Rambler's Top100Astronet    
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  Òåðìèíû   |   Ôðàçû   |   Âåðòèêàëüíûé ñïèñîê Πñëîâàðå
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z 
À | Á | Â | Ã | Ä | Å | Æ | Ç | È | É | Ê | Ë | Ì | Í | Î | Ï | Ð | Ñ | Ò | Ó | Ô | Õ | Ö | × | Ø | Ù | Ý | Þ | ß 

707 ôðàç íà áóêâó "D"

• daily
• daily error
• daily map
• daily motion
• daily revolution
• daily rotation
• daily variation
• Dall-Kirkham telescope
• Dalton law
• damp air
• damped oscillation
• damping
• damping broadening
• damping constant
• damping factor
• damping wing
• Danjon astrolabe
• Danjon scale
• dark absorption nebula
• dark adaptation
• dark area
• dark band
• dark cloud
• dark companion
• dark current
• dark dome
• darkening
• darkening coefficient
• darkening to limb
• dark exposure
• dark flocculus
• dark Fraunhofer lines
• dark hemisphere
• dark line
• dark material
• dark nebula
• darkness
• dark noise
• dark obscuring lane
• dark obscuring matter
• dark room
• dark-room illumination
• dark side
• dark sky background
• dark slide
• dark star
• dark subtraction
• dashed term
• data
• data analysis
• data processing
• data reduction
• date
• date line
• date of supernova
• D atom
• David Dunlap observatory
• Dawes limit
• dawn
• day
• day airglow
• day glow
• daylight
• daylight exposure
• daylight hemisphere
• daylight saving time
• daylight side
• daylit hemisphere
• day numbers
• day side
• day sky
• day-time meteor
• day-time meteor activity
• daytime radiant
• daytime shower
• daytime stream
• dazzlernent
• DC comparison radiometer
• deactivating collision
• dead air
• dead reckoning position
• dead time
• debris
• debris of supernova
• de Broglie wavelength
• decameter activity
• decameter band
• decameter burst
• decameter emission
• decameter observations
• decameter radiation
• decameter radio sources
• decameter radio storm
• decameter radio waves
• decameter range
• decameter source regions
• decameter sources
• decameter spectrum
• decameter-wave emission
• decameter wavelength band
• decameter wavelength radiation
• decameter wavelength range
• decameter wavelength region
• decameter wavelengths
• decameter waves
• decameter-wave spectrum
• decametric
• decametric emission
• decay
• decayed atom
• decay law
• decay photon
• deceleration
• decibel
• decimeter band
• decimeter burst
• decimeter component
• decimeter continuum
• decimeter emission
• decimeter observations
• decimeter radiation
• decimeter radio waves
• decimeter range
• decimeter spectrum
• decimeter-wave emission
• decimeter wavelength band
• decimeter wavelength radiation
• decimeter wavelength range
• decimeter wavelength region
• decimeter waves
• decimeter-wave spectrum
• decimetric emission
• decimillistilb
• declination
• declination and right ascension
• declination angle
• declination axis
• declination-axis bearings
• declination bearings
• declination box
• declination-box frame
• declination circle
• declination determinations
• declination drive
• declination-drive system
• declination gear
• declination gear device
• declination micrometer
• declination motion
• declination observations
• declination trunnion
• declination worm
• decline rate
• decollimation
• decomposition probability
• deconvolution
• decrease
• decrement
• decrement of visual threshold
• deep-dust model
• deep sky filter
• deep sky object
• deep space network
• deexcitation
• defect
• defective illumination
• deferent
• define
• defining
• defining pad
• defining support
• definition
• deflection
• deflection angle
• deflection drift
• defocus
• defocusing
• deformation
• deformation vibration
• degeneracy
• degenerate
• degenerated
• degenerated species
• degenerate electron
• degenerate gas
• degenerate gas law
• degenerate matter
• degenerate star
• degenerate state
• degrading of bands
• degree
• degree of arc
• degree of dissociation
• degree of ellipticity
• degree of freedom
• degree of ionicity
• degree of ionization
