Rambler's Top100Astronet    
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  Òåðìèíû   |   Ôðàçû   |   Âåðòèêàëüíûé ñïèñîê Πñëîâàðå
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1701 ôðàçà íà áóêâó "S"

• Sacramento peak observatory
• Sa galaxy
• sag car
• SAGE neutrino detector
• sagitta
• sagittal
• sagittal focus
• Saha equation
• Saha's equation
• Saha's ionization formula
• sampling theorem
• sandwich construction
• sandwich mirror
• SAO star catalog
• Saros
• Sa Sb galaxy
• Sa SB spiral
• Sa spiral
• satellite
• satellite astronomy
• satellite-borne
• satellite-borne instruments
• satellite branches
• satellite camera
• satellite drag
• satellite in long-lived orbit
• satellite line
• satellite observations
• satellite observatory
• satellite-range measurement
• satellite's motion
• satellite's orbit
• satellite spectroscopy
• satellite's period
• satellite's spin
• satellite system
• satellite track
• satellite tracking
• satellite trail
• satellite vehicle
• saturated
• saturated color
• saturation
• saturation effect
• saturation function
• S-branch
• SB Sb spiral
• Sb Sc galaxy
• Sb Sc spiral
• scale
• scale correction
• scale factor
• scale of micrometer
• scale of the Galaxy
• scale of the universe
• scale Value
• scale Value of telescope
• scan