Rambler's Top100Astronet    
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  Òåðìèíû   |   Ôðàçû   |   Âåðòèêàëüíûé ñïèñîê Πñëîâàðå
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z 
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710 ôðàç íà áóêâó "T"

• table
• T-adaptor
• tail
• tail bands
• tail table
• take
• take-off weight
• taking
• Tal
• Talcott method
• talus slope
• tangent
• tangential acceleration
• tangential component
• tangential ellipse
• tangential plane
• tangential speed
• tangential velocity
• tank
• tape
• tape recorder
• tapering
• target
• target planet
• target simulator
• Tartu observatory
• taukappe
• Tauri stars
• Tauri variables
• Taylor triplet
• teaching of astronomy
• tear-drop effect
• technique
• technique of unfilled apertures
• techniques of astronomy
• techniques of data processing
• technology
• tectites
• teepee design
• teflon
• tele-compressor
• tele-extender
• telemetry
• telemetry channel
• telemetry system
• teleobjective
• telephoto advantage
• telescope
• telescope aperture
• telescope balance
• telescope beam
• telescope construction
• telescope counterweights
• telescope design
• telescope diameter
• telescope drive
• telescope-drive motor
• telescope-drive worms
• telescope driving
• telescope driving mechanism
• telescope-driving motor
• telescope driving system
• telescope finder
• telescope housing
• telescope, invention of
• telescope making
• telescope monitor
• telescope mounting
• telescope objective
• telescope of intermediate aperture
• telescope of moderate power
• telescope of short focal length
• telescope operator
• telescope optical system
• telescope project
• telescope resolution
• telescope seeing
• telescope size
• telescope structure
• telescope time
• telescope tube
• telescope with full-sky coverage
• telescopic
• telescopical
• telescopic aperture
• telescopic appearance
• telescopic astronomy
• telescopic camera
• telescopic image
• telescopic meteor
• telescopic object
• telescopic observations
• telescopic photograph
• telescopic stars
• telescopic tests
• telescopist
• telescopy
• television
• television camera
• television signal
• televisor
• telluric
• telluric bands
• telluric lines
• Telrad finder
• temperature
• temperature coefficient
• temperature compensation
• temperature control
• temperature-controlled telescope structure
• temperature-control system
• temperature distribution
• temperature effect
• temperature gradient
• temperature measurement
• temperature noise
• temperature regulating system
• temperature secular
• temperature sensitive
• temperature stress
• temporal secular
• tendency
• tendency to clustering
• tension
• tension webs
• tensor
• term
• term analysis
• term defect
• term diagram
• terminals
• terminal synchrone
• terminator
• terminology
• term perturbation
• term scheme
• term sequences
• terms in aberration
• term splitting
• term symbol
• term Value
• ternary combination band
• terrain
• terrestrial
• terrestrial acceleration
• terrestrial air mass
• terrestrial atmosphere
• terrestrial attraction
• terrestrial distribution
• terrestrial dynamical time
• terrestrial effects