Credit & Copyright: Peter Knappert
In late September, two planets were
opposite the Sun in Earth's
sky, Jupiter and Uranus.
Consequently closest to Earth,
at a distance of only 33 light-minutes
and 2.65 light-hours respectively,
both were good targets for telescopic observers.
Recorded on September 27, this well-planned composite of
consecutive multiple exposures captured both gas giants
in their remarkable celestial line-up accompanied by their brighter
The faint greenish disk of distant planet Uranus is near the upper
left corner.
Of the tilted planet's 5
larger moons, two
can be spotted
just above and left of the planet's disk.
Both discovered by 18th century British astronomer Sir William Herschel
and later named for characters in Shakespeare's
A Midsummer Night's Dream,
is farthest left, with Titania
closer in.
At the right side of the frame is ruling gas giant Jupiter, flanked
along a line by all four of its
Galilean satellites.
Farthest from Jupiter is
Callisto, with
Europa and
Io all left of the planet's disk, while
stands alone at the right.
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NASA Web Site Statements, Warnings, and Disclaimers
NASA Official: Jay Norris. Specific rights apply.
A service of: LHEA at NASA / GSFC
& Michigan Tech. U.
Публикации с ключевыми словами:
Jupiter - Callisto - Europa - Ganymede - Io - Uranus - Oberon - titania - Юпитер - Ганимед - Европа - Ио - Каллисто - Уран - Титания
Публикации со словами: Jupiter - Callisto - Europa - Ganymede - Io - Uranus - Oberon - titania - Юпитер - Ганимед - Европа - Ио - Каллисто - Уран - Титания | |
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