate cases Q k
ij = 0 and Q k
i = 0, one can see that each  k ( ^
w; ^
is minus the logarithm of the probability of the text ^
n being from writer
w, when the text ^ n from writer ^
w is generated by the Markov chain with
transition probabilities P k
ij = Q k
ij =Q k
i . The hint to ignore the degenerate
summands is given by results about optimal maximal likelihood estimate,
presented in [14, p.224].
We also de ne a rank R k ( ^
w; ^
n) to be the rank of  k ( ^
w; ^ n) in f k ( ^
w; ^
n); k =
0; : : : ; W 1g, where the smallest rank is 0, i.e., R k ( ^
w; ^ n) 2 f0; : : : ; W 1g,
and the smallest number has the smallest rank. If the text is assigned to the
correct author, then R ^
w ( ^
w; ^
n) = 0.
If the text is assigned to an other author, and the correct author is second
among other pretenders, then R ^
w ( ^
w; ^
n) = 1 etc.
A result of cross-validation is a set of ranks
fR ^
w ( ^
w; ^
n)g ^
w2f0;:::;W 1g;^n2f0;:::;N ^
w 1g :
The precision of the technique for authorship attribution is measured by this
set of numbers. The proportion of correct predictions is the proportion of
zero ranks. When the true author was close to being correctly predicted,
we have small ranks. Another measure of the precision of the technique for
authorship attribution is given by the average rank
M = 1
W 1
N ^
W 1
N ^
w 1
^ n=0
R ^
w ( ^
w; ^
n): (1)
We shall also present results of cross-validation in case of analysis of individ-
ual letters (in cases (a) and (b)) and individual grammatical classes (in cases
(c) and (d)). All the calculations are the same, but we additionally calculate
Q k =
Q k
i and Q ^
w =
Q ^

Table 1: Full cross-validation of the authorship attribution based on the
sequence of letters
Case (a) Case (b)
Words as Words in
appeared in the text vocabulary form
R Letters pairs Individual R Letter pairs Individual
0 282=385 27=385 0 240=385 12=385
1 21=385 55=385 1 29=385 40=385
2 9=385 25=385 2 17=385 19=385
3 5=385 24=385 3 9=385 16=385
4 5=385 17=385 4 6=385 16=385
 5 63=385 237=385  5 84=385 282=385
M 3;38 12;69 M 4;77 17;88
and the following quantaties k ( ^
w; ^
n) are used instead of  k ( ^
w; ^
k ( ^
w; ^ n) =
i:Q k
i >0
Q ^

ln Q k
Q k
w ( ^
w; ^
n) =
i:Q ^
i >0
Q ^

ln Q ^
Q ^
w :
4 Description of the results
The results of the research are presented in Tables 1, 2. The column R corre-
sponds to ranks 0, . . . , 4 and ranks exceeding 4. Row of rank 0 contains the
proportion of correctly assigned texts. Row of rank 1 contains the propor-
tion of texts such that the correct author was the second among the other
pretenders etc. Finally, row of rank  5 contains the proportion of texts such
that the correct author was on the place not better than 6.
Line M contains the average rank, determined by (1).
Straight away we can notice that the frequencies of individual letters and
individual grammatical classes give a low but signi cantly non-random level

