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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Fri Aug 31 11:17:00 2007
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Mon Oct 1 20:03:58 2012
Number 37
Dear IHSS Members, The Board recently returned from our meeting in Joensuu, Finland where we met in conjunction with the Nordic Baltic Chapter meeting (see article on page10). We thank Prof. Jussi Kukkonen and Dr. Jarkko Akkanen and the whole host committee for their kind hospitality, and for expending extra effort to accommodate us. This was our first Board meeting operating under the new bylaws, which were overwhelmingly ratified by the vote of the membership in April (see article on page 3). This was also the first Board meeting where we could see financial reports generated by new the computer accounting program. The access to easily generated financial reports will assist us both with tracking sales of humic materials and in financial planning. The Board discussed the proposal of our webmaster, Mike Perdue, for a major revamping of the IHSS website. If you have ideas for changes please contact Dr. Perdue at mperdue@eas.gatech.edu. We also discussed the possibility of collecting of dues and conducting elections online and we will be looking into the feasibility and cost for implementing those services. Currently membership dues are collected by Chapter Coordinators and if you have not yet paid your membership dues for 2007, please do so soon. The contact information for Coordinators is on our website (http://www.ihss.gatech.edu). Early next year we will be conducting elections for vice president, secretary and an at-large board member. The nominating committee that will choose the candidates consists of Dan Olk (US), chair, Jerzy Drozd (Poland), Kay Spark (Australia) and Claire Richard (France). The committee is tasked to present a list of candidates by November 30, 2007. If you have ideas for good candidates, contact Dan Olk (dan.olk@ars.usda.gov). Our next international membership meeting will be in September 2008 on board a ship sailing from Moscow to St. Petersburg, Russia (see the announcement on page 12). Like many of you, I am excited by the opportunity to attend an IHSS meeting at this unique venue. The success of our international meetings depends on the willingness of groups to volunteer to host the meeting. Currently we are working with a group from Sweden to host the meeting in Uppsala in 2010. We are looking for others to host future meetings. If you are interested in pursuing the idea of hosting a meeting please contact me at prb@umn.edu, Paul Bloom IHSS President




The Board of Directors of IHSS held a board meeting during the 11th symposium of the NordicBaltic chapter, Joensuu, Finland. The Board discussed several pending issues and examined new ones. A brief summary of which is given hereafter. Training Bursaries: Starting from 2005 the IHSS supported a limited number of training bursaries. Now for the second run bursaries were awarded and the names of the young scientists are listed below. Financial Report: The Treasurer presented to the Board his report along with a detailed description of actual balances, income, etc from the year 2006, and 2007 (up to now). IHSS is in good standing as far as membership, finances and collection activities are concerned. Standard and Reference Collection: Paul Bloom, President and Chairman of the Collection Committee presented a detailed report concerning annual HS sales for year 2006 and a partial report on year 2007 sales. Provisions for the rest of the year were also given. See enclosed a report of the new reference sample "Pony Lake Fulvic Acid: A Microbially-Derived Fulvic Acid Collected from a Hypereutrophic Coastal Pond in Antarctica". A list of the reference and standards samples available is enclosed in this newsletter. Travel Support for the next International Meeting in Moscow: The IHSS will support a limited number of young scientists by a travel support. For further details, see the announcement in this newsletter. New Bylaws: The Secretary presented the results of the elections. A short report is given below. The new bylaws are attached to this newsletter.
Gudrun Abbt-Braun, Secretary IHSS

Long-Time IHSS Member and Noted Soil Organic Nitrogen Expert Passed Away John `Jack' Bremner, 85, passed away Wednesday July 25, at his home in Palm Desert, Calif. John was born January 18, 1922, in Dumbarton, Scotland and he married Mary Williams September 30, 1950, in Luton, England. He was a research scientist at Rothamsted Experimental Stations in England from 1944 to 1959 and a researcher and professor of agronomy and biochemistry at Iowa State University from 1959 to 1992. He authored more than 300 scientific publications and made seminal contributions to the fields of soil chemistry and biochemistry. He was a world leader in research developing methods of reducing environmental problems associated with the use of nitrogen fertilizers. He received numerous national and international awards for his contribution to science, including Carnegie, Rockefeller, and Guggenheim fellowships. He was elected to the National Academy of Sciences in the USA in 1984 and received an honorary doctor of science degree from the University of Glasgow in 1987.
Paul Bloom and Ed Clapp



Committee: Dr. Gudrun Abbt-Braun, Head of Committee, Secretary of IHSS, Karlsruhe Prof. Dr. Fritz Frimmel, Member of IHSS, former President of IHSS, Karlsruhe Ute Schlegel, student at Engler-Bunte-Institut, Waterchemistry, Karlsruhe The letters announcing the voting were sent to each IHSS member by air mail at the beginning of January, 2007 by the secretary of the IHSS, Dr. Gudrun Abbt-Braun (letter see enclosed). Together with the letter ballots for the elections, blank blue envelopes (provided to ensure anonymity), and a pre-prepared addressed white envelope were sent to each member. In addition, the secretary announced the voting to the National Coordinators in January and in February via email to ensure that the envelopes have been received by each member. The envelopes with the ballots had to be sent to the Secretary of IHSS, Gudrun Abbt-Braun, until 30th April, 2007. 806 letters were sent to the IHSS members, 14 letters were undelivered and were sent back to sender, 2 letters were sent back, as the members have passed away. Votes counted have been in the pre-prepared blue envelopes. Results: Revision of the bylaws 215 yes 3 no 218 total

The results show, that the change of bylaws is accepted by the members Karlsruhe, May 2007
Gudrun Abbt-Braun Secretary IHSS



