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Re[2]: Астрономия и Интернет
20.09.2012 6:35 | М. Я. Иванов

См. Journal of Modern Physics, 2012, 3, 683-693.

Hidden Mass Boson

Mikhail Jakovlevich Ivanov, Vadim Konstantinovich Mamaev

Central Institute of Aviation Motors, Moscow, Russia

Email: ivanov@ciam.ru, mamaev@ciam.ru

Received April 29, 2012; revised May 20, 2012; accepted June 11, 2012


The evidences of the hidden mass boson existence are presented following the fruitful ideas of M. Planck and A. Ein- stein and using empirical data of modern physics. Within this article main parameters of this mass particle are predicted and its possible structure is analyzed. Moreover, the close system of nonlinear conservative equations and the spread system of Maxwell linear equations are written in the frame of phenomenological description of the hidden mass con- tinuous medium. The displacement current, the Umov-Pointing vector and the physical vacuum polarization have been described adequately in our paper. We discuss some applications of our methodology for simulations of nature and technical device processes. In particular, numerical solutions for cosmic jets and air breathing engines are shown.


Vacuum Mathematical Physics; Hidden Mass Boson; Electromagnetic Equations; Conservation Laws; Vacuum Polarization; Displacement Currents; Cosmic Jets; Air Breathing Engines

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