Rambler's Top100Astronet    
  ïî òåêñòàì   ïî êëþ÷åâûì ñëîâàì   â ãëîññàðèè   ïî ñàéòàì   ïåðåâîä   ïî êàòàëîãó

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  Òåðìèíû   |   Ôðàçû   |   Âåðòèêàëüíûé ñïèñîê Πñëîâàðå
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z 
À | Á | Â | Ã | Ä | Å | Æ | Ç | È | É | Ê | Ë | Ì | Í | Î | Ï | Ð | Ñ | Ò | Ó | Ô | Õ | Ö | × | Ø | Ù | Ý | Þ | ß 

963 ôðàçû íà áóêâó "R"

• Racah's method
• rack
• rack-and-pinion
• rack and pinion focuser
• radar
• radar antenna
• radar astronomy
• radar beam
• radar cross section
• radar cross-section
• radar data
• radar depth
• radar distance
• radar echo
• radar echo work
• radar equation
• radar equipment
• radar experiment
• radar investigation
• radar measurements
• radar method
• radar observations
• radar observations of solar system
• radar pulse
• radar receiver
• radar reflection
• radar reflector
• radar results
• radar set
• radar signal
• radar station
• radar study
• radar system
• radar target
• radar technique
• radar work
• Radcliffe observatory
• radial acceleration
• radial current
• radial girder
• radial knife-edges
• radial magnetic field
• radial motion
• radial optical thickness
• radial oscillation
• radial quantum number
• radial truss
• radial velocimeter
• radial velocity
• radial velocity relative to the Sun
• radial velocity spectrometer
• radian
• radiance
• radiant
• radiant emittance
• radiant energy
• radiant energy density
• radiant flux
• radiant intensity
• radiant of shower
• radiant power
• radiated energy
• radiating components
• radiating element
• radiating region
• radiating surface
• radiation
• radiation absorption
• radiation belt
• radiation capacity
• radiation coefficient
• radiation counter
• radiation damping
• radiation density
• radiation effect
• radiation energy
• radiation field
• radiation flux
• radiation frequency
• radiation from the earth
• radiation from the whole Sun
• radiation hazard
• radiation intensity
• radiationless quantum jump
• radiationless transfer
• radiationless transition
• radiationless transition probability
• radiation level
• radiation pressure
• radiation receiver
• radiation resistance
• radiation scattering
• radiation sickness
• radiation temperature
• radiation theory
• radiation zones
• radiative envelope
• radiative equilibrium
• radiative excitation
• radiative flow of energy
• radiative flux
• radiative process
• radiative recombination
• radiative transfer
• radiator
• radical
• radii
• radioactive decay
• radioactive disintegration
• radioactive element
• radioactive heating
• radio angular diameter
• radio astronomer
• radio-astronomical
• radio astronomical explorations
• radioastronomical instruments
• radio astronomical method
• radio-astronomical observations
• radio-astronomical observatory
• radio-astronomical research
• radio astronomical station
• radioastronomical studies
• radio astronomical work
• radio astronomy
• radio astronomy allocation
• radio-astronomy frequencies
• radio astronomy laboratory
• radio astronomy method
• radio astronomy observatory
• radio-astronomy radiometer
• radio astronomy receiver
• radio astronomy technique
• radio band
• radio brightness
• radio brightness distribution
• radio-brightness temperature
• radio brightness temperature distribution
• radio burst
• radio components
• radio condensation
• radio continuum
• radio corona
• radio cosmology
• radio data
• radio detection
• radio disk
• radio disk temperature
• radio disturbance
• radio Doppler effect
• radio echo
• radio echo apparatus
• radio echo duration
• radio echoing power
• radio-echo measurements
• radio-echo meteor
• radio-echo method
• radio echo studies
• radio echo technique
• radio eclipse
• radio emission
• radio emission characteristics
• radio emission diameter
• radio emission from flares
• radio emission from galaxies
• radio emission from space
• radio emission from stars
• radio emission from the Milky Way
• radio emission from the Sun
• radio emission intensity
• radio emission of the halo
• radio emissive components
• radio emissivity
• radio emitter
• radio emitting area
• radio emitting region
• radio energy
• radio evidence
• radio fade-out
• radio features
• radio flare event
• radio flashes
• radio flux
• radio flux density
• radio frequency
• radio-frequency albedo
• radio-frequency amplifier
• radio-frequency band
• radio-frequency discharge tube
• radio-frequency disk