The Past President Maria De Nobili reported about the training bursaries. The training bursaries were announced in the IHSS webpage and in the newsletter, deadline for submission was December 15, 2006. Seven applications were received, examined and accepted by the bursaries committee appointed by the President, composed of Maria De Nobili, chair, Claudio Ciavatta, Etelka Tombacz and Jerzy Weber, members. Applications were given a score by each member of the committee according to the following general guidelines: a) Originality of scientific program (0 poor to 6 excellent) b) Level of achievement as shown in the CV and age of applicant (0 to 4) c) Degree of support from supervisor (0 to 2, 0 indifferent, 1 supporting, 2 partial financial support provided) d) Degree of support from hosting institution (0 to 2, same as above) e) Geographical balance (0 to 2) i.e. 2 for under represented countries, 1 for average representation and 0 for over representation). A copy of all applications and letters by supervisors and hosting supervisors was sent by the head of the committee to the Training Bursaries Committee. After single evaluation and collegial discussion, the committee decided that all applications were of a sufficient standard and decided that they should all be funded. 75 % of the money will be paid to the applicants when they are ready to travel, the final 25 % will be paid after the receipt of the final report.
Applicant Byrne Corinna Maria Diouri Nabila Ghaemi Negin Granit Tzafrir KovÀcs Krisztina Mueller Nicole Stathi Panagiota From Ireland Marocco Iran Israel Hungary Germany Greece Hosting Country Canada Portugal Germany Italy Germany Germany Norway France Host Scientists A. Simpson A. Duarte F. H. Frimmel & G. Abbt-Braun M. DeNobili N. Hertkorn Ph. Schmitt-Kopplin R. Vogt M. Benedetti Maria De Nobili, Past President

Fraga Pereira BetÁnia Brasil



Students can apply for a Travel Support Award to attend next year's conference in Moscow. The complete application for the award should follow the guidelines for travel support reported on the IHSS web page and has to be sent before February 28, 2008 to Dr. Jerzy Weber (weber@ozi.ar.wroc.pl, jerzyweber@wp.pl, and see address below). For more information please look below and into the website of the IHSS: http://www.ihss.gatech.edu; "Travel Support". The aim of an IHSS Travel Support Award is to: Allow students to present their work and participate in the biannual International IHSS meetings Ten awards will normally be granted. The number and amount of the awards will be determined by the President in consultation with the Treasurer and members of the travel support selection committee. The award normally covers all or part of the costs of travel and subsistence for the conference. Recipients of travel support awards will be honored at the conference banquet, where they will receive a cash award, a certificate and a one year membership in IHSS. Malcolm Award: The committee will select the top applicant for a special award: the Malcolm Award. This individual will receive a certificate and cash award of 250 US$ in addition to the regular travel bursary. Evaluations and notifications of awards will be given to the applicants four (4) months prior to the IHSS International Meeting. Eligibility Guidelines for Travel Support to participate in IHSS meetings Travel support will be granted only to students. Investigators who have completed their PhD degrees are not eligible. Awards will be based primarily on the quality and originality of the scientific content of the manuscript and the applicant's record of scientific achievement. It should be made clear that the student has had a major part in designing and conducting the research and wishes to pursue a career in a field in which humic substances science is important. A committee consisting of the IHSS President, Vice President, Past President and Board Members will evaluate the applications for travel support awards. IHSS Travel Support - How to apply The electronic application should be sent to the Vice President of IHSS, to the email address indicated below. The deadline for receipt of the applications is February 28, 2008 Applications must include: a letter of application Curriculum Vitae including a record of studies, (courses and grades) a letter of evaluation from the applicant's main supervisor a manuscript of the paper to be presented (4 pages in total). Dr. Jerzy Weber weber@ozi.ar.wroc.pl, jerzyweber@wp.pl Inst. Soil Sci. & Agric. Env. Protection Agricultural University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw , Poland Tel: +48.71.320.5631



IHSS Pony Lake Fulvic Acid: A Microbially-Derived Fulvic Acid Collected from a Hypereutrophic Coastal Pond in Antarctica IHSS now has a microbially-derived reference fulvic acid that is offered for sale. Until the collection of the Pony Lake FA (1R109F) the IHSS Collection has been limited by the lack of availability of a reference from a purely microbially based aquatic ecosystem. During the austral summer of 20052006 a team consisting of Diane McKnight, Kaelin Cawley, and Christopher Jaros from the University of Colorado, Ryan Fimmen, Jennifer Guerard, and Yu-Ping Chin from The Ohio State University, Penney Miller from Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, and Markus Dieser and Christine Foreman from Montana State University collected and processed a FA sample from Pony Lake in Antarctica. From 1992 through 2006 McKnight and her coworkers have been studying the chemistry of fulvic acids from Pony Lake, a eutrophic, saline coastal pond named after the ponies brought to Antarctica during Ernest Shackelton's Nimrod expedition in 1907. The chemical characteristics of the fulvic acid fractions isolated over this time period, as well as the microbial community, show remarkable consistency despite dramatic changes in physical conditions, such as extent of ice cover and timing of surface melt. Pony Lake was chosen as the water source for an aquatic microbial end-member fulvic acid for several reasons: (1) The landscape surrounding the site is devoid of terrestrial plants. Therefore, all of the dissolved organic matter in the pond is of microbial origin. (2) The dissolved organic carbon content of that water is very high compared to other Antarctic lakes and ponds. (3) The site was accessible by helicopter, making it possible to bring the water sample back to the laboratory at McMurdo Station for processing. (4) There is extensive background information about the biogeochemistry of the site and it appears to have been a stable ecosystem since the site was occupied by Shackelton in 1907. In January 2006, 15 m3 of Pony Lake water was collected and filtered through a 100 µm spiral wound pre-filter, a 25 µm Balston glass fiber filter, and finally a 0.5 µm Balston glass fiber filter. Following filtration, the water was pumped into acid washed and DI rinsed 55 gal drums made from high-density polyethylene. The drums were filled on site with filtered water at a rate of one every 30 minutes. The drums were transported via helicopter to Crary Laboratory (McMurdo Station, Antarctica) where the water was acidified within 48 hours to pH 2 (+/- 0.1) and then processed using the method described in Thurman and Malcolm (1981). Briefly, the acidified water was run through a 4 L column packed with XAD-8 resin. The Pony Lake water was applied to the column at a rate of about 900 mL min-1. Once 360 L of Pony Lake water was applied, the column was eluted using 0.1N NaOH. The eluate was immediately acidified and stored in a 4°C environmental room covered in foil to prevent photochemical degradation. The eluate was then reconcentrated on a 2 L column. While on the 2 L column, the sample was rinsed with distilled water to remove chloride. Following the DI rinse, the 2 L column was eluted using 0.1 N NaOH. The eluate was applied to a cation exchange column in order to lower the pH to neutral and hydrogen saturate the fulvic acid isolate. Once the sample had been cation exchanged twice, it was lyophilized on site using a tray freeze-dryer. The freeze-dried powder was then packaged in acid washed and DI rinsed polyethylene bottles for transport and storage. Chemical analysis of fulvic acid samples isolated from Pony Lake since 1994 show characteristics strongly indicative of microbial origin, such as high nitrogen content and low aromaticity (Tables 1 and 2). The 13C NMR data were collected using the methods of Dria et al. (2002). NMR analysis shows that the ratio of aromatic (110-160ppm) to aliphatic carbon (0-60ppm) is low, indicating that the fulvic acid contains few aromatic functional groups, while it does have abundant carbohydratetype functional groups from cellular structures and by-products.



