Rambler's Top100Astronet    
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  Òåðìèíû   |   Ôðàçû   |   Âåðòèêàëüíûé ñïèñîê Πñëîâàðå
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z 
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2155 ôðàç ñî ñëîâàìè íà÷èíàþùèìèñÿ ñ áóêâû "A"

against a background
Abastumani astrophysical observatory
Seidel aberration
aberration(al) ellipse
aberration angle
aberration constant
aberration-free objective
aberration image
aberration in declination
aberration in ecliptic longitude
aberration in latitude
aberration in right ascension
aberration of light
chromatic aberration of position
optical aberrations
abnormal galaxy
abnormal series
absolute black body
absolute brightness
absolute coordinates
absolute declination
absolute degree
absolute determinations
absolute line strength
absolute luminosity
spectroscopic absolute magnitude
absolute magnitude effect
absolute method
absolute parallax
absolute photographic magnitude
absolute position
absolute proper motion
absolute radio magnitude
absolute sensitivity
absolute stellar luminosity
absolute temperature
absolute unit
absolute zero
absorbed energy
absorbed light
selective absorber
absorbing capacity
absorbing cloud
absorbing layer
absorbing medium
absorbing power
absorbing region
absorbing wedge
21-cm line absorption
absorption, atmospheric
absorption band
absorption band progression
absorption beyond the series limit
stellar absorption coefficient
Balmer absorption continuum
absorption edge
absorption effects
absorption feature
absorption flocculus
absorption limiting frequency
absorption line
overlap of absorption lines
absorption loss
absorption mechanism
dark (absorption) nebula
absorption power