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1. Index
... Aloisi, A. The Old Stellar Population . Alonso-Herrero, A. HST /NICMOS Observations of the . ... Balcells, M. HST-NICMOS Observations of Galactic . ... Baum, S.A. Investigating the Evolution of . ... Becklin, E.E. A Coronagraphic Search for . ... Clampin, M. The Old Stellar Population . ... Close, L. HST NICMOS Observations of . ... The Stellar Population in . Geballe, T.R. HST NICMOS Observations of . ... Greggio, L. The Old Stellar Population . ... Leitherer, C. The Old Stellar Population . ...
Сохраненная копия
Ссылки http://www.stecf.org/conferences/sardinia/node40.html -- 14.1 Кб -- 12.06.2006
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2. Browsing the HST Archive with Java-enriched Database Access
... Up: Archives and Information Services . Previous: Search and Retrieval of the AXAF Data Archive on the Web using Java . ... Our Web interface to the HST archive (WDB) was substantially augmented during the past few months: A seamless integration of Java applets and CGI interfaces to the database now allows basic manipulation and visualization of data. ... These applets only require a common Web browser and offer very helpful features to facilitate archive data selection. ...
Сохраненная копия
Ссылки http://www.stecf.org/conferences/adass/adassVII/dolenskym2.html -- 9.1 Кб -- 12.06.2006
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3. SPECPSF (V1.00) --- May00 stecf.specres --- SPECPSF (V1.00)
specpsf -- Form a longslit spectrum for a point source from many point spread function images specpsf refima psfwavs psfims sliwid pixwid subsam cenoff psfpos outpsf . ... The name of the input 2-dimensional reference image to supply the dimensions and header information for the output longslit Point Spread Function (PSF) spectrum image. psfwavs = "" [table file name] . ... The centre of the Point Spread Function in each input image is determined by centroiding and the slit is placed over the image. ...
Сохраненная копия
Ссылки http://www.stecf.org/software/IRAFtools/stecf-iraf/specres/specpsf.hlp.html -- 6.1 Кб -- 08.06.2006
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(Показать все результаты (>7) - www.eso.org/ )
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