Table 1: Elemental analysis for fulvic acid isolates from Pony Lake. Sample date C H N O S Ash 1/1994 12/19971 1/2005 1/2006 (1R109F) 1. Brown et al., 48.9 49.9 49.97 52.47 2004 6.2 6.09 5.94 5.39 4.4 4.9 6.09 6.51 40.4 35.8 34.73 31.38 3.22 3.03 3.03 10.1 7.53 3.07 1.25

Table 2: 13C NMR analysis of fulvic acid isolates from Pony Lake. The chemical shifts correspond to: 0-60 ppm aliphatic and methoxy groups, 60-90 ppm 0-alkyl, 90-110 ppm anomeric carbon, 110160 ppm aromatic groups, 160-190 ppm amides and esters, and 190-230 ppm ketones. Sample date 0-60ppm 60-90ppm 90-110ppm 110-160ppm 160-190ppm 190-230ppm 1/1994 12/1997 1/2005 1/2006 (1R109F) 42 53.3 62.3 60.8 16.6 16.3 10.9 8.4 6.6 3.8 0.9 0.2 16.5 11.7 10.9 12.1 16.7 13.8 17.3 17.4 2.2 1.1 2.2 1.2

Acknowledgements Thanks to Amber Roche, and Dena Rosenberger for lab and field work in Antarctica. Field support: Raytheon Polar Services and Petroleum Helicopters Inc. Funding: The National Science Foundation (OPP-0338299) and The International Humic Substances Society. References (1) Brown, A., McKnight, D.M., Chin, Y.P., Roberts, E.C., and Uhle, M. 2004. Chemical characterization of dissolved organic material in Pony Lake, a saline coastal pond in Antarctica. Marine Chemistry, 89: 327-337. (2) Cory, R. and McKnight, D.M. 2005. Fluorescence spectroscopy reveals ubiquitous presence of oxidized and reduced quinones in dissolved organic matter. Environmental Science and Technology, 39: 8142-8149. (3) Dria, K., Sachleben, J., and Hatcher, P. 2002. Solid-state carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance of humic acids at high magnetic field strengths. Journal of Environmental Quality, 31: 393-401. (4) McKnight, D.M., Andrews, E.D., Aiken, G.R., and Spaulding, S.A., 1994. Dissolved humic substances in eutrophic coastal ponds at Cape Royds and Cape Bird, Antarctica. Limnology and Oceanography, 39: 1972-1979. (5) McKnight, D.M., Boyer, E.W., Westerhoff, P.K., Doran, P.T., Kulbe, T., Anderson, D.T., 2001. Spectrofluorometric characterization of dissolved organic matter for indication of precursor organic material and aromaticity. Limnology and Oceanography, 46: 38-48. (6) Thurman, E. M. and Malcolm, R. L. 1981. Preparative isolation of aquatic humic substances. Environmental Science and Technology, 15: 463-466.
Kaelin Cawley kaelin.cawley@colorado.edu




Egil T. Gjessing Egil TrygvesÜn Gjessing was born in Saltdalen, Norway. A small village located just north of the Arctic Circle. Children of a physician who practiced medicine at a tuberculosis sanitarium in the isolated mountains, he and his brothers and sister grew up in an area with few human inhabitants. However, Egil always enjoyed the open air of his native Norway and this led to a life-long love of outdoor sports, including skiing, which for a Norwegian is a skill learned at about the time one learns to walk. He began his journey in higher education and science at the University of Bergen, where he received his Bachelor of Science degree (Candidatus magisterii), with emphasis in Chemistry, Physical Geography and Applied Mathematics. He followed this degree with the Master of Science (Candidatus Scientiarum) degree in Organic Chemistry from the same university. Following receipt of his Candidatus Scientiarum, Egil took a position as a research assistant for the Norwegian Fisheries Research Institute in the western part of Norway. For two years, he supervised two research projects: "Effects of Salting on Hard Herring Roe" and "Insecticides for Protection against Blow-flies in the Stockfish Industries." Subjects that did not indicate his later interests. In 1962, Egil took a position with the Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA). During his early years at NIVA, he was responsible for all research on humic substances in aquatic systems. In 1965, he took leave to participate as a post-doctoral associate in the Water Chemistry Laboratory of the University of Wisconsin, Madison. For one year, he conducted studies on organic matter in water. He returned to NIVA and remained there is various capacities until his retirement in 1994. Egil was extremely active while at NIVA, publishing 40 papers on humic substances in aquatic systems. From 1972-1986, he was Project Leader in the SNSF ­Project ("Acid Precipitation Effects on Forest and Fish"). During this period, he worked on problems connected to the effects of polluted precipitation on Norwegian surface waters. He was in charge of the hydrobiological and hydrochemical part of this Norwegian Interdisciplinary Research Project. He also was engaged in a program on toxic pollutants in the aquatic environment, and again was in charge of the activities on drinking water problems at NIVA. Despite his busy schedule at NIVA, he managed to complete and receive his Doctor Philos from the Department of Limnology at the University of Oslo in 1981. With all of these accomplishments, the one that perhaps is closest to his heart and is certainly one that many researchers in the field know him by was the publication in 1976 of the first book on the topic: Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Aquatic Humus. In this volume, Egil succinctly summarized the knowledge base of humic substances in aquatic systems by treating them from the point of view of naturally


