Rambler's Top100Astronet    
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  Òåðìèíû   |   Ôðàçû   |   Âåðòèêàëüíûé ñïèñîê Πñëîâàðå
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z 
À | Á | Â | Ã | Ä | Å | Æ | Ç | È | É | Ê | Ë | Ì | Í | Î | Ï | Ð | Ñ | Ò | Ó | Ô | Õ | Ö | × | Ø | Ù | Ý | Þ | ß 

543 ôðàçû íà áóêâó "L"

• laboratory
• laboratory astrophysics
• laboratory source
• laboratory spectrum
• lag
• Lagrange's equations
• Lagrangian point
• Lα line
• Lα- radiation
• Lα-èçëó÷åíèå
• Lambert law
• Lamb-Rutherford shift
• Lamb shift
• laminar stream
• lamp
• Lande formula
• Lande g-formula
• Lande g-Value
• Lande interval rule
• Lande's splitting factor
• landing
• landscape
• Lanphier shutter
• lanthanides
• lanthanum eyepiece
• lanthanum glass
• lap
• Laplace's operator
• La Plata observatory
• Laporte rule
• large-aperture telescope
• large-area photomultiplier
• large binocular telescope
• large diameter source
• large flare
• large flare event
• large microwave outbursts
• large observatory
• large outburst
• large outbursts of microwave radiation
• large radio telescope
• large reflector
• large-scale
• large-scale galactic motions
• large-scale motions
• large-scale structure
• large telescope
• large transit
• large zenith telescope
• Larmor frequency
• Larmor precession
• Las Campanas observatory
• laser
• laser collimator
• laser spark
• La Silla observatory
• last quarter
• last stage
• latent image
• lateral angle
• lateral refraction
• lateral support assembly
• late spectral types
• late stars
• late-type
• late-type stars
• latitude
• latitude difference
• latitude distribution
• latitude observations
• latitude of exposure
• latitude service
• latitude stars
• latitude station
• latitudinal
• lattice arrangement
• lattice vibrations
• Laue pattern
• launch
• launching
• launching vehicle
• lava bed
• lava crater
• lava flow
• lava pool
• law
• law of areas
• law of Bunsen and Roscoe
• law of darkening
• law of gravitation
• law of polarity
• law of refraction
• law of universal gravitation
• law of zones
• laws of planetary motion
• layer
• leader
• leader spot
• leading edge
• leading spot
• leading sunspot
• lead sulphide cell
• leap month
• leap year
• leap-year
• least squares fit
• least squares method
• least-squares solution
• legal day
• Legendre function
• length
• lengthening
• lengthening of the day
• length of exposure
• lens
• lens antenna
• lens astrograph
• lens auxiliary lens
• lens carrier
• lens cell
• lens curvature
• lens distortion
• lens distortion correction
• lens efficiency
• lens-mirror camera
• lens power
• lens shutter
• lens speed
• lens system
• level
• level adjustment
• level-crossing method
• level error
• level reading
• level surface
• level width
• lever
• liberation of gases
• libration
• libration effect
• libration in latitude
• libration in longitude
• libration point
• Lick observatory
• Lick refractor
• Lick system
• life
• life of developer
• lifetime
• life time
• Ligand field
• light
• light absorption
• light adaptation
• light beam
• light bridge
• light bucket
• light cell
• light curve
• light-curve
• light detector
• light distribution
• light-distribution
• light distribution in seeing image
• light efficiency
• light emission
• lightening
• lighter
• light filter
• light fog
• light gathering power
• light-gathering power
• light grasp
• light-grasp
• light image
• light intensity
• light interference
• light loss
• light minute
• light nebula
• lightning
• light path
• light-path
• light pollution
• light pollution rejection filter
• light pressure
• light propagation
• light pulse
• light quantum
• light ray
• light-ray
• light-reflecting power
• light ripples
• light scattering
• light-scattering
• light sensitive
• light sensitiveness
• light sensitivity
• light sensitization
• light shield
• light slide
• light source
• light-source
• light spectrum
• light-speed
• light time
• light wave
• light year
• light-year
• limb
• limb brightening
• limb corrections
• limb darkening
• limb effect
• limb error
• limb flare
• limb irregularities
• limb spectrum
• lime spar
• limit
• limitation
• limitation to receiver sensitivity
• limiting apparent magnitude
• limiting energy
• limiting error
• limiting frequency
• limiting magnitude
• limiting photographic magnitude
• limiting resolution
• limit of band series
• limit of detectability
• limit of line series
• limit of resolution
• limit to sensitivity
• line
• line absorption
• line absorption coefficient
• linear array
• linear dispersion
• linear electron density
• linear enlargement
• linear expression
• linear function
• linearly polarized
• linearly polarized radiation
• linear molecule
• linear oscillator
• linear polarization
• linear regression
• linear response
• linear scale
• linear size
• linear Stark effect
• linear target
• linear velocity
• line blanketing
• line-blanketing index
• line broadening
• line center
• line contour
• line emission
• line feed
• line fluorescence
• line formation
• line formation problem
• line intensity
• line merging
• line of apsides
• line of force
• line of Hα
• line of sight
• line-of-sight
• line-of-sight component
• line-of-sight motion
• line-of-sight speed
• line of sight velocity
• line-of-sight velocity
• line of syzygies
• line profile
• line radiation
• line ratio
• line receiver
• line scattering
• line shift
• line shifter
• line spectrum
• lines per inch