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Найдено документов: 525 (3 сайтов) ---- Время поиска: 0.12сек.   

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1. Structure Detection in Low Intensity X-Ray Images using the Wavelet Transform
... In the context of assessing and characterizing structures in X-ray images, we compare different approaches. The intensity level is often very low and necessitates a special treatment of Poisson statistics. ... Finally, using a set of ROSAT HRI deep pointings, the presence of small-scale structures in the central regions of clusters of galaxies is investigated. ... Hence, WT has been used for clusters and subclusters analysis (Slezak et al. ...
[ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 16.2 Кб -- 12.06.2006
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... Structure Detection in Low Intensity X­Ray Images using the Wavelet Transform Applied to Galaxy Cluster Cores Analysis Jean­Luc Starck and Marguerite Pierre CEA/DSM/DAPNIA F­91191 Gif­sur­Yvette cedex Abstract. ... Multi­resolution filtering methods based on the wavelet coe#cients detection are also discussed. Finally, using a set of ROSAT HRI deep pointings, the presence of small­scale structures in the central regions of clusters of galaxies is investigated. ... 1995; Rosati et al. ... 1996). ...
[ Текст ]  Ссылки -- 90.5 Кб -- 12.06.2006
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3. IRAF/STECF 2-D spectrum point source / background decomposition package
IRAF/STECF 2-D spectrum point source / background decomposition package . ... The general problem is one of spectral decomposition - of separating the spectra of the point sources from the background. ... The STECF IRAF layered package "specres" provides two tasks to extract point source spectra from 2-D images (either longslit, multislit or cross-dispersed) and decompose the full background over the image. ... A Point Source Function spectrum image is required as a 2-D spectrum. ...
[ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 16.5 Кб -- 08.06.2006
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