На близком расстоянии от |
| At a near (short) distance from
На ... больше (меньше) |
15 is 3 greater than 12
12 is 3 less than 15 Let $a_n$ be a sequence of positive integers none of which is
1 greater (less) than a power of two The degree of $P$ exceeds (is less than) that of $Q$ by at least (at most) 2
На большей высоте
| At a greater height
На больших высотах |
| The Martian atmosphere is rather dense at high altitudes
На больших расстояниях
| At large distances
На большое расстояние |
| Radiation may transfer heat energy over large (great, long) distances
На большом расстоянии от |
| At a far distance from
На большом расстоянии друг от друга |
| Wide apart
На величину порядка $h^2$
| These two expressions differ from one another by a quantity of the order of $h^2$
На верхней части кривой |
| On the upper part of the (a) curve
На верхнем уровне |
These fragments are what we observe at upper levels of the atmosphere
На вес
| By the weight
На время |
| For a while
На все пространство
| The extension of $f$ to the entire space
На всем протяжении |
| The airflow in this case remains steady throughout
На всю ширину страницы |
| At full page width
На входе в канал |
| At the channel inlet
На входе (программы) |
| On entry
На высотах
| The atmosphere conducting layer lies at heights above about 85 km Meteors glow at heights of 120 to 80 km above sea level
На высоте |
| This spacecraft can orbit at any altitude around the Earth
На выходе из реактора |
| At outlet from the (a) reactor
На выходе (программы) |
| On return
На глубине
| This layer lies at a depth of about 40 km beneath the continents
На границе |
| On (at) the boundary
На границе раздела |
| The vertical velocity jump across (at) the interface is numerically evaluated by the above formula
На диагонали
| The elements on the (main) diagonal of the matrix $A$
На дне
| We can endure the pressure at the bottom of our ocean of air
На дно гидростатическое давление |
| Hydrostatic pressure on the bottom
На единицу поверхности |
| The quantity of solar radiation received ... on a unit of surface in a unit of time is called the solar constant
На итерации |
| At each iteration of the algorithm, this matrix is decomposed into two triangular matrices The number of correct decimals are doubled in (at) each iteration In each iteration, we shall compute the value of the polynomial and its
The matrix $A$ is positive definite at each iteration
На каждом шаге по времени
| At each time step
На килограммы
| By the kilogram
На компьютере
| This program was run on a number of high-performance computers
На конечных участках |
| On (in) bounded intervals
На конференции |
At the (a) conference
На короткое время |
| For a short time
На кривой |
| On the curve
На круговой орбите
| On a circular orbit
На литры
| By the liter
На любой из дуг
| On any one of the arcs
На ... меньшая размерность |
| One less dimension
На многих уровнях
| At many levels
На многообразии
| On the manifold
На множестве выбранных заранее табличных точек |
| A linear combination of the values of $f(x)$ at a set of prechosen tabular points
На начальном этапе |
| At the initial stage
На небе
| Except for the Sun and the Moon, Venus is the brightest object in the sky
На нижней части кривой |
| On the lower part of the (a) curve
На нижнем уровне |
These fragments are what we observe at lower levels of the atmosphere
На низком уровне
| At a low level
На области |
| On the domain
На один-два порядка |
| This device may exceed the transmission rate by one or two orders of magnitude
На одном конце |
A method for determining the shapes of pulses caused by the impact of bullets at one end of a long rod
На (одну) итерацию |
The work per iteration is $n^2$ operations in general
На оси
| The strain levels are indicated on the (left) axis
На первый взгляд |
| At first glance, $X$ appears to differ from $X$ in two major ways
На пересечении
| At the intersection
На полюсах |
| At the poles
На ... порядков |
The existence time (the lifetime) is sharply reduced by two orders of magnitude
На порядок |
| This approach can improve the overall process by an order of magnitude
На порядок меньше |
For sedimentary rock, the ultimate tensile strength is an order of magnitude less
На протяжении
| We can follow in detail the gradual development of complicated structures in polymers through the various intermediate stages Throughout the 20th century
На процессорах |
| To operate concurrently on different processors The efficiency of a parallel algorithm depends on the time required to execute the program on $p$ processors
На радиочастоте |
| At radio frequency
На расстоянии
| Lunnik I passed the Moon at a distance of a few thousand miles only
На расстоянии от
| At a distance of 10 km from the Earth's surface
На рисунке |
| In (но не on) Figure 1
На самолете
| To fly in an airplane (aeroplane)
На себя
This is the Cartesian product of the set A with itself
На семинаре
| At the seminar
На сетке
Any one-step ODE-method on a mesh (grid) can be considered as a first-order difference equation In the case of standard finite differences on an $n$ by $n$ grid, one reduces the work from $n^6$ to $n^4$ operations
На скорости
| At a speed
На стене
| On a wall
На странице |
| On the (a) page This theorem is quoted on page 3 of [1]
На том
| The tensor of moments inside the disk is continuous at least on that set where only elastic deformation is observed
На треть |
| One third as long as
$F$ is greater by a third The other player is one third as fast
$G$ is less than a third of the distance between these two points
На уровне
| Parallelism on the programming language level
... end occurred inside a group at level 2
На уровне моря |
| At sea level
На уровне нижнем (верхнем) |
| These fragments are what we observe at lower (upper) levels of the atmosphere
На уроке
| At the (a) lesson
На фоне
| Against the background of the dark sky
На целый день |
| Because of emergency conditions, the embassy was closed for the whole day
На шаге
| In one step, in the next step To integrate in two steps At the second step In the first step of interpolation (extrapolation) This method minimizes the error at each step
На экваторе |
| At the equator
На экспертизе
| Your application is now under scientific expertise
На этапе
| In (at) the first stage of its development ...