• radio-frequency emission
• radio-frequency energy
• radio-frequency flux density
• radio-frequency isophotes
• radio-frequency line
• radio-frequency power
• radio-frequency radiation
• radio-frequency range
• radio-frequency rays
• radio-frequency receiver
• radio-frequency region
• radio-frequency spectrum
• radio galaxy
• radioheliograph
• radio heliograph
• radio image
• radio impulse
• radio instruments
• radio intensity
• radio interference
• radio interferometer
• radio interferometer observations
• radio interferometer record
• radio interferometer recording
• radio investigations
• radio isophotes
• radio link
• radio link system
• radio longitudes of Jupiter
• radio luminosity
• radio luminosity function
• radio magnitude
• radio map
• radio map of the Galaxy
• radio means
• radio measurements
• radiometer
• radiometer calibration
• radiometer excess noise temperature
• radiometer noise
• radiometer output
• radiometer receiver
• radiometer sensitivity
• radiometer stability
• radiometer system
• radiometer system noise
• radio method
• radiometric
• radiometric magnitude
• radiometric map
• radiometric measurements
• radio nebula
• radio noise
• radio noise outburst
• radio nonthermal brightness temperature
• radio object
• radio observations
• radio observatory
• radio occupation
• radio outburst
• radio performances
• radio phenomenon
• radio picture
• radio picture of the Sun
• radio plage
• radio plage component
• radio polarimeter
• radio polarization
• radio position
• radio position measurement
• radio power
• radio pulse
• radio radiation
• radio range
• radio range of frequencies
• radio range of wavelengths
• radio receiver
• radio receiving apparatus
• radio redshift
• radio red shift
• radio reflection
• radio reflection method
• radio reflector
• radio region
• radio research
• radio results
• radio scattering
• radio scintillation
• radio signal
• radio size
• radio sky
• radio sky temperature
• radio source
• radio source count
• radio source density
• radio source distribution
• radio source galaxy
• radio source observations
• radio-source spectrum
• radio source structure
• radio spectral index
• radio spectral line
• radio spectrograph
• radio-spectrograph
• radio spectrometer
• radio spectroscopy
• radio spectrum
• radio spot
• radio star
• radio star diameter
• radio star distribution
• radio-star interferometer
• radio star interferometry
• radio star investigations
• radio-star luminosity
• radio star position
• radio star record
• radio star statistics
• radio star studies
• radio star survey
• radio star trace
• radio star twinkling
• radio star work
• radio storm
• radio studies
• radio Sun
• radio techniques
• radio telescope
• radio telescope antenna
• radio telescope beam
• radio telescope of great sensitivity
• radio telescope receiver
• radio temperature
• radio tracking
• radio transmitter
• radio universe
• radio-wave emission
• radio wave generation
• radio wavelength band
• radio wavelengths
• radio-wave propagation
• radio wave region
• radio waves
• radio wave scattering
• radio waves from space
• radio waves from the Galaxy
• radio wave spectrum
• radio window
• radio work
• radio Zeeman effect
• radium
• radius
• radius vector
• radome
• raies ultimes
• rainbow
• raise rate
• Raman active vibration
• Raman bands
• Raman effect
• Raman inactive vibration
• Raman line
• Raman scattering
• Raman spectrum
• R.A. micrometer
• Ramsauer effect
• Ramsden disk
• Ramsden eyepiece
• Ramsden ocular
• Ramsden's eyepiece
• random distribution
• randomly polarized
• random motions
• random noise
• random polarization
• random process
• random sample
• random velocities
• range
• range dispersion of signals
• range measurement
• range of brightness response
• range of luminosity
• range of phase angles
• range of sensitivity
• range of variation
• rapid-acting developer
• rapid development
• rapid drying
• rapid fixing bath
• rare earth elements
• raster scan
• RAS thread
• RATAN-600
• rate
• rate of drive
• rate of emission
• rate of expansion
• rate of fading
• rate of flow of radiation
• rate of frequency drift
• rate of ionization
• rate of occurrence
• rate of recession
• rater
• ratio
• ratio of minimum to maximum in record
• ratio of minimum to maximum of interference fringes
• ratio of optical to radio emission
• ratio of radio to light emission
• ratio of radio to optical power emitted
• raw data
• raw image