Rambler's Top100Astronet    
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  Òåðìèíû   |   Ôðàçû   |   Âåðòèêàëüíûé ñïèñîê Πñëîâàðå
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z 
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1090 ôðàç íà áóêâó "C"

• cabin
• cage
• cage end of tube
• Calar Alto observatory
• calcite
• calcium
• calcium flocculus
• calcium lines
• calcium plage
• calcium plage areas
• calcium prominence
• calcium spectroheliogram
• calculate
• calculations
• calculator
• Caldwell catalog
• calendar
• calendar date
• calendar day
• calendar year
• calibrating source
• calibration
• calibration curve
• calibration exposure
• calibration noise source
• calibration of antenna
• calibration signal
• calibration source
• calibrator
• Caltech sub-millimeter observatory
• Cambridge optical aperture synthesis array
• camcorder
• camera
• camera optics
• camera tube
• Cameron bands
• Canada balsam
• Canada-France-Hawaii telescope
• canal
• candela
• candle
• candle power
• candle-power distribution
• canonical transformation
• cap
• capability of telescope
• capacity
• cap prominence
• capture
• capture cross-section for electrons
• capture process
• capture theory
• carbon
• carbon arc
• carbon cycle
• carbon dioptry
• carbon-nitrogen cycle
• carbon-nitrogen reaction
• carbon sequence
• carbon star
• card catalogue
• cardinal points
• carriage
• carrier gas
• carrier vehicle
• Carrington rotation
• Carte du Ciel
• cascade intensifier
• cascade transition
• case
• Cassegrain
• Cassegrain arrangement
• Cassegrain beam
• Cassegrain focal plane
• Cassegrain focal point
• Cassegrain focal ratio
• Cassegrain focus
• Cassegrainian
• Cassegrainian focus
• Cassegrainian telescope
• Cassegrain instruments
• Cassegrain-Maksutov telescope
• Cassegrain mirror
• Cassegrain optical path
• Cassegrain position
• Cassegrain reflector
• Cassegrain secondary
• Cassegrain spectrograph
• Cassegrain system
• Cassegrain telescope
• cataclysmic variables
• catadioptric
• catadioptric system
• catadioptric telescope
• catalog
• catalog equinox
• Catalog of Galaxies and clusters of Galaxies
• catalogue
• catalogue position
• cathode
• cathode aperture
• cathode-ray oscillograph display
• cathode ray oscilloscope
• cathode-ray tube
• cathodic
• cathodoluminescence
• catoptric
• catoptrical
• catoptrics
• catoptric system
• catoptric telescope
• cat's eye photometer
• Cauchy formula
• caustic
• C band
• CCD detector
• CD star
• celestial
• celestial body
• celestial coordinates
• celestial coordinate system
• celestial dome
• celestial equator
• celestial gamma rays
• celestial globe
• celestial horizon
• celestial latitude
• celestial longitude
• celestial mechanics
• celestial meridian
• celestial motions
• celestial object
• celestial photography
• celestial pole
• celestial position
• celestial source
• celestial sphere
• cell
• cellular mirror
• Celsius degree
• centennial proper motion
• center
• Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy
• center hole
• centering error
• center limb variation
• center line
• center of activity
• center of curvature
• center of emission
• center of gravity
• center of mass
• center to limb variation
• centimeter band
• centimeter burst
• centimeter component
• centimeter emission
• centimeter observations
• centimeter radiation
• centimeter radio waves
• centimeter range
• centimeter spectrum
• centimeter-wave burst
• centimeter-wave emission
• centimeter wavelength band
• centimeter wavelength radiation
• centimeter wavelength range
• centimeter wavelength region
• centimeter wavelengths
• centimeter waves
• centimeter-wave spectrum
• centimetric emission
• centimetric radio waves
• central
• central bar
• Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams