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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Mon Jul 4 17:51:51 2011
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Mon Oct 1 19:24:41 2012

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378 : 001 74.04

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ISBN 978-5-7563-0373-5
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378 : 001 74.04 ISBN ISBN 978-5-7563-0373-5

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1 ( . glossrium / gloss < . gloss ­ , ) ­ / ; / , , , , ): - - ; ­ - ( ); - 1) , , / ; 2) ( ); - , ( ) , , , - ( ); - «» , - - ( ); - , . ( ).


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: « » (www.bologna. mgimo.ru), - «». , ; : -

2 ( ­ ).


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), , . - , , , . : ) , ; ) , , ( ) . , , -. (), , () . . 53 , , . , , . . . , , : , , .. , , , , , . , , . . .

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, . , , , , , . , , , , ­ . - . , , . , . , , . - , .
: .: 8 499-369-42-83; 8 499-369-56-69. : 8 499-369-58-13. E-mail: rc@rc.edu.ru


Cedefop CEIHE DeSeCo ECTS EHEA ENQA EQAR EQF LLL EQUIS ESG ESU EUA EURASHE ISCED JQI QF EHEA TUNING ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ « : » « » ( 2004 . ) , « »


/ (I NS TIT U TI O N AL A U TO NO MY ) / ­ (), , , , (, ..), « / » 1997­2009 . ( ­ ). 16 50 (. . 1 ). « » , , « » (Trends III) (2003 .). « , , , . 15 . ... , «» » [1]. , (2005 .), , « . , ... . . . «» [2]. 2005 . « XXI ­ » . : - ;

- ; - ; - ; - ; - , ; - [4]. , ( 2008 .), ­ « , , , . , , .» [5]. 2009 . : « . , , , 16

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1. Trends in Learning Structures in European Higher Education III. S. Reichert, . Tauch. 2003. ( III. . , . *3, . 22­2343). 2. «From Bologna to Bergen: A Mid-Term Review from the Academics` Point of View». Bologna Conference. Policy Statement on the Bologna Process in the `Bergen' Round (EI), Brussels, February 12, 2005. (« : » . (EI), 12 2005 . *6, . 48­62 ). 3. Trends IV: European Universities Implementing Bologna. S. Reichert, . Tauch. 2005. ( IV: . . , . *6, . 73­165). 4. The Novi Sad Initiative: Addressing Questions of Governance in Creating the European Higher Education Area. ( : *10, . 224­229). 5. «Bologna 2020: Unlocking Europe's potential ­ Contributing to a better world». Ghent Conference, 18­20 May, 2008. Eva Egron-Polak The Bologna Process ­ reflections from the international HEI perspective. ( « 2020: ­ », , 18­20 2008. - . ­ . *11, . 67­79). 6. The Bologna Process 2020 ­ The European Higher Education Area in the new decade. Communique of the Conference of European ´ Ministers Responsible for Higher Education, Leuven and Louvain-la-Neuve, 28­29 April 2009. ( 2020 ­ . , . /--, 28­29 2009 . *11, . 167­174). 7. Magna Charta. Universitatum. Bologna, 1988. *2, . 24­27. 8. / . ­ . « » ., 2003, 477 .

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2005 .) : ; , ; ; [4]. Trends . , « » (Trends III, 2003 .) «»: « ­ , , . , , «» , , , , , . , . , , , , , , EQUIS » [5]. (2003 ) (ENQA) (EQAR), , , . , ,

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6. The European Higher Education Area ­ Achieving the Goals. Communique of the Con´ ference of European Ministers Responsible for Higher Education, Bergen, May 19-20, 2005. ( ­ . , , 19­20 2005 . *6, . 166­173). 7. Trends IV: European Universities Implementing Bologna. S. Reichert, K. Tauch. 2005. (« IV: » . , . . 2005. *6, . 73­165). 8. Towards European Higher Education Area: Responding to Challenges in a Globalised World. London CommuniquÈ, 2007. ( « : » 18 2007 . *10, . 194­203). 9. European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR). ( *11, . 228­231). 10. Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area ­ 3 Edition ENQA 2009. ( ­ 3- ., 2009 . *11, . 232­271). 11. David K. Holger. ABET: An Exampler of an Outcomes Oriented Accreditation System in the U.S. ( .. : *12, . 91­96). 12. The Bologna Process 2020 ­ The European Higher Education Area in the new Decade. CommuniquÈ of the Conference of European Ministers Responsible for Higher Education, Leuven and Louvain-la-Neuve, 28­29 April 2009 ( 2020 ­ . , . /--, 28­29 2009 . * 11, . 167­174). 13. Glossary of Terms Relevant for Engineering Education E4 ­ Enhancing Engineering Education in Europe. 2003. ( , . *5, . 298­320). 14. Glossar ­ gestuftes Studiensystem. Leistungspunkte. UniversitÄt Greifswald. Glossar fÝr gemeinsame Handbuch. ýberarbeitung (gemÄú Verbundtreffen vom 15.05.03 www.unigreifswald.de/.../handbuch/ glossar-a-e.html 15. : (- 3) / . . - . , . .. . ­ .: , , 2009. ­ 304 . 16. .., .. . : - «», 2006.


( ) (GRADUATE SCHOOL) ( ) ( . ASPIRO ­ , ) ­ () , ( / , , ) «» : Trends I, Tredns IV Trends V. «» «». Trends V / . « , , , . , . ­ , . , , , » [1].
.: , 4.

. / /
1. Trends V Report: Universities Shaping the European Higher Education Area. D. Crisier, L. Purser, H. Schmidt. 2007. ( « V: » . , . , . *10, . 79­165). 2. «3rd Cycle Degree: Competences and Researcher Careers». Helsinki. 2008. ( « : », , 30 ­ 1 2008 . *11, . 106­108). 3. «Doctoral Programmes for the European Knowledge Society», Salzburg, 2005. (« » , , 3­5 2005 . *6, . 34­ 37). 4. «European doctoral studies in transition» Nice, 2006. ( . , 7­9 2006 . *10, . 52­59). 5. Glossary on the Bologna Process. English ­ German ­ Russian. BeitrÄge zur Hochschulpolitik 7/2006. www.hrk.de/ de/hrk_international/3534.php

/ , (ACADEMIC /CLASS/CONTACT HOURS) / . * ­ , ( .. ) ECTS. ECTS « » « ». ECTS , .
, 3­4 .

: ­ -


ECTS « ». 45 60 5. , . ECTS 1 60 1500­1800 ( , , , ), 1 25­30 [1, 2].
1. ECTS Users' Guide. European Gredit Transfer and Accumulation System and the Diploma Supplement. Brussels, Education and Culture DG of the European Commission, 2005 ( ECTS, 2005. *5, . 229­298). 2. ECTS Users' Guide (Final Version) 2009. (ECTS ­ ( ), , 6 2009 . *11, . 175­220). 3. Glossar ­ gestuftes Studiensystem. Leistungspunkte. UniversitÄt Greifswald. Glossar fÝr gemeinsame Handbuch. ýberarbeitung (gemÄú Verbundtreffen vom 15.05.03). www.unigreifswald.de/.../ handbuch/glossar-a-e.html 4. BLK-Modelversuchsprogramm. «Modularisierung im Hochschulbereich». Verbundprojekt im Fachbereich Agrarwissenschaften der Fachhochschule Neubrandenburg & UniversitÄten GÆttingen, Hohenheim, Kiel. Glossar. 2000. www.blk-bonn.de/modellversuche/modularisierung.htm 5. Introduction Þ Tuning pour une convergence des structures Èducatives en Europe. Contribution des universitÈs au Processus de Bologne. 2007. www.tuning.unideusto. org/tuningeu/index.php?...5...5 6. ., .. : . ­ .: ; TEUC, 2007. ­ 190 .

(BACHELOR) ­ () ()

«» ­ . , «» «» . (2002 .) (, , ), , . , , 2004 . («, , »). «», «» «» Trends, Trends I (1999 .), 6. (16­17 2001 .) . 2004 . - « : ?», , . « : , , - » [1, 2]. , , , . 180 240 ECTS (3­4 ).

() 40 50 .

13 1992 . « » 1996 .


« : ...; , ; , ; , , ; / ». . , , , , . . . , , (Diploma Supplement). , ( « »), , « » [3]. () : -; , ; , ; , .. [5]. 23

. /

1. The Bologna Process. Seminar on BachelorLevel Degrees. Helsinki, Finland. February, 16­17, 2001. (, . , 16­17 2001 . *1, . 310­314). 2. The Official Bologna Seminar on "Bachelor's Degree: What Is It?". St. Petersburg, November 25­26, 2004. (« : ?» , , 25­26 2004 . *6, . 23). 3. «From Bologna to Bergen: A Mid-Term Review from the Academics` Point of View»'Bologna` Conference Policy Statement on the Bologna Process in the `Bergen' round (EI), Brussels, February 12, 2005. (« : » . (EI), , 12 2005 . *6, . 48­62). 4. The Bologna Process. Seminar «Towards shared descriptors for Bachelors and Masters» Amsterdam 12­13 March 2002. http://www.bologna-berlin2003.de/en/bologna+seminars/bachelors_and_masters.htm 5. A Framework for Qualifications of the European Higher Education Area. Bologna Working Group on Qualifications Frameworks. Copenhagen, 2005. ( . , 13­14 2005 . *6, . 27­ 29). 6. Official Bologna Seminar «Employability: the Employers' Perspective and its Implications». Luxembourg, 6­7 November 2008. ( «: », , 6­7 2008 . *11, . 120­123). 7. .. . . .:, «», 2004. 8. . . .: , 2005. 9. Glossary of Terms Relevant for Engineering Education E4 ­ Enhancing Engineering Education in Europe. 2003. . ( , . *5, .298-320). 10. .., .., - .. : // , 9, 2009.


­ 29 1999 , : , ; , ECTS; ; , (Magna Charta Universitatum), 1988 . , 1998 ., , , . . , : , , ; , ; , ECTS; ; . ­ . 24

, , 29 46.
1. The European Higher Education Area Joint Declaration of European Ministers of Education (The Bologna Declaration of 19 June 1999) ( 19 1999 . *1, . 146­154). 2. .. . : . .: , , 2003.

/ / / (BOLOGNA PROCESS / TRANSFROMATIONS / PEFORMS) ­ , (. ) 1999 , , , : 2001 . (), 2003 . (), 2005 . (), 2007 . (), 2009 . (/-) (1999), , , [1]. (2001) , ( , , ECTS, , , ), : , -

, [2]. (2003) () . , . , 2005 ., [3]. (2005) , ( ), , . 2010 . , . . : , , [4]. (2007) . , , . 2009 : , , 25

, [5]. /-- (2008) 2010 : «1. , ... ; 2. ; 3. ; 4. » [8]. , , , / -- (2009 .): « , , , .». 2020 . : ; ; ; ; ; ; ; , ; . , . ,

, , , [9]. , , , , - - . . (, ) ( , ). , , , , . , , , .
1. The European Higher Education Area Joint Declaration of European Ministers of Education (The Bologna Declaration of 19 June 1999). ( 19 1999 . *1, . 146­154). 2. Towards European Higher Education Area. CommuniquÈ of the Meeting of European Ministers in Charge of Higher Education. Prague, 2001 ( . , , . , 19 , 2001 . *1, . 315­322). 3. Realising the European Higher Education Area. CommuniquÈ of the Conference of Ministers Responsible for Higher Education. Berlin, 2003 ( . , , 2003 . *3, . 398­409). 4. The European Higher Education Area ­ Achieving the Goals. CommuniquÈ of the Conference of European Ministers Responsible for Higher Education. Bergen, 2005 ( ­ . ,

, , 19­20 2005 . *6, . 166­173). 5. Towards European Higher Education Area: Responding to Challenges in a Globalised World. London CommuniquÈ, 2007 ( « : », 18 2007 . *10, . 194­203). 6. International Conference on "New Generations of Policy Documents and Laws for Higher Education: Their Thrust in the Context of the Bologna Process". Warsaw, 4­6 Nov. 2004 (« » , , 4­6 2004 . *6, . 15­22). 7. From Bologna to Bergen: A Mid- Term Review from the Academics` Point of View»'Bologna` Conference. Policy Statement on the Bologna Process in the `Bergen' round (EI), Brussels, February 12, 2005 (« : » . (EI), , 12 2005 . *6, . 48­62). 8. EUA policy position:The future of the Bologna Process post 2010 ( : 2010 . *11, . 290­294). 9. The Bologna Process 2020 ­ The European Higher Education Area in the new Decade. CommuniquÈ of the Conference of European Ministers Responsible for Higher Education, Leuven and Louvain-la-Neuve, 28­29 April 2009 ( 2020 ­ . , . /--, 28-29 2009 . * 11, . 167­174). 10. : ( 1) / . . - . , . .. . ­ .: , 2009. 11. : ( 2) / . . - . , . .. . ­ .: , 2009. 12. : (- 3) / . . - . , . .. . ­ .: , 2009. 13. Glossary of Terms Relevant for Engineering Education E4 ­ Enhancing Engineering Education in Europe. 2003 ( , . *5, . 298­320).


14. Glossar ­ gestuftes Studiensystem. Leistungspunkte. UniversitÄt Greifswald. Glossar fÝr gemeinsame Handbuch. ýberarbeitung (gemÄú Verbundtreffen vom 15.05.03 www.uni-greifswald.de/ .../handbuch/glossar-a-e.html 15. The Bologna Process: Where Are We, Where Are We Going? Pan-European Structure Seminar, Brussels, February 11­12, 2005 (« : , ?» , , 11­12 2005 . *6, . 38­ 47).


(2005 .) , : ­ , ­ ­ ( , ), , 2003 ­ Trends III (2003 .). , (19­20 2005 .), : « 27

, ( , , ), , . 2010 , , 2007 » [2]. (QF EHEA) (European Qualification Framework for Lifelong learning ­ EQF LLL). 2008 . (8 ), , (6­8 , ) [10]. , (EQF LLL), . ­ EQF LLL ­ 2010 . ­ EQF LLL ­ 2012 . , . , , . , -

. , [2]. . ­ , [7]. , , ECTS UROPSS. 2007 . , 2010 . [4]. « : » 2008 . [9]. , - () . : , , -. 28

, : , ; , ; ; ; , . , , .
. / / /
1. A Framework for Qualifications of the European Higher Education Area. Bologna Working Group on Qualifications Frameworks. Copenhagen, 2005 ( . , 13­14 2005 . *6, . 27­29). 2. The European Higher Education Area ­ Achieving the Goals. CommuniquÈ of the Conference of European Ministers Responsible for Higher Education. Bergen, 2005 ( ­ . , , , 19­20 2005 . *6, . 166­173). 3. Realising the European Higher Education Area. CommuniquÈ of the Conference of Ministers Responsible for Higher Education. Berlin, 2003 ( . , , 2003 . *3, . 398­409). 4. Forum on Qualifications Frameworks. Council of Europe. Strasbourg, 11­12 October 2007 ( . , 11­12 2007 . *11, . 40­43). 5. Recommendations from the Bologna Seminar on Qualifications Frameworks. Copenhagen, January 13­14, 2005 ( . , 13­14 2005 . *6, . 27­29). 6. Towards shared descriptors for Bachelors and Masters. ­ In Bologna Seminar "Working on the European Dimension of Quality", Amsterdam, 12­13 March, 2002.







www.jointquality.nl/content/.../WorkingEurop eanDimension.pdf Trends IV: European Universities Implementing Bologna. S. Reichert, K. Tauch. 2005 (« IV: » . , . . *6, . 73­165). Introduction Þ Tuning pour une convergence des structures Èducatives en Europe. Contribution des universitÈs au Processus de Bologne. 2007. www.tuning.unideusto.org/tuningeu/index.ph p?...5...5 Bologna Seminar «Aligning National against European Qualification Frameworks: the principles of self certification». Tbilisi, 2008 ( « : », , 27­28 2008 . *11, . 128­157). Der EuropÄische Qualifikationsrahmen fÝr lebenslanges Lernen (EQF)/ Luxemburg. 2008 ( . , 2008 *13, . 94­106). : . (*8, . 37­43). : ( 2) / . . - . , .. . ­ .: , 2009.

