Rambler's Top100Astronet    
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  Òåðìèíû   |   Ôðàçû   |   Âåðòèêàëüíûé ñïèñîê Πñëîâàðå
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z 
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546 ôðàç íà áóêâó "F"

• F
• Fabry lens
• Fabry-Perot etalon
• face
• factor
• factor of proportionality
• facula
• faculae
• facular
• facular areas
• facular granules
• facular plage
• facular region
• fade
• fade-out
• fading
• fading effect
• fading of echo
• Fahrenheit degree
• faint galaxy
• faint nebula
• faint object
• faint radio star
• faint source
• faint star
• fall
• falling weight
• fall of meteorite
• false color image
• false dawn
• false image
• false observations
• false zodiacal light
• family
• family of asteroids
• fan
• fan beam
• fan ray
• fan-shaped beam
• Faraday effect
• Faraday rotation
• far field response
• far infrared
• far-infrared radiation
• far-out corona
• far outer arm
• far point of clear vision
• far side
• far ultraviolet
• far-ultraviolet radiation
• far-ultraviolet spectrum
• fast
• fast-drift burst
• fast electrons
• fast focal ratio
• fast Fourier transform
• fast interferometer
• fast meteor
• fast motion
• fast-motion drive
• fast photomultiplier
• fast protons
• fast scan
• fast spectrograph
• fast- telescope
• fatigue
• fat zero
• fault
• fault detection
• F corona
• feature
• feed
• feed antenna feed
• feed arrangement
• feed assembly
• feed dipole
• feed element
• feeder
• feeder arrangement
• feeder system
• feed horn
• feeding optics
• feed mast
• feed optics
• feed support
• feed-support system
• feed system
• Feinanalyse
• Fellgett advantage
• Fermi-Dirac statistics
• Fermi formula
• Fermi process
• Fermi resonance
• Fermi-Segre formula
• Fermi statistics
• ferromagnetism
• F F
• fiber
• fiber optics
• fibre
• fibrilles
• fibrille structure
• field
• field angle
• field astronomy
• field curvature
• field distortion
• field effect
• field flattener
• field-flattener lens
• field force
• field function
• field illumination
• field instruments
• field intensity
• field lens
• field nebula
• field of critical definition
• field of good definition
• field of high definition
• field of telescope
• field of view
• field of vision
• field pattern
• field relations of gravitation
• field spar
• field star
• field station
• field stop
• field strength
• field tests
• field theory
• figure
• figure of the Earth
• figuring
• figuring of mirror
• filament
• filamentary nebula
• filamentary structure
• filament feet
• filar
• filar micrometer
• fill
• filled aperture
• filling
• film
• film base
• film development
• film displacement
• film distortion
• film spool
• film-to-film method
• filter
• filter attenuation band
• filter-gram
• filter holder
• filtering
• filter photometry
• filter stop band
• filter transmission band
• final limits
• final stage
• finder
• finder chart
• finder field
• finder telescope
• finding
• fine
• fine analysis method
• fine-focussed
• fine-grain
• fine-grain developer
• fine-grain development
• fine-grained
• fine-grained image
• fine-grain emulsion
• fine-grain image
• fine grinding
• fine lobe structure
• fine mottles
• fine splitting
• finesse
• fine structure
• fine structure constant
• finite atmosphere
• fireball
• fire ball
• first art collision
• first-art transition
• first contact
• first kind collision
• first magnitude star
• first order Stark effect
• first point of Aries
• first point of Libra
• first quarter
• first subordinate series
• first subsidiary series
• fission
• fissionable
• fissure
• fix
• fixation time
• fixed antenna
• fixed baseline
• fixed ecliptic
• fixed-frequency array
• fixed jaw
• fixed line
• fixed mirror
• fixed parabola
• fixed parabolic cylinder
• fixed parabolic reflector
• fixed paraboloid
• fixed reflector
• fixed spherical reflector
• fixed stars
• fixed term
• fixed-tiltable reflector
• fixed wire
• fixer
• fixing
• fixing bath
• FK5
• flame
• flame spectrum
• flaming aurora
• Flamsteed number
• flare
• flare center
• flare ejection
• flare event
• flare-like facula
• flare model
• flare-producing region
• flare region
• flare spectrum
• flare-spray
• flare star
• flare surge
• flash
• flash phase of flare
• flash spectrum
• flat
• flat-concave lens
• flat-convex lens
• flat field
• flat fielding
• flat image
• flat mirror
• flat reflector
• flat screen
• flat spectrum
• flattened spheroid
• flattener
• flattening
• flattening of corona
• flattening, polar
• Flexible Image Transport System
• flexure
• flexure effects
• flexure of mirror
• flexure of tube
• flicker effect
• flicker frequency
• flicker method
• flicker noise
• flicker photometer
• flight
• flight path
• flint
• flint glass
• flip mirror
• flocculi
• flocculus
• floor
• flotation system
• flow
• fluctuate
• fluctuation
• fluctuations in cosmic radiation
• fluctuations in direction
• fluctuations in gain
• fluctuations in intensity
• fluctuations in receiver gain
• fluorescence
• fluorescent
• fluorescent screen image
• fluorine
• fluorit
• fluor spar
• flux
• flux collector
• flux density
• flux-density spectrum
• flux integral
• fluxmeter
• flux spectrum
• flux unit
• f-number
• focal
• focal arrangement
• focal distance
• focal feed
• focal image
• focal length
• focal plane
• focal-plane shutter
• focal point
• focal position
• focal ratio
• focal reducer
• focal setting
• focal shift
• focal surface
• foci
• focus
• focus correction
• focused
• focuser
• focusing
• focusing anode
• focusing device
• focusing difference
• focusing glass
• focusing prism
• focusing rod
• focusing screen
• focus mechanism
• focus position
• focus screen
• fog
• fog density
• fogging
• foggy image
• follower
• following
• following spot
• following sunspot
• footcandle
• forbidden branch
• forbidden electronic band
• forbidden gap
• forbidden line
• forbidden transition
• Forbush decrease
• Forbush effect
• force
• forced nutation
• force function
• force of