Credit & Copyright: Lieve Verschuier
Was there ever another comet like ISON?
Although no two comets are exactly alike,
one that appears to have had notable similarities was Comet Kirch, the
Great Comet of 1680.
Like approaching
Comet ISON,
Comet Kirch was a bright
making a very
close approach
to the surface of the Sun.
Neither comet, coincidently, is a member of the most common group of
sungrazers -- the
Kreutz group --
populated by remnants of a comet that
disintegrated near the Sun hundreds of years ago.
The long tail of Comet Kirch is depicted in the above painting by
Lieve Versheier.
As pictured, some members of the foreground crowd of
Rotterdam in
the Netherlands are holding
an angle measuring device that predated the
No one knows how
Comet ISON
will develop, but like Comet Kirch, it is expected to be
brightest when very near the Sun, in
ISON's case
during last few days of November.
Bright Comets of 2013
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NASA Official: Jay Norris. Specific rights apply.
A service of: LHEA at NASA / GSFC
& Michigan Tech. U.
Публикации с ключевыми словами:
sungrazer - Sun - кометы
Публикации со словами: sungrazer - Sun - кометы | |
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