(HIGHER EDUCATION ) ( ) ­ , () - ­ ( ) , , , . 29

3 ISCED ( ) 1997 . . -- (2009 .) , . , , , , - . , 2020 , . , - , . ; , ; . , , .

: ­ ; ; ; ; , ; ; ; ; ; [11]. 2009 . (, ) « ». , , .
1. Trends I: Trends in Learning Structures in Higher Education. Haug G., Kirstein J. June, 1999 (« I: . . ., . 1999. *1, . 36­-145»). 2. Trends II: Towards the European Higher Education Area: Survey of Main Reforms from Bologna to Prague. Haug G., Tauch K., Apr. 2001 (« II: » ., . 2001. *1, .188-260). 3. Trends III: Progress Towards the European Higher Education Area. Bologna four years after: steps towards sustainable reform of higher education in Europe. Reichert S., Tauch K. July 2003 (« III: . ­ : » ., . 2003. *3, . 22­234). 4. Trends IV: European Universities Implementing Bologna. Reichert S., Tauch K. April 2005 (« IV: » ., . 2005. *6, . 73­165»). 5. Trends V: Universities Shaping the European Higher Education Area. May 2007 Crosier D., Purser L., Smidt H. (« V: » ., ., ., 2007 . *10, . 79­ 165). 6. The Cultural Heritage and Academic Values of the European University and the Attractiveness of the Higher Education Area. Vatican City, 30 March- 1 April 2006 ( -






. , 30 ­ 1 2006 . *10, . 27­32). Glasgow declaration. Strong universities for a strong Europe (, ­ *10, . 204­211). The Novi Sad initiative: Addressing questions of governance in creating the European higher education are ( : *10, . 224­229). Conference of the European ministers of education. Vienna, 16-17 March 2006. The Contribution of Universities to the Competitiveness of Europe. Prof. G. Winckler ( . , 16-17 2006 . . . *10, . 212­219.). Some theses on higher education vs. state: transition and post-transition countries. P. Zgaga ( : . . *10, . 230­ 238). The Bologna Process 2020 ­ The European Higher Education Area in the new Decade. CommuniquÈ of the Conference of European Ministers Responsible for Higher Education, Leuven and Louvain-la-Neuve, 28­29 April 2009 ( 2020 ­ . , . /--, 28-29 2009 . * 11, . 167­174).

(HARMONISAT I ON) ­ , (), , () ()


(1998 .), , , , . «» : . , . 3/5/8 (//). , , . «» [1, 2]. «» , , . , . , , «... » [5]. , , Tuning Educational Structures in Europe, , . 5 ( ) , .. [5].
1. Sorbonne Joint Declaration. Joint Declaration on Harmonization of the Architecture of the European Higher Education System. Paris, the

Sorbonne, May 1998 ( . . , , 1998 . *1, . 14­17). 2. (*2, . 27­30). 3. Trends I: Trends in Learning Structures in Higher Education. Haug G., Kirstein J. June, 1999 (« I: . . ., . 1999. *1, . 36­145»). 4. : ( TUNING)/ . . - . , . .. . ­ .: , 2006. 5. Keller A. Von Bologna nach Berlin. Perspektiven eines EuropÄischen Hochschulraums (. . . *5. . 199­ 228). 6. « » . .: -, 2005. 7. Glossary of Terms Relevant for Engineering Education E4 ­ Enhancing Engineering Education in Europe. 2003 ( , . *5, . 298­320).

(DOUBLE D I PLOMA) ­ , ( ) - () « » « ». , , Trends I­V . . : - () -, 31

( , , .); - , -; - ( , ); - .
1. Trends I: Trends in Learning Structures in Higher Education. Haug G., Kirstein J. June, 1999 (« I: . . ., . 1999. *1, . 36­145»). 2. Trends II: Towards the European Higher Education Area: Survey of Main Reforms from Bologna to Prague. Haug G., Tauch K., Apr. 2001 (« II: » ., . 2001. *1, . 188­260). 3. Trends III: Progress Towards the European Higher Education Area. Bologna four years after: steps towards sustainable reform of higher education in Europe. Reichert S., Tauch K. July 2003 (« III: . ­ : » ., . 2003. *3, . 22­234). 4. Trends IV: European Universities Implementing Bologna. Reichert S., Tauch K. April 2005 (« IV: » ., . 2005. *6, . 73­165»). 5. Trends V: Universities Shaping the European Higher Education Area. May 2007 Crosier D., Purser L., Smidt H. (« V: » ., ., ., 2007 . *10, . 79­ 165). 6. .. « ». .: . , .. , . , . , . [-]. : 100 / O. Graumann, R.W. Keck, M. Pewsner, A. Rakhkochkine, A. Schirin [Herausgeber]. Schulund Hochschulmanagement: 100 aktuelle Begriffe». Hildesheim, 2004. 7. Embedding Quality Culture in Higher Education. A Selection of Papers from the 1st European Forum for Quality Assurance. 2007 (-

1 . *14, . 51­94).

/ (DESCR IPT O RS of LEVE LS/Q UA LI FICATI ON S) - ­ , .. , , , (2001 .) . , (JQI) 2002 . (2004 .) : ( ), , . , . () . [1, 2]. , / .


, .
1. Shared `Dublin' descriptors for Short Cycle, First Cycle, Second Cycle and Third Cycle Awards. A Report from Joint Quality Initiative informal Group. 2004 ( , , . . 18 2004 . *13, . 39­45). 2. Dublin Descriptors. Bologna Working Group on Qualifications Frameworks Report. 2005. www.bolognabergen2005.no/Docs/00.../050218_QF_ EHEA.pdf 3. The European Higher Education Area ­ Achieving the Goals. CommuniquÈ of the Conference of European Ministers Responsible for Higher Education. Bergen, 2005 ( ­ . , , , 19­20 2005 . *6, . 166­173). 4. Towards European Higher Education Area: Responding to Challenges in a Globalised World. London CommuniquÈ, 2007 ( « : », 18 2007 . *10, . 194­203.). 5. Forum on Qualifications Frameworks. Council of Europe. 11­12 October 2007 ( . 11-12 2007. *11, .40­43). 6. Recommendations from the Bologna Seminar on Qualifications Frameworks. Copenhagen, January 13­14, 2005 ( . , 13­14 2005 . *6, . 27­29). 7. Towards shared descriptors for Bachelors and Masters. ­ In Bologna Seminar "Working on the European Dimension of Quality", Amsterdam, 12­13 March, 2002. www.jointquality.nl/content/.../ WorkingEuropeanDimension.pdf 8. Prchel M. Comservatoires and Descriptors. Network for Music Polifonia ( . . «» *12, . 55­60). 9. : ( 1) / . . - . , . .. . ­ .: , 2009. 10. : ( 2) / . . - .

, . .. . ­ .: , 2009. 11. : ( Tuning). . . - . , . .. . ­ .: , 2006. 12. Tuning Educational Structures in Europe. Phase 4: Curricular Reform Taking Shape: Learning Outcomes and Competences in Higher Education. Brussels 16-17 June 2006 ( Tuning. 4: . . *12, . 204­212).

. () .

/ (DISSERTAT ION, T H ESIS/ DISSERTAT I ON WORK) ­ - , « / » ­ «» I­V, , , , ­ .
1. Maria Sticchi-Damiani. Glossary. In: Tuning Educational Structures in Europe. Final Report. Pilot Project, Phase 1, 2003. tuning.unideusto.org/tuningeu/images/ stories/GLOSSARY.pdf 2. Glossary of Terms Relevant for Engineering Education. E4 ­ Enhancing Engineering Education in Europe ( , . *5, .298-320). 3. : ( Tuning). . . - . , . .. . ­ .:


, 2006.

(DOCTOR) ( . DOCTORIS ­ ) ­ () , , (2005 .) « : , / ; , , , ; , , ; , ; , , ; , , » [1]. , . 34

. . 2005 , ( ; , ; , .). . . , . ( 2006 .) () ( ; ; , , , ; , «» ; -

() ; ). « : » (2008 .) , / , , , . , , , / [5]. / -- (2009 .) , . [6]. , ­ , (, ). , «» , . 35

. /
1. Bologna Working Group on Qualifications Frameworks. Report 2005 (Chair: Mogens Berg) http://www.bologna-bergen2005.no/ Docs/00-Main_doc/050218_QF_ EHEA.pdf. 2. "Doctoral Programmes for the European Knowledge Society", Salzburg, 2005 (« » , , 3­5 2005 . *6, . 34­ 37). 3. Bologna Seminar on Doctoral Programmes. Nice, 2006 ( , , 7­9 2006 . *10, . 52­59). 4. Trends V: Universities Shaping the European Higher Education Area. May 2007 ( « V: ». . , . , . . * 10, . 79­162). 5. Bologna Seminar : 3rd Cycle Degrees: Competences and Researcher Career. Helsinki, 30 September-1 October 2008 ( « : », , 30 -1 2008 . * 11, . 106­108). 6. The Bologna Process 2020 ­ The European Higher Education Area in the new Decade. CommuniquÈ of the Conference of European Ministers Responsible for Higher Education, Leuven and Louvain-la-Neuve, 28-29 April 2009 ( 2020 ­ . , . --, 28-29 2009 . * 11, . 167­174).


/ ) ­ , ,

. 1992 - ,

, , . 1994 « / ». 1991 . « » , . Trends V . « / ­ , -. , . / / . , » [1]. : , , , , , , . (2008 .).
. /
1. Trends V Report: Universities Shaping the European Higher Education Area. 2007 ( « V: ». . , . , . . * 10, . 79­162).

2. Glossary of Terms Relevant for Engineering Education E4 ­ Enhancing Engineering Education in Europe) ( , . *5, . 298­320). 3. Empfehlungen der Kommission vom 11 MÄrz 2005 Ýber die Charter fÝr Forscher und einen Verhaltenskodex fÝr die Einstellung von Forschern 2005/251/EG6. europa.eu/eracareers/pdf/eur_21620_de-en.pdf ( 11 2005 . 2005/251/ EG6. *9, . 222­232).

(EUROP A SS) ( ­ ) ­ ( ), ( ) ( , ) 2002 . (Diploma Supplement) ECTS . , , . , , . 2005 . « ­ » ( 2004 . « ­ », ). «» . 36

. : 1. ­ ( ) (Europass curriculum vitae (CV)); 2. ­ ( ) (Europass Language Passport); 3. ­ ( , ) (Europass Mobility); 4. ­ ( , (, , ) (Europass Diploma Supplement); 5. ­ ( , ) (Europass Certificate Supplement) [2]. (, ) .
1. Seminar "The Framework for Qualifications of the European Higher Education Area", Copenhagen, 13­14 January 2005 ( , , 13­14 2005 . * 6, . 27­29). 2. EUROPASS http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/europass/ho me/vernav/Europasss+Documents/Europass+C V.csp 3. Opening doors to learning and working in Europe http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/ europass/home 4. . . .:, , 2005.

5. « » . .:, -. 2005.

(EUROPE A N ASSOC I ATION FOR QUALIT Y ASSU RANCE IN HIGHER EDUCATION, ENQA) (ENQA) ­ , , , 2000 . 2004 . (ENQA). , . ENQA : - , ; - () ; - ; - ; - , ; - , ,


; - (, ). , : - - ENQA ; - «» ; - , ; - ; - [1]. , ENQA, , 2005 ( 2009 .). , [3]. , ­ EUA, ­ ESU ­ EURASHE, ENQA ­ ( 4).
1. About European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA). 2006. www.enqa.eu 2. ENQA Organisation 2005­2006. www.enqa.eu 3. Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area ­ 3rd edition (2009) ( -

. 3- . 2009 . *11, . 232­272). 4. : (- 3) / . . - . , . .. . ­ .: , 2009. ­ 304 . 5. .. . . .:, «», 2004


- , . , EURASHE : - ; - ; - , , .. ; - EURASHE , ; - , [1]. EURASHE " " (global dimension) ( , E, ­ , , ), . EURASH - (, , ). EURASHE.
1. http://www.eurashe.eu

, , , , ­ . EUA , , . 800 46 , . EUA , , , , , , . EUA 2001 . () (CRE) . EUA , -, , . EUA 39


. , - , , , , . EUA : - ; - , ; - ; - , ; - , , , ; - . , , EUA , 40

(Trends IV) [7-11]. : « » (2001 .); « », , (2003 .); « : », (2005 .); « », (2007 .); « 2010: », (2009 .) [1-5]. EUA [6], . EUA , . EUA ENQA, EURASHE, ESU ( 4).
1. Salamanca Convention. The Bologna Process and the European Higher Education Area. 2001. http://www.eua.be/eua-work-and-policyarea/eua-policy-position-and-politicaldeclarations/ 2. Graz Declaration. Forward from Berlin: the Role of Universities. 2003. http://www.eua.be/eua-work-and-policyarea/eua-policy-position-and-politicaldeclarations/ 3. Glasgow Declaration. Strong Universities for a Strong Europe. 2005 (, . « ». *10, . 204­211. 4. Lisbon Declaration. Europe`s Universities beyond 2010: Diversity with a Common Purpose. 2007. http://www.eua.be/eua-work-and-policyarea/eua-policy-position-and-politicaldeclarations/ 5. EUA Prague Declaration European Universities ­ Looking Forward with Confidence. 2009. http://www.eua.be/eua-work-and-policyarea/eua-policy-position-and-politicaldeclarations/ 6. EUA Policy Position: The Future of Bologna Process post 2010 ( : 2010 . *11, . 290­294). 7. Trends I: Trends in Learning Structures in Higher Education. Haug G., Kirstein J. June, 1999 (« I:





. . ., . 1999. *1, . 36­145»). Trends II: Towards the European Higher Education Area: Survey of Main Reforms from Bologna to Prague. Haug G., Tauch K., Apr. 2001 (« II: » ., . 2001. *1, . 188­260). Trends III: Progress Towards the European Higher Education Area. Bologna four years after: steps towards sustainable reform of higher education in Europe. Reichert S., Tauch K. July 2003 (« III: . ­ : » ., . 2003. *3, . 22­234). Trends IV: European Universities Implementing Bologna. Reichert S., Tauch K. April 2005 (« IV: » ., . 2005. *6, . 73­165»). Trends V: Universities Shaping the European Higher Education Area. May 2007 Crosier D., Purser L., Smidt H. (« V: » ., ., ., 2007 . *10, . 79­ 165).


, , ECTS ERASMUS (1989­ 1996 .) 6 145 . ECTS ­ , , . , . ECTS ­ , . 41

, . ECTS 60 . 1500­1800 . 25­30 . ECTS , . ECTS , , : , , , . ECTS , , . (2008 .), « ECTS / / , , , , , - ». : (Course Catalogue), (Learning Agreement), (Transcript of Records) ECTS (ECTS-Grades) [1]. ECTS (). -

­ ECTS. ECTS (2003 .), (2004 .), (2008 .), (2008 .), (2002 .). [3­8]. ECTS (ECTS-Label) ECTS . , , ECTS, ( 1 2003 .) ­ ECTS. ECTS, ECTS. , . ECTS ( E), (excellent) ­ 10%, (very good) ­ 25%, (good) ­ 30%, (satisfactory) ­ 25%, (sufficient), (fail) ­ 10%. , -

ECTS. . ECTS, , . « » . . , 30, A, 1 B. 2 B 26­29 ( 27) A [2].
. / /
1. ECTS Users' Guide. European Gredit Transfer and Accumulation System and the Diploma Supplement. Brussels, Education and Culture DG of the European Commission, 2005 ( ECTS, 2005. *5, . 229­298). 2. ECTS Users' Guide. Final Version. 2009. ( ECTS, , 2009. *11, . 175­220).

/ / / A * / * 30 lode 5.6% 1 20% 30 15.7% 2 35% 29 0.5% 3 25% 28 12.3% 4 20% 27 11.8% 26 9.0% 25 8.2% 24 11.3% 23 2.7% 22 6.0% 21 2.3% 20 5.7% 19 1.9% 18 6.9% 100% 100%
* , . 3. Conference on ECTS ­ The Challenge for Institutions and Students. ZÝrich, 11­12 October 2002 ( ECTS ­ . , 11­12 2002 . *3, . 356­ 360). 4. Seminar on Recognition and Credit Systems (ECTS and ECTS compatible for Higher Education in the Context of Lifelong Learning.


Prague, 5­7 June 2003 ( , 5­7 2003 . *3, . 383­397). 5. Seminar "Improving the Recognition System of Degrees and Periods of Studies", Riga, 3­4 December 2004 ( « », , 3­4 2004 . *6, . 24­ 26). 6. «ECTS ». , 2008. .: : 2007-2009 (*11, . 59­60). 7. Bologna Seminar on `Development of a Common Understanding of Learning Outcomes and ECTS'. Final Report and Recommendations. Porto, Portugal, 19­20 June 2008 ( « ECTS», , 19­20 2008 . *11, . 93­101). 8. Bologna Seminar Council of Europe Higher Education Forum on Qualifications Frameworks. Strasbourg, 11­12 October 2007 ( . . , 11­12 2007 . *11, . 40­43). 9. Glossary of Terms Relevant for Engineering Education E4 ­ Enhancing Engineering Education in Europe. 2003. ( , . *5, . 298­320). 10. Trends IV: European Universities Implementing Bologna. 2005 Reichert S., Tauch K. April 2005 (« IV: » ., . 2005. *6, . 73­ 165). 11. Glossar ­ gestuftes Studiensystem. Leistungspunkte. UniversitÄt Greifswald. Glossar fÝr gemeinsame Handbuch. 2003 www.unigreifswald.de/.../handbuch/ glossar-a-e.html 12. Glossar zum Bologna-Prozess. 2000 www.fzs.de/.../glossar_bologna_prozess/17647 3.html.

