Credit & Copyright: Optical: R.P.van der Marel & J.Gerssen
X-ray: S.Komossa & G.Hasinger (MPE) et al., CXC, NASA
Hubble optical image on the left shows
NGC 6240 in
the throes of a
titanic galaxy - galaxy collision 400 million light-years away.
As the cosmic catastrophe plays out, the merging galaxies spew forth
distorted tidal tails
of stars, gas, and dust and undergo
frantic bursts of star formation.
Using the orbiting
Observatory's x-ray vision to peer within
the bright central regions of NGC 6242 astronomers
believe they have uncovered,
the first time, not one but
two enormous orbiting black holes, by
detecting the characteristic x-ray radiation from the interstellar debris
swirling toward them.
In the false-color close-up view at right,
the x-ray data clearly show
the black hole sources (shaded blue) separated by about 3,000 light-years.
Einstein's theory of gravity predicts that such a pair of black holes
must spiral closer together, and
ultimately coalesce into a single,
even more massive black hole
several hundred million
In the final moments the merging supermassive black holes will
produce an extremely powerful burst of
gravitational radiation.
X-ray: S.Komossa & G.Hasinger (MPE) et al., CXC, NASA
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NASA Official: Jay Norris. Specific rights apply.
A service of: LHEA at NASA / GSFC
& Michigan Tech. U.
Публикации с ключевыми словами:
NGC 6240 - black hole - черные дыры - рентгеновское излучение
Публикации со словами: NGC 6240 - black hole - черные дыры - рентгеновское излучение | |
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