• degree of openness of spiral
• delay
• delayed pulse
• delay line
• delineation of meteor radiants
• Dellinger effect
• Delta Cephei stars
• demount
• dense cluster
• density
• density difference
• density distribution
• density distribution of hydrogen
• density gradient
• density in space
• density ionization
• density law
• density of galaxies
• density of matter
• density of plate
• depolarization
• depolarization factor
• depolarizer
• depression
• depression of continuum
• depth
• depth of asphericity
• depth of focus
• descending node
• descriptive astronomy
• deserts
• design
• de Sitter's model
• de Sitter's universe
• desk
• Deslandres-d'Azambuja bands
• Deslandres table
• destructive interference
• detail
• detailed balancing
• detailed exposure
• detailed structure
• detection
• detective quantum efficiency
• detectivity
• detector
• detector image detector
• deterioration of image
• determinant
• determination
• detonating bolide
• deuterium
• deuterium line
• deuterium line radiation
• develop
• developability
• developed image
• developed plate
• developer
• developing
• developing bath
• developing room
• development
• development curve
• development fog
• development time
• deviation
• deviation angle
• deviative prism
• device
• dewar
• dewcap
• dew cap
• dew remover
• D F
• diagonal
• diagonal group
• diagonal line of multiplet
• diagonal mirror
• diagonal sum rule
• diagram
• dial
• diamagnetism
• diameter
• diameter data
• diameter measurement
• diameter visual diameter
• diamond milling
• diamond ring
• diaphragm
• diaphragm aperture
• diapositive
• diatomic molecule
• dichotomize
• dichotomy
• dichroic crystal
• dichroic mirror
• Dicke method
• Dicke radiometer
• Dicke's arrangement
• Dicke's technique
• Dicke system
• Dicke system receiver
• dictionary
• dielectric constant
• dielectronic recombination
• difference
• difference band
• difference of path
• differential aberration
• differential colorimeter
• differential coordinates
• differential determinations
• differentially
• differential method
• differential motion
• differential observations
• differential observing
• differential refraction
• differential refraction effects
• differential rotation
• differential solar rotation
• differential work
• differentiation
• diffract
• diffracting screen
• diffraction
• diffraction fringe
• diffraction grating
• diffraction image
• diffraction limited optics
• diffraction limited resolution
• diffraction maxima
• diffraction of radio waves
• diffraction pattern
• diffraction rings
• diffraction spectrograph
• diffraction spectroscope
• diffraction spectrum
• diffuse
• diffuse band
• diffuse galactic light
• diffuse interstellar bands
• diffusely reflecting sphere
• diffuse matter
• diffuse nebula
• diffuser
• diffuse radiation
• diffuse radiation field
• diffuse reflection
• diffuse series
• diffuse sunlight
• diffuse transmission
• diffusing effect
• diffusing screen
• diffusing surface
• diffusion
• diffusion function
• diffusion rate
• diffusion velocity
• Digges' telescope
• digital camera
• digital computer
• digital data presentation
• digital method
• digital recording system
• digitized sky survey
• digitizer
• digit printer
• dilatation
• dilation
• dilute aperture
• diluted radiation
• dilution factor
• dimension
• dim vision
• diode
• diode noise generator
• diode noise source
• diopter
• dioptric
• dioptrical
• dioptrics
• dioptric system
• dioptric telescope
• dioptrique
• dioptry
• dip
• dip of horizon
• dip of the horizon
• dipole
• dipole antenna
• dipole-dipole interaction
• dipole feed
• dipole moment
• dipole-quadruple interaction
• dipole radiation
• Dirac matrixes
• Dirac's equation
• direct colorimetry
• direct-current comparison radiometer
• direct exposure
• direction
• directional
• directional antenna
• directional diagram
• directional discrimination
• directional distribution
• directional flux
• directional information
• direction cosines
• direction of baseline
