Example 1: E. coli tRNA homologues in archaean genomes
Query: E. coli K12 tRNA (valV, selC, asnV, leuT, argZ from EMBL entry U00096)Database: EMBL entries AE017261, AE004437, AE000782, AE009441, AE006641
BLASTN (both) | FASTA | NhuntThe coordinates of the obtained hits were compared with the coordinates of annotated archaean tRNA.
Each point corresponds to one output alignment.
Values on the X and Y axes are total lengths of, respectively, "wrong" and "right" fragments of the alignments with scores greater than the score of the given alignment.
Run time (3.0 GHz dual-core processor)
BLASTN (optimal): 3.5 sBLASTN (default): 0.8 s
FASTA: 13 s
Nhunt: 7 s
The program Nhunt surpass all other tested programs in sensitivity.Note that the change of BLASTN options leads to a dramatic increase of sensitivity.
Example 2: E. coli rRNA homologues in archaean genomes
Query: Fragment of the E. coli K12 16S rRNA (gene rrsH from EMBL entry U00096)Database: EMBL entries AE017261, AE004437, AE000782, AE009441, AE006641
BLASTN (optimal) | BLASTN (default) | discontiguous MEGABLAST | FASTA | NhuntRun time (3.0 GHz dual-core processor)
BLASTN (optimal): 2.9 sBLASTN (default): 0.14 s
Discontiguous MEGABLAST: 0.19 s
FASTA: 7 s
Nhunt: 3.7 s
BLASTN with default parameters actually cannot find any significant homologues.Example 3: E. coli miscRNA homologues in Bacillus genomes
Query: E. coli 55989 miscRNA (gene C0067 from EMBL entry CU928145)Database: EMBL entries CP001176,
BLASTN (optimal) | BLASTN (default) | discontiguous MEGABLAST | FASTA |Nhunt-1 (no adjustment, '-a 0') |
Nhunt-2 (adjustment for local alignment only, '-a 1') |
Nhunt-3 (adjustment both for local alignment and output scores calculating, '-a 3')
Run time (3.0 GHz dual-core processor)
BLASTN (optimal): 2.2 sBLASTN (default): 0.16 s
Discontiguous MEGABLAST: 0.19 s
FASTA: 4.3 s
Nhunt-1: 3.7 s
Nhunt-2: 1.6 s
Nhunt-3: 1.7 s
BLASTN with default parameters actually cann't find any significant homologues.Nhunt with adjustment switched on dramatically decrease the significance of found alignments.
Discontiguous MEGABLAST can not find any alignment at all.