(T H E EUROPE AN STUDENTS' UNION ­ ESU) ­ , , , , , . 43

1982 . (West European Student Information Bureau ­ESIB) 7 , , , , , , . 1993 . (The National Unions of Students in Europe), ­ ESIB. 2007 . (ESU), , , , . 47 36 10 . . ESU [2-3]. , 2009 ., , « (, ) » [3]. ESU, ENQA, EUA, EURASHE, , (The European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education ­ EQAR). ­ , , .
1. Student GÆteborg Declaration (2001) ( . 2001. *1, . 280­284). 2. «ESIB ­ The National Unions of Students in Europe». Luxembourg Student Declaration, presented at the 9 th European Student Convention, Luxembourg, March 2005 («ESIB ­ ». , 2005 . *6, . 67­72.).

3. Prague Students Declaration towards the 2009 Ministerial Conference of Bologna Process ( , 2009 . *11, . 282­ 289). 4. What is ESU? 2008. www.esib.org 5. History of ESU. 2008. www.esib.org

(EU R OPEAN DIMEN S ION IN HIG H ER E D UCATION) ( ) ­ «» , (1991 .) « » : ; ; «» ; ; ; ; ; . , , , , , , . , «» «», « » « ». . , (1959 1964 .) , 44

« ». 2002 . , . . , . . : . «» , , , , . ( : , , : «» , «-27», « », « » ?). « » , . « »: . «», , , . (2005 .), . : 1) ; 2) ; 3) -

; 4) ; 5) ( ); 6) , ; 7) ; 8) , , , , , . , . EUA « (EUA): 2010 .» (2009 .) , « » [4].
1. Tuning Educational Structures in Europe. 2005. www.tuning.unideusto.org/tuningeu/index.php?. 2. Tuning Educational Structures in Europe. Phase 4: Curricular Reform Taking Shape: Learning Outcomes and Competences in Higher Education. Brussels 16­17 June 2006 ( Tuning. 4: . . *12, . 204­212). 3. Realising the European Higher Education Area. CommuniquÈ of the Conference of Ministers Responsible for Higher Education. Berlin, 2003 ( . , , , 2003 .. *3, . 398­409). 4. EUA policy position: The future of the Bologna Process post 2010 ( : 2010 . *11, . 290­294)., 2009. 5. .. . . .: «», 2004. 6. : / . . - . , .. . ­ .: , , 2005.

(EUROPEAN RESEARCH AREA ­ E R A ) ­ , , - : , , , Philippe Busquin, 2000 . « » ("Towards a European Research Area") [1]. , . , . -, . , , . , 45

. (2003 .) , ­ , . , [2]. 2005 . . , . « , , , / » [5]. , . « » ( 2008 .) , . « », , [7]. 46

, 2008 . [8]. - ( 2009 .) . , , , . , , , , [9].
1. EC. "Towards a European Research Area". 2000. http//:ec.europa.eu/research/ era/pdf/com2000-6-en.pdf 2. Realising the European Higher Education Area. CommuniquÈ of the Conference of Ministers Responsible for Higher Education. Berlin, 2003 ( . , , , 2003 .. *3, . 398­409). 3. Bologna Seminar on «Doctoral Programmes for the European Knowledge Society». Salzburg, February 3­5 2005 (« » , , 3-5 2005 . *6, . 34­37). 4. Trends IV: European Universities Implementing Bologna. 2005 (« IV: » ., . 2005. *6, . 73­165). 5. Empfehlungen der Kommission vom 11. Marz 2005 Ýber die EuropÄische Charta fÝr Forscher und einen Verhaltenkodex fÝr die Einstellung von Forschern. (2005/251/ EG). europa.eu/eracareers/pdf/eur_ 21620_de-en.pdf ( 11 2005 . 2005/251/EG6. *9, . 222­232). 6. A Researchers' Labour Market: Europe a Pole of Attraction? The European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for their Recruitment as a Driving Force for Enhancing Career Prospects. 1­2 June 2006. www.aic.lv/...07/.../AustrianDoctoralSeminarMainOutcomes.pdf

7. Staff Mobility and Pension Arrangements. Berlin. 12­13 June 2008 ( « », , 11­12 2008 . *11, . 89­92). 8. Conclusions of the conference on quality assurance in European higher education institutions. Strasbourg, 9­10 September 2008 ( . , 9­10 2008 . *11, . 102­105). 9. The Bologna Process 2020 ­ The European Higher Education Area in the new Decade. CommuniquÈ of the Conference of European Ministers Responsible for Higher Education, Leuven and Louvain-la-Neuve, 28­29 April 2009 ( 2020 ­ . , . /-, 28­29 2009 . * 11, . 167­174).

(EUROPEAN H I GH ER E D UCA T I O N AR EA ­ EH E A ) () ­ - , , , 2010 . (, , ), . , ECTS, , . , . . , 47

, . : ; ; ; ; . . (2007 .) « », (« »), , [5]. « », / 2006 . [10]. « » (2008 .) , . , , , [8]. /- (2009 .) « » . , , -

. [9].
1. The European Higher Education Area Joint Declaration of European Ministers of Education (The Bologna Declaration of 19 June 1999) ( 19 1999 . *1, . 146­154). 2. Towards European Higher Education Area. CommuniquÈ of the Meeting of European Ministers in Charge of Higher Education. Prague, 2001( . , , . , 19 , 2001 . *1, . 315­322). 3. Realising the European Higher Education Area. CommuniquÈ of the Conference of Ministers Responsible for Higher Education. Berlin, 2003 ( . , , 2003 . *3, . 398­409). 4. The European Higher Education Area ­ Achieving the Goals. CommuniquÈ of the Conference of European Ministers Responsible for Higher Education. Bergen, 2005 ( ­ . , , , 19­20 2005 . *6, . 166­173). 5. Towards European Higher Education Area: Responding to Challenges in a Globalised World. London CommuniquÈ, 2007 ( « : », 18 2007 . *10, . 194­203). 6. From Bologna to Bergen: A Mid- Term Review from the Academics` Point of View»'Bologna` Conference. Policy Statement on the Bologna Process in the `Bergen' round (EI), Brussels, February 12, 2005 (« : » . (EI), , 12 2005 . *6, . 48­62). 7. Trends IV: European Universities Implementing Bologna. 2005 (« IV: » ., . 2005. *6, . 73­165). 8. Conclusions of the conference on quality assurance in European higher education institutions. Strasbourg, 2008, 9­10 September ( .

, 9­10 2008 . *11, . 102­105). 9. The Bologna Process 2020 ­ The European Higher Education Area in the new Decade. CommuniquÈ of the Conference of European Ministers Responsible for Higher Education, Leuven and Louvain-la-Neuve, 28­29 April 2009 ( 2020 ­ . , . /-, 28­29 2009 . * 11, . 167­174). 10. Glossar zum Bologna-Prozess. 2000. www.fzs.de/.../glossar_bologna_prozess/17647 3.html.

(QUALIT Y IN HIGHE R ED UCATION) ­ , , , « » , . . , : - ; ; ; - ; . , ( ), . , . , 48

. 1998 . . (The European Network for Quality Assurance in Higher Education ­ ENQA), , . (« » ­ 2002 .) [6]. (2005 .) (ESG): , [11]. (2003 .) (2005 .) ENQA (EQAR) [3, 4, 13]. 2006 ., ENQA, EUA, EURASHE ESU ( 4) , , . ­ , , ( ) [11]. 49

(2008 .) , , : , ; ; ; [8]. « : » (2008 .) (). , () , , , . , , ENQA, EUA, EURASHE, ESU. , (.. ). , [9]. (. 17) : « , , / » [10]. -

, , «».
1. The European Higher Education Area Joint Declaration of European Ministers of Education (The Bologna Declaration of 19 June 1999) ( 19 1999 . *1, . 146­154). 2. Towards European Higher Education Area. CommuniquÈ of the Meeting of European Ministers in Charge of Higher Education. Prague, 2001 ( . , , . , 19 , 2001 . *1, . 315­322). 3. Realizing the European Higher Education Area. CommuniquÈ of the Conference of Ministers Responsible for Higher Education. Berlin, 2003 ( . , , 2003 . *3, . 398­409). 4. The European Higher Education Area ­ Achieving the Goals. CommuniquÈ of the Conference of European Ministers Responsible for Higher Education. Bergen, 2005 ( ­ . , , , 19­20 2005 . *6, . 166­173). 5. Towards European Higher Education Area: Responding to Challenges in a Globalised World. London CommuniquÈ, 2007 ( « : », 18 2007 . *10, . 194­203). 6. Conference "Working on the European Dimension of Quality"Accreditation and QA, Amsterdam. arch, 2002. www.bolognaberlin2003.de/.../conferences.htm 7. About European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA). 2006. www.enqa.eu/ 8. Conclusions of the conference on quality assurance in European higher education institutions. Strasbourg, 2008, 9­10 September ( . , 9­10 2008 . *11, . 102­105). 9. Bologna Seminars "Quality Assurance in Transnational Higher Education: From Words to Action". London, 1­2 December 2008 ( « :

». , 1­2 2008 . *11, . 158­162). 10. The Bologna Process 2020 ­ The European Higher Education Area in the new Decade. CommuniquÈ of the Conference of European Ministers Responsible for Higher Education, Leuven and Louvain-la-Neuve, 28­29 April 2009 ( 2020 ­ . , . /-, 28­29 2009 . * 11, . 167­174). 11. Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area ­ 3rd edition (2009). ( . . 3- , 2009 . *11, . 232­ 272). 12. European Forums for Quality Assurance I-III (2006­2008). (*14, . 51­248). 13. European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR). ( . *11, . 228­ 231). 14. . . 2006. http://www.unesco.org/education/hed/guideline s 15. Glossary of Terms Relevant for Engineering Education E4 ­ Enhancing Engineering Education in Europe, 2003 ( , . *5, . 298­320). 16. .. . ­ .: , , 2008.

( ) . (B. BL OOM'S CLAS SS IFICATI O N / TAXONOMY) () . ­ . (1913­1999 .) , : (), , () . 50

, /. -, ( «», «» , ). , , («», «», «»). , : « , , » ( , , , , , ..). -, . .. . . , . «», ( .) . () , () . () : «1. . 2. . 3. . 4. . 5. . 6. » [1].
. /
1. Bloom B.S. Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: The Classification of Educational Goals. New York, 1956. 2. Bloom B.S., Masia B.B., Krathwohl D.R. (1964). Taxonomy of Educational Objectives.

3. 4. 5.


Volume II: The Affective Domain. N.Y.: McKay. Bloom B.S. (ed) (1956) Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. Volume I: The Cognitive Domain. N.Y.: McKay. Dave R.H. (1970) Developing and Writing Behavioural Objectives. Tucson, Arizona: Educational Innovators Press. Simpson E. (1972) The classification of educational Objectives in the psychomotor domain: The psychomotor domain . Vol. 3. Washington DC: Gryphon House. Declan Kennedy, àine Hyland, Norma Ryan. Writing and Using Learning Outcomes: a Practical Guide ( ., ., . : . *12, . 476­502).

(CLASSI F IC ATION of HI GHE R EDUCATION SY STEMS) ­ , «» - : [1]. ­ , , : , . , . 51

. , . ­ ( ). Trends II (2001 .) , , . 2004 . « : » (Classifying European Institutions for Higher Education - CEIHE). , 1970 , ( « »). CEIHE ­ . CEIHE . « » (U-map). www.utwente.nl/cheps/research/projects/ceih e. , . : - ; - , ; - , ; 52

- , ; - , ; - , .
1. Trends II: Towards the European Higher Education Area: Survey of Main Reforms from Bologna to Prague. Apr. 2001 (« II: » ., . 2001. *1, . 188­260). 2. Institutional Profiles. Towards a typology of higher education institutions in Europe (29.08.2005) ( : . *10, . 239­263). 3. . // . .XXIX, 3, 2004. www.logosbook.ru

(COMPETENCE ­ BA SED APPROACH) ­ , , , . TUNING. : - ; - / , ; - , (

, , ). ETS . « » «» « », « », «ECTS», «» .
. / /
1. : ( 1) / . . - . , . .. . ­ .: , , 2009. 2. «ECTS ». , 2008 (*11, . 59­60). 3. Bologna Seminar on Development of a Common Understanding of Learning Outcomes and ECTS. Porto, 19­20 June 2008 ( « ECTS». , 19­20 2008 . *11, . 93­101). 4. Trend IV: European Universities Implementing Bologna. Reichert S., Tauch K., 2005 (« IV: » ., . 2005. *6, . 73­165). 5. . . .:, , 2005.

, , , , ), , , , , «» . . . . ( . competere ­ ) : - , , , ; - (, , ); - ; - , .. . . ( ) ( ). 53


, , . () (, , ). : - ( ) ; - ; - ; - . TUNING , . TUNING ( , ), ( ), ( ) [1, 3]. « » (DeSeCo), , [5].
1. Tuning Educational Structures in Europe. Phases I­V, 2003­2008. www.tuning.unideusto.org/tuningeu 2. Tuning Educational Structures in Europe. Phase 4: Curricular Reform Taking Shape:

Learning Outcomes and Competences in Higher Education. Brussels 16­17 June 2006 ( Tuning. 4: . . *12, . 204­212). 3. Bologna Seminar: 3rd Cycle Degrees: Competences and Researcher Career. Helsinki, 30 September-1 October 2008 ( « : ». 30 -1 2008 . *11, . 106­108). 4. : ( TUNING) / . . - . , . .. . ­ .: , 2006. 5. Definition and Selection of Competencies [DeSeCo], OECD Project, 2005 ( . , 2005. *12, . 172­189). 6. : ( 1) / . . - . , . .. . ­ .: , 2009. 7. .. . .: , 2007.

/ (CREDIT) / ­ , «» . / (, , , ..) , . . ECTS : 54

- / , / . - . - ( ). - / . Tuning . . , , , , [1]. ECTS 2009 [2].
1. ECTS Users' Guide. European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System and the Diploma Supplement. Brussels, Education and Culture DG of the European Commission, 2005 ( ECTS. 2005 . *5, . 229­297). 2. ECTS Users' Guide. Final Version. 2009 ( ECTS. . 2009. *11, . 175­220). 3. Tuning Educational Structures in Europe. Phases I­V, 2003­2008. www.tuning.unideusto.org/tuningeu 4. : ( TUNING) / . . - . , . .. . ­ .: , 2006. 5. Tuning Educational Structures in Europe. Phase 4: Curricular Reform Taking Shape: Learning Outcomes and Competences in Higher Education. Brussels 16­17 June 2006 ( Tuning. 4: . . *12, . 204­212).

(MASTER) ­ (, , ) () (2003 .), . . , . : . . . . ( , 300 . . ECTS). , : - 180 . . + 120 . . ; - 240 . . + 90 ­ 120 . . ; - 300 . . ( ). , (270­300 . .) (60­120 . .) , . , ­ , . (2003 .), , 55

, , , [2]. « : , ; , , ; , ( ) ; ; , , ; , , ; » [4]. . , , 180 240 . . ECTS, ­ 360­440 . .
. /
1. The Bologna Process. Seminar «Towards shared descriptors for Bachelors and Masters» Amsterdam 12­13 March 2002 ( « ». , 12­13 2002). www.bolognaberlin2003.de/en/bologna_ seminars/bachelors_and_masters.htm 2. Seminar on Master Degrees. Stock-taking seminar on Master degrees. Helsinki, March

14­15 2003 ( . , 14­15 2003 . *3, . 372­377). 3. «From Bologna to Bergen: A Mid-Term Review from the Academics` Point of View»'Bologna` Conference Policy Statement on the Bologna Process in the `Bergen' round (EI), Brussels, 12 February, 2005 (« : » . . , 12 2005 . *6, . 48­62). 4. A Framework for Qualifications of the European Higher Education Area. Bologna Working Group on Qualifications Frameworks. Copenhagen, 2005 www.europeunit.ac.uk/.../europe.../Brf%20on% 20BP%20QF, %20Copenhagen,%20Jan05%20.doc 5. : 2007­2009 . /-- / . . - . , . .. . ­ .: , 2009. 6. . . .:, , 2005.

(MOBILITY) , , ­ , , - , 56

. : : , 46 ? ( / ), ( , ), ( ), ( ), ( , ), ( « » ­ ). , , . ­ « », , , . « » (, , ). , . « ­ » (2008 .) : - ; 57

- ( , , ). , : , ; - , , ( ), , , . , . . : ; ; , . , , , , . « » (2004 .), « 2010 .» (2005 .), « : » (2007 .), « : ?» (2008 .), «! ?» (2008 .), « » (2008 .),

« ­ », « » /- (2009 .) [1­4; 10­13]. , , : - ; - ; - ; - ; - . ( ). « ». (2008 .) , « ... ... ... ... , » [10]. , , 58

. (2008 .) , [11]. , - . : ; ; . ­ , , , . , , /-- (2009 .), , , , , , , . . , , , , , . ­ , , .

