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1. Cyber Hype or Educational Technology? . What is being learned from all those
... This paper discusses various information technology methods being applied to science education and public information. ... This paper addresses instructional technology used in astrophysics-related public programs and will explore issues related to the clientele, resource design and budgetary issues. ... Information technology methods are being applied and evolved to provide exemplary materials for science education, curricula and general public information about research and technology. ...
Сохраненная копия
Ссылки http://www.stecf.org/conferences/adass/adassVII/christianc.html -- 26.9 Кб -- 12.06.2006
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(Показать все результаты (>242) - www.adass.org/ )
2. http://www.stecf.org/conferences/adass/adassVII/reprints/albrechtr.ps.gz
... Astronomy OnLine the World's Biggest Astronomy Event on the WorldWideWeb R. Albrecht 1 , R. West, C. Madsen European Southern Observatory, Garching, Germany M. Naumann Serco c/o European Southern Observatory, Garching, Germany Abstract. This educational programme was organised in a collaboration be tween ESO, the European Association for Astronomy Education (EAAE) and the European Union (EU) during the 4th European Week for Sci entific and Technological Culture. ...
Ссылки http://www.stecf.org/conferences/adass/adassVII/reprints/albrechtr.ps.gz -- 74.9 Кб -- 12.06.2006
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(Показать все результаты (>31) - www.stecf.org/ )
3. IRAF/STECF 2-D spectrum point source / background decomposition package
IRAF/STECF 2-D spectrum point source / background decomposition package . ... The general problem is one of spectral decomposition - of separating the spectra of the point sources from the background. ... The STECF IRAF layered package "specres" provides two tasks to extract point source spectra from 2-D images (either longslit, multislit or cross-dispersed) and decompose the full background over the image. ... A Point Source Function spectrum image is required as a 2-D spectrum. ...
Сохраненная копия
Ссылки http://www.stecf.org/software/IRAFtools/stecf-iraf/specres/ -- 16.5 Кб -- 08.06.2006
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(Показать все результаты (>7) - www.eso.org/ )
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