• direction of galactic center
• directive coefficient
• directivity
• directivity of radiation
• directivity pattern
• direct measurement
• direct measures
• direct motion
• direct observations
• direct photograph
• direct photography
• direct plate
• direct radiation
• direct radiometer
• direct ray
• direct-reading scale
• direct receiver
• direct reflection
• direct sunlight
• direct technique
• direct-vision prism
• direct vision spectroscope
• direct-vision spectroscope
• direct wave
• direct-writing recorder
• dirty image
• disc
• discernible
• discharge
• discharge in vacuum
• discontinuities in flexure
• discontinuities in instrumental system
• discontinuity
• discover
• discoverer
• discovery
• discrepancies in motion
• discrepancy
• discrete
• discrete band
• discrete energy levels
• discrete energy state
• discrete radio star
• discrete source
• discrimination
• discrimination in range
• discriminator
• dish
• dish type radio telescope
• disintegration
• disk
• disk dial
• disk flare
• disk temperature
• disk temperature of planet
• dismount
• dispersing unit
• dispersion
• dispersion coefficient
• dispersion in luminosity of sources
• dispersion in velocity
• dispersion prism
• dispersive power
• displaced atom
• displaced doublet
• displaced term
• displacement
• displacement coordinates
• displacement law
• displacements in photographic film
• display
• disruption
• disruption theory
• dissociate
• dissociation
• dissociation constant
• dissociation continuum
• dissociation energy
• dissociation equation
• dissociation equilibrium
• dissociation limit
• dissociation of galactic cluster
• dissociation potential
• dissolution of group
• distance
• distance determination
• distance from Earth
• distance measurement
• distance modulus
• distance scale
• distant antenna
• distant galaxy
• distant nebula
• distant object
• distant radio star
• distant regions
• distant source
• distant stars
• distorted image
• distorted wave front
• distorting lens
• distortion
• distortion in emulsion
• distributed source
• distribution
• distribution in latitude
• distribution in longitude
• distribution in space
• distribution of emission
• distribution of galaxies
• distribution of matter
• distribution of radiation
• distribution of radio energy
• disturbance
• disturbance diurnal
• disturbance energy
• disturbance to seeing
• disturbed
• disturbed areas
• disturbed day
• disturbed magnetic variation
• disturbed region
• disturbed Sun
• disturbed Sun emission
• disturbed Sun radiation
• disturbed wave front
• disturber
• disturbing agency
• disturbing effect
• disturbing F
• disturbing function
• dithering
• diurnal
• diurnal aberration
• diurnal arc
• diurnal circle
• diurnal inequality
• diurnal libration
• diurnal method
• diurnal motion
• diurnal parallax
• diurnal rotation
• diurnal variation
• divergence
• divergence angle
• divergent
• diverging
• diverging lens
• diverging motion in spot group
• divided circle
• division
• division errors
• division line
• D lines
• Dobsonian mounting
• dodging
• Dollond eyepiece
• dome
• dome balcony
• dome drive
• dome rotation
• dome seeing
• dome shutters
• dome slit
• dome trucks
• dome ventilation
• Dominion astrophysical observatory
• Dominion radio astrophysical observatory
• donor
• Doppler broadening
• Doppler displacement
• Doppler effect
• Doppler effect in photodissociation
• Doppler effect of thermal motion
• Doppler method
• Doppler shift
• Doppler spread
• Dopplers' principle
• Doppler velocities
• Doppler width
• dot image
• double
• double astrograph
• double-beam
• double-beam photometer
• double-beam spectrometer
• double-concave lens
• double-convex lens
• double electron excitation
• double elliptical system
• double galaxy
• double-image micrometer
• double-image prism
• double interferometer
• double nebula
• double planet
• double refraction
• double-slide plate carriage
• double source
• double star
• double star astronomy
• double system