Rambler's Top100Astronet    
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  Òåðìèíû   |   Ôðàçû   |   Âåðòèêàëüíûé ñïèñîê Πñëîâàðå
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710 ôðàç íà áóêâó "T"

• table
• T-adaptor
• tail
• tail bands
• tail table
• take
• take-off weight
• taking
• Tal
• Talcott method
• talus slope
• tangent
• tangential acceleration
• tangential component
• tangential ellipse
• tangential plane
• tangential speed
• tangential velocity
• tank
• tape
• tape recorder
• tapering
• target
• target planet
• target simulator
• Tartu observatory
• taukappe
• Tauri stars
• Tauri variables
• Taylor triplet
• teaching of astronomy
• tear-drop effect
• technique
• technique of unfilled apertures
• techniques of astronomy
• techniques of data processing
• technology
• tectites
• teepee design
• teflon
• tele-compressor
• tele-extender
• telemetry
• telemetry channel
• telemetry system
• teleobjective
• telephoto advantage
• telescope
• telescope aperture
• telescope balance
• telescope beam
• telescope construction
• telescope counterweights
• telescope design
• telescope diameter
• telescope drive
• telescope-drive motor
• telescope-drive worms
• telescope driving
• telescope driving mechanism
• telescope-driving motor
• telescope driving system
• telescope finder
• telescope housing
• telescope, invention of
• telescope making
• telescope monitor
• telescope mounting
• telescope objective
• telescope of intermediate aperture
• telescope of moderate power
• telescope of short focal length
• telescope operator
• telescope optical system
• telescope project
• telescope resolution
• telescope seeing
• telescope size
• telescope structure
• telescope time
• telescope tube
• telescope with full-sky coverage
• telescopic
• telescopical
• telescopic aperture
• telescopic appearance
• telescopic astronomy
• telescopic camera
• telescopic image
• telescopic meteor
• telescopic object
• telescopic observations
• telescopic photograph
• telescopic stars
• telescopic tests
• telescopist
• telescopy
• television
• television camera
• television signal
• televisor
• telluric
• telluric bands
• telluric lines
• Telrad finder
• temperature
• temperature coefficient
• temperature compensation
• temperature control
• temperature-controlled telescope structure
• temperature-control system
• temperature distribution
• temperature effect
• temperature gradient
• temperature measurement
• temperature noise
• temperature regulating system
• temperature secular
• temperature sensitive
• temperature stress
• temporal secular
• tendency
• tendency to clustering
• tension
• tension webs
• tensor
• term
• term analysis
• term defect
• term diagram
• terminals
• terminal synchrone
• terminator
• terminology
• term perturbation
• term scheme
• term sequences
• terms in aberration
• term splitting
• term symbol
• term Value
• ternary combination band
• terrain
• terrestrial
• terrestrial acceleration
• terrestrial air mass
• terrestrial atmosphere
• terrestrial attraction
• terrestrial distribution
• terrestrial dynamical time
• terrestrial effects
• terrestrial equator
• terrestrial gravitation
• terrestrial gravity
• terrestrial ionosphere
• terrestrial latitude
• terrestrial longitude
• terrestrial magnetic disturbance
• terrestrial magnetic storm
• terrestrial map
• terrestrial observatory
• terrestrial observer
• terrestrial phenomena
• terrestrial physics
• terrestrial planets
• terrestrial poles
• terrestrial radius
• terrestrial source
• terrestrial telescope
• terrestrial time
• terrestrial weight
• Tessar
• test
• test exposure
• testing
• test program
• test programme
• test rocket
• test telescope
• the brightest stars
• the faintest stars
• the galaxies in collision
• the galaxy seen edge-on
• the galaxy seen side-on
• the hottest stars
• the known universe
• the largest optical telescope
• the line
• the most intense radio source
• theoretical astronomy
• theoretical astrophysics
• theoretical curve of growth
• theoretical expression
• theoretical limit to sensitivity
• theoretical model
• theoretical model universe
• theoretical performance
• theoretical resolution
• theoretical sensitivity
• theories of radiative transfer
• theory
• theory of general relativity
• theory of synchrotron emission
• theory of the Moon's motion
• theory of the universe
• thermal-agitation voltage
• thermal background
• thermal bremsstrahlung
• thermal broadening
• thermal component
• thermal conduction
• thermal conductivity
• thermal constants
• thermal diffusivity
• thermal distribution
• thermal effects
• thermal electrons
• thermal element
• thermal emission
• thermal equilibrium
• thermal excitation
• thermal instability
• thermally emitting region
• thermal mechanism
• thermal noise
• thermal process
• thermal properties
• thermal radiation
• thermal radiation in infrared
• thermal radio emission
• thermal radio waves
• thermal region
• thermal source
• thermal spectrum
• thermal stress
• thermal velocity
• thermic excitation
• thermionic current
• thermistor
• thermistor bolometer
• thermocouple
• thermodynamical equilibrium
• thermodynamic equilibrium
• thermodynamics
• thermoelectric current
• thermoelectric effect
• thermoelement
• thermoionic cathode
• thermonuclear
• thermonuclear reaction
• thermopause
• thermopile
• thermoregulator
• thermosphere
• thermostat
• thermostatically controlled room
• thick-mirror Schmidt camera
• thickness
• thin mirror
• thinned CCD
• third contact
• third quarter
• Thomas-Kuhn sum rule
• Thomson law
• Thomson scattering
• Thomson scattering coefficient
• thread
• three-alkali cell
• three back-support points
• three-body collision
• three-body n
• three centimeter radiation
• three-color image
• three-color photometry
• three-color system