Table 2: Full cross-validation of the authorship attribution based on the
sequence of grammatical classes
Case (c) Case (d)
Generalized \Complete"
grammatical classes grammatical classes
R Pairs Individual R Pairs Individual
0 235=385 128=385 0 15=385 6=385
1 31=385 43=385 1 21=385 12=385
2 16=385 29=385 2 9=385 6=385
3 8=385 15=385 3 12=385 6=385
4 11=385 17=385 4 19=385 8=385
 5 84=385 153=385  5, 309=385 347=385
M 5;43 10;13 M 17;76 31;93
of correct authorship attribution (except the case of individual \complete"
grammatical classes, the reasons of bad results are to be studied).
All calculation with pairs of elements (letters or grammatical classes)
give better results w.r.t. calculations with individual letters or grammatical
Let us now study the di erence in results of analysis using information
about usage of letter pairs in words as they appeared in the text and letter
pairs in vocabulary forms of words. Comparison shows that the success rate
of the authorship attribution is better in the case of natural sequences of
letters in the text (there are 73% against 62% of correct authorship predic-
tions and average rank is 3;38 against 4;77). Perhaps, an \equalization" of
di erent forms of a word reduced to the vocabulary form eliminates some
information useful for authorship attribution and leads to the fall in success
rate in case (b) w.r.t. case (a).
Comparison of results of authorship attribution using the information
about the pairs of letters and pairs of generalized (\incomplete") grammatical
classes (cases (a) and (c)) shows that the success rate in both cases is quite
high, i.e., we have 73% and 61% correctly classi ed texts, respectively. The
average rank of correct authorship attribution falls in 2 ranks from letter pairs
to generalized grammatical classes. Perhaps, a relatively lower eфciency of
pairs of grammatical classes (in comparison with letter pairs for words as

they appeared in the text) on the same data set is concerned with smaller
magnitude of sample size on the grammatical classes (let us recall that on
the same corpora of texts there are 96 million of letter usages in case (a) and
there are 20 million of grammatical classes usages in case (c)).
Also, it requires attention that the usage of individual grammatical classes
in case (c) (see Table 2) is signi cantly more e ective than usage of individual
letters: there are 33% of correct authorship attributions in case (c) against 7%
in case (a). The average rank in case (c) is two and a half times less than the
average rank in case (a). Perhaps, this result is concerned with more speci c
information (more precisely characterising stable structure characteristics of
texts for each author) given by individual grammatical codes in contrast to
individual letters.
\Complete" grammatical classes were the most ine ective in authorship
attribution both in the case of pairs frequencies and in the case of individual
frequencies. The reasons for these results are to be studied.
The details about authors of the corpora of texts, the number of texts per
author, the dispersion of text sizes with minimal, average (in brackets) and
maximal sizes, results of authorship attribution in all four cases ((a){(d))
with minimal, average (in brackets) and maximal rank of the text examined
on its author are given in Table 3.
The corpora also containes some translated texts (S. Lem, I. Khmelevskaja,
B. Rajnov). It is interesting that the quality of attribution of these texts is
not worse than texts written by authors whose mothers language is Russian
(although corpora contains Lem's translation by di erent interpreters)
Table 3. The number of and size of texts in corpora by author
w Writer Nw The size of texts
(thousands letters) (a) (b) (c) (d)
0 O. Avramenko 7 223,7(279,5)395,1 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 10(13,9)22
1 A. Bol'nykh 7 0,8(185,0)298,8 0(4,1)24 0(5,9)37 1(12,1)79 4(15,3)75
2 K. Bulychev 16 3,3(129,5)458,9 0(6,8)59 0(6,8)53 0(9,0)65 3(16,3)69
3 A. Volkov 9 5,2(186,8)610,5 0(20,4)50 0(26,3)51 0(12,3)57 5(23,1)65
4 G. Glazov 6 184,5(263,7)326,1 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 9(13,2)19
5 O. Grinevskij 2 96,1(127,4)158,6 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 0(0,5)1
6 N.V. Gogol' 4 97,7(213,3)334,0 0(1,0)4 0(1,5)6 0(8,0)32 14(22,8)42
7 N. Gumilev 2 70,1(70,6)71,0 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0
8 F.M. Dostoevskij 4 88,6(175,5)268,9 0(0,0)0 1(2,0)3 0(0,3)1 10(13,3)18
Continued on the next page