occurring materials and the problems they cause in water treatment. In this writer's opinion, a major contribution of this book is its consideration of the importance of biological processes in the cycling of aquatic organic matter, which had been largely overlooked at the time. However, more important is the final chapter, "Further Work". In only three pages, Egil identifies and outlines four areas of study: "Source of Energy to Microorganisms," "Humus as a Pollutant Carrier," "Charge and Electromobility" and "Decomposition of Humus", which refers to the UV irradiation and hydrogen peroxide oxidation of the materials. In addition, he correctly points out the potential interest in these materials in the field of medicine. All of these areas have since produced an enormous literature and continue to be major areas of research today. Following the publication of this book and completion of his Doctor Philos degree in 1981, he initiated the first-ever international meeting on humic substances. Co-chaired and hosted by his close friend and colleague Dr. Russ Christman at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and funded by NIVA and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, this 1981 meeting produced a symposium volume entitled, "Aquatic and Terrestrial Humic Materials" with an author list that reads like a Who's Who of natural organic matter studies at the time. The symposium and volume turned into the springboard for the formation of the International Humic Substances Society and the 1983 inaugural IHSS Biennial Meeting in Estes Park, Colorado. Egil was a founding member of the IHSS and subsequently served on the Board of Directors. Founding members at the Meeting in Estes Park, from left to right, front row: P. McCarthy, H. P. Ringhand, F. Andreux, M. Schnitzer, S. Kuwatsuka, P. Sequi; back row : D. Reckhow, E. T. Gjessing, E. M. Thurman, R. S. Swift, R. L. Malcolm.

Back at NIVA, Egil continued his long-time interest in the effects of acid precipitation on the fragile aquatic ecosystems of Norway, many of which are buffered by the natural organic matter in their waters. In 1987-88, he was Division Manger of the Environmental Engineering Division of NIVA and had strong interactions in the Canadian-Norwegian Project RAIN (Reversing Acidification in Norway). Simultaneously, he was Secretary-General of the Norforsk Project on Drinking Water. From 1988-90, now a Senior Research Scientist at NIVA, he concentrated on the role of humic substances in water as they interact with acidification and the mobilization of micropollutants. This led to his being named in 1990 the Scientific Leader of the HUMOR Project (Humic Substances, Modifiers of the Response of Aquatic Systems to Acidification), an international research program involving 6 countries. During this period he was also named Scientific and Administrative Leader of Project HUMEX (Humic Lake Acidification Experiment), which involved partitioning a lake and artificially acidifying one side of the lake and its attendant watershed. This latter project included literally tens of scientists from many countries. He continued in this role until his retirement from NIVA in 1994. As if the above duties weren't enough, it was during this time that Egil hosted Dr. Ron Malcolm of the U.S. Geological Survey. Together, they headed a team that isolated the Nordic Humic and Fulvic Acid Reference Materials now housed in the IHSS Standards and Reference Collection.



Retirement wasn't the end of Egil's work on natural organic matter in aquatic systems. From 19942001, he served as a lecturer and researcher in the Department of Chemistry at Agder College in Kristiandsand, Norway, where he shared his vast knowledge of environmental chemistry and drinking water safety and hygiene with the students while supervising 2 Master's of Science degrees. During this time, he also led the team that isolated the Nordic NOM Reference sample for the IHSS Collection. In 1996, Egil Gjessing was awarded the Norwegian Water Prize for his long-standing research on the "Color of Water", and in 1999, was elected to Honorary Member status by the organization that he help found, the IHSS. Egil moved to Oslo in 2001, still not retired but as Professor Emeritus in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Oslo. There, he continues to lecture on environmental chemistry, and publish "old data" continually adding to his list of over 100 publications. He still exercises everyday, although he and Goya must settle for walks in downtown Oslo rather than romps in the hills and woods behind his home in Dyvik. Though Egil may tell you that the last move was to get closer to where he had begun his work on color in water, some of us feel that the real reason was to be closer to his two daughters and 6 grandchildren. Egil is easy to pick out in a crowd. Not only for his physical stature, but for his quiet manner, infectious laugh and intense dedication he has always had for the subject of natural organic matter in aquatic systems and their importance for the ecosystem we humans inhabit. These features coupled with his ever-present willingness to help students and colleagues and easy-going nature, make him more than the sum of the parts. He is an honored and cherished colleague to many who are grateful for having him as a friend.
Jim Alberts

The 11th symposium of Nordic-Baltic chapter, Joensuu, Finland The 11th symposium of Nordic-Baltic chapter of IHSS was organized at the University of Joensuu, Joensuu, Finland between 10th and 13th of June 2007. The title of the symposium "Functioning of NOM in the Environment" reflects the current focus on research and the multidisciplinary nature of humus research and the environmental research in general. We also would like to open the discussion more towards the different types of organic materials present in the environment and their role in different phenomenon. The responsible for the organization of the meeting were Dr. Jarkko Akkanen as the chair of the organization committee and Prof. Jussi Kukkonen as the chair of the scientific committee. The symposium themes: I Advances in the characterization of natural organic matter II Biological implications of natural organic matter III Occurrence and origin of natural organic matter in the environment IV Effects of natural organic matter on the environmental fate of contaminants and nutrients V Role of natural organic matter in the global carbon cycle With 28 platform presentations and 30 poster presentations the five themes were well covered. As a first keynote speaker Jukka Alm (Finnish Forest Research Institute, Joensuu, Finland) introduced the importance of land use and climate change for the fate of terrestrial NOM. Second keynote about the formation of bioavailable metabolites during photodegradation of NOM given by Fritz Frimmel (UniversitÄt Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany) was followed by four platform presentations on different aspects of light-related reactions.



Scientific discussions during poster sessions. The meeting also included lively social programs starting with an excursion to enjoy the national landscape in the Koli National Park continuing with get-together evening with good food and meeting old and also new colleagues. On Monday evening there was a reception in the old main building of the University of Joensuu, kindly provided by the University of Joensuu. The social program culminated to the conference dinner. Before the dinner the participants had a cruise on M/S Satumaa upstream River Pielisjoki that runs through the centre of Joensuu. Over the dinner in the great surroundings three poster presentations were awarded. The candidates for the awards were selected by jury chaired by Paul Bloom and consisting of IHSS board members. The poster awards went to Sabrina Halladja (Ensemble Universitaire des CÈzeaux, France), Vladimir Kholodov (Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute of RAAS, Moscow, Russia) and Anssi VÄhÄtalo (University of Helsinki, Finland).

Announcement of the poster awards.
Jarkko Akkanen



Invitation to IHSS-14 in Russia

Dear colleagues! We are glad to inform you that the 14th International Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society (IHSS) will be held on September 14-20, 2008 aboard the ship traveling from Moscow to Saint Petersburg, Russia.

Discover Russia: the scenic rivers, channels and lakes which connect Moscow and St. Petersburg. Follow the path of Peter the Great, who sailed from Moscow to St. Petersburg on a quest to modernize Russia. Enjoy quiet Northern landscapes. Visit us at conference website: http://www.ihss-14.humus.ru General Information The conference venue will be four-decks ship Nikolay Bauman. The opening ceremony and the first keynote lectures will take place at the Lomonosov Moscow State University together with the opening of the 2nd International IUPAC Conference on Green Chemistry. Satellite exhibition "Humic materials - resources for the 21st century" will take place during the conference. Scientists, engineers, and humate manufacturers are invited to use this conference for intensive discussions of the recent findings in the field of basic and applied research on humic materials. The scientific program will include keynote lectures (30 min), oral presentations (15 min), poster presentation, round table and work group discussions. Number of participants is limited to 300 persons due to ship capacity. Details on the ship and tour description see at the website of the tour-operator www.mosturflot.com Goals and Highlights of the Conference The ambitious goals of this conference are to demonstrate, firstly, the growing importance of humic substances in the context of global climate change, and, secondly, to draw attention of chemists to humic materials containing huge resources of humified biomass as to alternative feedstock for chemical industry best suited to bio-based economy. The scientific highlights include contribution of HS to global climate change; humic-like substances in the air("HULIS") ­ hot-spot of atmospheric chemistry, role of natural organic matter in carbon cycling in marine ecosystems, other "burning questions" like non-covalent interactions within HS and use of ultra high resolution analytics (e.g., FTICR MS) for unfolding complexity of HS. The important focus of the conference will be also technology and innovative applications of humic materials based on molecular understanding of their structures. This topic is of special significance today being closely connected to the concept of bio-based products.



Main Topics of Scientific Program 1. Molecular understanding of humic substances (HS) and natural organic matter (NOM) 2. HS and NOM in the changing environment 3. Physical-chemical and biological properties 4. Knowledge-based design and advanced separation of humic materials 5. Industrial production and innovative applications of humic materials Conference Proceedings Extended abstracts will be published as conference proceedings. Abstracts should be 2 or 4 pages long (authors' choice). Conference Exhibition "Humic materials - resources for the 21st century". The exhibition will be held aboard the ship. The humates manufacturers and other companies are kindly invited for participation. Catalogue of the Exhibition will be available in Russian and English. Important Deadlines

Registration fee: Immediate payment - November 15, 2007; Later payment - February 15, 2008; Final payment - May 15, 2008. Accommodation payment - May 31, 2008. Abstract submission - November 15, 2007. Notification on abstract acceptance - January 15, 2008.

· · ·

Route description Follow the path of Peter the Great, who sailed from Moscow to St. Petersburg on a quest to modernize Russia. Travel along ancient trade routes with small towns and villages on the banks of the Volga river. Explore the Golden Ring town Uglich and Kirillo-Belozersky monastery in Goritsy. Marvel wooden churches of Kizhy Island built without a single nail. Indian Summer weather and exciting scientific atmosphere are expected. Contacts: Prof. Irina Perminova, Chair of the Organizing Committee Dr. Natalia Kulikova Conference Secretariat E-mail: ihss@org.chem.msu.ru http://www.ihss-14.humus.ru Tel./Fax: +7(495)939-55-46 Department of Chemistry Lomonosov Moscow State University Leninskie Gory 1-3 119992 Moscow Russia WELCOME TO IHSS-14 IN RUSSIA



Past President Dr. Maria De Nobili Dip. Scienze Agrarie ed Ambientali UniversitÞ di Udine Via delle Scienze 208 33100 Udine, Italy (+) 39 0432 558644 (+) 39 0432 558603 maria.denobili@uniud.it President Dr. Paul R. Bloom Dept. Soil, Water, Climate University of Minnesota 1991 Upper Buford Circle St. Paul, MN 55108, USA (+) 1 612 6254711 (+) 1 612 6252208 prb@umn.edu Vice President Dr. Jerzy Weber Institute of Soil Science and Environmental Protection Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Science Grunwaldzka 53 50-357 Wroclaw, Poland (+) 48 604668932 (+) 48 71 3205631 weber@ozi.ar.wroc.pl, jerzyweber@wp.pl Chairman, Samples Collection Dr. Paul R. Bloom Dept. Soil, Water, Climate University of Minnesota 1991 Upper Buford Circle St. Paul, MN 55108, USA (+) 1 612 6254711 (+) 1 612 6252208 prb@umn.edu