, . , [13]. «» .
1. «Designing policies for mobile students», Noordwijk, 10­12 October 2004 (« » . , 10­12 2004 *5, . 193­196). 2. «Student Mobility in the European Higher Education Area 2010». Bad Honnef, 17­18 March 2005 (« 2010» , , 17­18 2005 . *6, .64­66). 3. «Making Bologna a Reality: Mobility of Staff and Students» London, Feb. 2007 (« ­ », , 8­9 2007 . *10, . 74­ 78). 4. Fostering student mobility: next steps? Involving stakeholders for an improved mobility inside the EHEA, Brussels, May 2008 ( « : ?» . , 29­30 2008 . *11, . 80­88). 5. Tuning Educational Structures in Europe. Final Report, Phase 2, University of Deusto, University of Groningen, 2005. http://tuning.unideusto.org/tuningeu/.. 6. «The Social Dimension of the European Higher Education Area and World-Wide Competition». Recommendations from the Bologna Seminar, Sorbonne, Paris, 2005 (« ». . , 27­28 2005 . *6, . 30­33).

7. «From Bologna to Bergen: A Mid-Term Review from the Academics` Point of View»'Bologna` Conference. Policy Statement on the Bologna Process in the `Bergen' round (EI), Brussels, February 12, 2005 (« : » . . , 12 2005 . *6, . 48­62). 8. «ESIB ­ The National Unions of Students in Europe». Luxembourg Student Declaration, presented at the 9 th European Student Convention, Luxembourg, March 2005 («ESIB ­ » , 9- , , 2005 . *6, . 67­72). 9. Trend IV: European Universities Implementing Bologna. Reichert S., Tauch K., 2005 (« IV: » ., . 2005. *6, . 73­165). 10. Bologna Seminar `Let's Go! ­ Where To Now?'Lille, 6­7 October 2008 ( «! ­ ?». , 6­7 2008 . *11, . 109­114). 11. Staff Mobility and Pension Arrangements. Berlin. 12­13 June 2008 ( « ». , 11­12 2008 . *11, . 89­92). 12. Bologna Seminar "Europe, an Area of Student Mobility". Nancy, 2008, 4­5 November ( « ­ ». , 4­5 2008 . *11, . 115­119). 13. The Bologna Process 2020 ­ The European Higher Education Area in the new Decade. CommuniquÈ of the Conference of European Ministers Responsible for Higher Education, Leuven and Louvain-la-Neuve, 28­29 April 2009 ( 2020 ­ . , . /-, 28­29 2009 . * 11, . 167­174). 14. : ( TUNING)/ . . - . , . .. . ­ .: , 2006.

(MODUL) ( . MODULUS ­ ) / (COURSE UNIT) ­ , 59

, , () «» . « », «», «ECTS» . . . . . , , . . , , , , , , , , , . , , (TUNING) : , , -, , , , , - , . , , ; ­ ; ­ 60

; ­ . ­ , (, ­ , .); ­ , - ­ , ); ­ , , , , ; ­ , , ; ­ , , , , , . ECTS [1]. 25 30 , , . , 5 , (, 10 15).
1. ECTS Users' Guide. Final Version. 2009 ( ECTS. . 2009. *11, . 175­220). 2. .. : , , . .: , 2006. 3. Tuning Educational Structures in Europe. Final Report, Phase 2, University of Deusto, University of Groningen, 2005. http://tuning.unideusto.org/tuningeu/. 4. Tuning Educational Structures in Europe. Phase 4: Curricular Reform Taking Shape: Learning Outcomes and Competences in Higher Education. Brussels 16­17 June 2006 ( Tuning. 4: . . *12, . 204­212). 5. Seminar on «Untegrated curricula ­ Implications and Prospects» Mantova, April 2003. http://www.bolognaberlin2003.de/pdf/Mantova_Results.pdf

6. : 100 / O.Graumann, R.W. Keck, M. Pewsner, A. Rakhkochkine, A. Schirin (Herausgeber). Schulund Hochschulmanagement: 100 aktuelle Begriffe». Hildesheim, 2004. 7. . . .:, , 2005. 8. Glossar ­ gestuftes Studiensystem. Leistungspunkte. UniversitÄt Greifswald. Glossar fÝr gemeinsame Handbuch. ýberarbeitung (gemÄú Verbundtreffen vom 15.05.03) www.uni-greifswald.de/.../handbuch/glossar-ae.html 9. Eberhard Karls (UniversitÄt TÝbingen) Module/Modularisierung. 2005. www.unituebingen.de/

(MODUL AR IS ATION) ­ , , (), , , . , , () . Trends IV (2005 .), , , ( ECTS) [4]. : (, , ..) -

. ­ . , . . , , , . , , , , , . , . .

1. .. : , , .­ .: , 2006. 2. ECTS Users' Guide. Final Version. 2009 ( ECTS. . 2009 . *11, . 175­ 220). 3. Tuning Educational Structures in Europe. Final Report, Phase 2, University of Deusto, University of Groningen, 2005. http://tuning.unideusto.org/tuningeu 4. Trend IV: European Universities Implementing Bologna. Reichert S., Tauch K., 2005 (« IV:


» ., . 2005. *6, . 73­165). 5. : (- 1) / . . - . , . .. . ­ .: , 2009.

6. Eberhard Karls (UniversitÄt TÝbingen) Module/Modularisierung. 2005. www.unituebingen.de/ 7. Glossar ­ gestuftes Studiensystem. Leistungspunkte. UniversitÄt Greifswald. Glossar fÝr gemeinsame Handbuch. ýberarbeitung gemÄú Verbundtreffen vom 15.05.03) www.unigreifswald.de/.../handbuch/glossar-ae.html 8. : 100 / O. Graumann, R. W.Keck, M. Pewsner, A. Rakhkochkine, A. Schirin (Herausgeber). Schul- und Hochschulmanagement: 100 aktuelle Begriffe». Hildesheim, 2004. 9. . . .: , 2005.

(T UNING) (TUNING) ­ , (/) TUNING , , , 62

. TUNING - . « , ». TUNING [1]. , , , , , , , , , . TUNING : - , ; - , , ; - , ; - , (, , , ); - , « »;

- , . : - (, , ); - ( ); - , , , -, ; - , (/) ; - ; , , ; , ; - , , . TUNING ­ . , TUNING , , ECTS, . - http://tuning.unideusto.org/tuningeu 63

1. Tuning Educational Structures in Europe. Phases I­V, 2003­2008. http://tuning.unideusto.org 2. Tuning Educational Structures in Europe. Final Report ­ Pilot Project, GonzÀles J., Wagenaar R. eds., Phase 2, University of Deusto, University of Groningen, 2005. http://tuning.unideusto.org 3. : ( Tuning). . . - . , .. . .: , 2006. 4. Tuning Educational Structures in Europe. Phase 4: Curricular Reform Taking Shape: Learning Outcomes and Competences in Higher Education. Brussels 16­17 June 2006 ( Tuning. 4: . . *12, . 204­212). 5. .. . . .: , 2007.

(LIFELONG LEARNING) ­ , , , . . , , , . , , / , , , .

. , . « V» : - ; - ; - ; - ( ); - ; - ; - ; - , [1]. (2001 .) , . , , , . (2003 .) [5]. 2008 . . . 64

, . ECTS, , . , , , . , , ( 2008 .) [9]. , , ­ . 2000 . « » (2008 .) , , ; [2]. (2008 .), « , 40­45 ... ... , ... ?» : « » [7]. « », 2007 .,

- EUA, « » (2008 .). , . ­ [10]. /-- (2009 .) . , , , , . , . , , , , , . , , - , . , [8].

1. Trends V Report: Universities Shaping the European Higher Education Area. D. Crosier, L. Purser, H. Schmidt. 2007 ( « V: » . , . , . 2007 . *10, . 79­ 165). 2. Universities and Lifelong Learning. Brdo, 10­ 11 March 2008 ( « ». , 10­11 2008 . *11, . 47­58). 3. Consultation on the EC Draft Memorandum of Lifelong Learning. By Mary O'Mahony, for the EUA. August 2001. www.eua.be/eua/jsp/en/.../LLL_report_final.10 69323392705.pdf 4. Towards European Higher Education Area. CommuniquÈ of the Meeting of European Ministers in Charge of Higher Education. Prague, 2001 ( . , , . , 19 , 2001 . *1, . 315­322). 5. Realising the European Higher Education Area. CommuniquÈ of the Conference of Ministers Responsible for Higher Education. Berlin, 2003 ( . , , 2003 . *3, . 398­409). 6. Der EuropÄische Qualifikationsrahmen fÝr lebenslanges Lernen (EQF). Luxemburg. 2008 ( . , 2008 . *13, . 94­106). 7. Official Bologna Seminar. "Employability: the Employers' Perspective and its Implications". Luxembourg, 6­7 November 2008 ( «: ». 6­7 2008 . *11, . 120­123). 8. The Bologna Process 2020 ­ The European Higher Education Area in the new Decade. CommuniquÈ of the Conference of European Ministers Responsible for Higher Education, Leuven and Louvain-la-Neuve, 28­29 April 2009 ( 2020 ­ . , . /-, 28­29 2009 . * 11, . 167­174). 9. Bologna-Seminar. Recognition of prior learning, Quality Assurance and the Implementation of Procedures. Amsterdam 11­12 December 2008 ( « , ». , 11­12 2008 . *11, . 163­166). 10. European Universities' Charter on Lifelong Learning. EUA, 2008 ( « » 2008 . *11, . 273­281).


11. Glossar der SchlÝsselbegriffe Cedefop http://cedefop.europa.eu/.../606-att1-1-eqf%20de-%20final%20version%20-pdf. pdf 12. Glossary of Terms Relevant for Engineering Education E4 ­ Enhancing Engineering Education in Europe. 2003 ( , . *5, . 298­320). 13. Glossar ­ gestuftes Studiensystem. Leistungspunkte. UniversitÄt Greifswald. Glossar fÝr gemeinsame Handbuch. ýberarbeitung (gemÄú Verbundtreffen vom 15.05.03) www.unigreifswald.de/.../handbuch/glossar-a-e.html 14. Glossar zum Bologna-Prozess. 2000. www.fzs.de/.../glossar_bologna_prozess/17647 3.html

/ (STUDY PROG RAMM E) / ­ - , , , , , , , , , , , ( ) . , , , . . 66

(2001 .) «» , [1]. , , : - ; - , , , ; - , ; - , , , . , .
1. Towards European Higher Education Area. CommuniquÈ of the Meeting of European Ministers in Charge of Higher Education. Prague, 2001 ( . , , . , 19 , 2001 . *1, . 315­322). 2. .. : , , . .: , 2006. 3. ECTS Users' Guide. Final Version. 2009 ( ECTS. . 2009. *11, . 175­220). 4. Trend IV: European Universities Implementing Bologna. Reichert S., Tauch K., 2005 (« IV: » ., . 2005. *6, . 73­165).

5. Trends V Report: Universities Shaping the European Higher Education Area. D. Crosier, L. Purser, H. Schmidt. 2007 ( « V: » . , . , . 2007 . *10, . 79­165). 6. Glossar der SchlÝsselbegriffe Cedefop. 2004. http://cedefop.europa.eu/.../606-att1-1-eqf%20de-%20final%20version%20-pdf. pdf

(RECOGNIT I ON) ­ , , , , / « » ( ­ ) , , (1997 .) (2004 .), [1, 3]. : . . (Academic Recognition) ­ , . ( ) , , 67

( , ECTS). , , ECTS : « ECTS , , , ». : ) : : - /, - , ; / ) : ­ « » , 3- 2004 ., [2]. « IV» , , . () ( ­ Validation) ­ , , , (, , ). -

[8]. (Cedefop), , : « , (, / ), , , . , , » [9]. (Professional Recognition) ­ . « » , , -, .. , , , .
1. , (ETS 165) , 11 1997 . www.russia.edu.ru/.../legal/.../165/ 2. . , . , 9 2004 . http://bologna.mgimo.ru/news.php?lang=ru&ca t_id=7&doc_id=51 3. Bologna Seminar on Recognition. Riga. December 2004 (« » , , 3­4 2004 . *6, . 24­26). 4. Trend IV: European Universities Implementing Bologna. Reichert S., Tauch K., 2005 (« IV: » ., . 2005. *6, . 73­165). 5. Glossary of Terms Relevant for Engineering Education E4 ­ Enhancing Engineering Education in Europe. 2003 ( , . *5, . 298­320).

6. Glossar der SchlÝsselbegriffe Cedefop, 2004. http://cedefop.europa.eu/.../606-att1-1-eqf%20de-%20final%20version%20-pdf. pdf 7. Bologna-Seminar. Recognition of prior learning, Quality Assurance and the Implementation of Procedures. Amsterdam 11­12 December 2008 ( « , ». , 11­12 2008 . *11, . 163­166). 8. Entwurf von Schlussfolgerung des Rates und der im Rat vereinigten Vertreter der Regierungen der Mitgliedstaaten zu gemeinsamen europÄischen GrundsÄtzen fÝr die Ermittlung und Validierung von nicht formalen und informalen Lernprozessen. Rat der EU 2004 ( - . , 2004 . *12, .190-194). 9. Cedefop. Valuation of Non-formal and Informal Learning in Europe. 2007 ( . . *12, . 195­203). 10. ECTS Users' Guide. Final Version. 2009 ( ECTS. . 2009 . *11, . 175­220).

(DIPLOMA SUPP LEMEN T , DS) ­ , , , , , « » . « » , , UNESCO/CEPES. (2003 .) 2005 [4]. . 68

­ «», (, , ..) . . : - ; - , ; - ; - ; - ; ; - ( , , , ); - [1]. ECTS, .
1. Diploma Supplement. 2009 ( . *11, . 221­227). 2. ECTS Users' Guide European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System and the Diploma Supplement). 2005 ( ECTS, 2005. *5, . 229­298). 3. Trend IV: European Universities Implementing Bologna. Reichert S., Tauch K., 2005 (« IV: » ., . 2005. *6, . 73­165). 4. Realising the European Higher Education Area. CommuniquÈ of the Conference of Ministers Responsible for Higher Education. Berlin, 2003 ( . , , 2003 . *3, . 398­409).

5. Glossary of Terms Relevant for Engineering Education E4 ­ Enhancing Engineering Education in Europe. 2003 ( , . *5, . 298­320). 6. Glossar ­ gestuftes Studiensystem. Leistungspunkte. UniversitÄt Greifswald. Handbuch. Glossar fÝr gemeinsame ýberarbeitung (gemÄú Verbundtreffen vom 15.05.03) www.unigreifswald.de/.../handbuch/glossar-a-e.html 7. Introduction Þ Tuning pour une convergence des structures Èducatives en Europe. Contribution des universitÈs au Processus de Bologne. 2007. www.ciep.fr/bibliographie/ries49.pdf

(PROFILE of STUDY) ­ , , (, , ). « : » ( 2005 .) : « , , , , . . . , , (Diploma Supplement)» [1]. : ; ; 69

; , .. . : . , ­ , - . , «» , .
1. «From Bologna to Bergen: A Mid-Term Review from the Academics` Point of View»'Bologna` Conference Policy Statement on the Bologna Process in the `Bergen' round (EI), Brussels, February 12, 2005 (« : » . . , 12 2005 . *6, . 48­62). 2. The Bologna Process. Seminar «Towards shared descriptors for Bachelors and Masters» Amsterdam 12­13 March 2002. http://www.bolognabergen2005.no/EN/Bol_sem/Old/02031213Amsterdam/Amsterdam.HTM 3. A Framework for Qualifications of the European Higher Education Area. Bologna Working Group on Qualifications Frameworks. Copenhagen, 2005 www.europeunit.ac.uk/.../europe.../Brf%20on% 20BP%20QF, %20Copenhagen,%20Jan05%20.doc 4. ., .., ., ., . [-]. : 100 / O.Graumann, R.W.Keck, M.Pewsner, A.Rakhkochkine, A.Schirin [Herausgeber]. Schulund Hochschulmanagement: 100 aktuelle Begriffe». Hildesheim, 2004. 5. .. . .: , 2007.