На этот раз
| This time
For the present
На языке |
| This knowledge base is written in a natural language, in a dictionary-like structure
Наблюдаемость по угловым измерениям
| Bearing-only observability
Наблюдаемость проективная
| Projective observability
Наблюдаемые параметры
| Observable parameters
Наблюдаемый сигнал |
| Observed signal
Наблюдение над |
Roemer made observations on the moons that circle around the planet Jupiter
| An $n$-vector is a collection of $n$ numbers arranged in
order in a column
Набор характеристик
| Set of characteristics
Наведение на начальном (среднем, завершающем) участке траектории |
| Initial (midcourse, terminal) guidance
Наведение пропорциональное
| A pursuer approaches a target by the method of proportional navigation
Наведения--уклонения задача
| The pursuit--evasion problem is traditionally considered
as an application of theory of games
Наведенный градиент давления |
| Induced pressure gradient
Наверху рисунка |
| At the top of the figure
Наветренная поверхность |
Windward surface
Навстречу |
| Coming from the opposite direction
Навье |
| Navier
Нагревание сверху |
| Heating from above
Нагревание снизу |
| Heating from below
Нагретый газ |
| Heated gas
Нагружение на крыло |
| Wing loading
Нагружение повторное
| Repeated loading
Нагружение произвольное
| An arbitrary loading
Нагружение растягивающее
| Extension loading
Нагружение сжатием |
Very little work seems to have been performed on dynamic compressive loading (up) to this day
Нагружение сложное (комбинированное) |
| Combined loading Development of new combined-loading testing devices
Нагружение ударное |
Studies on (of) impact loading and dynamic behavior of materials
Нагруженное тело |
| Loaded body
Нагрузка в процентах |
| Percentage load
Нагрузка торможения |
| Deceleration load
Нагрузка флаттера |
| Flutter load
Нагрузки нормальная и касательная
| Normal and tangential loads
| The height above the $x$-axis
In this figure we can observe the peaks over the points marked by circles
A class of routines that performs (здесь глагол в ед. числе) the same operation (function) on different types of matrices ...
At some distance above the Earth The air flowing over and under the wing causes the pressure to be less ...
Над буквой |
| The arrow indicating the direction in which the line is extending is placed over the letters
Над кривой (кольцом, полем, пространством)
| Over the curve (ring, field, space)
Над полем
| $f$ is of dimension $n$ over the field $A$
Над уровнем моря |
| Above sea level
Надаи |
| Nadai
Надграфик |
| Epigraph
Наддиагональ |
| Superdiagonal
Наддув предварительный
| Prior pressurization
You should securely close the top cover
Надежный источник |
| Trustworthy source
Надкритический |
| Above-critical
Надполе |
| Extension field
Надрез (дерева) |
| Cut
Надрезной образец |
| Notched specimen
Наземный метод
| Land-based method
Назовем |
We (will) call a function continuous if ... We (will) call $m$ the product measure
| Relation (4) may be referred to as the basic equation of airborne gravimetry
Наиболее |
Most probably, this method will prove useful if ... What most interests us is whether ...