w Writer Nw The size of texts
(thousands letters) (a) (b) (c) (d)
9 M. and S. Djachenko 6 23,3(325,1)553,2 0(0,0)0 0(0,2)1 0(0,0)0 7(11,5)17
10 S. Esenin 2 44,6(131,5)218,4 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 0(0,5)1
11 A. Etoev 6 2,7(57,9)114,8 0(1,0)4 0(4,3)19 0(2,2)13 2(3,0)5
12 I. Efremov 2 256,5(396,5)536,5 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 1(2,0)3
13 A. Zhitinskij 3 253,6(793,2)1207,6 0(0,3)1 0(0,0)0 0(9,0)26 18(26,3)42
14 A. Kabakov 5 69,0(225,5)418,4 0(0,0)0 0(0,2)1 0(2,6)11 15(19,2)26
15 S. Kazmenko 5 132,8(400,5)1148,3 0(1,2)5 0(0,8)4 0(0,2)1 16(21,8)28
16 V. Kaplan 7 19,3(91,9)305,2 0(4,1)25 0(5,6)24 0(5,0)23 9(23,0)40
17 A. Kac 2 81,7(461,4)841,0 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 1(2,5)4
18 V. Klimov 4 58,5(107,5)179,9 0(7,0)15 0(7,0)20 0(1,5)6 3(6,8)9
19 E. Kozlovskij 2 848,6(868,4)888,2 0(0,0)0 0(2,0)4 15(42,0)69 40(56,5)73
20 I. Krashevskij 3 380,6(555,2)803,1 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 6(8,3)10
21 I. Kublickaja 2 170,2(226,2)282,3 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 1(2,0)3
22 L. Kudrjavcev 4 108,3(190,5)348,2 0(0,3)1 0(1,5)5 0(0,0)0 8(13,5)24
23 V. Kunin 4 296,3(407,9)610,3 0(0,0)0 0(2,5)7 0(3,5)5 10(15,5)23
24 A. Kurkov 7 17,5(121,0)276,9 0(3,1)10 0(11,6)28 0(1,9)3 4(11,9)19
25 A. Lazarevich 4 11,3(101,3)274,7 0(14,3)47 5(20,3)54 2(11,0)18 4(9,3)15
26 A. Lazarchuk 6 141,4(434,2)786,9 0(0,0)0 0(0,8)2 0(0,0)0 19(25,5)34
27 Ju. Latynina 3 116,8(970,7)2511,8 0(3,3)10 0(13,0)36 0(0,0)0 4(15,3)23
28 S. Lem 8 11,6(238,6)535,2 0(0,9)5 0(1,1)8 0(5,1)27 11(26,5)44
29 N. Leonov 3 273,1(282,7)295,7 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 3(4,0)5
30 S. Loginov 14 1,3(153,4)916,2 0(15,9)36 4(18,1)37 0(18,9)49 14(35,6)59
31 E. Lukin 5 26,9(144,6)367,9 0(3,2)15 0(0,0)0 0(4,4)19 8(16,0)39
32 L. and E. Lukiny 4 105,2(239,9)564,7 0(0,3)1 2(3,8)6 0(0,5)2 4(12,8)20
33 S. Luk'janenko 15 6,0(277,6)542,9 0(3,0)22 0(6,9)76 0(9,1)58 9(25,4)73
34 N. Markina 2 93,6(179,8)266,0 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 1(2,5)4 0(1,5)3
35 A. Melikhov 2 457,6(536,4)615,2 0(0,0)0 0(2,5)5 0(0,0)0 17(17,5)18
36 V. Mikhajlov 2 84,2(169,3)254,5 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 1(2,5)4
37 A. Molchanov 2 206,5(302,4)398,3 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 0(0,5)1 4(5,5)7
38 V. Nabokov 6 102,0(310,6)599,8 0(2,0)11 0(0,8)3 0(3,0)15 5(12,7)18
39 M. Naumova 4 5,2(161,1)337,8 0(7,8)31 0(11,8)47 0(17,8)69 4(10,0)17
40 Ju. Nesterenko 2 71,1(212,0)352,8 0(1,0)2 1(3,5)6 0(0,0)0 1(3,5)6
41 Ju. Nikitin 3 656,9(681,4)702,2 0(11,3)34 0(17,0)51 0(0,7)1 5(6,7)8
42 S. Pavlov 2 375,6(414,5)453,4 0(0,0)0 0(0,5)1 0(0,0)0 6(6,5)7
43 A.S. Pushkin 2 57,1(113,7)170,3 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0
Continued on the next page

