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Англо-Русско-Английский Астрономический Словарь

  Термины   |   Фразы   |   Вертикальный список О словаре
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z 
А | Б | В | Г | Д | Е | Ж | З | И | Й | К | Л | М | Н | О | П | Р | С | Т | У | Ф | Х | Ц | Ч | Ш | Щ | Э | Ю | Я 

432 фразы на букву "B"

• back focal length
• back focus
• Back-Goudsmit effect
• background
• background brightness
• background brightness temperature
• background component
• background continuous background of radiation
• background continuum
• background cosmic radiation
• background elimination
• background emission
• background fluctuation
• background galactic noise
• background intensity
• background level
• background noise
• background observations
• background of cosmic radiation
• background of emission
• background of extragalactic sources
• background of galactic radiation
• background of radiation
• background of radio radiation
• background radiation
• background radio waves
• background sky
• background star
• background stars
• background subtraction