... Over the first 4 years, its X-ray telescopes eROSITA and ART-XC will survey the whole sky with a record sensitivity in the 0.5-10 keV energy band. ... The goal of the second international Spectrum-RG conference is to discuss the different scientific topics addressed by the mission, synergies with surveys at other wavelengths, and requirements to follow-up observations.Contributed talks and poster presentations are invited on the topics related to the SRG science goals. ... Active galactic nuclei . ...
Lack of co oling flow clusters at z 0.5 A. Vikhlinin1,2 , R. Burenin2 , W. R. Forman1 , C. Jones1 , A. Hornstrup3 , S. S. Murray1, and H. Quintana4 1 2 3 4 Harvard-Smithsonian ... Astronomia y Astrofisica, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile The goal of this work is to study the incidence rate of co oling flows in the high redshift clusters using Chandra observations of z 0.5 ob jects from a new large, ... Fig. ... Lack of "cooling flow" clusters at z > 0.5 3 Fig. ...