Rambler's Top100Astronet    
  ïî òåêñòàì   ïî êëþ÷åâûì ñëîâàì   â ãëîññàðèè   ïî ñàéòàì   ïåðåâîä   ïî êàòàëîãó

Àíãëî-Ðóññêî-Àíãëèéñêèé Àñòðîíîìè÷åñêèé Ñëîâàðü

  Òåðìèíû   |   Ôðàçû   |   Âåðòèêàëüíûé ñïèñîê Πñëîâàðå
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z 
À | Á | Â | Ã | Ä | Å | Æ | Ç | È | É | Ê | Ë | Ì | Í | Î | Ï | Ð | Ñ | Ò | Ó | Ô | Õ | Ö | × | Ø | Ù | Ý | Þ | ß 

596 ôðàç íà áóêâó "I"

• ice
• Iceland spar
• I c K-coupling
• I c K-ñâÿçü
• ideal coordinates
• ideal receiver
• ideal telescope
• identification
• identification of central fringe
• identification of lines
• identified band
• identified radio star
• identified source
• identify
• igneous activity
• igneous rock
• II
• II population stars
• II stars
• II supernova
• I j-coupling
• I j-ñâÿçü
• illuminance
• illuminate
• illuminated cross wire eyepiece
• illuminated hemisphere
• illuminated pinhole
• illuminating star
• illumination
• image
• image amplifier
• image compression
• image converter
• image core
• image definition
• image de-rotator
• image diameter
• image dissector
• image distortion
• image disturbance
• image elongation
• image enlargement
• image excellent
• image exploded
• image format
• image formation
• image hard image
• image intensifier
• image motion
• image-motion estimate
• image multiplier
• image nucleus
• image of the radio Sun
• image orthicon
• image photon counting system
• image plane
• image processing
• image profile
• image reduction
• image reduction and analysis facility
• image rotation
• image scale
• image scrambler
• image size
• image slicer
• image stabilizing binoculars
• image structure
• image surface
• image synthesis
• image tremor
• image tube
• imaginary source
• I-magnitude
• IMB neutrino detector
• impact
• impact broadening
• impact energy
• impact of meteor
• impedance matching
• impersonal
• impersonal astrolabe
• impersonal micrometer
• implosion
• importance
• imprisoned radiation
• improvement of image
• impulse
• impulse recorder
• impulsive bursts
• impulsive force
• inactive vibration
• in calcium light
• incidence
• incident beam
• incident electron
• incident flux
• incident pencil
• incident plane wave
• incident pulse
• incident radiation
• inclination
• inclination of lens
• incoming beam
• incompatibility
• incomplete fixing
• Inconel filter
• incorrect exposure
• increase
• increment
• increment of visual threshold
• indentified galaxy
• independent catalogue
• independent day numbers
• indeterminacy principle
• index
• Index Catalog
• index of refraction
• Index êàòàëîã
• indicator dial
• indimmed star
• indirect colorimetry
• individual burst
• individual catalogue
• individual meteor
• individual sunspot
• induce
• induced diamagnetism
• induced dipole radiation
• induced emission
• induced moment
• induced paramagnetism
• induced predissociation
• induction
• inelastic collision
• inequalities in motion
• inequalities in motion of the Moon
• inequalities of pivots
• inequality
• inert gas
• inertial coordinate system
• inertial mass
• inertial reference system
• inertial system
• inferior
• inferior conjunction
• inferior planet
• infinite
• infinite medium
• infinite universe
• infinity focusing
• infinity gamma
• in focus
• information
• Information Bulletin on Variable Stars
• information processing
• infrared
• infrared absorption
• infrared astronomy
• infrared bands
• infrared bolometer
• infrared emission
• infrared filter
• infrared flux density
• infrared magnitude
• infrared measurements
• infrared observations
• infrared photography
• infrared radiation
• infrared range
• infrared rays
• infrared ray sensitive emulsion
• infrared region
• infrared sensitization
• infrared solar radiation
• infrared spectrograph
• infrared spectrometer
• infrared spectrum
• infrared telescope
• infrared temperature
• infrared wavelength range
• infrared wavelengths
• infrared window
• Inglis-Teller relation
• in Hα light
• inherent contrast
• inherent fluctuations
• inherent noise fluctuations
• inhomogeneous field
• initial condition
• initial intensity
• initial period
• initial phase
• injection
• in monochromatic light
• inner composition
• inner core
• inner corona
• inner photoeffect
• inner planet
• inner quantum number
• inner radiation belt
• inner radiation zone
• inner regions
• innomogeneities in refraction
• inorganic radicals
• in-plane vibration
• input
• input power
• inside
• instability
• instable equilibrium
• instant
• instantaneous exposure
• instantaneous light vector
• instantaneous period
• instantaneous position
• instantaneous spectrum
• instantaneous tidal force
• instantaneous vibration
• instant of transit
• Institut de radio astronomie millimetrique
• institute
• Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomia
• Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias
• Instituto di Radioastronomia
• instrument
• instrumental broadening
• instrumental constants
• instrumental effect
• instrumental errors
• instrumental flexure
• instrumental fluctuations
• instrumental investigations
• instrumental limitations
• instrumental pole
• instrumental profile
• instrumental resolution
• instrumental seeing
• instrumental variations
• instrumentation
• instrumentation for optical astronomy
• instrumentation for radio astronomy
• instrumentation navigational instrumentation
• insulate
• insulating material
• insulation
• integral
• integral function
• integral intensity
• integral number
• integral spin
• integrated absorption coefficient
• integrated brightness
• integrated color index
• integrated emission
• integrated energy density
