Rambler's Top100Astronet    
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  Òåðìèíû   |   Ôðàçû   |   Âåðòèêàëüíûé ñïèñîê Πñëîâàðå
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z 
À | Á | Â | Ã | Ä | Å | Æ | Ç | È | É | Ê | Ë | Ì | Í | Î | Ï | Ð | Ñ | Ò | Ó | Ô | Õ | Ö | × | Ø | Ù | Ý | Þ | ß 

488 ôðàç íà áóêâó "G"

• gage
• gain
• gain factor
• gain variations
• gal
• galactic
• Galactic
• galactic absorption
• galactic anticenter
• galactic background
• galactic background emission
• galactic background noise
• galactic background radiation
• galactic center
• Galactic center
• galactic center source
• galactic clouds
• galactic cluster
• galactic collision
• galactic component
• galactic concentration
• galactic coordinates
• galactic cosmic rays
• galactic dilation
• galactic dimensions
• galactic dip
• galactic disk
• galactic distances
• galactic dust
• galactic dynamics
• galactic emission
• galactic equator
• galactic evolution
• galactic flare
• galactic halo
• Galactic halo
• galactic halo emission
• galactic hydrogen
• galactic hydrogen line studies
• galactic hydrogen line work
• galactic investigations
• galactic latitude
• galactic light
• galactic longitude
• galactic magnetic field
• galactic meridian
• galactic nebula
• galactic nova
• galactic nucleus
• galactic object
• Galactic object
• galactic plane
• galactic pole
• galactic radiation
• galactic radio astronomy
• galactic radio-frequency noise
• galactic radio noise
• galactic radio star
• galactic radio telescope
• galactic radio waves
• galactic research
• galactic rotation
• galactic rotation curve
• galactic shape
• galactic signal
• galactic source
• Galactic space
• galactic spur
• galactic star
• galactic structure
• Galactic structure
• galactic studies
• galactic system
• galactic types
• galactic variable
• galactic Wolf-Rayet stars
• galactic work
• galactic year
• galactocentric
• galactocentric longitude
• galaxy
• Galaxy
• galaxy counts
• Galilean telescope
• GALLEX neutrino detector
• galvanometer
• gamma
• gamma-counting apparatus
• gamma ray
• gamma-ray astronomy
• gamma ray detector
• gamma rays
• gamma ray telescope
• gap
• gas
• gas-and-dust nebula
• gas cell
• gas-charged phototube
• gas cloud
• gas constant
• gas density
• gas discharge noise generator
• gas-discharge noise source
• gas-discharge photocell
• gas dynamics
• gaseous accretion
• gaseous atmosphere
• gaseous atomic-beam light source
• gaseous component
• gaseous discharge tube
• gaseous envelope
• gaseous F
• gaseous flow
• gaseous nebula
• gaseous pressure
• gaseous ring
• gaseous shell
• gaseous trail
• gas-filled photocell
• gas-filled phototube
• gas ionization
• gas laws
• gas phototube
• gas pressure
• gas scintillation proportional counter
• gas-to-dust ratio
• Gauche conformation
• gauge
• Gaunt correction factor
• Gaunt factor
• Gaussian curve
• Gaussian distribution
• Gaussian division
• Gaussian gravitation constant
• Gaussian weights
• G band
• G-band photometry
• gear
• gearing
• gear rack
• gear train
• Gegenschein
• Geiger counter
• Geiger counter tube
• Geiger-Mueller counter
• Geiger-Mueller counter tube
• Geiger-Mueller tube
• Geiger tube
• gelatine emulsion
• gelatine relief formation
• gelatine-silver halide emulsion
• gelatine-silver ratio
• Gemini telescopes
• general annual precession
• general astronomy
• general background of galactic radiation
• general catalog of variable stars
• general cosmic noise
• general fog
• general galactic radiation
• general level
• general magnetic field
• general precession
• general relativity
• general sensitivity
• general survey
• general theory of relativity
• generate
• generation
• generation mechanism
• generator
• geocentric
• geocentric al orbit
• geocentric celestial sphere
• geocentric coordinates
• geocentric declination
• geocentric latitude
• geocentric longitude
• geocentric orbit
• geocentric parallax
• geocentric right ascension
• geocentric system
• geocentric velocity
• geodesic
• geodesical
• geodesist
• geodesy
• geodetic
• geodetical
• geodetic astronomy
• geodetic curve
• geodetic latitude
• geodetic line
• geodetic measurements
• geodetics
• geodetic satellite
• geodetic stars
• geodetic survey
• geodetic work
• geographical distribution
• geographical latitude
• geographic latitude
• geographic longitude
• geographic meridian
• geographic pole
• geoid
• geomagnetic activity
• geomagnetic agitation
• geomagnetically trapped particles
• geomagnetic bay
• geomagnetic coordinates
• geomagnetic disturbance
• geomagnetic equator
• geomagnetic field
• geomagnetic latitude
• geomagnetic longitude
• geomagnetic micrepulsations
• geomagnetic pole
• geomagnetic storm
• geomagnetism
• geometric aberration
• geometrical aberration
• geometrical depth
• geometrical libration
• geometrical optics
• geometric area
• geometric center
• geometric libration
• geometric scale Value
• geophysical data
• geophysical effects
• geophysical phenomena
• geophysical satellite
• geophysicist
• geophysics
• German equatorial
• germanium detector
• German mounting
• gerotar
• Gerrish drive
• G F
• g-factor
• G heterochromatic photometry
• ghost
• ghost image
• giant
• giant band
• giant bolide
• giant galaxy
• giant meter wave telescope
• giant planets
• giant radio telescope
• giant star
• gibbous
• gibbous phase
• GIF-ôîðìàò
• Gill transit circle
• girder
• glancing incidence telescope
• Glan-Thompson prism
• glass
• glass-air surface
• glass-backed emulsion
• glass-based mirror
• glass circle
• glass disk
• glass mirror
• glass plate
• glass prism
• glass side
• glitch
• global density
• Global Oscillation Network Group
• global spot number
• globe
• globe lightning
• globular
• globular cluster
• globule
• glow
• gnomon
• Goddard space flight center
• Golay cell
• Golay detector
• good definition
• good seeing
• good visibility
• goto capability
• Goudsmit-Fermi-Segre formula
• governor
• g-permanence rule
• gradation
• gradient
• gradient in refractive index
• gradient temperature
• graduated circle
• grain
• grain density
• graininess
• grainless emulsion
• grain pattern
• grain structure
• granite rock
• Gran telescopio Canarias
• granular element
• granularity
• granulation
• granule
• graph
• graphical method
• graticule
• grating
• grating adjustment
• grating assembly
• grating ghosts
• grating grooves
• grating holder
• grating interferometer
• grating mounting
• grating response
• grating ruling
• grating space
• grating spectrograph
• grating spectroscope
• grating spectrum
• gravitating body
• gravitation
• gravitational
• gravitational acceleration
• gravitational attraction
• gravitational collapse
• gravitational constant
• gravitational contraction
• gravitational displacement
• gravitational effects
• gravitational energy
• gravitational equilibrium
• gravitational field
• gravitational flexure
• gravitational force
• gravitational lens
• gravitational mass
• gravitational orbit