/ (LEARNING OUTCOMES) / ­ , , , « /» . , . , . , , , . . « » (, 2004 .), « , » [3]. , , , . , , : - , , ; - Diploma Supplement; 70

- ; - ; - ; - «» «» ; - ECTS; - , , , . ­ . , . , . ­ , , , . , . « , ­ , ­ ­ , , » [6]. . «» « » . ECTS 71

: «... ­ , , , ... , ... . - . «, , ...» [4]. ( 2008 ) ­ , , ECTS , . , , , [1]. , . -, . . -, . -, . -, - . -, .
1. Bologna Seminar on `Development of a Common Understanding of Learning Outcomes and

ECTS'. Final Report and Recommendations. Porto, Portugal, 19­20 June 2008 ( « ECTS». , 19­20 2008 . *11, . 93­101). 2. Kennedy D., Hyland B., Ryan N. Writing and Using Learning Outcomes: a Practical Guide. 2006 ( ., ., . : . *12, . 476­ 502). 3. Using Learning Outcomes the Report for Bologna Follow-Up Group. Edinburgh, July 2004 ( : . . , 1-2 2004 . *5, . 104­109). 4. ECTS Users' Guide. Final Version. 2009 ( ECTS. . 2009. *11, . 175­220). 5. Walsh A., Webb M. Guide to Writing Learning Outcomes. Kingston. 2002 ( ., . 2002 . *12, . 441­448). 6. Adam S. Learning Outcomes: current developments in Europe ( . : . . * 12, . 298­325). 7. Trend IV: European Universities Implementing Bologna. Reichert S., Tauch K., 2005 (« IV: » ., . 2005. *6, . 73­165). 8. Tuning Educational Structures in Europe. Phases I ­ V. 2003 ­ 2008. www.tuning.unideusto.org/tuningeu 9. Tuning Educational Structures in Europe. Phase 4: Curricular Reform Taking Shape: Learning Outcomes and Competences in Higher Education. Brussels 16­17 June 2006 ( Tuning. 4: . . *12, . 204­212). 10. Tuning Educational Structures in Europe. Final Report ­ Pilot Project, GonzÀles J., Wagenaar R. eds., Phase 2, University of Deusto, University of Groningen, 2005. www.tuning.unideusto.org/tuningeu 11. . . .:, , 2005. 12. : ( 2) / . . - . , . .. . ­ .: , , 2009.

(RANKING HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUT IO NS) ­ (/ ), ( ) , . : ; ; ; , . , . / , . : - 1 , - 2 , - 3 . 2004 . () ­ IREG, (2007 .) 72

. , [2]. 16 : 1) ; 2) ; 3) ; 4) . Times-QS7 100 (ARWU) ­ . (2008 .) «: ­ » . « » [1]. III (, 2008 .), « , », . , , , « » « ». , , , , [3].
1. «Bologna 2020: Unlocking Europe's potential ­ Contributing to a better world» Ghent Conference, 2008 ( « 2020:

­ ». , 18-20 2008 . *11, . 61­66) 2. Berlin Principles on Ranking Higher Education Institutions. 2006 ( . , 20 2006 . *10, . 220­ 223). 3. The 3-rd European Quality Assurance Forum. Summery and Conclusions. ( . *14, .125-128) 4. Haselkorn E. The emperor has no clothes? Rankings and the shift from quality assurance to the world-class exellence. ( . ? . *14, . 129­145). 5. Dasbergs D., Borzovs J. Criteria identification for study programme quality assessment and ranking. ( ., . . *14, . 178­189). 6. Yorke M. Conclusions. Two complex issues: rankings and learning outcomes. ( . . : . *14, . 200­ 208). 7. . . XXVIII, 2003, 3. 8. . . XXX, 2005, 2. . 9. . . XXXII 2007, 1. : . 10. .., .. . : - «», 2006.

(JOINT DEGREE) C ­ , , , , / , [1]8

QS ­ Quacquarelli Symonds Limiteds.

, . ,


(2001 .). , , « .» [2]. , . , . . , . - . ( ), , . , . , , , .
( 2006 .).

, . , . , , , . - « » , 3- 2004 . , . « : - ; - , , , ; - , .» [1]. : «- , , - , , , 74

, , . - , , .» [1]. , , « , , , .» , (Joint Masters Project), 2003 . . (ENQA) (ESG) . . « » («European Masters New Evaluation Methodology» EMNEM) - (Guidelines for Quality Enhancement in European Joint Master Programmes), [6]. , , 75

, , . «» [10­14].
1. . , . , 9 2004 . http://bologna.mgimo.ru/news.php?lang=ru&ca t_id=7&doc_id=51 2. Towards European Higher Education Area. CommuniquÈ of the Meeting of European Ministers in Charge of Higher Education. Prague, 2001 ( . , , . , 19 , 2001 . *1, . 315­322). 3. Bologna Seminar on Joint Degrees within the framework of the Bologna Process. Stockholm, 31 Mai 2002 ( . , 31 2002 . *1, . 333­336). 4. Bologna Seminar "Integrated curricula ­ Implications and Prospects" Mantova, 11-12 April 2003. www.bolognaberlin2003.de/pdf/Mantova_Results.pdf 5. Bologna Follow-up Seminar "Joint Degrees ­ Further Development". Stockholm, 6­7 Mai 2004 ( « ­ ». , 6­7 2004 . *5, . 61­62). 6. Guidelines for Quality Enhancement in European Joint Master Programmes. EUA, Brussels. 2006. http://www.eua.be/quality-assurance/qaof-joint-masters/ 7. Bologna Seminar "Joint Degree ­ A Hallmark of the European Higher Education Area?" Berlin, 21­22 September 2006 (« ­ ?» , 21­22 2006 . *10, . 39­45). 8. Tauch C., Rauhvargers A. Survey on Master Degrees and Joint Degrees in Europe. September 2002 ( ., . . *3, . 285­355). 9. Bologna Conference on student mobility Fostering student mobility: next Steps? Involving the stakeholders for an improved mobility inside the EHEA Brussels, 29­30 May 2008 ( « : ?» . , 29­30 2008 . *11, . 80­88).

10. Trends I: Trends in Learning Structures in Higher Education. Haug G., Kirstein J. June, 1999 (« I: . . ., . 1999. *1, . 36­145»). 11. Trends II: Towards the European Higher Education Area: Survey of Main Reforms from Bologna to Prague. Haug G., Tauch K., Apr. 2001 (« II: » ., . 2001. *1, . 188­260). 12. Trends III: Progress Towards the European Higher Education Area. Bologna four years after: steps towards sustainable reform of higher education in Europe. Reichert S., Tauch K. July 2003 (« III: . ­ : » ., . 2003. *3, . 22­234). 13. Trends IV: European Universities Implementing Bologna. Reichert S., Tauch K. April 2005 (« IV: » ., . 2005. *6, . 73­165»). 14. Trends V: Universities Shaping the European Higher Education Area. May 2007 Crosier D., Purser L., Smidt H. (« V: » ., ., ., 2007 . *10, . 79­ 165).


( 2001 .) [1]. , , , . « » ( 2003 .) [5]. (2008 .), «... ­ , , . , » [10]. (2003 .) , [2]. ( , , 2004 .) , « » [6]. ( 2005 .) ( 2007 .) , , , [3, 4]. « » (2008 .) [9].

, « » , , . , . , , , (, , -, ..). (2008 .) «... , . , , » [10]. /-- (2009 .) . , . , , [11]. , 77

(Trends). , , , ­ .
1. Towards European Higher Education Area. CommuniquÈ of the Meeting of European Ministers in Charge of Higher Education. Prague, 2001 ( . , , . , 19 , 2001 . *1, . 315­322). 2. Realising the European Higher Education Area. CommuniquÈ of the Conference of Ministers Responsible for Higher Education. Berlin, 2003 ( . , , 2003 . *3, . 398­409). 3. The European Higher Education Area ­ Achieving the Goals. CommuniquÈ of the Conference of European Ministers Responsible for Higher Education. Bergen, 2005 ( ­ . , , , 19­20 2005 . *6, . 166­173). 4. Towards European Higher Education Area: Responding to Challenges in a Globalised World. London CommuniquÈ, 2007 ( « : », 18 2007 . *10, . 194­203). 5. Seminar on the Social Dimension of the Higher Education Area. Athens, 19­20 February 2003 ( . , 19­20 2003 . *3, . 361­371). 6. Recommendations to the Authorities of European Cultural Convention Member-States and the Bologna Follow-up Group. Strasbourg, Sept. 2004 ( - . , 2004 . *5, . 190­193). 7. The Social Dimension of the European Higher Education Area and World -Wide Competition». Recommendations from the Bologna Seminar, Sorbonne, Paris, January 27­28, 2005 (« » , , 27­28 2005 . *6, . 30­33). 8. ESIB ­ The National Unions of Students in Europe». Luxembourg Student Declaration, presented at the 9th European Student Conven-

tion, Luxembourg, March 2005 («ESIB ­ » , 9- , , , 2005 . *6, . 67­72). 9. Staff Mobility and Pension Arrangements. Berlin. 12­13 June 2008 ( « ». , 11­12 2008 . *11, . 89­92). 10. Official Bologna Process Seminar on Social Dimension. "Equality in a Knowledge-Based Society ­ How to Widen Opportunities?". (Best Practices in National Action Plans). Budapest, 10­11 November 2008 ( « , ­ ?» ( ). , 10­11 2008 . *11, . 124­127). 11. The Bologna Process 2020 ­ The European Higher Education Area in the new Decade. CommuniquÈ of the Conference of European Ministers Responsible for Higher Education, Leuven and Louvain-la-Neuve, 28­29 April 2009 ( 2020 ­ . , . /-, 28­29 2009 . * 11, . 167­174).






(S TR A T E G Y o f H I GH ER EDU C A T I O N ) ­ , , , , , . , , , : - (Adoption of a



system of easily readable and comparable degrees); () (Adoption of a system essentially based on two cycles); ECTS (Establishment of a system of credits); (Promotion of mobility); (Promotion of European cooperation in quality assurance); (Promotion of the European dimension in higher education); (Lifelong learning); (Higher Education institutions and students); (Promoting the attractiveness of the European Higher Education Area); (Social Dimension); (Doctoral studies and the synergy between the European Higher Education Area and the European Research Area) [1-6].

(2007 .) « » [5]. « EUA: 2010 » ( 2008 .) ­ . « 78

­ , . : ) «» , , ; ) , , , , ; ) : - , , , / (, , , , , ); - , , , / .» [7].
1. The European Higher Education Area Joint Declaration of European Ministers of Education (The Bologna Declaration of 19 June 1999). ( 19 1999 . *1, . 146­154). 2. Towards European Higher Education Area. CommuniquÈ of the Meeting of European Ministers in Charge of Higher Education. Prague, 2001 ( . , , . , 19 , 2001 . *1, . 315­322).

3. Realising the European Higher Education Area. CommuniquÈ of the Conference of Ministers Responsible for Higher Education. Berlin, 2003 ( . , , 2003 . *3, . 398­409). 4. The European Higher Education Area ­ Achieving the Goals. CommuniquÈ of the Conference of European Ministers Responsible for Higher Education. Bergen, 2005 ( ­ . , , , 19­20 2005 . *6, . 166­173). 5. Towards European Higher Education Area: Responding to Challenges in a Globalised World. London CommuniquÈ, 2007 ( « : », 18 2007 . *10, . 194­203). 6. The Bologna Process 2020 ­ The European Higher Education Area in the new Decade. CommuniquÈ of the Conference of European Ministers Responsible for Higher Education, Leuven and Louvain-la-Neuve, 28­29 April 2009 ( 2020 ­ . , . /-, 28­29 2009 . * 11, . 167­174). 7. EUA policy position: The future of the Bologna Process post 2010 ( : 2010 . *11, . 290­294). 8. ..:, .. . : - «», 2006.

/ (STUDENTCENTRED AP PROAC H IN EDUCATION ) / ­ , ( «» ) ( ) « /» 79

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, . V (2007 .) [6]. /-- (2009 .) , , , , . , . , . [12].
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Higher Education Area. May 2007 Crosier D., Purser L., Smidt H. (« V: » ., ., ., 2007 . *10, . 79­ 165). 7. Towards European Higher Education Area: Responding to Challenges in a Globalised World. London CommuniquÈ, 2007 ( « : », 18 2007 . *10, . 194­203). 12. Learning utcomes Based Higher Education: the Scottish Experience. Edinburgh, 21­22 February 2008 ( « ­ » , 21­22 2008 . *11, . 44­46). 13. ECTS . , 17­18 . 2008 (*11, . 59­60). 14. Seminar on Bologna Beyond 2010. Ghent, 19­ 20 May 2008 ( « 2020: ­ » , 18020 , 2008 . *11, . 61­66). 15. The Bologna Process 2020 ­ The European Higher Education Area in the new Decade. CommuniquÈ of the Conference of European Ministers Responsible for Higher Education, Leuven and Louvain-la-Neuve, 28­29 April 2009 ( 2020 ­ . , . /-, 28­29 2009 . * 11, . 167­174). 16. : ( 1) / . . - . , . .. . ­ .: , , 2009. ­ 536 . 17. : ( TUNING) / . . - . , . .. . ­ .: , 2006. 18. .-. : « » ­ « » ? // , 2009, 7. 19. . . .:, , 2005.

6. Trends V: Universities Shaping the European

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, ; , / , . « : » (2008 .) , () , , , , . , , , ­ - -. , ( ) - , [5]. /-- (2009 .) , « , (ENQA), / » [6].
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3. The European Higher Education Area ­ Achieving the Goals. CommuniquÈ of the Conference of European Ministers Responsible for Higher Education. Bergen, 2005 ( ­ . , , , 19­20 2005 . *6, . 166­173). 4. "Public Responsibility for Higher Education and Research", Strasbourg, 23­24 September 2004 ( « ». , 23­24 2004 . *5, . 190­193). 5. Bologna Seminars "Quality Assurance in Transnational Higher Education: From Words to Action". London, 1­2 December 2008 ( « : ». , 1­2 2008 . *11, . 158­162). 6. The Bologna Process 2020 ­ The European Higher Education Area in the new Decade. CommuniquÈ of the Conference of European Ministers Responsible for Higher Education, Leuven and Louvain-la-Neuve, 28­29 April 2009 ( 2020 ­ . , . /-, 28­29 2009 . * 11, . 167­174). 7. . , , 2006. www.unesco.org/education/hed/guidelines 8. .. : . ., 2003. 9. .. . . .: «», 2004. 10. : ( 2) / . . - . , . .. . ­ .: , 2009.

/ (THREE -CYC LE SYSTEM) / ­ , 82

, , . (, ) ­ , () . . , , . , . . (2003 .) [3]. , .
1. The European Higher Education Area Joint Declaration of European Ministers of Education (The Bologna Declaration of 19 June 1999) ( 19 1999 . *1, . 146­154). 2. Towards European Higher Education Area. CommuniquÈ of the Meeting of European Ministers in Charge of Higher Education. Prague, 2001 ( . , , . , 19 , 2001 . *1, . 315­322). 3. Realising the European Higher Education Area. CommuniquÈ of the Conference of Ministers Responsible for Higher Education. Berlin, 2003 ( . , , 2003 . *3, . 398­409). 4. The European Higher Education Area ­ Achieving the Goals. CommuniquÈ of the Conference of European Ministers Responsible for Higher Education. Bergen, 2005 ( ­ . ,

, , 19­20 2005 . *6, . 166­173). 5. Towards European Higher Education Area: Responding to Challenges in a Globalised World. London CommuniquÈ, 2007 ( « : », 18 2007 . *10, . 194­203). 6. The Bologna Process 2020 ­ The European Higher Education Area in the new Decade. CommuniquÈ of the Conference of European Ministers Responsible for Higher Education, Leuven and Louvain-la-Neuve, 28­29 April 2009 ( 2020 ­ . , . /-, 28­29 2009 . * 11, . 167­174).

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1. Employability in the Context of the Bologna Process. General Conclusions and Recommendations. Bled, 21­23 Oct. 2004 ( « » . , 21­23 2004 . *5, . 196­198). 2. Enhancing Graduate Employability. Swansea 12­14 July 2006 (« ». , 12­14 2006 . *10, . 36­38). 3. Towards European Higher Education Area: Responding to Challenges in a Globalised World. London CommuniquÈ, 2007 ( « : », 18 2007 . *10, . 194­203). 4. Official Bologna Seminar. "Employability: the Employers' Perspective and its Implications". Luxembourg, 6­7 November 2008 ( «: ». , 6­7 2008 . *11, . 120­123). 5. The Bologna Process 2020 ­ The European Higher Education Area in the new Decade. CommuniquÈ of the Conference of European Ministers Responsible for Higher Education, Leuven and Louvain-la-Neuve, 28­29 April 2009 ( 2020 ­ . , . /-, 28­29 2009 . * 11, . 167­174). 6. : ( TUNING) / . . - . , .. . ­ .: , 2006.

(UNIVERSIT Y) ­ , , , , ; 86

« » (, 2005 .) , , , , . , . , , , , [2]. , ( , , ECTS, ), , . , . . « » (2006 .) , « E ,... , » [1]. ( 2008 .) . , [3].

1. Vatican seminar. The Cultural Heritage and Academic Values of the European University and the Attractiveness of the Higher Education Area. 2006 ( » , 30 ­ 1 2006 . *10, . 27­32).

2. Glasgow Declaration. Strong Universities for a Strong Europe. 2005 (, « » *10, . 204­211). 3. Universities and Lifelong Learning. Brdo. 10­ 11 March, 2008 ( « ». , 10­11 2008 . *11, . 47­58).