Secretary Dr. Gudrun Abbt-Braun Engler-Bunte-Institut, Wasserchemie UniversitÄt Karlsruhe Engler-Bunte-Ring 1 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany (+) 49 721 6084309 (+) 49 721 6087051 gudrun.abbt-braun@ebi-wasser.unikarlsruhe.de Board Position Dr. Claudio Ciavatta Dip. Scienze Tecnologie Agro-Ambientali UniversitÞ di Bologna Viale Fanin, 40 40127 Bologna, Italy (+) 39 051 2096201 (+) 39 051 2096203 claudio.ciavatta@unibo.it Honorary Members Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Russel Christman Wolfgang Flaig Egil T. Gjessing Konrad Haider

Treasurer Dr. C. Edward Clapp USDA-ARS Dept. Soil, Water, Climate University of Minnesota 1991 Upper Buford Circle St. Paul, MN 55108, USA (+) 1 612 6252767 (+) 1 612 6495175 eclapp@umn.edu Board Position Dr. Etelka Tombacz Department of Colloid Chemistry, Unversity of Szeged Aradi Vt.1. H-6720 Szeged, Hungary (+) 36-62-544212 (+) 36-62-544042 e.tombacz@chem.u-szeged.hu

Distinguished Service Members Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Michael H.B. Hayes Ronald L. Malcolm Morris Schnitzer Frank J. Stevenson Dr. C. Edward Clapp

International Humic Substances Society on the World Wide Web

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Dr. E. M. Perdue coordinates the updating of the IHSS WEB page which is located on the server of the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA. Contributions, suggestions and comments regarding the content and organization of the WEB pages are welcome from all IHSS members. E-mail: Dr. E. M. Perdue at michael.perdue@eas.gatech.edu.

Argentina Prof. RamÑn A. Rosell Univ. Nacional del Sur Dpto Agronomia - LAHBIS 8000 Bahia Blanca, Argentina (+) 54 291 4534775 (+) 54 291 4595127 rrosell@criba.edu.ar Bulgaria Dr. Ekaterina G. Filcheva-Konisheva Institute of Soil Science "N. Pouskarov" 7, Shosse Bankya POB 1369 1080 Sofia, Bulgaria (+) 359 2247684/8744 (+) 359 2248937 filcheva@itp.bg Autralia ­ New Zealand Dr Kaye Spark University of Queensland PO Box 1123 Gatton, Qld 4343, Australia (+) 07 5460 1336 (+) 07 5460 1109 kaye.spark@uqg.uq.edu.au Canada Dr. Paul Voroney Land Resource Science Univ. of Guelph RICH Rm: 212 Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1G 2W1 (+) 1 519 8244120 pvoroney@lrs.uoguelph.ca Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Dr. Irina Perminova Department of Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University Leninskie Gory, 119992 Moscow (+) 7 095 9395546 (+) 7 095 9395546 iperm@org.chem.msu.ru Brazil Dr. Ladislau Martin Neto EMBRAPA - CNPDIA Rua XV Novembro, 1452 Caixa Postal 741 13560-970 Sao Carlos, SP, Brazil (+) 55 16 33742477 (+) 55 16 33725958 martin@cnpdia.embrapa.br China Dr. Jianming Xu College Environ. & Resources Sciences Zhejiang Agricultural University 286 Kaixuan Road Hangzhou 310029, China (+) 86 571 86971955 (+) 86 571 86971955 jmxu@zju.edu.cn Czech Republic Dr. Miloslav Pekar Institute of Physical and Applied Chemistry Faculty of Chemistry Brno University of Technology Purkynova 118 612 00 Brno, Czech Republic (+) 420 541 149330 (+) 420 541 211697 pekar@fch.vutbr.cz Germany Dr. Gudrun Abbt-Braun Universitaet Karlsruhe, EnglerBunte Institut Bereich Wasserchemie D-76131 Karlsruhe, Germany (+) 49 0721 6084309 (+) 49 0721 6087051 gudrun.abbt-braun@ebiwasser.uni-karlsruhe.de Indonesia Dr. Wisnu Susetyo Freeport Indonesia Company P.O. Box 2072 Tembagapura 98100 Irian Jaya, Indonesia (+) 62 901 301914 (+) 62 901 301914 Wisnu_susetyo@fmi.com

Colombia Prof. Luis Herman Gonzalez Universidad Nacional de Colombia Apartado aÈreo 3840 Medellin, Colombia (+) 57 4 2607575 (+) 57 4 2604489 lhgonzal@perseus.unalmed.edu.co

Egypt Dr. Elham A. Ghabbour Agricultural Research Center Soil & Water Research Institute Bacos, 21616 Alexandria, Egypt (+) 20 3 5704443 (+) 20 3 5704441 eghabbou@lynx.neu.edu

France Dr. Marc Benedetti Laboratoire de GÈochimie des eaux, UMR CNRS 7047 UniversitÈ Denis Diderot case 7052 2 place jussieu 75251 Paris cedex 05 France (+) 33 144 278277 (+) 33 144 276038 benedett@ipgp.jussieu.fr Hungary Dr. Etelka Tombacz Department of Colloid Chemistry, Unversity of Szeged Aradi Vt.1. H-6720 Szeged, Hungary (+) 36 62 544212 (+) 36 62 544042 e.tombacz@chem.u-szeged.hu

Greece Prof. Y. Deligiannakis Lab. of Physical Chemistry Dept. of Environment & Nat. Resources Univ. of Ioannina Pyllinis 9, 30100 Greece (+) 30 2641074116 (+) 30 065139577 ideligia@cc.uoi.gr



Ireland Prof. Michael H. B. Hayes University of Limerick Chemical and Environmental Sciences F1-013 Foundation Building, Ireland (+) 353 61 202631 (+) 353 20 2572 Michael.H.Hayes@ul.ie

Israel Prof. Yona Chen Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem Dept. Soil & Water - Agriculture P.O. Box 12 76100 Rehovot, Israel (+) 972 8 9489234 (+) 972 8 9468565 yonachen@agri.huji.ac.il

