Документ взят из кэша поисковой машины. Адрес оригинального документа : http://lav01.sinp.msu.ru/~igor/seminar/HiForest_04.03.2013_k.pdf
Дата изменения: Tue Mar 5 14:14:28 2013
Дата индексирования: Thu Feb 27 21:08:35 2014
HiForest ­ , .


. MIT. pPb, pp, PbPb .

Available trees in the HiForest : hiEvtAnalyzer/HiTree - Event property tree. Contains centrality variables, event plane, vertex position, run number, event number and lumi block information

anaTrack (mergedTrack, ppTrack)/trackTree ­ .

skimanalysis/HltTree - Skim tree which contains collision event selection, HCAL noise rejection selection, Spike removal selection bool variables.

rechitanalyzer/eb - ECAL Barrel rechit tree rechitanalyzer/hbhe - HCAL Barrel & Endcap rechit tree rechitanalyzer/hf - HF rechit tree rechitanalyzer/tower - CaloTower tree icPu5JetAnalyzer/t - Jet tree using ICPU5 algorithm. Calo jet with iterative cone subtraction.

akPu3PFJetAnalyzer/t - Jet tree using AKPU3PF algorithm. Particle Flow jet with iterative cone subtraction.

pfcandAnalyzer/pfTree - Particle Flow object tree. anaMET/metTree - Missing Et tree muonTree/HLTMuTree - Muon tree, contains global and standalone muons.

Pb-Pb (2.76 TeV): /eos/cms/store/group/phys_heavyions/icali/MinBias_Merged.root

( https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/CMS/HiForest#Data )

P-Pb (run 202792):

/afs/cern.ch/user/t/tuos/work/public/pPb/Data/ PAPhysics-pt01-full_WithCentrality.root ( https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/CMS/PPbCentralityAna , https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/CMS/HiForestPA2013 )

P-p (mainly run 161438):

MIT: /store/user/vzhukova/Forest/pp_merged_full.root

https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/CMS/HiForest https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/CMS/PPbCentralityAna https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/CMS/HiForestPA2013 https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/CMS/HiForestPA2012 https://ekondrat.web.cern.ch/ekondrat/hiforest_read_sample.C

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using namespace std; void hiforest_read_sample(); int main() { hiforest_read_sample(); }

void hiforest_read_sample() { //Declare the base variables int iev; //iterators; string current_name; Int_t nevents = 0; Int_t multiplicity, centrality; Float_t phi[40000], pt[40000], eta[40000]; //declaire the list of files vector name; name.push_back("root://eoscms// eos/cms/store/group/phys_heavyions/icali/MinBias_Merged.root"); //Create the new file TFile newfile("../my_data_for_PbPb.root", "recreate"); //Create the output trees in the new file TDirectoryFile* anaTrack2 = new TDirectoryFile("anaTrack","anaTrack"); TTree* tracktree2 = new TTree("trackTree", "trackTree"); TDirectoryFile* hiev2 = new TDirectoryFile("hiEvtAnalyzer", "hiEvtAnalizer"); TTree* hitree2 = new TTree("HiTree", "HiTree"); track track track track tree tree tree tree 2->B 2->B 2->B 2->B ranc ranc ranc ranc h("n h("t h("t h("t Trk" rkPh rkPt rkEt , &multiplic i", phi, "ph ", pt, "pt[m a", eta, "et ity, i[mu ulti a[mu "mu ltip plic ltip ltip lici ity] lici lici ty]/ /F") ty]/ ty/I"); F"); ; F");

hitree2->Branch("hiBin", ¢rality, "centrality/I");

//File cycle; it = name of current file for(vector::const_iterator it = name.begin(); it != name.end(); ++it) { current_name = *it; //Enter the tree TFile *a = TFile::Open(current_name.c_str()); TDirectoryFile *anaTrack = (TDirectoryFile*) a -> Get("mergedTrack"); TTree *tracktree = (TTree*)anaTrack->Get("trackTree"); TDirectoryFile *hiev = (TDirectoryFile*) a -> Get("hiEvtAnalyzer"); TTree *hitree = (TTree*)hiev->Get("HiTree"); //Connect the variables with the branches track track track track tree tree tree tree ->Se ->Se ->Se ->Se tBra tBra tBra tBra nchA nchA nchA nchA ddre ddre ddre ddre ss(" ss(" ss(" ss(" nTrk trkP trkP trkE ",&m hi", t",& ta", ultiplicity); &phi); pt); &eta); //for centrality

hitree->SetBranchAddress("hiBin",¢rality); nevents = (Int_t)tracktree->GetEntries(); //GetEntries

//write the information into the trees for ( iev = 0; iev < _NUMBER_OF_EVENTS; iev++ ) { hitree->GetEntry(iev); //here u've got centrality tracktree->GetEntry(iev); //here u've got multiplicity,phi[],pt[],eta[] tracktree2->Fill(); hitree2->Fill(); } } //Write the necessary data into the newfile newfile.cd(); anaTrack2->cd(); tracktree2->Write(); hiev2->cd(); hitree2->Write(); }