w Writer Nw The size of texts
(thousands letters) (a) (b) (c) (d)
44 B. Rajnov 5 267,7(363,6)420,3 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 0(0,6)3 12(13,8)15
45 L. Reznik 2 79,6(97,8)115,9 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 1(1,0)1
46 N. Rerikh 4 84,5(305,6)608,7 0(5,5)22 0(3,5)14 0(2,3)9 0(2,5)9
47 N. Romaneckij 7 5,5(203,2)530,6 0(5,4)21 0(7,7)20 0(1,0)4 15(27,7)45
48 A. Romashov 2 87,7(88,1)88,4 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 2(3,0)4 0(0,0)0
49 V. Rybakov 7 9,7(119,5)366,1 0(9,0)24 0(9,0)21 0(16,4)36 15(25,6)41
50 M.E. Saltykov-Schedrin 2 101,6(170,4)239,1 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 1(2,5)4
51 R. Svetlov 3 29,2(241,0)425,4 0(0,0)0 3(13,3)20 0(0,7)2 3(8,7)17
52 A. Sviridov 4 13,4(224,0)601,5 10(27,5)65 0(11,8)41 0(11,0)44 6(26,5)56
53 V. Segal' 3 60,5(132,0)259,7 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 0(0,3)1 1(4,7)8
54 K. Sera mov 2 75,3(130,8)186,4 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 1(1,0)1
55 I. Sergievskaja 2 50,7(79,8)108,9 0(0,0)0 0(1,0)2 0(0,0)0 0(0,5)1
56 K. Sitnikov 8 13,0(66,1)274,3 0(0,0)0 0(2,3)18 0(0,5)4 3(8,3)22
57 S. Snegov 3 385,8(411,1)438,4 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 5(5,0)5
58 S.M. Solov'ev 2 159,9(1251,6)2343,3 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 0(2,5)5
59 A. Stepanov 6 83,7(219,6)390,3 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 4(5,0)8
60 A. Stoljarov 2 137,2(241,9)346,7 0(5,0)10 9(11,0)13 0(7,5)15 1(2,5)4
61 A. and B. Strugackie 30 37,1(230,4)579,5 0(1,9)24 0(2,5)23 0(5,9)54 15(36,4)79
62 A. Strugackij 2 51,9(101,6)151,3 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 0(0,5)1 1(1,0)1
63 B. Strugackij 2 260,7(279,6)298,4 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 7(8,0)9
64 E. Til'man 3 307,8(390,0)464,7 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 11(11,3)12
65 A. Tolstoj 2 97,9(113,8)129,7 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0
66 L.N. Tolstoj 2 199,9(712,5)1225,1 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 1(1,5)2
67 D. Truskinovskaja 9 82,6(235,9)478,6 0(0,8)3 0(2,7)12 0(3,8)28 13(23,8)53
68 A. Tjurin 19 1,3(222,0)832,7 0(2,3)20 0(1,2)13 0(2,6)25 24(34,0)55
69 E. Fedorov 2 221,3(667,2)1113,1 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 1(1,5)2
70 E. Khaeckaja 3 204,1(309,0)414,3 1(10,3)22 12(31,3)42 54(57,0)62 28(39,3)54
71 D. Kharms 3 13,9(104,1)185,5 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 0(12,0)29 5(16,7)30
72 V. Khlumov 4 183,3(242,9)395,5 0(3,8)15 0(11,3)38 6(15,3)38 26(34,0)46
73 I. Khmelevskaja 5 203,7(345,7)459,1 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 0(0,4)2 9(12,8)18
74 V. Chernjak 3 201,6(373,7)501,0 0(0,0)0 0(2,7)8 0(11,7)35 2(11,0)25
75 A.P. Chekhov 3 247,9(335,3)414,5 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 4(13,3)20 18(18,7)20
76 V. Shinkarev 3 56,2(78,9)100,1 0(11,7)29 6(13,3)22 4(23,7)61 5(5,7)6
77 V. Shukshin 2 66,7(187,7)308,8 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 1(2,5)4
78 S. Scheglov 3 55,2(103,0)146,1 0(4,0)12 0(13,7)41 0(3,0)9 2(2,3)3
Continued on the next page