• three-color wide-band photometry
• three-dimensional
• three-fold axis of symmetry
• three-prism spectrograph
• three-stream model
• threshold
• threshold adjustment
• threshold color difference
• threshold effect
• threshold gradient sensitivity function of eye for grains
• threshold luminance difference
• threshold of detection
• threshold of exposure
• threshold of luminescence
• threshold of magnitude
• threshold of resolution
• threshold of sensitivity
• threshold of visibility
• threshold response
• throughput
• tidal bulges
• tidal disruption
• tidal friction
• tidal pull
• tidal stream
• tidal theory
• tidal wave
• tide-raising force
• tides
• tillable reflector
• tilt
• tiltable antenna
• tilt correction
• tilt error
• tilting screen made of slats
• tilt of lens
• time
• time constant
• time delay
• time delay integration
• time determination
• time development
• time difference
• time dilatation
• time element
• time-gamma curve
• time-gamma development
• time independent perturbation theory
• time-indicating device
• time interval
• time-keepers
• time keeping
• time-keeping
• timekeeping clock
• time-like
• time marks
• time measurement
• time-measuring instruments
• time of central maximum
• time of conjunction
• time of maximum
• time of meridian passage
• time of observation
• time of perihelion passage
• time of start
• time profile
• time pulses
• timer
• time resolving
• time scale
• time-scale
• time service
• time service clock
• time service instrument
• time service station
• time signals
• time standard
• time transmission
• time zone
• timing contact
• timing device
• timing impulses
• timing pulses
• timing signals
• tip-tilt mirror
• titanium
• T-mount
• to allow for...
• to apply correction for...
• to blanket in heat
• to carry into orbit
• to choose the site
• to correct for...
• to correct individually
• to cross the central meridian
• to diffuse out
• toe
• to emit the radiation
• to flatten the field
• to identify optically
• tolerance
• to move in a circular orbit
• tone difference
• tool
• tooth
• top
• top hat exposure
• to place into orbit
• topocentric
• topocentric coordinates
• top of tube
• topography
• to process the observational data
• to rack out
• to release the shutter
• tornado prominence
• torsional vibration
• Torun observatory
• to set up
• to smear out
• to stop down
• total absorption
• total annual proper motion
• total brightness
• total cosmic ray experiment
• total displacement
• total eclipse
• total emission
• total energy
• total energy output
• total exposure
• total flux
• total flux density
• totality
• total light
• total luminosity
• total magnetic field
• total magnitude
• total mass energy
• total neutral hydrogen mass
• total noise power
• total power instrument
• total power method
• total power output
• total power receiver
• total-power technique
• total pressure
• total quantum number
• total radiation
• total reflection
• total reflection prism
• total sensitivity
• total sky brightness
• total sky noise
• total solar emission
• total system noise
• totaly symmetric
• total zenith attenuation
• to time the observations
• to train on to an object
• towards the anticenter
• towards the center
• towards the red
• tower
• tower solar telescope
• tower telescope
• trace
• tracing
• track
• tracking
• tracking accuracy
• tracking at sidereal rate
• tracking drive
• tracking error
• tracking motion
• tracking rate
• tracking station
• tracking system
• tracking telescope
• tracking worm
• tracking worm-and-worm wheel
• Tracking worm gear
• traditional astronomy
• trail
• trail diameter
• trailed image
• trailer spot
• trailing edge
• trail of star
• trails
• train
• trajectory
• transauroral line
• transducer
• transfer
• transfer equation
• transfer function
• transfer lens
• transfer of radiation
• transferred image
• transformation
• transistor amplifier
• transistorized memory
• transit
• transit across the disk of the Sun
• transit circle
• transit-circle telescope
• transit instrument
• transition
• transition array
• transition element
• transition group metals
• transition moment
• transition probability
• transition region
• transition rule
• transit observations
• transit of Mercury
• transit of source
• transit of Venus
• transit telescope
• transit time
• translational energy
• translucent cathode
• transmissibility
• transmission
• transmission coefficient
• transmission curve
• transmission factor
• transmission function
• transmission grating
• transmission line
• transmission of plate
• transmittance
• transmitter
• transmitter frequency
• transmitter power
• transmitting antenna
• transparency
• transparent film
• trans-Plutonian planet
• transport
• transportation
• transuranium elements
• transversal magnetic field
• transversal waves
• transverse velocity
• transverse vibrations
• trap
• trapped electrons
• trapped particles
• trapped planet
• travel
• traveling source
• traveling thread
• traveling time
• traveling wave
• traveling-wave amplifier
• traveling-wave antenna
• traveling-wave tube
• traveling-wave tube amplifier
• traveling-wave tube radiometer
• traveling-wave tube receiver
• traveling wire
• traveling-wire micrometer
• tremor
• triangle
• triangulation
• triangulation method
• trigger
• trigonometrical parallax
• trigonometric parallax
• trigonometric parallax determination
• trigonometric series of parallaxes
• trigonometric stellar parallax
• trigonometry
• trilateration
• triod
• triode amplifier
• triple degenerated species
• triple loupe eyepiece
• triple star
• triplet
• triplet line
• triplet multiplet
• triplet state
• triplet term
• tripod
• tri-Schiefspiegler telescope
• tritium
• tropic
• tropical
• tropical month
• tropical year
• tropic of Cancer
• tropic of Capricorn
• tropopause
• troposphere