: ( ) / . . - , .. . ­ .: , 2002. .. : . ­ .: , 2003. : ( ) / . . - . , .. . ­ .: , , 2004. .. : . .: , 2004. : / . . - . , .. . ­ .: , , 2005. : / . . - . , .. . ­ .: , , 2005. : ( Tuning) / . . - . , .. . ­ .: , 2006. .. : , , . ­ .: , 2006. « » « (2006­2008)». ­ ., 2006. 94



4. 5.



8. 9.

10. : / . . - . , .. . ­ .: , , 2007. 11. 2007­2009 . /- / . . - . , .. . ­ .: , 2009. 12. : ( 1) / . . - . , . .. . ­ .: , 2009. 13. : (- 2) / . . - . , . .. . ­ .: , 2009. 14. : - (- 3) / . . - . , . .. . ­ .: , 2009.



( )

. 1997­2009 . ( ), 1). 1 . 1- , . 2 1 , ­ , , . 3 1 , , , . 2, 1 , 3 2 , . , , . 3, 53 . 2 3 , 3 (. . 1 2), .



1997­2009 .
, 2 1997 , ( , 1997 .) Convention on the recognition of qualifications concerning higher education in the European region, Lisbon, 11 April 1997 http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/bolog na/documents/LRC/Lisbon_Recognition_Convention.pdf 1998 ( , 1998 .) Joint declaration on harmonisation of the architecture of the European higher education system (Sorbonne Joint Declaration) http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/bolog na/documents/declarations_communiques.htm 1999 , , ( I ­ 1999) Trends in Learning Structures in Higher Education Inge Knudsen, Guy Haug, Jette Kirstein (EUA TRENDS I, June 1999 ) http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/bologna/documents/EUA_Trends_Reports/TRENDS_IJune1999.pdf . , ( , 19 1999 .) , . 3 / .. , .. ./ . .. .. . . .1, .: , 2003. 500 .

1 1


: ( ) / . . - . , . .. . ­ . , 2002. ­ . 14­17 http://rc.edu.ru/rc/bologna/documents/Sor b-dekl.pdf : ( ) / . . - . , . .. . ­ . , 2002. ­ . 36­145.



: ( ) / . . - . , . ..





2 The European higher education area Joint Declaration of the European Ministers of Education (The Bologna Declaration of 19 June 1999) http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/bolog na/documents/MDC/BOLOGNA_ DECLARATION1.pdf 2001 : , ( II ­ 2001) Towards the European higher education area: survey of main reforms from Bologna to Prague Summary and conclusions Guy HAUG and Christian TAUCH (EUA TRENDS II, April 2001), http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/bologna/documents/EUA_Trends_Reports/TRENDS_IIApril2001.pdf , , , 16­17 2001 Bologna Seminar on Bachelor-level Degrees Helsinki, February 16-17, 2001 http://www.bmwf.gv.at/fileadmin/user_upload/europ a/bologna/seminar_bachelor_degrees.pdf , ( , 19 2001 .) Towards the uropean higher education area CommuniquÈ of the meeting of European Ministers in charge of Higher Education in Prague on May 19th 2001 http://www.bologna-bergen2005.no/Docs/ 00-Main_doc/010519PRAGUE_ COMMUNIQUE.PDF ? , 8­9 2001 . Towards Accreditation Schemes for Higher Education in Europe? Lisbon. 8­9 February 2001 http://www.aic.lv/rec/Eng/new_d_en/bologna/accred. html , 2­3 2001 .

3 . ­ .: , 2002. . 146­149. http://rc.edu.ru/rc/bologna/documents/So vm-dekl-min.pdf

: ( ) / . . - . , . .. . ­ .: , 2002. ­ . 178­ 260.


: ( )/ . . - . , . .. . ­ .: , 2002. ­ . 310­314 : ( )/ . . - . , . .. . ­ .: , 2002. . 315­322. http://rc.edu.ru/rc/bologna/documents/Ko mm-min-VO.pdf







2 The recognition of Transnational Education qualifications MalmÆ ­ 2­3 March 2001 http://www.aic.lv/rec/Eng/new_d_en/bologna/Malm_ ch.html 2002 12­13 2002 Towards shared descriptors for Bachelors and Masters Amsterdam, March 12­13, 2002 http://www.bologna-berlin2003.de/en/ bologna_seminars/bachelors_and_masters.htm , 11­12 2002 Recognition issues in the Bologna Process International seminar, Lisbon, 11­12 April 2002 http://www.bolognaberlin2003.de/en/bologna_seminars/index.htm , 31 2002 Bologna Seminar on Joint Degrees within the framework of the Bologna Process Stockholm, May 31 2002 http://www.bolognaberlin2003.de/pdf/Stockholm_results.pdf EUA ­ , 11­12 2002 Credit Transfer and Accumulation ­ the Challenge for Institutions and Students EUA/Swiss Confederation Conference Zurich, 11­12 October 2002 http://www.bolognaberlin2003.de/pdf/Tagung%20Zuerich.pdf 2003 , 19­20 2003 Bologna follow-up seminar «Exploring the social dimensions of the European higher education area» Athens, Greece, 19-20 February 2003 http://www.bolognaberlin2003.de/pdf/Conclusions2.pdf


: ( ) / . . - . , . .. . ­ .: , 2002. . 329­332. : ( ) / . . - . , . .. . ­ .: , 2002. . 333­336. : ( ) / . . - . , .. . ­ .: , , 2004. . 356­360.




: ( ) / . . - . , .. . ­ .: , , 2004. ­ . 361­371.


1 15

2 , 27­28 2003 Bologna seminar on qualification structures in higher education in Europe Copenhagen, 27­28 March 2003 http://www.bolognaberlin2003.de/pdf/Results_copenhagen.pdf , 14­15 , 2003 The Bologna Process Conference on Master-level Degrees Helsinki, Finland March 14­15, 2003 http://www.bologna-berlin2003.de/pdf/Results.pdf ­ , 11­12 2003 Bologna Seminar «Integrated curricula ­ Implications and Prospects» Mantova, 11­12 April 2003 http://www.bolognaberlin2003.de/pdf/Mantova_Results.pdf , 5­7 2003 Bologna seminar on Recognition and credit systems in the context of lifelong learning Praha, June 5­7, 2003 Report by the general rapporteur Sjur Bergan, Council of Europe http://www.bolognaberlin2003.de/pdf/report_SjurBergan.pdf III. ­ : . , . ( III ­ 2003) Trends 2003 Progress towards the European Higher Education Area Bologna four years after: Steps toward sustainable reform of higher education in Europe S. Reichert, C. Tauch (EUA TRENDS III, July 2003) http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/bolog na/documents/EUA_Trends_Reports/



: ( ) / . . - . , .. . ­ .: , , 2004. ­ . 372­377.



: ( ) / . . - . , .. . ­ .: , , 2004. ­ . 383­397.


: ( ) / . . - . , .. . ­ .: , , 2004. ­ . 22­234.



2 TRENDS_III-July2003.pdf



, ( , 19 2003 .) Realising the European Higher Education Area CommuniquÈ of the Conference of Ministers responsible for Higher Education in Berlin on 19 September 2003 http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/bologna/documents/MDC/Berlin_Communique1.pdf 2004 ­ , 6­7 2004 Bologna Seminar «Joint Degrees ­ Further Development» Stockholm, May 6­7, 2004 http://www.bologna-bergen2005.no /EN/Bol_sem/Seminars/040506Stockholm/04050607_Recommendations.pdf , 4­5 2004 International seminar Bologna and the challenges of e-learning and distance education: The contribution of non-classical learning and teaching forms to the emerging European higher education area Ghent, 4­5 June 2004 http://www.bologna-bergen2005.no/EN/ Bol_sem/Seminars/040604Ghent/040605_Recomme ndations.pdf , 1­2 2004 UK Bologna seminar: Using learning outcomes Edinburgh, 1­2 July 2004 http://www.bologna-bergen2005.no/EN/Bol_ sem/Seminars/040701-02Edinburgh/040701-02Points_for_consideration.pdf

: ( ) / . . - . , .. . ­ .: , , 2004. . 396­ 409. http://rc.edu.ru/rc/bologna/documents/Ko nf-min-VO.pdf


: / . . - . , .. . ­ .: , , 2005. . 60­61. : / . . - . , .. . ­ .: , , 2005. . 183­184



: / . . - . , .. . ­ .: , , 2005. . 104­109.


1 24






2 , 24 2004 International Conference «Public Responsibility for Higher Education and Research» Strasbourg, 23-24 September, 2004 http://www.bologna-bergen2005.no/EN/Bol_ sem/Seminars/040923-24Strasbourg/04092324_Recommendations.pdf , , 10­12 2004 . EU/Bologna Conference `Designing policies for mobile students' Noordwijk, 10-12 October 2004 http://www.bologna-bergen2005.no/EN/Bol_ sem/Seminars/041010-12Noordwijk/041011_ conclusions.pdf /, 21­23 2004 The official Bologna Seminar on Employability in the context of the Bologna process Bled/Slovenia, 21st­23rd of October 2004 http://www.bologna-bergen2005.no/EN/Bol_ sem/Seminars/04102223Bled/041023Conclusions.pdf , , 4­6 2004 International Conference New Generations of Policy Documents and Laws for Higher Education: Their Thrust in the Context of the Bologna Process Warsaw, 4­6 November 2004 http://www.bolognabergen2005.no/EN/Bol_sem/Seminars/04110406Warsaw/041104-06_Report.pdf : ? -, 25­26 2004 Bologna Seminar «Bachelor's Degree: What is it» St. Petersburg, Russia, 25­26 November 2004 http://www.bologna-bergen2005.no/EN/Bol_ sem/Seminars/041125-26St-Petersburg/04112526_Recommendations.pdf , 3­4 2004 Bologna Seminar on Recognition

3 : / . . - . , .. . ­ .: , , 2005. . 190­ 193.

: / . . - . , .. . ­ .: , , 2005. . 193­196.

: / . . - . , .. . ­ .: , , 2005. . 196­198.

: / . . - . , .. . ­ .: , , 2005. . 15­22.

: / . . - . , .. . ­ .: , , 2005. . 23. : / . . - . , .. . ­ .: , , 2005. .








2 Improving the recognition system of degrees and study credit points in the European Higher Education Area Riga, 3­4th December 2004 http://www.bologna-bergen2005.no/EN/Bol_ sem/Seminars/041203-04Riga/04120304_Riga_Recommendations.pdf 2005 , 13­14 2005 Bologna seminar on Qualifications Frameworks, Copenhagen, January 13­14, 2005 http://www.bologna-bergen2005.no/EN/ Bol_sem/Seminars/050113-14Copenhagen/ 050113-14_Recommendations.pdf , , 27­28 2005 Bologna seminar The social dimension of the European higher education area and world-wide competition Sorbonne, Paris, January 27­28, 2005 http://www.bologna-bergen2005.no/EN/Bol_ sem/Seminars/050127-28Sorbonne/050127-28-RecEN.pdf , 3­5 2005 Bologna Seminar on «Doctoral Programmes for the European Knowledge Society» Salzburg, 3­5 February 2005 http://www.bologna-bergen2005.no/EN/ Bol_sem/Seminars/050203-05Salzburg/05020305_Conclusions.pdf / , 14­16 2005 Bologna Seminar on "Cooperation between accreditation committees/agencies", Warsaw, 14­16 February 2005 http://www.bologna-bergen2005.no/EN/Bol_ sem/Seminars/050214-16Warsaw/05021416_Recommendations.pdf 2010 , 17­18 2005 Bologna Seminar on «Student Mobility in the European Higher Education Area 2010» Bad Honnef, 17­18 March 2005 http://www.bologna-bergen2005.no/EN/Bol_

3 24­26.

: / . . - . , .. . ­ .: , , 2005. . 27­29. : / . . - . , .. . ­ .: , , 2005. . 30­33.

: / . . - . , .. . ­ .: , , 2005. . 34­37.

: / . . - . , .. . ­ .: , , 2005. ­ . 63

: / . . - . , .. . ­ .: , , 2005. . 64­66.


1 35





2 sem/Other_sem/050317-18Bonn/05031718_Conclusions.PDF IV: , ( IV ­ 2005) Trends IV: European Universities Implementing Bologna S. Reichert, C. Tauch (EUA TRENDS IV) http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/bolog na/documents/EUA_Trends_Reports/ EUA_TrendsIV-April2005.pdf ­ , ( , 20 2005 .) The European Higher Education Area - Achieving the Goals CommuniquÈ of the Conference of European Ministers Responsible for Higher Education, Bergen, 19­ 20 May 2005 http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/bologna/documents/MDC/050520_Bergen_ Communique1.pdf 2006 : ? ,1­2 2006 International Conference A researchers' labour market: Europe a pole of attraction? The European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for their Recruitment as a driving force for enhancing career prospects Vienna, 1­2 June 2006 http://www.dcsf.gov.uk/londonbologna/uploads/docu ments/AustrianDoctoralSeminarMainOutcomes.pdf 11 2005 . «Empfehlungen der Kommission» vom 11 MÄrz ´ 2005 Ýber die EuropÄische Charta fÝr Forscher und einen Verhaltenskodex fÝr die Einstellung von Forschern. (2005/251/EG) europa.eu/eracareers/pdf/eur_21620_de-en.pdf :

3 : / . . - . , .. . ­ .: , , 2005. . 73­165.

: / . . - . , .. . ­ .: , , 2005. . 166­171. http://rc.edu.ru/rc/bologna/documents/ko mm_bergen.pdf

« » « (2006­2008)» ., 2006. . 232­234.

« » « (2006­2008)». ­ ., 2006. ­ . 222­232. : / . . - . , .. . ­ .:








2 , 24­26 2006 Bologna seminar Putting European Higher Education Area on the Map: Developing Strategies for Attractiveness Athens, 24­26 June 2006 http://www.dcsf.gov.uk/londonbologna/uploads/docu ments/OfficialBolognaSeminarAthens FinalReport.doc , 12­14 2006 Bologna Seminar on Enhancing Graduate Employability, Swansea, 12­14 July, 2006 http://www.bolognaconference.swansea.ac.uk/recom mendations.html , 12­14 2006 Bologna Seminar on Enhancing Graduate Employability, Swansea, 12­14 July, 2006 http://www.bolognaconference.swansea.ac.uk/propos als.html ­ ? , 21­22 2006 Bologna Seminar Joint Degree ­ A Hallmark of the European Higher Education Area? Berlin, 21 ­ 22 September 2006 http://www.dcsf.gov.uk/londonbologna/uploads/docu ments/Kurzversion_BFUG.pdf ! , 28­29 2006 Bologna Seminar «Looking out! Bologna in a global setting» The external dimension of the Bologna Process Oslo, 28­29 September 2006 http://www.bolognaoslo.com , 30 ­ 1 2006 Bologna seminar The Cultural Heritage and Academic Values of the European University and the Attractiveness of the

3 , , 2007. . 33­35.

: / . . - . , .. . ­ .: , , 2007. . 36­38.

: / . . - . , .. . ­ .: , , 2007. . 39­45.

: / . . - . , .. . ­ .: , , 2007. . 46­51.

: / . . - . , .. . ­ .: , , 2007. . 27­32.



2 Higher Education Area Vatican City, 30 March ­ 1 April 2006 http://www.dcsf.gov.uk/londonbologna/uploads/docu ments/HolySeeSeminarreport-BFUG-7-XII-06.doc






, 7­9 2006 Bologna Seminar on Doctoral Programmes "Matching Ambition with Responsibilities and Resources" Nice, 7­9 December 2006 http://www.dcsf.gov.uk/londonbologna/uploads/docu ments/NICE_ConclusionsRecommendations_Final_9 Jan07.doc 2007 ­ , 8­9 2007 Bologna Process Official Seminar Making Bologna Reality ­ Mobility of Staff and Students London, 8­9 February 2007 http://data.eiie.org/docs/1/FOEJDDMABKHLJDCMDDJEHLEL PDB39DBD2G9DW3571KM/education/docs/DLS/2 007-00059-01-E.pdf V: . , . , . ( V ­ 2007) Trends V: Universities shaping the European Higher Education Area D. Crosier, L. Purser, H. Smidt (EUA TRENDS V) http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/bologna/documents/EUA_Trends_Reports/ Final_Trends_Report_V_May.pdf : ( , 18 2007 .) Towards the European Higher Education Area: responding to challenges in a globalise world ´d London CommuniquÈ, 18 May 2007 http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/bolog na/documents/MDC/London-CommuniquÈ18May2007.pdf

: / . . - . , .. . ­ .: , , 2007. . 52­59.

: / . . - . , .. . ­ .: , , 2007. . 74­78.

: / . . - . , .. . ­ .: , , 2007. . 79­162.

: / . . - . , .. . ­ .: , , 2007. . 194­203.