Italy Prof. Nicola Senesi UniversitÞ di Bari Ist. di Chimica Agraria Via Amendola, 165/A 70126 Bari, Italy (+) 39 080 5442853 (+) 39 080 5442850 senesi@agr.uniba.it Nordic / Baltic (Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden ) Prof. Ulla LundstrÆm Dept. of Natural and Environmental Sciences Mid Sweden University 851 70 Sundsvall, Sweden (+) 46 60 148416 (+) 46 60 148820 Ulla.Lundstrom@kep.mh.se Romania Dr. Mirela Matei Research Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry Bd. Marasti nr. 61 71331 Bucuresti, Romania (+) 40 122 41790 (+) 40 122 25979 ionutg@icpa.ro, so_matei602003@yahoo.com U.S.A

Japan Dr. Tohru Miyajima Department of Chemistry Faculty of Science and Engineering Saga University Honjo-Machi Saga 840-8502 Japan (+) 0952 28 8561 (+) 0952 28 8548 t-miyaji@cc.saga-u.ac.jp Poland Prof. Jerzy Drozd Institute of Soil Science and Environmental Protection Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Science Grunwaldzka 53 50-357 Wroclaw, Poland (+) 48 713205601 (+) 48 71 3205631 drozd@ozi.ar.wroc.pl Slovakia Dr. Gabriela Barancikova Soil Science & Conservation Res. Institute Research Station - Presov Reimannova 1 08001 Presov, Slovakia (+) 42 91 731054 (+) 42 91 723184 bar@vadium.sk, baraneikova@geog.ucl.ac.be Rest of the World (all countries not listed here) Dr. Gudrun Abbt-Braun Universitaet Karlsruhe, Engler-Bunte Institut Bereich Wasserchemie D-76131 Karlsruhe, Germany (+) 49 0721 6084309 (+) 49 0721 6087051 gudrun.abbt-braun@ebi-wasser.unikarlsruhe.de

Mexico Prof. Lenom J. Cajuste Colegio de Postgraduados Centro de Edafologia Km. 34 Carr. Mexico-Texcoco 56230 Montecillo, Mexico (+) 52 595 10524 (+) 52 595 10524 etsujac@colpos.mx Portugal Prof. Joaquim C. G. E. da Silva Faculdade de Ciencias da Departamento de Quimica R. Campo Alegre 687 4169-007 Porto (+) 351 226082869 (+) 351 226082959 jcsilva@fc.up.pt


Dr JosemarÌa GarcÌa-Mina Dr. Dan C. Olk R&D Department. Inabonos USDA-ARS Inabonos-Roullier Group National Soil Tilth Laboratory PolÌgono Arazuri-Orcoyen C/C; nº32 2150 Pammel Dr. 31160 Orcoyen, Spain Ames, Iowa 50011, U.S.A. (+) 34 948 324550 (+) 1 515 2948412 (+) 34 948 324032 (+) 1 515 2948125 jgmina@inabonos.com olk@nstl.gov



Cat. No. Item Unit Price(US$)

Standard Humic and Fulvic Acids
2S101H 1S101F 2S101F 1S102H 2S102F 1S103H 2S103F 1S104H 1S104H-5 Suwannee River Humic Acid Standard II Suwannee River Fulvic Acid Standard Suwannee River Fulvic Acid Standard II Elliott Soil Humic Acid Standard Elliott Soil Fulvic Acid Standard II Pahokee Peat Humic Acid Standard Pahokee Peat Fulvic Acid Standard II Leonardite Humic Acid Standard Leonardite Humic Acid Standard 100 mg 100 mg 100 mg 100 100 100 100 100 5 mg mg mg mg mg g $175 $125 $125 $15 $150 $15 $150 $5 $130

Reference Humic and Fulvic Acids
1R101F 1R103H 1R103H-2 1R105H 1R105F 1R107H 1R107F 1R109F Suwannee River Fulvic Acid Reference Pahokee Peat Humic Acid Reference Pahokee Peat Humic Acid Reference Nordic Aquatic Humic Acid Reference Nordic Aquatic Fulvic Acid Reference Waskish Peat Humic Acid Reference Waskish Peat Fulvic Acid Reference Pony Lake (Antarctica) Fulvic Acid Ref. 100 mg 100 2 100 100 100 100 100 mg g mg mg mg mg mg $75 $10 $125 $125 $75 $15 $30 $150

Reference Aquatic NOM (reverse osmosis isolation)
1R101N 1R108N Suwannee River NOM (RO isolation) Nordic Reservoir NOM (RO isolation) 100 mg 100 mg $20 $20

Bulk Solid Sources of HA and FA
BS102M 2BS103P BS104L Elliot Silt Loam Soil Pahokee Peat Soil II Gascoyne Leonardite 500 g 250 g 500 g $50 $50 $50

P89101 P89102 P89103 P89104 Description NMR Data (Thorn et al., 1989) Proc. of the 7th IHSS meeting, Trinidad, 1994 Proc. of the 9th IHSS meeting, Australia, 1998 Proc. of the 12th IHSS meeting, Brazil, 2004 Price Free $10.0 $30.0 $40.0 Shipping $5.00 US & Canada; $10.00 outside US $8.00 US & Canada; $15.00 outside US $10.00 US & Canada; $20.00 outside US $10.00 Western Hemisphere $20.00 Other locations



Aquatic Humus-/NOM- Isolates
Since 1986 several Humus-/NOM- isolates have been "produced" in the Nordic countries. Considerable numbers of characterization data exist on these samples. However, as more can be done, we offer limited amounts of these materials free of charge to colleagues and especially to those who plan to study a whole serie, e.q. the "NOM-Typing" serie and/or the "NOMINIC"- serie. In return we ask for a full report of all results. We strongly believe that it is important to exchange samples and results in order to learn more about this important matter and not at least use the relative limited resources we all have, in the best way. We are working on collecting published data on the isolates. The list will be available for all interested parties. On behalf of the Norwegian group
Egil Gjessing



An overview of RO - isolates from Nordic water sources and published results. Samples of these materials may be available from Dag Olav Andersen; Agder University College, Kristiansand, Norway (dag.o.Andersen@hia.no)
Project /(initiator) Name Amount (gram) Total UiO rdv
Acidified half [Oct.] Control half [Oct.] HUMA HUMB 13,3 14,3

% mat.


