Rambler's Top100Astronet    
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  Òåðìèíû   |   Ôðàçû   |   Âåðòèêàëüíûé ñïèñîê Πñëîâàðå
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z 
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653 ôðàçû ñî ñëîâàìè íà÷èíàþùèìèñÿ ñ áóêâû "H"

ëèíèè H
Hadamard mask imaging
hading of bands
Haig mounting
cross hairs
Hale telescope
half bandwidth
half-half width
half-infinite medium
half-integral spin
half intensity breadth
half width at half maximum
half Moon
beam width to half-power
half-power beamwidth
half-power level
half power point
half-regular variable stars
half-wave dipole
half-wave (dipole) antenna
broadside array of half-wave dipoles
half-wave(length) plate
half-wave plate
half width
half width at half maximum
gelatine-silver halide emulsion
Hall conductivity
broad "halo"
îò halo
halo-and-core object
galactic halo emission
halo es of comet
halogen hydrides
halogen spectra
halo phenomenon
halo radiation
(ñïåêòðàëüíàÿ) ëèíèÿ Hα.
cosmic noise intensity
H-α cut-off filter
H-α filter
in integrated light
central intensity
in light
line of nodes
H-α prominence telescope
Hamilton's operator
hour hand
Handbook of the British astronomical association
H and D curve
H and K lines
hand magnifier
hand-tapping method
hard component
hardening fixing bath
image hard image
hard radiation
hard X ray region
hard X-rays
harmonic frequencies
harmonic law
simple harmonic oscillator
harmonic ratio
harmonic relationship
harmonic vibrator
Hartebeesthoek radio observatory
Hartley-Huggins band
Hartley's law of doublet separating
Hartmann dispersion formula
Hartmann formula
Hartmann images
Hartmann mask
Hartmann photograph
Hartmann's constant
Hartmann screen
Hartmann sensor
Hartmann test
Harvard revised catalog
Harvard Standard regions
Harvard system
harvest moon
top hat exposure
H atom
Observatoire de Haute Provence
Haute Provence observatory
Haystack observatory
radiation hazard
optical haze
H-β filter
êàòàëîã HD
HD catalog
HD system
HD types
ãàðâàðäñêàÿ HD-êëàññèôèêàöèÿ
photometer head
head bands
head of column of ionization
head of meteor
scheme of band heads
volumetric specific heat
heat-absorbing glass
heat absorption
heat capacity
heat conduction
heat conductivity
heat death
heat diffusion
heat diffusivity
heat equilibrium
heat flow
heat flux
heat index
solar heating
heat of dissociation
atomic heat of formation
heat of sublimation
heat-resisting glass
vault of heaven