1 49

2 , 11­12 2007 Bologna Seminar Council of Europe Higher Education Forum on Qualifications Frameworks RECOMMENDATIONS Strasbourg, 11­12 October 2007 http://www.coe.int/t/dg4/highereducation/QF/Recom mendations_QF_Stras1007_EN.pdf 2008 ­ , 21­22 2008 Bologna Seminar: Learning Outcomes Based Higher Education ­ The Scottish Experience Edinburgh, 21­22 February 2008 http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/bolog na/BolognaSeminars/documents/Edinburgh/Edinburg h_Feb08_Final_Conclusions_and_Recommendations .pdf ­ , 21­22 2008 Bologna Seminar: Learning Outcomes Based Higher Education ­ The Scottish Experience Edinburgh, 21­22 February 2008 : . http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/bologn a/BolognaSeminars/documents/Edinburgh , 10­11 2008 Bologna Seminar: Presidency conference «Universities and Lifelong Learning» Brdo, 10­11 March 2008 http://www.mvzt.gov.si/en/eu_higher_education/conf erence_lll/ , , 10­11 2008 Bologna Seminar: Presidency conference «Universities and Lifelong Learning» Brdo Congress Centre, 10­11 March 2008 -

3 : 2007­2009 . / -- / . . - . , .. ­ .: , 2009. . 40­43.


: 2007­ 2009 . / -- / . . - . , .. ­ .: , 2009. . 44­46.


: (- 1) / . . - . , .. ­ .: , 2009. . 298­325.


: 2007­ 2009 . / -- / . . - . , .. ­ .: , 2009. . 47­58.


: 2007­ 2009 . -- / . . - . , .. ­ .: , , 2009. . 47­58.



2 http://www.mvzt.gov.si/en/arhiv_predsedovanja_mvz t_svetu_eu/eu_higher_education/conference_lll/






ECTS , 17­18 2008 Bologna Seminar ECTS Based on Learning Outcomes and Student Workload Moscow, 17­18 April 2008 http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/bologna/BolognaSeminars/documents/Moscow_April2008_conclusions_final.pdf : ­ , 18­20 2008 Bologna Seminar Bologna 2020: Unlocking Europe's potential - Contributing to a better world Ghent, 18­20 May, 2008 http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/bologna/BolognaSeminars/documents/Ghent/ Kwiek_generalreport_tentativerecommendations.ppt ­ . -, (IAU) Bologna Policy Forum 2009 The Bologna Process ­ reflections from the international HEI perspective. Eva Egron-Polak, Secretary General, International Association of Universities (IAU) http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/bologna/BolognaSeminars/documents/Ghent/ Kwiek_generalreport_tentativerecommendations.ppt : ? , 29­30 2008 Bologna Conference on student mobility Fostering student mobility: next Steps? Involving the stakeholders for an improved mobility inside the EHEA Brussels, 29­30 May 2008

: 2007­ 2009 . / -- / . . - . , .. ­ .: , 2009. . 59­60.

: 2007­ 2009 . / -- / . . - . , .. . ­ .: , 2009. . 61­66.

: 2007­ 2009 . / -- / . . - . , .. . ­ .: , 2009. . 67­79.

: 2007­ 2009 . / -- / . . - . , .. . ­ .: , 2009. . 80­85.



2 http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/bolog na/BolognaSeminars/documents/Brussels/Mobility_S eminar_Brussels_conclusions_recommendations.pdf : ? , 29­30 2008 Bologna Conference on student mobility Fostering student mobility: next Steps? Involving the stakeholders for an improved mobility inside the EHEA Brussels, 29­30 May 2008 http://www.enseignement.be/index.php?page=25293 &navi=2561 ECTS , 19­20 2008 Bologna Seminar Development of a Common Understanding of Learning Outcomes and ECTS Porto, Portugal, 19­20 June 2008 http://portobologna.up.pt/documents.php : 30 ­ 1 2008 Bologna Seminar 3rd cycle degrees: competences and researcher career Helsinki, 30 September ­ 1 October 2008 Outcomes of the seminar and future steps perceived Robert Wagenaar http://www.minedu.fi/export/sites/default/OPM/Tapa htumakalenteri/2008/09/Liitteet/Wagenaar.pdf «! ­ ?» , 6­7 2008 Bologna Seminar `Let's Go! ­ Where To Now?' Lille, 6­7 October 2008 http://data.ei-ie.org/docs/4/PDMPHONBHPNIFIMDHDADPLNNPDBW9DBYWG9DW357 1KM/education/docs/DLS/2008-00219-01-E.pdf ­ , 4­5 2008



: 2007­ 2009 . / -- / . . - . , .. . ­ .: , 2009. . 85­88.


: 2007­ 2009 . / -- / . . - . , .. . ­ .: , 2009. . 93­101 : 2007­ 2009 . / -- / . . - . , .. . ­ .: , 2009. ­ . 106­108.




: 2007­ 2009 . / -- / . . - . , .. . ­ .: , 2009. . 109­114. : 2007­ 2009 . / -- / . . - . , .. . ­ .:







2 Bologna Seminar Europe, an Area of Student Mobility Comments of the Rapporteur General, Guy HAUG http://www.ue2008.fr/webdav/site/PFUE/shared/imp ort/1104_espace_de_mobilite_a_renforcer_compte_r endu/Espace_mobilite_a_renforcer_HAUG_Guy_syn these_EN.pdf : Official Bologna Seminar «Employability: the Employers' Perspective and its Implications» , 6­7 2008 (FranÃois Biltgen), , http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/bolog na/BolognaSeminars/documents/Luxembourg/Plenar y1_MinisterBiltgen.pdf , ­ ? ( ) , 10­11 2008 Official Bologna Process Seminar on Social Dimension «Equality in a Knowledge-based Society - How to Widen Opportunities?» (Best Practices in National Action Plans) http://www.okm.gov.hu/main.php?folderID=2183 : , 27­28 2008 Bologna Seminar «Aligning National against European Qualification Frameworks: the principles of self certification» http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/bolog na/BolognaSeminars/documents/Tbilisi/Tbilisi_repor t_VeraStastna.pdf : Bologna Seminar «Aligning National against European Qualification Frameworks: the principles of self certification» , 27­28 2008 http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/bologn

3 , 2009. . 115­119.

: 2007­ 2009 . / -- / . . - . , .. . ­ .: , 2009. . 120­123.

: 2007­ 2009 . / -- / . . - . , .. . ­ .: , 2009. . 124­127.

: 2007­ 2009 . / -- / . . - . , .. . ­ .: , 2009. . 128­157.

: 2007­ 2009 . / -- / . . - . , .. ­ .: , 2009. ­ . 128­157.


1 67


2 a/BolognaSeminars/documents/Tbilisi/Tbilisi10_Concl usions_and_Recommendations.ppt : , 1­2 2008 Quality Assurance in Transnational Higher Education: From Words to Action London, 1­2 December 2008 http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/bolog na/BolognaSeminars/documents/London/Recommendations_QA_of_TNE_Seminar191208.pdf , , 11­12 2008 t Bologna-Seminar Recognition of prior learning, Quality Assurance and the Implementation of Procedures (Micheline Scheys) http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/bologn a/BolognaSeminars/Amsterdam2008.htm 2009 2009 Statement by the Bologna Policy Forum 2009 http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/bolog na/forum/Bologna_Policy_Forum_Statement_29April2009.pdf 2020 , ( ) --, 28­29 2009 CommuniquÈ of the Conference of European Ministers Responsible for Higher Education, Leuven and Louvain-la-Neuve, 28­29 April 2009 http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/bologna/conference/documents/Leuven_ Louvain-la-Neuve_CommuniquÈ_April_2009.pdf

3 : 2007­ 2009 . / -- / . . - . , .. . ­ .: , 2009. . 158­162.

: 2007­ 2009 . / -- / . . - . , .. . ­ .: , 2009. . 163­166.



: 2007­ 2009 . / -- / . . - . , .. . ­ .: , 2009. . 295­296. : 2007­ 2009 . / -- / . . - . , .. . ­ .: , 2009. . 167­174.



1 1


1997­2009 .



2 1997 , ( , 1997 .) Convention on the recognition of qualifications concerning higher education in the European region, Lisbon, 11 April 1997 http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/b ologna/documents/LRC/Lisbon_Recognition_Convention.pdf 1998 ( , 1998 .) Joint declaration on harmonisation of the architecture of the European higher education system (Sorbonne Joint Declaration) http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/ bologna/documents/declarations_communiques.ht m

, 3 / / (ECTS) / , / /, / /


1999 , , ( I ­ 1999) Trends in Learning Structures in Higher Education Inge Knudsen, Guy Haug, Jette Kirstein



2 (EUA TRENDS I, June 1999 ) http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/ bologna/documents/EUA_Trends_Reports/TREND S_I-June1999.pdf . , ( , 19 1999 .) The European higher education area Joint Declaration of the European Ministers of Education (The Bologna Declaration of 19 June 1999) http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/ bologna/documents/MDC/BOLOGNA_DECLARA TION1.pdf 2001 : , ( II ­ 2001) Towards the European higher education area: survey of main reforms from Bologna to Prague Summary and conclusions Guy HAUG and Christian TAUCH (EUA TRENDS II, April 2001), http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/ bologna/documents/EUA_Trends_Reports/TREND S_II-April2001.pdf , , , 16­17 2001 Bologna Seminar on Bachelor-level Degrees Helsinki, February 16-17, 2001 http://www.bmwf.gv.at/fileadmin/user_upload/ europa/bologna/seminar_bachelor_degrees.pdf


3 (ECTS) / , / / / / /



(ECTS) / , /




3 /


, ( , 19 2001 .) Towards the uropean higher education area CommuniquÈ of the meeting of European Ministers in charge of Higher Education in Prague on May 19th 2001 http://www.bologna-bergen2005.no/Docs/00Main_doc/010519PRAGUE_COMMUNIQUE .PDF

/ / (ENQA) (ECTS) / , / /


? , 8­9 2001 . Towards Accreditation Schemes for Higher Education in Europe? Lisbon. 8­9 February 2001 http://www.aic.lv/rec/Eng/new_d_en/bologna/a ccred.html


/ / / () / - - (ENQA) , 2­3 2001 . The recognition of Transnational Education qualifications / MalmÆ ­ 2­3 March 2001 http://www.aic.lv/rec/Eng/new_d_en/bologna/ , Malm_ch.html / -




3 / 2002 / (ECTS) / , / / / / / (ENQA) E (ECTS) , /


, 12­13 2002 Towards shared descriptors for Bachelors and Masters Amsterdam, March 12­13, 2002 http://www.bologna-berlin2003.de/en/ bologna_seminars/bachelors_and_ masters.htm


, 11­12 2002 Recognition issues in the Bologna Process International seminar, Lisbon, 11­12 April 2002 http://www.bolognaberlin2003.de/en/bologna_seminars/index.htm , 31 2002 Bologna Seminar on Joint Degrees within the framework of the Bologna Process Stockholm, May 31 2002 http://www.bolognaberlin2003.de/pdf/Stockholm_results.pdf



1 13

2 EUA ­ , 11­12 2002 Credit Transfer and Accumulation ­ the Challenge for Institutions and Students EUA/Swiss Confederation Conference Zurich, 11/12 October 2002 http://www.bolognaberlin2003.de/pdf/Tagung%20Zuerich.pdf

3 / / / (ECTS) / , / / /



/ / / (ENQA) (ECTS) / , / / - , 27­28 2003 / Bologna seminar on qualification structures in / higher education in Europe Copenhagen, 27­28 March 2003 http://www.bologna-berlin2003.de/pdf/ -

2003 , 19­20 2003 Bologna follow-up seminar «Exploring the social dimensions of the European higher education area» Athens, Greece, 19­20 February 2003 http://www.bolognaberlin2003.de/pdf/Conclusions2.pdf



2 Results_copenhagen.pdf


, 14­15 , 2003 The Bologna Process Conference on Master-level Degrees Helsinki, Finland March 14­15, 2003 http://www.bolognaberlin2003.de/pdf/Results.pdf


­ , 11­12 2003 Bologna Seminar «Integrated curricula ­ Implications and Prospects» Mantova, 11­12 April 2003 http://www.bologna-berlin2003. de/pdf/Mantova_Results.pdf

3 (ECTS) () / / / / / / (ECTS) / , / / / / / (ECTS) / ,





, 5­7 2003 Bologna seminar on Recognition and credit systems in the context of lifelong learning Praha, June 5­7, 2003 Report by the general rapporteur Sjur Bergan, Council of Europe http://www.bolognaberlin2003.de/pdf/report_SjurBergan.pdf


2003 ­ : . , . ( III ­ 2003) Trends 2003 Progress towards the European Higher Education Area Bologna four years after: Steps toward sustainable reform of higher education in Europe S. Reichert, C. Tauch

3 / / / / / () / (ECTS) / / / / / /, / / / /



2 (EUA TRENDS III, July 2003) http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/ bologna/documents/EUA_Trends_Reports/TREND S_III-July2003.pdf


, ( , 19 2003 .) Realising the European Higher Education Area CommuniquÈ of the Conference of Ministers responsible for Higher Education in Berlin on 19 September 2003 http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/ bologna/documents/MDC/Berlin_Communique1.p df

3 (ENQA) (ECTS) / , / / / / / / (ECTS) / , /




3 / / (ECTS) / / / (ECTS) , /


2004 ­ , 6­7 2004 Bologna Seminar «Joint Degrees ­ Further Development» Stockholm, May 6­7, 2004 http://www.bologna-bergen2005.no/EN/ Bol_sem/Seminars/040506Stockholm/04050607_Recommendations.pdf , 4­5 2004 International seminar Bologna and the challenges of e-learning and distance education: The contribution of non-classical learning and teaching forms to the emerging European higher education area Ghent, 4­5 June 2004 http://www.bologna-bergen2005.no/EN/ Bol_sem/Seminars/040604Ghent/040605_Reco mmendations.pdf



/ / , 1­2 2004 UK Bologna seminar: Using learning out- comes Edinburgh, 1­2 July 2004 http://www.bologna-bergen2005.no/EN/ Bol_sem/Seminars/040701-02Edinburgh/ 040701-02-Points_for_consideration.pdf (ECTS) , / / -



2 /



, 24 2004 International Conference «Public Responsibility for Higher Education and Research» Strasbourg, 23­24 September, 2004 http://www.bologna-bergen2005.no/EN/ Bol_sem/Seminars/040923-24Strasbourg/040923-24_Recommendations.pdf


, , 10­12 2004 EU/Bologna Conference `Designing policies for mobile students' Noordwijk, 10­12 October 2004 http://www.bologna-bergen2005.no/EN/ Bol_sem/Seminars/041010-12Noordwijk/041011_conclusions.pdf /, 21­23 2004 The official Bologna Seminar on Employability in the context of the Bologna process Bled/Slovenia, 21st­23rd of October 2004 http://www.bologna-bergen2005.no/EN/ Bol_sem/Seminars/041022-23Bled/ 041023Conclusions.pdf


/ (ECTS) , / / , (ECTS) / / / , / /


1 27

2 , , 4­6 2004 International Conference New Generations of Policy Documents and Laws for Higher Education: Their Thrust in the Context of the Bologna Process Warsaw, 4­6 November 2004 http://www.bologna-bergen2005.no/EN/ Bol_sem/Seminars/041104-06Warsaw/041104-06_Report.pdf


: ? -, 25­26 2004 Bologna Seminar "Bachelor's Degree: What is it?" St. Petersburg, Russia, 25­26 November 2004 http://www.bologna-bergen2005.no/EN/ Bol_sem/Seminars/041125-26St-Petersburg/041125-26_Recommendations.pdf , 3­4 2004 Bologna Seminar on Recognition Improving the recognition system of degrees and study credit points in the European Higher Education Area Riga, 3­4th December 2004 http://www.bologna-bergen2005.no/EN/ Bol_sem/Seminars/041203-04Riga/ 041203-04_Riga_Recommendations.pdf 2005 , 13­14 2005 Bologna seminar on Qualifications Frameworks, Copenhagen, January 13­14, 2005 http://www.bologna-bergen2005.no/EN/ Bol_sem/Seminars/050113-14Copenhagen/050113-14_Recommendations.pdf


3 / / (ECTS) / , / / / / , / /






3 /





/ / , / - / , 14­16 2005 Bologna Seminar on "Cooperation between accreditation committees/agencies", Warsaw, 14­16 February 2005 http://www.bologna-bergen2005.no/EN/ Bol_sem/Seminars/050214-16Warsaw/ 050214-16_Recommendations.pdf / 2010 / , 17­18 2005 Bologna Seminar on «Student Mobility in the European Higher Education Area 2010» Bad Honnef, 17­18 March 2005 http://www.bologna-bergen2005.no/EN/ / Bol_sem/Other_sem/050317-18Bonn/ , 050317-18_Conclusions.PDF /

, , 27­28 2005 Bologna seminar The social dimension of the European higher education area and world-wide competition Sorbonne, Paris, January 27­28, 2005 http://www.bologna-bergen2005.no/EN/ Bol_sem/Seminars/050127-28Sorbonne/050127-28-Rec-EN.pdf , 3­5 2005 Bologna Seminar on «Doctoral Programmes for the European Knowledge Society» Salzburg, 3­5 February 2005 http://www.bologna-bergen2005.no/EN/ Bol_sem/Seminars/050203-05Salzburg/050203-05_Conclusions.pdf

