Credit & Copyright: Tamas Ladanyi
As evening twilight faded on March 7,
sky gazers
around planet Earth enjoyed a beautiful pairing of young crescent Moon
and brilliant planet Jupiter.
Along with stars setting in the west,
the two bright celestial beacons, Moon above and Jupiter below,
leave short trails in this
well-planned time exposure, a composite of 54 individual frames
each 4 seconds long.
On its
final flight,
the Space Shuttle Discovery
and International Space Station form the second close pairing
in the night skyscape.
Still glinting in the
sunlight in
low Earth orbit,
they gracefully trace overlapping
arcs from lower right
to upper left.
Moon, Jupiter, Discovery, and ISS are
reflected in the calm waters of
Lake Bakonybél, Hungary.
Want to see the sequence of frames as a short youtube video?
Check it out here.
In the video, the trails of the ISS and
Discovery are seen to
separate as the pair passes above the Moon.
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NASA Web Site Statements, Warnings, and Disclaimers
NASA Official: Jay Norris. Specific rights apply.
A service of: LHEA at NASA / GSFC
& Michigan Tech. U.
Публикации с ключевыми словами:
Moon - Jupiter - international space station - ISS - space shuttle Discovery - Луна - Юпитер - Международная космическая станция - МКС - Шаттл
Публикации со словами: Moon - Jupiter - international space station - ISS - space shuttle Discovery - Луна - Юпитер - Международная космическая станция - МКС - Шаттл | |
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