w Writer Nw The size of texts
(thousands letters) (a) (b) (c) (d)
79 A. Schegolev 3 105,6(318,0)561,7 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 12(18,7)32
80 V. Jugov 6 66,7(149,2)304,3 0(0,5)2 0(0,7)2 0(1,8)10 8(10,7)18
81 V. Jan 2 507,3(553,9)600,4 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 0(0,0)0 2(2,0)2
5 Conclusion
The main result of the carried-out research is that the usage of grammatical
information in authorship attribution is not only useful, but eфcient and is
even comparable with the usage of information about letter pairs frequencies
(the e ectiveness of the last method was shown before in [1]).
At the same time it is still amazing that the usage of such a seemingly
simple unit as a pair of subsequent letters in the text gives more precise
results than the usage of such a language categories as individual grammatical
codes and their pairs. Perhaps, letter pairs contain a kind of converted
and incomplete information about structure of morphemes of words as they
appear in a text (pre xes, roots, suфxes and in exions). Therefore, a lot of
information about words changing and formation is contained in statistics of
usage of letter pairs and this leads to quite a high eфciency of letter pairs
statistics for authorship attribution.
In other words, the letter pairs frequencies take into account the vocab-
ulary used by the author and by implication it takes into account informa-
tion about preferred grammatical structures. Although the di erences in
usage of particular pairs of letters are likely to be non-signi cant (since they
are converging to average frequencies for the language, as it was noticed by
Markov [3] long ago), the maximal \likelihood" takes into account the \to-
tal" e ect in changing of the usage of a pair of letters and nevertheless it
provides a high precision in assignment of a text to the correct author, as
it was shown before in [1] and as it was approved in this research by full
However, the further experiments with grammatical classes of words with
more precise grammatical analysis would probably lead to a higher success
rate in assigning the correct author than it was achieved in this research.
Perhaps, the usefulness of usage of grammatical information is shown in the
observation that the usage of information on individual generalized gram-
matical classes is signi cantly more e ective than the usage of information

on just the individual grammatical classes.
Since results provided using of di erent units (letters and generalized
grammatical classes) are compatible with each other, one can assume that fu-
ture well-developed methods for authorship attribution will use di erent rep-
resentation of the text, obtained with these units, for mutual cross-validation
of results.
A Appendix. Application of Data Compres-
sion Algorithms in Authorship Attribution
In this Appendix it is shown how one could use data compression algo-
rithms for authorship attribution. The results of cross-validation for this
new method are also given. Here we use the corpora of texts used in [1] and
in the main body of the article.
The corpora of texts in [1] is obtained from 82 authors. One randomly-
chosen text from each author is held out to make up a test set. The other
texts are used as the learning sample. Afterwards all the control texts were
classi ed and the correct author was assigned in 69 cases. To estimate how
good this result is in terms of probability of correct authorship attribution
let us consider the following hypothetical situation. Suppose that we have a
black box such that given two texts it produces 1 if these texts are of the same
author and 0 if these texts are de nitely of di erent authors. Suppose that
the level of alpha and beta errors for each trial is 0 < p < 1. One can apply
the black box assigning an anonymous text to the correct author as follows.
Given 82 alternatives and one anonymous text, this black box should produce
81 zeros