, / /






IV: , ( IV ­ 2005) Trends IV: European Universities Implementing Bologna S. Reichert, C. Tauch (EUA TRENDS IV) http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/ bologna/documents/EUA_Trends_Reports/EUA_T rendsIV-April2005.pdf

/, / / / / / (ECTS) / , / / / -





­ , ( , 20 2005 .) The European Higher Education Area Achieving the Goals CommuniquÈ of the Conference of European Ministers Responsible for Higher Education, Bergen, 19­20 May 2005 http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/ bologna/documents/MDC/050520_Bergen_Commu nique1.pdf

3 / / / / / (ENQA) (ECTS) / , / / / / / / ,


2006 : ? , 1­2 2006 International Conference A researchers' labour market: Europe a pole of attraction? The European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for their Recruitment as a driving force for enhancing career prospects Vienna, 1­2 June 2006 http://www.dcsf.gov.uk/londonbologna/upload


1 38


2 s/documents/AustrianDoctoralSeminarMainOu tcomes.pdf 11 2005 . Empfehlungen der Kommission vom 11 MÄrz 2005 Ýber die EuropÄische Charta fÝr Forscher und einen Verhaltenskodex fÝr die Einstellung von Forschern. (2005/251/EG) europa.eu/eracareers/pdf/eur_21620_de-en.pdf : , 24­26 2006 Bologna seminar Putting European Higher Education Area on the Map: Developing Strategies for Attractiveness Athens, 24­26 June 2006 http://www.dcsf.gov.uk/londonbologna/upload s/documents/OfficialBolognaSeminarAthensFi nalReport.doc , 12­14 2006 Bologna Seminar on Enhancing Graduate Employability, Swansea, 12­14 July, 2006 http://www.bolognaconference.swansea.ac.uk/r ecommendations.html , 12­14 2006 Bologna Seminar on Enhancing Graduate Employability, Swansea, 12­14 July, 2006 http://www.bolognaconference.swansea.ac.uk/ proposals.html




/ / (ECTS) , / / / / , / / / (ECTS) , / /


1 42

2 ­ ? , 21­22 2006 Bologna Seminar Joint Degree ­ A Hallmark of the European Higher Education Area? Berlin, 21­22 September 2006 http://www.dcsf.gov.uk/londonbologna/uploads/ documents/Kurzversion_BFUG.pdf


! , 28­29 2006 Bologna Seminar "Looking out! Bologna in a global setting" The external dimension of the Bologna Process Oslo, 28­29 September 2006 http://www.bolognaoslo.com


, 30 ­ 1 2006 Bologna seminar The Cultural Heritage and Academic Values of the European University and the Attractiveness of the Higher Education Area Vatican City, 30 March ­ 1 April 2006 http://www.dcsf.gov.uk/londonbologna/upload s/documents/HolySeeSeminarreport-BFUG-7XII-06.doc

3 / / (ENQA) (ECTS) , / / / / (ECTS) , / / / / /


1 45

2 , 7­9 2006 Bologna Seminar on Doctoral Programmes «Matching Ambition with Responsibilities and Resources» Nice, 7­9 December 2006 http://www.dcsf.gov.uk/londonbologna/upload s/documents/NICE_ConclusionsRecommendat ions_Final_9Jan07.doc

3 / / / / , / / / / / / (ECTS) , / / - /


2007 ­ , 8­9 2007 Bologna Process Official Seminar Making Bologna Reality ­ Mobility of Staff and Students London, 8­9 February 2007 http://data.eiie.org/docs/1/FOEJDDMABKHLJDCMDDJE HLELPDB39DBD2G9DW3571KM/education /docs/DLS/2007-00059-01-E.pdf


V: -



2 ., . , . ( V ­ 2007) Trends V: Universities shaping the European Higher Education Area D. Crosier, L. Purser, H. Smidt (EUA TRENDS V) http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/b ologna/documents/EUA_Trends_Reports/Final_Tr ends_Report_V_May.pdf


: ( , 18 2007 .) Towards the European Higher Education Area: responding to challenges in a globalised world London CommuniquÈ, 18 May 2007 http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/ bologna/documents/MDC/LondonCommuniquÈ-18May2007.pdf

3 / / / (ECTS) / , / / / / / / / / (ENQA)





3 (ECTS) / , / / / / / / / , 11­12 2007 Bologna Seminar Council of Europe Higher Education Forum on Qualifications Frameworks RECOMMENDATIONS (ECTS) Strasbourg, 11­12 October 2007 http://www.coe.int/t/dg4/highereducation/QF/ Recommendations_QF_Stras1007_EN.pdf / , / / / 2008 / / ­ , 21­22 2008 Bologna Seminar: Learning Outcomes Based Higher Education ­ The Scottish Experience Edinburgh, 21­22 February 2008




2 http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/ bologna/BolognaSeminars/documents/Edinbur gh/Edinburgh_Feb08_Final_Conclusions_and_ Recommendations.pdf



­ , 21­22 2008 Bologna Seminar: Learning Outcomes Based Higher Education ­ The Scottish Experience Edinburgh, 21­22 February 2008 : . http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/ bologna/BolognaSeminars/documents/Edinbur gh , 10­11 2008 Bologna Seminar: Presidency conference «Universities and Lifelong Learning» Brdo, 10­11 March 2008 http://www.mvzt.gov.si/en/eu_higher_educatio n/conference_lll/

3 (ECTS) / , / / / / () . / /

/ / () /


1 53

2 , , 10­11 2008 Bologna Seminar: Presidency conference «Universities and Lifelong Learning» Brdo Congress Centre, 10­11 March 2008 http://www.mvzt.gov.si/en/arhiv_predsedovanj a_mvzt_svetu_eu/eu_higher_education/confere nce_lll/ ECTS , 17­18 2008 Bologna Seminar ECTS Based on Learning Outcomes and Student Workload Moscow, 17­18 April 2008 http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/b ologna/BolognaSeminars/documents/Moscow_Apr il2008_conclusions_final.pdf



: ­ , 18­20 2008 Bologna Seminar Bologna 2020: Unlocking Europe's potential Contributing to a better world Ghent, 18­20 May, 2008 http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/ bologna/BolognaSeminars/documents/Ghent/Kwie k_generalreport_tentativerecommendations.ppt

3 / , / / / / / / (ECTS) / , / / / / / / /


1 56

2 ­ . -, (IAU) Bologna Policy Forum 2009 The Bologna Process ­ reflections from the international HEI perspective. Eva Egron-Polak, Secretary General, International Association of Universities (IAU) http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/ bologna/BolognaSeminars/documents/Ghent



: ? , 29­30 2008 Bologna Conference on student mobility Fostering student mobility: next Steps? Involving the stakeholders for an improved mobility inside the EHEA Brussels, 29­30 May 2008 http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/ bologna/BolognaSeminars/documents/Brussels /Mobility_Seminar_Brussels_conclusions_reco mmendations.pdf : ? , 29­30 2008 Bologna Conference on student mobility Fostering student mobility: next Steps? Involving the stakeholders for an improved mobility inside the EHEA Brussels, 29­30 May 2008 http://www.enseignement.be/index.php?page= 25293&navi=2561

3 / / , / / (ECTS) / , / / / () / ,

/ / () , /


1 59

2 ECTS , 19­20 2008 Bologna Seminar Development of a Common Understanding of Learning Outcomes and ECTS Porto, Portugal, 19-20 June 2008 http://portobologna.up.pt/documents.php


: 30 ­ 1 2008 Bologna Seminar 3rd cycle degrees: competences and researcher career Helsinki, 30 September ­ 1 October 2008 Outcomes of the seminar and future steps perceived Robert Wagenaar http://www.minedu.fi/export/sites/default/OP M/Tapahtumakalenteri/2008/09/Liitteet/Wagen aar.pdf


«! ­ ?» , 6-7 2008 Bologna Seminar «Let's Go! ­ Where To Now?» Lille, 6­7 October 2008 http://data.ei-ie.org/docs/4/PDMPHONBHPNIFIMDHDADPLNNPDBW9DBYWG

3 / / / (ENQA) / / / / / , / / / / / ,



2 9DW3571KM/education/docs/DLS/200800219-01-E.pdf



­ , 4­5 2008 Bologna Seminar Europe, an Area of Student Mobility Comments of the Rapporteur General, Guy HAUG http://www.ue2008.fr/webdav/site/PFUE/share d/import/1104_espace_de_mobilite_a_renforce r_compte_rendu/Espace_mobilite_a_renforcer _HAUG_Guy_synthese_EN.pdf



: Official Bologna Seminar «Employability: the Employers' Perspective and its Implications» 6­7 2008, (FranÃois Biltgen), , http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/bo logna/BolognaSeminars/documents/Luxembourg /Plenary1_MinisterBiltgen.pdf , ­ ? ( ) , 10­11 2008 Official Bologna Process Seminar on Social Dimension «Equality in a Knowledge-based Society How to Widen Opportunities?» (Best Practices in National Action Plans) http://www.okm.gov.hu/main.php?folderID=2 183 : , 27­28 2008


/ / / / , / / / / / / , / / / /



2 Bologna Seminar «Aligning National against European Qualification Frameworks: the principles of self certification» http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/ bologna/BolognaSeminars/documents/Tbilisi/T bilisi_report_VeraStastna.pdf


: Bologna Seminar «Aligning National against European Qualification Frameworks: the principles of self certification» , 27­28 2008 http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/ bologna/BolognaSeminars/documents/Tbilisi/T bilisi10_Conclusions_and_Recommendations. ppt

3 () / (ECTS) / , / / / / / / (ECTS) / , / /


1 67

2 : , 1­2 2008 Quality Assurance in Transnational Higher Education: From Words to Action London, 1­2 December 2008 http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/ bologna/BolognaSeminars/documents/London/Rec ommendations_QA_of_TNE_Seminar191208.pdf


3 / / (ENQA) / , - , 11­12 2008 t Bologna-Seminar Recognition of prior learning, Quality Assurance and the Implementation of Procedures (Micheline Scheys) http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/ bologna/BolognaSeminars/Amsterdam2008.ht m / / , / / / (ENQA) (ECTS) -



2009 2009 Statement by the Bologna Policy Forum 2009 http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/ bologna/forum/Bologna_Policy_Forum_Statement _29April2009.pdf 2020 , ( ) --, 28­29 2009 CommuniquÈ of the Conference of European Ministers Responsible for Higher Education, Leuven and Louvain-la-Neuve, 28­29 April 2009 http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/ bologna/conference/documents/Leuven_Louvainla-Neuve_CommuniquÈ_ April_2009.pdf




3 () , / / / / /



1 1 ( ) 2 / Academic autonomy Institutional autonomy University autonomy Academic freedom Academic capitalism Accreditation Graduate school / , Class hours, Contact hours Bachelor Bologna Declaration / / Bologna process/transformations / reforms , 3 1, 3, 5, 8,14, 17, 19, 24, 27. 35, 36, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48, 55, 56, 70

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

14, 15,19, 43, 44, 46, 48, 56, 70 55 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 19, 25, 27, 33, 35, 36, 47, 48, 62, 65 3, 35, 47, 59. 5, 56 3, 5, 19, 35 5, 6, 7, 10, 15, 16, 19, 47, 52, 63, 65 4, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 17, 27, 28, 34, 35, 36, 46, 70 5, 8, 11, 13, 14, 15,16, 20, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52, 54, 59, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 70 15, 19, 20, 23, 26, 27, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 66, 70 1-70 2, 3, 5, 35, 51, 65, 66 57 5, 10, 18, 19, 28, 35, 40, 41, 54, 59, 65, 66 3, 5, 13, 19, 35, 45, 47, 62 5, 9, 10, 16, 19, 20, 32, 35, 45, 47, 52 60, 62 2, 5, 12, 18, 19, 20, 32, 35, 45, 48, 60, 65

28, 35, 36, 18, 19,20, 47, 54, 65, 17, 32, 43, 56, 66, 18, 34, 45, 57, 67, 19, 35, 46, 58, 69,


11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Overarching Framework for Qualifications of the European Higher Education Area Higher education Harmonization Double Diploma / Descriptors \ Thesis/ Dissertation work Doctor Doctorate

30, 35, 36, 56, 59, 65,

3 , 1 2.


1 18 19

20 21 22

2 EUROPASS European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education 2004 .: - European Network for Quality Assurance in Higher Education ­ ENQA European Association of Institutions in Higher Education ­ EURASHE European University Association (EUA) European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)

3 30, 46, 65 5, 7, 9,12, 14, 19, 20, 36, 42, 48, 59, 67, 70

5, 7, 20, 29, 36, 48, 49, 59, 67, 70 7, 11, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 32, 35, 36, 37, 38, 42, 45, 49, 50, 54, 56, 60, 67, 70 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19,20,21, 22, 23, 30, 35, 36, 38, 39, 41, 42, 47, 48, 49, 50, 54, 56, 59, 70 5, 7, 19, 20, 36, 42, 45, 46, 49, 50, 61, 67 20, 29, 47, 48, 15, 25, 43, 65, 16, 27, 46, 66,


24 25 26

European Students' Union (ESU) 2007 .: National Unions of Students in Europe (ESIB) European dimension in higher education () European Research Area (ERA) () European Higher Education Area (EHEA)

47, 48,

27 28 29 30 31 32

Quality of higher education () . Bloom's classification / taxonomy Classification of higher education systems Competence-based approach Competence / Competency / / Credit Master , Mobility

5, 12, 13,2, 17, 19, 35, 47, 48 5, 7, 12,70 5, 17, 19, 20, 32, 35, 36, 37, 42, 45, 47, 48, 60 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15,16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 36, 37, 39, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 55, 56, 57, 58, 60-62, 64-67, 70 1-30, 32-44, 47-59, 60-67, 70 51 3, 51, 55 35 3, 5, 6, 19, 20, 50, 51, 2, 4, 5, 17, 18, 47, 48, 62, 65, 2, 5, 6, 45, 47, 2, 4, 5, 17, 19, 29, 31, 41, 42, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 26, 28, 35, 36, 42, 46, 48, 52, 53, 55, 60, 63, 65, 70 6, 7, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 27, 28, 34, 35, 36, 49, 50, 53, 54, 56, 57, 59, 66 7, 10, 16, 18, 19, 28, 35, 15, 52, 58, 62, 63 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50,

33 34


1 35 36 37 38 39

2 Module Modularization «Tuning Educational Structures in Europe» (TUNING) Lifelong Learning / Learning (study) program / curriculum

3 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 64, 65, 66, 69, 70 5, 7, 13, 17, 19, 20, 28, 30, 35, 41, 47, 48, 50, 54, 59, 62, 65, 66 6, 19, 35, 47 18, 19, 23, 35, 56, 59, 65, 66 2, 6, 13, 18, 19, 21, 22, 26, 27, 31, 35, 36, 41, 45, 47, 48, 49, 52, 53,54, 59, 62-66, 69, 70 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 29, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53, 54, 59, 60, 67, 70 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 15,16, 17, 18, 19,20,21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 33, 35, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 46, 47, 48, 50, 53,54, 59, 62, 65,66, 67, 70 1, 5, 6, 9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19,20,21, 22, 23, 27, 30, 35, 47, 48, 60, 65, 66, 70 5, 6, 7, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 26, 35, 37, 47, 63, 65, 70 5, 6, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 23, 24, 26, 29, 30, 35, 36, 42, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 54, 59, 60, 63, 65, 66, 70 55, 64 2, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19,20,21, 25, 27, 34, 35, 36, 42, 43, 45, 47, 60, 65, 66, 70 14, 18, 19, 20, 24, 45, 46, 47, 51, 55, 56, 58, 64, 70 5, 7, 12. 14, 18, 19 5, 7, 14, 18, 19, 20, 22, 29, 32, 35, 37, 39, 42, 43, 45, 47, 48, 61-64, 70 23, 35, 47, 48, 50, 51, 53, 54, 59, 60 5, 9, 18, 19, 24, 36, 43, 67 35, 47, 70 5, 9, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 35, 36, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 54, 59, 65, 70 5, 8,17, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 35, 36, 40, 41, 45, 47, 48, 49, 53, 59, 60, 63, 65, 66, 70 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, 16, 18, 29, 50, 14, 23, 38, 47, 6314, 23, 36, 49, 69, 18, 42, 20, 19, 41, 53,



41 42 43

Diploma Supplement Profile / Learning outcomes Ranking of higher education institutions Joint degree / Social dimension in higher education Strategy in higher education / Student-centered learning Transnational higher education / Three cycles' system / Workload Employability

44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53

18, 39, 48, 34, 53, 55,


1 University


3 19,20, 24, 32, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 51, 52, 53, 55, 59, 60-64, 67, 69, 70


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