HiA (stock) doa

org. Ref.

HUMEX 1994 (etg1))
a) a)

4,0 4,3 9,3 10,0 60 62

NOM-typing 1996 (etg1))
a) a) a) a) a) a) a) a) a)

1 TrehÜrningen [May] 2 Hellerudmyra [May] 3 Aurevann [May] 4 Maridalsvann [May] 5 Birkenes [May] 6 Humex B [May] 7 Gjerstad (limed) [May] 8 Gjerstad(unlimed) [May] 9 Hellerudmyra [Oct.]
e) e)


25,4 30,0 9,9 15,1 25,0 18,4 22,6 21,8 35,8 0,5 0,3 0,4 0,1 0,2 3,4 0,8 0,7 1,9

7,6 9,0 3,0 4,5 7,5 5,5 6,8 6,5 10,7 0,5 0,3 0,4 0,1 0,2 3,4 0,8 0,7 1,9

17,8 21,0 6,9 10,6 17,5 12,9 15,8 15,3 25,1 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0

43 67 44 32 32 63 39 50 73 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. B)


b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b)

1 TrehÜrningen [May] 2 Hellerudmyra [May] 3 Aurevann [May] 4 Maridalsvann [May] 5 Birkenes [May] 6 Humex B [May] 7 Gjerstad (limed) [May] 8 Gjerstad(unlimed) [May] e) 9 Hellerudmyra [Oct.]

TERJEVANN [oct 1996] (doa2)) RO RO RO
a) a) a)

C) 1 Innlet brook 1 2 Innlet brook 2 3 Outlet TV1 TV2 TV3 25,0 25,0 25,0 15,0 15,0 15,0 29,7 29,8 20,9 D) 1 Hietajarvi [Oct.-99] 2 Hietajarvi [May-00] 3 Valkea-Kotinen [Oct-99] 4 Valkea-Kotinen [May-00] 5 Svartberget [Oct.-99] 6 Svartberget [May-00] 7 Birkenes [Sept-99] 8 Birkenes [April-00] 9 Skjervatj. Humex B [Oct -99] 10 Skjervatj. Humex B [April-00] HIH HIV VKH VKV SBH SBV BIRH BIRV STH STV 9,8 7,8 13,9 18,6 14,9 22,3 6,7 5,6 4,9 3,7 1,7 1,4 3,0 4,4 3,3 5,8 1,1 0,8 0,3 0,5 8,1 6,4 10,9 14,2 11,6 16,5 5,6 4,8 4,6 3,2 56,4 48,4 52,1 50,6 43,4 68,9 44,8 33,8 71,1 57,8

NOMONIC (1999-2000] (rdv3)) RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO
a) a) a) a) a) a) a) a) a) a)



Project /(initiator) Total Name

Amount (gram) UiO rdv

% org. (stock) mat.

Publ. Ref.

UiO doh




doa2) E)

NORDIC NOM- Ref. (IHSS) [Oct-Nov] ROa) VallsjÜen (SÜr-Odal w/w) CLUE- Project [Nov. 2005] (gur4)) ROa) Storgama 1 ROa) Storgama 2 Langtjern Project [May 2006] (doh ) ROa) Langtjern Outlet XAD Hellerudmyra [June-Aug. 1986] evac) Hellerudmyra [June-Aug.1986]
1) 5) a) b) c) 5)





57 F)


9,6 6,4

7,2 4,8

1,0 1,0

n.a. n.a G)


21,6 2,8 2,3 2,4 2,0

16,2 0,4 0,3


n.a. 99 89 H) I)

Egil Gjessing, (UiO); 2)Dag Olav Andersen, (HiA); Dag Olav Hessen (UiO); Reverse Osmosis

Rolf D. Vogt, (UiO); 4)Gunnhild Riise (UMB);

Kai SÜrensen, (NIVA).

Evaopration (low pressure at 35oC) - filtration - freezedrying Evaopration (low pressure at 35oC) - centrifugation - freezedrying. Same water as the Nordic and Humic acid. (June ­ August 1986) Sampled at the same place and at the same time as the Nordic Reference Fulvic- and Humic acid. (June - August 1986) Sampeled at the same place as the Nordic Reference Fulvic- and Humic acid. (June - August 1986) Available from IHSS Standard collection


e) f)

References A) Gjessing et al. (1989): Multi-method characterization of natural organic matter isolated from water: Characterization of Reverse Osmosis-isolates from water of two semi-identical dystrophic lakes basins in Norway.Wat.Res.:32:10: 31083124 B) Special Issue Environmental International (1999): Typing og natural organic matter. Workshop in Kristiansand, Norway 2-6 June 1998. Environ Int. 25:2/3. 143-375 C) Andersen et al. (2000): Nature of natural organic matter (NOM) in acidified and limed surface waters. Wat. Res. 34: 266-278. Work on an literature overview is in progress by Dag Olav Andersen (HiA) D) Work on an literature overview is in progress by Rolf Vogt (UiO) E) Work on an literature overview is in progress by Egil Gjessing (UiO) F) No results reported yet G) No results reported yet H) Work on an literature overview is in progress by Egil Gjessing (UiO) I) Work on an literature overview is in progress by Egil Gjessing (UiO)




President: Dr. Paul R. Bloom Dept. Soil, Water, Climate University of Minnesota 1991 Upper Buford Circle St. Paul, MN 55108, USA (+) 1 612 6254711 (+) 1 612 6261204 prb@umn.edu

Secretary: Dr. Gudrun Abbt-Braun Engler-Bunte-Institut, Wasserchemie UniversitÄt Karlsruhe Engler-Bunte-Ring 1 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany (+) 49 721 6084309 (+) 49 721 6087051 gudrun.abbt-braun@ebi-wasser.unikarlsruhe.de