Rambler's Top100Astronet    
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  Òåðìèíû   |   Ôðàçû   |   Âåðòèêàëüíûé ñïèñîê Πñëîâàðå
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z 
À | Á | Â | Ã | Ä | Å | Æ | Ç | È | É | Ê | Ë | Ì | Í | Î | Ï | Ð | Ñ | Ò | Ó | Ô | Õ | Ö | × | Ø | Ù | Ý | Þ | ß 

1874 ôðàçû ñî ñëîâàìè íà÷èíàþùèìèñÿ ñ áóêâû "T"

tail table
nautical tables
curved tail
tail bands
multiple tails
tail table
take-off weight
single-picture taking
Talcott method
talus slope
loss tangent
tangential acceleration
tangential component
tangential ellipse
tangential plane
tangential speed
tangential velocity
aluminizing tank
punched tape
tape recorder
radar target
target planet
target simulator
Tartu observatory
îïòè÷åñêàÿ ãëóáèíà, τ
Tauri stars
Tauri variables
Taylor triplet
teaching of astronomy
tear-drop effect
total-power technique
technique of unfilled apertures
radio techniques
techniques of astronomy
techniques of data processing
space technology
New technology telescope
teepee design
Observatorio del Teide
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
telemetry channel
telemetry system
telephoto advantage
Bolshoj telescop azimutalnyi
Yolo telescope
radio telescope antenna
telescope aperture
telescope balance
telescope beam
phantom telescope computer
telescope construction
telescope counterweights
telescope design
telescope diameter
telescope drive
telescope-drive motor
telescope-drive worms
telescope driving
telescope driving mechanism
telescope-driving motor
telescope driving system
telescope finder
telescope housing
telescope, invention of
telescope making
telescope monitor
equatorial telescope mounting
telescope objective
radio telescope of great sensitivity
telescope of intermediate aperture
telescope of moderate power
telescope of short focal length
telescope operator
telescope optical system
telescope project
radio telescope receiver
telescope resolution
NexStar telescopes
Space Telescope Science Institute
telescope seeing
telescope size
temperature-controlled telescope structure
telescope time
telescope tube
telescope with full-sky coverage
telescopic aperture
telescopic appearance
telescopic astronomy
telescopic camera
telescopic image
telescopic meteor
telescopic object
telescopic observations
telescopic photograph
telescopic stars
telescopic tests
Gran telescopio Canarias
space television
television camera
television signal
SCNA telluric absorption
telluric bands
telluric lines
èñêàòåëü Telrad
Telrad finder
black body temperature
temperature coefficient
temperature compensation
temperature control
temperature-controlled telescope structure
ventilation and temperature-control system
temperature distribution
temperature effect
temperature gradient
temperature measurement
temperature noise
disk temperature of planet
apparent temperature of the Sun
temperature regulating system
constant temperature room
stellar temperature scale
temperature secular
temperature sensitive
temperature stress
temporal secular
twenty-seven-day recurrence tendency
tendency to clustering
internal tension
tension webs
Riemann-Christoffel tensor
triplet term
term analysis
term defect
term diagram
antenna terminals
terminal synchrone
astronomical terminology
term perturbation
constant terms
term scheme
term sequences
terms in aberration
continuous term spectrum
term splitting
term symbol
term Value
ternary combination band
terrestrial acceleration
terrestrial air mass
terrestrial atmosphere
terrestrial attraction
terrestrial distribution
terrestrial dynamical time
terrestrial effects
terrestrial equator
terrestrial gravitation
terrestrial gravity
terrestrial ionosphere
terrestrial latitude
terrestrial longitude
terrestrial magnetic disturbance
terrestrial magnetic storm
terrestrial map
terrestrial observatory
terrestrial observer
terrestrial phenomena
terrestrial physics
terrestrial planets
terrestrial poles
terrestrial radius
terrestrial source
terrestrial telescope
terrestrial time
terrestrial weight
Student's test
test exposure
synoptic testing
test program(me)
test rocket
visual tests
test telescope
chromospheric texture
towards the anticenter
longitude of the ascending node
Publication of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific
in the blue
the brightest stars
Handbook of the British astronomical association
towards the center
to cross the central meridian
in the continuum intensity field
lengthening of the day
transit across the disk of the Sun
radiation from the earth
obliquity of the ecliptic
synodic period of rotation at the equator
precession of the equinoxes
the faintest stars
to flatten the field
rotation of the field of view
on the fringe of...
the galaxies in collision
radio waves from the Galaxy
the galaxy seen edge-on
the galaxy seen side-on
radio emission of the halo
dip of the horizon
the hottest stars
in the infrared
the known universe
universe in the large
the largest optical telescope
the line
in the line of sight
standard error of the mean
plane of the Milky Way
profile of the Moon
theory of the Moon's motion
shininess of the Moon's surface
the most intense radio source
visible to the naked eye
to process the observational data
to time the observations
new Moon in the old Moon's arms
sampling theorem
theoretical astronomy
theoretical astrophysics
theoretical curve of growth
theoretical expression
theoretical limit to sensitivity
theoretical model
theoretical model universe
theoretical performance
theoretical resolution
theoretical sensitivity
theories of radiative transfer
wave-mechanical perturbation theory
theory of general relativity
Newton's theory of gravitation
valence theory of Heitler-London
Lorentz theory of pressure broadening
special theory of relativity
theory of synchrotron emission
theory of the Moon's motion
theory of the universe
Lorentz theory of Zeeman effect
Publication of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific
region around the pole
at the prime focus
to emit the radiation
image of the radio Sun
towards the red
thermal-agitation voltage
thermal background
thermal bremsstrahlung
thermal broadening
thermal component
thermal conduction
thermal conductivity
thermal constants
thermal diffusivity
thermal distribution
thermal effects
thermal electrons
thermal element
thermal emission
thermal equilibrium
thermal excitation
coefficient of thermal expansion
thermal instability
thermally emitting region
thermal mechanism
Doppler effect of thermal motion
thermal noise
thermal process
thermal properties
thermal radiation
thermal radiation in infrared
thermal radio emission
thermal radio waves
thermal region
thermal source
thermal spectrum
thermal stress
thermal velocity
thermic excitation
thermionic current
thermistor bolometer
thermodynamic(al) equilibrium
thermoelectric current
thermoelectric effect
thermoionic cathode
thermonuclear reaction
thermostatically controlled room
absorption beyond the series limit
to release the shutter
noise behind the signal
to choose the site
in the solar neighbourhood
member of the solar system
brightness distribution across the source
at the subsolar point
in the vicinity of the Sun
remnants of the supernova of A. D.
in the ultraviolet
within the uncertainty
theory of the universe
in the vicinity of the Sun
in the violet
on the wane
radiation from the whole Sun
star near the zenith
sign of the zodiac
thick-mirror Schmidt camera
radial optical thickness
thin mirror
thinned CCD
third contact
Kepler's third law
third quarter
Thomas-Kuhn sum rule
Thomson law
Thomson scattering
Thomson scattering coefficient
RAS thread
three-alkali cell
three back-support points
three-body collision
three-body n
three centimeter radiation
three-color image
three-color photometry
three-color system
three-color wide-band photometry
three-fold axis of symmetry
Willstrop three-mirror camera
three-prism spectrograph
three-stream model
color threshold
threshold adjustment
threshold color difference