Credit & Copyright: NASA,
Additional Mosaic Processing:
Kenneth Kremer & Marco Di Lorenzo
What has the Curiosity rover come across on Mars?
Dubbed Mount Remarkable, the
rolling robot has chanced
upon this notable 5-meter tall mound during its continuing journey around and, eventually,
up 5.5-kilometer high Mt. Sharp.
Unsure of the density of the surrounding layered
the human team on Earth has instructed the car-sized rover on Mars to
drill into
a rock on the side of
Remarkable to investigate.
Quite possibly, water involved in creating the dense
could have helped to
support ancient
on the red planet.
Mt. Sharp,
the unusual central peak of
Gale Crater, has a similar base-to-peak height as Earth's
Mt. Everest.
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Публикации с ключевыми словами:
Mars - Марс - жизнь на Марсе - гора
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