Наиболее быстро увеличивается |
Axisymmetric perturbations increase the most if the inner cylinder rotates and the outer one is fixed
Наиболее возможный |
| This gives the most compact system possible
Наиболее ... из ... |
| The most famous of these almost stable atoms is radium
Наиболее мощный несмещенный критерий |
| Most powerful unbiased test
Наиболее удаленная самая верхняя точка |
| The uppermost outermost point on this curve is a point of interest to us
Наиболее удаленная точка |
| The outermost point on this curve is a point of interest to us
Наибольшая величина |
| The greatest value
Наибольшая нижняя граница |
| Greatest lower bound
Наибольшая сторона треугольника |
| The largest (greatest, longest) side of a (the) triangle
Наибольшее количество |
| Most of the iterations were required at first (starting) steps, since the initial and boundary conditions were unbalanced
Наибольший угол треугольника |
| The largest (greatest) angle of a (the) triangle
Наивысшая алгебраическая точность |
| Highest algebraic degree
Наилучшая аппроксимация |
| Best approximation
Наилучший способ |
| The best way
Наименее |
This method seems to be the least complex This is the least useful of the above four theorems
Наименьшая верхняя граница |
| Least upper bound
Наименьшая сторона треугольника |
| The smallest side of a (the) triangle
Наименьший угол треугольника |
| The smallest angle of a (the) triangle
Наименьший остаток от деления |
| The least remainder on dividing $a$ by $b$
Наименьших квадратов аппроксимация данных
| Least squares data fitting
Наискорейшего спуска метод
| Steepest descent method
Наискорейший спуск |
| Steepest descent
Наискосок |
| Obliquely
Найдем |
| We shall find
Найквист |
| Nyquist
Найт |
| Knight
Накладываемые конфигурации |
| Superposable configurations
Накладывать сетку |
In the method of finite differences one places a rectangular grid over the domain
Наклон головы |
Head tilt Head inclination
Наклон касательной |
| Slope of a (the) tangent line
Наклон линии |
| Inclination of a line
Наклонная асимптота |
| Oblique asymptote
Наклонная стена |
| Inclined wall
Наклонный треугольник |
| Oblique triangle
Наклонять голову к левому (правому) плечу |
To tilt the (a) head towards the left (right) shoulder
Наклонять самолет |
| To bank an aircraft
Наконец |
Finally (но не at last), we obtain the equality ...
Накопить опыт |
| This approach allows us to gain experience in solving other problems encountered in linear algebra
Накопление повреждений |
| Damage accumulation
Накопление скалярного произведения |
| Dot product accumulation
Накопленное значение |
| Accumulated value
Накренять самолет |
| To bank an aircraft
Налево (направо) от |
| All digits to the left (right) of the decimal point represent whole (integer) numbers (fractional parts of 1)
Наличие возражений
| The existence (но не availability) of objections against an idea
Нам не нужно ...
| We are not in need of ...
Нам понадобится |
| We shall need
Нанесение покрытия пленочного |
| Film coating onto a vertical surface
| ... (and) conversely
Наперед заданное число |
| A prescribed number
Наперед заданный |
| Given beforehand Prescribed
Напечатать жирным шрифтом
| To print in bold type
Наплаву |
| Afloat
Наполненный полимерный материал |
| Filled polymeric material Filled polymer
Наполовину (на половину) |
| $F$ is greater by a half The other player is half as fast We divide this interval in half Half as big as If the matrix is symmetric, then the work can further be reduced by one-half
Напомнить, напоминать
| Recall
Напор гидростатический |
| Hydrostatic pressure head
Напор скоростной |
| Ram effect
Направление вековое |
| Secular trend
Направление взора |
The vestibulo-ocular reflex generates compensatory eye movements in response to head motion roughly orthogonal to the line of sight
Направление движения |
Motion direction Direction of motion
Направление закрутки |
| Direction of swirl
Направление поиска
| To seek search directions
Направление свободного потока
| Free-stream direction
Направленная линия |
| Directed line
Направленное животное |
| Directed animal
Направляющая |
| Directing line (curve) Directrix
Направляющая конической поверхности |
| Directing curve for a cone
Направляющая цилиндрической поверхности |
| Directing curve for a cylinder
Направляющий параметр |
| Direction parameter
Напряжение сдвига |
| Shear(ing) stress
Напряженно-деформированное состояние
| Stress-strain state
Напряженное состояние |
Stress state
Напылительная установка |
| Deposition plant
Нарезка оружия |
| Rifling of a gun
Нарушать структуру |
The structure of a sliding surface is sharply disrupted
Нарушение симметрии |
| Disturbance of symmetry
Нарушения сплошности область (зона) |
| Uniformity-loss region (zone)
Наряду с
| The more complex atoms have more protons together with a corresponding increase of planetary electrons
Наряду с этим |
| Side by side with this At the same time as ...
Насечка треугольная |
| Triangular notch
Наследственная механика
| Hereditary mechanics
Наследственно деформируемое тело |
| Hereditarily deformable body
Настолько ..., что |
| Parallel migration is so common as to be almost universal The distance is so large that the flash of light is ...