• integrated flux
• integrated magnitude
• integrated radiation
• integrated radio waves
• integrated sky brightness
• integrated spectral line
• integrated spectral segment
• integrating photometer
• integrating spectroscope
• integration
• integration time
• intense burst
• intense line
• intense radio emission
• intense source
• intensifier
• intensity
• intensity alteration
• intensity alternation
• intensity distribution
• intensity factor
• intensity fluctuations
• intensity interferometer
• intensity profile
• intensity ratio
• intensity ratio in multiplets
• intensity ratio in Zeeman components
• intensity record
• intensity rule
• intensity scale
• intensity scintillation
• intensity time variations
• interacting galaxies
• interaction
• interaction constant
• interaction effect
• interaction energy
• interactions between galaxies
• interarm region
• interatomic Stark effect
• interchangeable optics
• intercombination line
• intercombination transition
• interference
• interference filter
• interference fringes
• interference fringe system
• interference lobes
• interference method
• interference pattern
• interference rings
• interference spectrometer
• interference system
• interference techniques
• interferential band
• interfering signal
• interferometer
• interferometer aerial system
• interferometer antenna
• interferometer antenna system
• interferometer array
• interferometer lobes
• interferometer measurements
• interferometer method
• interferometer observations
• interferometer of wide spacing
• interferometer radio telescope
• interferometer record
• interferometer recording
• interferometer resolution
• interferometer sea interferometer
• interferometer spacing
• interferometer system
• interferometric techniques
• interferometry
• intergalactic
• intergalactic absorption
• intergalactic distances
• intergalactic gas
• intergalactic hydrogen
• intergalactic material
• intergalactic matter
• intergalactic space
• intergranular area
• interior
• interior planet
• interlocking
• interlocking of lines
• intermediary stars
• intermediate band photometry
• intermediate corona
• intermediate coupling
• intermediate-drift burst
• intermediate frequency
• intermediate frequency amplifier
• intermediate stars
• intermittent exposure
• intermittent illumination
• intermolecular force
• internal accuracy
• internal constitution
• internal conversion
• internal coordinates
• internal motions of sunspots
• internal noise
• internal structure
• internal temperature
• internal tension
• International Astronomical Union
• international atomic time
• international candle
• international character figures
• international color index
• International Dark Sky association
• international date line
• international disturbed days
• International Latitude station
• international magnitude
• international quiet days
• international station
• internuclear distance
• interplanetary
• interplanetary communications
• interplanetary dust
• interplanetary flight
• interplanetary gas
• interplanetary journey
• interplanetary magnetic field
• interplanetary material
• interplanetary matter
• interplanetary medium
• interplanetary radar
• interplanetary space
• interplanetary station
• interplanetary travel
• interplanetary vehicle
• interplanetary vortices
• interpolation
• interpretoscope
• interrupted photographic exposure
• interspace
• interspicular component
• interstellar
• interstellar absorption
• interstellar bands
• interstellar cloud
• interstellar deuterium
• interstellar dust
• interstellar emission
• interstellar extinction
• interstellar Faraday rotation
• interstellar field
• interstellar gas
• interstellar grains
• interstellar graphite spheres
• interstellar hydrogen
• interstellar hydrogen gas
• interstellar hydrogen line
• interstellar ice absorption
• interstellar line
• interstellar material
• interstellar matter
• interstellar medium
• interstellar meteor
• interstellar molecules
• interstellar origin
• interstellar particles
• interstellar plasma
• interstellar polarization
• interstellar reddening
• interstellar space
• interstellar spectral line
• interval
• interval rule
• in the blue
• in the continuum intensity field
• in the infrared
• in the line of sight
• in the red
• in the solar neighbourhood
• in the ultraviolet
• in the vicinity of the Sun
• in the violet
• intra-Mercurian planet
• intrinsic
• intrinsic brightness
• intrinsic brilliance
• intrinsic color
• intrinsic color index
• intrinsic energy
• intrinsic luminosity
• intrinsic photoeffect
• invar
• invariance
• invariant
• invar metal
• inverse Compton radiation
• inverse Compton scattering
• inverse predissociation
• inverse problem
• inverse Zeeman effect
• inversion
• inversion doubling
• inversion spectrum
• invert
• inverted alkali doublet
• inverted doublet
• inverted fine structure
• inverted image
• inverted multiplet
• inverting eyepiece
• inverting prism
• inverting telescope
• investigation
• investigation of shape of pivots
• invisible meteor
• invisible radiation
• invisible radio star
• invisible sunspot
• inward intensity
• inward motion
• inward stream
• iodopsin
• ion
• ionic binding
• ionic bond
• ionic density
• ionicity
• ionic radius
• ionic state
• ionic term
• ionic trap
• ionization
• ionization chamber
• ionization continuum
• ionization drift
• ionization energy
• ionization equation
• ionization equilibrium
• ionization front
• ionization gage
• ionization level
• ionization limit
• ionization potential
• ionization pulse
• ionization state
• ionization temperature
• ionized
• ionized air
• ionized atom
• ionized calcium