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Найдено документов: 532 (3 сайтов) ---- Время поиска: 0.50сек.   

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1. NICMOSlook and Calnic C: Slitless Spectra Extraction Tools
Next: Analysis Tools for Nebular Emission Lines . ... Extracting spectra from a large number of NICMOS grism images requires a convenient interactive tool which allows a user to manipulate direct/grism image pairs. ... The direct image is used to locate objects of interest, to find the position of the appropriate spectra in the grism image, to determine the optimal extraction technique to use, and to calibrate the wavelength range of the extracted spectra. ... Figure 1: The NICMOSlook User Interface . ...
[ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 9.2 Кб -- 12.06.2006
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... The general­purpose data reduction package FIGARO is now available to be run from the IRAF CL, and more Starlink applications will follow in due course. ... A system has been developed to enable packages written for the Starlink Software Environment to be run from the IRAF CL so that an IRAF user can mix and match application tasks from the two environments as required to process data, all under the control of the IRAF CL. ... Mixing IRAF and Starlink Applications -- FIGARO under IRAF 179 3. ...
[ Текст ]  Ссылки -- 104.2 Кб -- 12.06.2006
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3. IRAF/STECF 2-D spectrum point source / background decomposition package
IRAF/STECF 2-D spectrum point source / background decomposition package . ... The general problem is one of spectral decomposition - of separating the spectra of the point sources from the background. ... The STECF IRAF layered package "specres" provides two tasks to extract point source spectra from 2-D images (either longslit, multislit or cross-dispersed) and decompose the full background over the image. ... A Point Source Function spectrum image is required as a 2-D spectrum. ...
[ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 16.5 Кб -- 08.06.2006
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