Rambler's Top100Astronet    
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  Òåðìèíû   |   Ôðàçû   |   Âåðòèêàëüíûé ñïèñîê Πñëîâàðå
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z 
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397 ôðàç íà áóêâó "H"

• Hadamard mask imaging
• hading of bands
• Haig mounting
• halation
• Hale telescope
• half bandwidth
• half-half width
• half-infinite medium
• half-integral spin
• half intensity breadth
• half moon
• half Moon
• half-power beamwidth
• half-power level
• half power point
• half-regular variable stars
• half-shadow
• half-wave antenna
• half-wave dipole
• half-wave dipole antenna
• half-wavelength plate
• half-wave plate
• half width
• half-width
• half width at half maximum
• Hall conductivity
• halo
• halo-and-core object
• haloes
• halo es of comet
• halogen
• halogen hydrides
• halogen spectra
• halo phenomenon
• halo radiation
• halos
• Hα cosmic noise intensity
• H-α cut-off filter
• H-α filter
• Hα in integrated light
• Hα line
• Hα line of nodes
• Hα markings
• H-α prominence telescope
• Hamiltonian
• Hamilton's operator
• hand
• Handbook of the British astronomical association
• H and D curve
• H and K lines
• hand magnifier
• hand-tapping method
• hard component
• hardening fixing bath
• hard radiation
• hard X ray region
• hard X-rays
• harmonic
• harmonic frequencies
• harmonic law
• harmonic ratio
• harmonic relationship
• harmonic vibrator
• Hartebeesthoek radio observatory
• Hartley-Huggins band
• Hartley's law of doublet separating
• Hartmann dispersion formula
• Hartmann formula
• Hartmann images
• Hartmann mask
• Hartmann photograph
• Hartmann's constant
• Hartmann screen
• Hartmann sensor
• Hartmann test
• Harvard revised catalog
• Harvard Standard regions
• Harvard system
• harvest moon
• H atom
• Haute Provence observatory
• haversine
• Haystack observatory
• haze
• H-β filter
• HD catalog
• HD system
• HD types
• HD-êëàññû
• head
• head bands
• head of column of ionization
• head of meteor
• heat
• heat-absorbing glass
• heat absorption
• heat capacity
• heat conduction
• heat conductivity
• heat death
• heat diffusion
• heat diffusivity
• heat equilibrium
• heat flow
• heat flux
• heat index
• heating
• heat of dissociation
• heat of sublimation
• heat-resisting glass
• heaven
• heavenly
• heavenly body
• heavens
• Heaviside F
• Heaviside-Kennelly F
• heavy hydrogen
• heavy nuclei chamber
• hedgerow
• Hefner candle
• height
• height distribution
• height scale
• heliacal rising
• heliacal setting
• helical antenna
• helical focuser
• heliocentric
• heliocentrical orbit
• heliocentric angle
• heliocentric coordinates
• heliocentric Julian date
• heliocentric latitude
• heliocentric longitude
• heliocentric orbit
• heliocentric parallax
• heliocentric system
• heliocentric time
• heliocentric velocity
• heliograph
• heliographic
• heliographic chart
• heliographic coordinates
• heliographic latitude
• heliographic longitude
• heliographic position
• heliometer
• helioscope
• helioseismology
• heliostat
• helium
• helium atom
• helium-like ion
• helium-rich core
• helium star
• helix array
• helmet
• hemisphere
• hemispherical south bearing
• Henry Draper catalog
• Henry Draper system
• Hermite polynomial
• Herschelian telescope
• Hershel catalogs
• Hershelian telescope
• Hershel wedge
• hertz
• Hertz formula
• Hertzsprung gap
• Hertzsprung-Russel diagram
• Hertzsprung-Russell diagram
• Herzberg bands
• heterogeneous perturbation
• heteronuclear molecule
• heteropolar binding
• heterosphere
• HI arm
• H I cloud
• H I complex
• hidden mass in the galaxy
• hidden side
• H I emission
• H I gas
• high altitude nuclear explosion
• high-altitude observatory
• high-altitude rocket
• high-altitude station
• high-chroma color
• high-contrast image
• high corona
• high-dispersion spectrogram
• high-dispersion spectrograph
• high-energy astrophysics
• high-energy component
• high-energy electrons
• high-energy particles
• higher intensity component
• higher intensity component of solar radio waves
• high-frequency channel
• high-frequency discharge
• high-intensity emission
• high-latitude
• high-latitude prominence
• high-latitude station
• highlight brightness
• high-luminosity star
• highly directive antenna
• highly ionized
• highly variable component
• high pass filter
• high-power bolometer
• high-power telescope
• high-pressure mercury arc
• high resolution
• high-resolution antenna
• high resolution interferometer
• high resolution. investigations
• high-resolution map
• high-resolution observations
• high-resolution photography
• high-resolution spectroscopy
• high-resolution studies
• high-resolution survey
• high-saturation color
• high solar atmosphere
• high-speed camera
• high-speed developer
• high-speed development
• high-speed electrons
• high-speed particles
• high-speed reduction
• high-velocity electrons
• high-velocity stars
• H II cloud
• H II emission
• H II region
• Hipparcos catalog
• Hipparcos spacecraft
• H I radio waves
• H I region
• hiss
• history
• H-like ion
• H line
• H-line absorption
• H line emission
• H-line frequency
• Hobby-Eberly telescope
• Hoitsmark theory
• holder
• hole
• hole conduction
• hollow cathode
• hollow cathode discharge
• hologram
• holography
• Holtsmark function
• Homestake neutrino detector
• homogeneity
• homogeneity of the universe
• homogeneous field
• homogeneous perturbation
• homogeneous plasma
• homogeneous quiet arc
• homogeneous radiation
• homogeneous smoothed-out model
• homogeneous universe
• homological transform design
• homologous contraction
• homologous flare
• homonuclear molecule
• homopolar binding
• homopolar force
• homopolar molecule
• homosphere
• honeycomb collimator
• honeycomb mirror
• Hooke's law
• hook method
• horizon
• horizontal axis
• horizontal collimator
• horizontal component
• horizontal coordinates
• horizontal dial
• horizontal flexure
• horizontal intensity
• horizontal parallax
• horizontal screw
• horizontal slide
• horizontal solar telescope
• horizontal telescope
• horn
• horn antenna
• horn feed
• horseshoe
• horseshoe bearing
• horseshoe mounting
• hotnology transformation
• hot star
• hour
• hour angle
• hour-angle axis
• hour-angle drive
• hour-angle drive system
• hour-angle gear
• hour-angle gear device
• hour-angle motion
• hour circle
• hour hand
• hourly rate
• house
• HR diagram
• HR number
• HR íîìåð
• Hubble class
• Hubble data archive
• Hubble guide star catalog
• Hubble's constant
• Hubble's law
• Hubble space telescope
• Hubble's parameter
• Hubble time
• human error
• humidity
• hum noise
• Humphrey series
• Hund's rule
• hunter's moon
• Huygenian eyepiece
• Huygens' eyepiece
• Huygen's ocular
• Huygen's principle
• Huyghenian eyepiece
• hybridized orbital
• hydraulic floor
• hydraulic platform
• hydride
• hydrodynamical streaming
• hydrodynamics
• hydrodynamic theory
• hydrogen
• hydrogen atom
• hydrogen bonding
• hydrogen cloud
• hydrogen concentration
• hydrogen convection zone
• hydrogen density
• hydrogen distribution
• hydrogen emission
• hydrogen emission regions
• hydrogen F
• hydrogen flocculus
• hydrogenic
• hydrogen-like