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Англо-Русско-Английский Астрономический Словарь

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397 фраз на букву "H"

• Hadamard mask imaging
• hading of bands
• Haig mounting
• halation
• Hale telescope
• half bandwidth
• half-half width
• half-infinite medium
• half-integral spin
• half intensity breadth
• half moon
• half Moon
• half-power beamwidth
• half-power level
• half power point
• half-regular variable stars
• half-shadow
• half-wave antenna
• half-wave dipole
• half-wave dipole antenna
• half-wavelength plate
• half-wave plate
• half width
• half-width
• half width at half maximum
• Hall conductivity
• halo
• halo-and-core object
• haloes
• halo es of comet
• halogen
• halogen hydrides
• halogen spectra
• halo phenomenon
• halo radiation
• halos
• Hα cosmic noise intensity
• H-α cut-off filter
• H-α filter
• Hα in integrated light
• Hα line
• Hα line of nodes
• Hα markings
• H-α prominence telescope
• Hamiltonian
• Hamilton's operator
• hand
• Handbook of the British astronomical association
• H and D curve
• H and K lines