Rambler's Top100Astronet    
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  Òåðìèíû   |   Ôðàçû   |   Âåðòèêàëüíûé ñïèñîê Πñëîâàðå
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z 
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390 ôðàç íà áóêâó "N"

• n
• nacreous clouds
• nadir
• nadir measures
• Nagler eyepiece
• naked eye
• naked-eye
• naked eye brightness
• naked-eye object
• naked-eye star
• Nancay radio observatory
• nanometer
• Narrabri interferometer
• narrow-band
• narrow-band burst
• narrow band filter
• narrow-band filter
• narrow-band photoelectric photometry
• narrow band photometry
• narrow-band photometry
• narrow-band polarimeter
• narrow filter
• narrow-range
• narrow-range equipment
• NASA extragalactic data set
• NASA infrared telescope
• Nasmyth
• Nasmyth focus
• Nasmyth's focus
• Nasmyth system
• National Aeronautic and Space Administration
• National Astronomical Observatory
• National Center for Radio Astrophysics
• National Optical Astronomy Observatories
• National Solar Observatory
• National Space Science Data Center
• natural breadth
• natural frequency
• natural life time
• natural light
• natural line broadening
• natural satellite
• natural vibrations
• natural width
• natural year
• nature
• nautical almanac
• Nautical almanac
• nautical almanack
• nautical astronomy
• nautical tables
• nautical twilight
• navigation
• navigational
• navigational stars
• navigation satellite
• navigation triangle
• n-body problem
• nearby galaxies
• nearby stars
• near field response
• near infrared
• near infrared region
• nearly symmetric top
• near point of clear vision
• near ultraviolet
• nebula
• nebulae
• nebula filter
• nebula receding nebulae
• nebular line
• nebular remnant of a supernova
• nebular spectrograph
• nebular stage of nova
• nebular-type transitions
• nebular variables
• nebulosity
• nebulous object
• negative
• negative absorption
• negative acceleration
• negative branch
• negative cosmological constant
• negative development
• negative drift
• negative energy
• negative excess
• negative eyepiece
• negative image
• negative lens
• negative level
• negative rotational level
• neighbourhood
• neighbouring galaxies
• neon
• nephelometer
• nephoscope
• nerve
• nested telescopes
• NESTOR neutrino detector
• net flux
• neutral absorption
• neutral atom
• neutral filter
• neutral gas
• neutral hydrogen
• neutral hydrogen cloud
• neutral hydrogen concentration
• neutral hydrogen content
• neutral hydrogen density
• neutral hydrogen distribution
• neutral hydrogen F
• neutral hydrogen gas
• neutral hydrogen mass
• neutral hydrogen motion
• neutral hydrogen region
• neutral medium
• neutral point
• neutral wedge
• neutrino
• neutrino astrophysics
• neutrino detector
• neutron
• neutron diffusion
• neutron number
• neutron star
• new galactic coordinates
• new galactic coordinate system
• New General Catalog
• new moon
• new Moon in the old Moon's arms
• New technology telescope
• Newton focus
• Newtonian
• Newtonian-Cassegrain telescope
• Newtonian cosmology
• Newtonian flat
• Newtonian focus
• Newtonian focus position
• Newtonian gravitation
• Newtonian mirror
• Newtonian system
• Newtonian telescope
• Newtonian theory
• Newton's law of gravitation
• Newton's rings
• Newton's theory of gravitation
• Newton system
• NexStar telescopes
• Next generation space telescope
• N-h profile
• Nicol
• Nicol prism
• Nicol's prism
• night
• night airglow
• night correction
• night error
• nightglow
• night glow