Credit & Copyright: Rick Baldridge
From the early hours of October 8, over
the Santa Cruz Mountains near Los Gatos,
California, the totally eclipsed Moon shows a range
of color across this well-exposed telescopic view of the
lunar eclipse.
Of course, a lunar eclipse can only occur when the Moon
is opposite the Sun in Earth's sky and gliding
the planet's shadow.
But also near opposition during this eclipse,
and remarkably only half a degree or so from
the lunar limb, distant Uranus is faint but easy to spot
at the lower right.
Fainter still are the
ice giant's moons.
To find them, slide your cursor over the image
just follow this link) to check out a longer exposure.
While even the darkened surface of our eclipsed Moon will bestrongly overexposed,
Uranus moons Titania,
Oberon, and Umbriel can just be
distinguished as
pinpricks of light.
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Публикации с ключевыми словами:
total lunar eclipse - лунное затмение - противостояние
Публикации со словами: total lunar eclipse - лунное затмение - противостояние | |
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