Наступление (образование) детонации |
| The onset of detonation
Наступление события |
| Occurrence of (an) event
Насыщен |
| This porous cavity is still saturated with (by) cold water
Насыщенная жидкость |
| Saturated fluid (liquid)
Насыщенность вытесняющей жидкости |
| Saturation of the displacing fluid
Насыщенные по (относительно)
| The set $S$ is saturated for $x$
| To come (run) across
Натяжение бандажа |
| Tread tension
Натяжение на границе раздела |
| Interfacial tension
Натяжение струны
| Tension of a (the) string
Натянутая нить |
| Stretched thread (нить находится в натянутом состоянии)
Tensioned thread (нить натянута под действием силы)
Натянутость |
| State of being stretched
Натянутость нити
| Tension of the (a) thread
(или tether в спутниковых тросовых системах)
| At a guess
Наугольник |
| Leveling instrument
Наука о материалах |
| Materials science
Находиться в соответствии с
| To stand in one-to-one
correspondence with ...
Находиться под сильным воздействием (влиянием)
| To be strongly influenced
through the effect of variable density
Находить общее применение
| ... is commonly used
Находящийся под давлением |
A gas kept under pressure
| The finding of maxima
If after finding the zeros of $f'(x)$ ...
The geometrical problem of finding slopes and tangents
Начала Евклида |
| Euclid's elements
| Onset of a crisis
Onset of the steady flame front propagation
Начало движения |
| Motion onset
Начало конвекции |
| The onset of convection
Начало координат системы, связанной с телом |
| Origin of body axes
Начало отсчета
| Point of reference, reference point
Начало процесса |
| Onset of the process Process onset
Начало разрушения |
| The beginning of fracture (destruction)
Начало системы координат |
| Origin of coordinates Coordinate origin
Начально-краевая задача |
Initial boundary value problem
Начать дискуссию
| To open up a discussion
Начать использовать (применять) |
| Radio was brought (come) use (practice) to communicate with ships at sea
Strain gauges started to be used in the mid 1950s to early 1960s
Начинать действовать |
| To bring into action (operation)
Начиная с начального приближения $x_0=1$
| Starting with the initial
approximation (guess)$x_0=1$
Начиная с некоторого места |
| From a certain place onward(s)
| In the air and n-decane--droplet
Не более
| This equation has at most two solutions
Не больше |
$n$ is no greater than $k$ We thus obtain a graph of no more than $k$ edges
Не будучи
| A series can be convergent without being absolutely convergent
Не было бы
Without the force of gravitation there would be no pressure in liquids
Не вдаваясь в подробности |
| Without going into particulars (details)
Не все
| Not all pairs are easily recognized as pairs by their form
Не все равные нулю
| There are vectors and scalars,
not all zero, such that ...
Не встречающийся |
| Limitations not encountered in the liquid propellant engines shoud be ...
Не вызывать затруднений
| The proof is straightforward
Не вызывая противоречий |
Without causing any contradiction
Не затронутые коррозией |
| The components unaffected by corrosion are ...
Не изменяя
| The vortex sheet of first order
leaves the volume unchanged
Не иметь ничего общего
| To have nothing to do with
Не линейный по малым величинам
| Not linear in the small quantities
Не меньше |
$n$ is no smaller than $k$ We thus obtain a graph of no less than $k$ edges This set has no fewer than twenty elements
Не много (немного) |
| There are a few exceptions to this rule
Не могли бы
| Without the friction between our shoes and the floor we could not walk
Не может не
| We cannot but accept this proposal
Не надо |
| We need not (без to) consider this case separately
Не нарушая общности |
| Without loss of generality
Не нули
Hence, there are nine nonzeros per row in the resulting matrix
Не обязательно
| These variables are not necessarily equal (но не ...
unnecessarily equal)
Не парковаться в любое время |
| No parking any time
Не позволять |
Gravitation does not let (the) planets leave the Solar system
Не позднее
These proteins were found to be expressed not later than on the 12th day of embryogenesis
Не принимать во внимание
| To leave aside
To leave (put) out of account
Не проходящий через
We obtain a number of straight lines not passing through the origin of coordinates
Не равны нулю
| The elements $a_{i,i}$,
$i=1,...,n$, are nonzero
Не раз
| More than once
Не ранее (только после) |
| Not until 1907, when gasoline engines were available, did the first helicopter fly
Не совсем понятная задача |
| Difficult-to-understand problem
Не суметь
She failed to understand
Не существует |
| There is not (но не no) any attachment points (но не point) It follows from the above that there are no two points such that ...
Не так |
| However, it is not the case Now we assume that this is no longer so
Не только в случае ... |
| This conclusion holds not only for a disk
Не только ..., но и ... |
| Vector addition takes account not only of the amount but of the direction of the quantities involved
Не удаваться |
The experiment failed
Не упускать из виду
| To keep in sight
Не учитывая
| Without consideration
Не хуже чем
| This approach is no worse than ...
Не что иное как
| Theorem 1 is nothing but the statement that ...
Nothing else than
Неассоциированная теория течения |
| Non-associated flow theory