Astronet Ïîèñê ïî àñòðîíîìè÷åñêèì ñàéòàì English Russian
        Òî÷íàÿ ôîðìà ñëîâ   Î ïðîåêòå   Ñàéòû   Ñïðàâêà
Íàéäåíî äîêóìåíòîâ: 310761 (176 ñàéòîâ) ---- Âðåìÿ ïîèñêà: 1.01ñåê.   

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Ñëåä.

Ïîêàçàíû äîêóìåíòû, ñîäåðæàùèå ôðàãìåíòû òåêñòà èç äîêóìåíòà

1. RCJ0311+0507
... A radio galaxy is a galaxy that emits an unusually big amount of energy at radio wavelengths. ... Inside of each galaxy with an active nucleus (radio galaxies are among them) there must be a system of a "central machine" responsible for the colossal amount of the emitted energy from radio to gamma ranges. ... Sometimes a radio source in an active galaxy may flare again if the needed conditions appear (a new portion of matter would fall into the furnace of the "central machine"). ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 7.8 Êá -- 01.10.2012
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 7.8 Êá -- 02.10.2012
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû
Åùå â ðàçäåëå: (Ïîêàçàòü âñå ðåçóëüòàòû (>1426) - )

2. New HI Observations of the Prototype Polar Ring Galaxy NGC 4650A
Magda Arnaboldi (MSSSO), Tom Oosterloo (ATNF), Francoise Combes (DEMIRM), . ... New, high resolution observations of the H I emission line and 20-cm continuum at the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) for the prototype polar ring galaxy NGC 4650A are presented. ... Keywords. galaxies: individual (NGC 4650A) - galaxies: dynamics - galaxies: dark matter. related paper: Combes Arnaboldi 1996, A 305, 763, . The dark halo of polar-ring galaxy NGC 4650a: flattened towards the polar ring ?'' . ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 2.8 Êá -- 13.04.2008
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

3. Abstract
Velocity profiles of galaxies with claimed black holes - III. Observations and models for M87 . ... Near the centre, the data can still be fit equally well with radially anisotropic models without a central black hole, as with less anisotropic models with a central black hole of mass M_BH < 5 x 10^9 solar masses. ... If M87 has a 5 x 10^9 solar mass black hole, we show that for our observational setup the central line strength will be underestimated by 2% and the central velocity dispersion by 8%. ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 6.2 Êá -- 27.05.2000
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

4. The Co-Addition Technique Applied to Images of Galaxy Cores
... Previous: Substepping and its Application to HST Imaging . ... This is a preliminary report on an application of the co-addition technique based upon the Richardson-Lucy algorithm. The combination of high signal-to-noise ground-based images obtained with the ESO NTT using SUSI with high angular resolution HST FOC f/96 images gives new insights on the properties of galaxy cores and their potential time variability. Cores of galaxies are one of the main thrusts of present extragalactic research. ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 10.8 Êá -- 12.06.2006
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 10.9 Êá -- 15.05.1998
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

5. The Galaxy Gallery: Messier Objects
M1 image More About M1 Nice Color Picture . ... M16 image More About M16 HST image . ... M31 image More About M31 Nice Color Picture . ... M42 image ; M43 image More About M42/43 Nice Color CCD Picture . M51 image More About M51 Color Image of M51 M51 Supernova . M57 image More About M57 Nice Color CCD Picture Very Deep M57 Image . ... M81 image More About M81 M81 Supernova Ultraviolet Image of M81 More about Ultraviolet Imaging . M82 image More About M82 M82 False Color M82 True Color . ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 7.0 Êá -- 23.07.2004
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

6. ESO - Thesis Topic: Probing the central regions of galaxies
... Science . ... Science Users Information > Science Activities > PhD Thesis Topics offered by ESO Faculty Members > Thesis Topic: Probing the central regions of galaxies . ... Observing Facilities . ... Data Handling and Products . ... Science Data Products Forum . ... Science Archive Facility . ... ESO Data . ... The advent of near IR spectroscopy in conjunction with adaptive optics on large telescopes allows to observe the central regions of galaxies at unprecedented spatial resolutions. ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 26.7 Êá -- 10.04.2016
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

... We present 5GHz high resolution VLA observations of 2,127 radio-- and X-ray--emitting sources found in both the Green Bank (GB) 5GHz radio catalog and the ROSAT All-Sky Survey (RASS). We report core flux densities and positions accurate to =-0.5". ... This table has 1861 rows and 9 columns giving: Catalog source name, RA and DEC (J2000), observation code, S/N ratio, VLA core flux density at 5 GHz (mJy), Green Bank flux density at 5 GHz (mJy), error in Green Bank flux density (mJy), and Notes. ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 3.8 Êá -- 18.03.2015
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

8. astro-ph authors/title/abstract search for 'galaxy cluster' (skipped 200) all
Title: A New Model of the Gravitational Lens 0957+561 and a Limit on the Hubble Constant . Authors: Norman A. Grogin , Ramesh Narayan (Harvard Univ.) ... Title: ROSAT/PSPC observation of the distant cluster CL0939+472 . ... Title: Interaction in the Bimodal Galaxy Cluster A3528 . ... Title: Cosmological Implications of Galaxy Cluster Evolution . ... Title: Galaxy Cluster Virial Masses and Omega . ... Matches 201 to 222 from a total of 222 matches for the search pattern galaxy cluster . ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 18.6 Êá -- 17.07.2001
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

9. K-band Arcetri Obscured Supernova Search - What is the KAOSS Projrect?
K-band Arcetri Obscured Supernova Search . What is the KAOSS Project? W hat is the KAOSS Project? Some recent surveys aimed at detecting Supernovae (SNe) in the optical have found that starburst galaxies do not show evidence for an enhanced SN rate, with respect to quiescent galaxies (Richmond et al. ... A similar result was obtained by Navasardyan et al. (2001) who looked for SNe in interacting galaxies, finding no evidence for correlations between SN rate and galaxy properties. ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 11.4 Êá -- 06.02.2004
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

Proposal Identi cation No.: A1759 Date Received: 2003-Feb-03 10:47:30 Technical Page Proposal Type: Regular General Category: Astronomy Sub-Category: Spectroscopy Observation Category: Total Time Requested: 50 Hours Proposal Title: Completing the HI observations of late-type galaxies in the Virgo cluster ABSTRACT: We aim to obtain Hi detections or signi cant upper limits (rms0.2-0.4 mJy at 5 km/s resolution) for a complete sample of 30 late-type galaxies in the Virgo cluster. ...
[ Òåêñò ]  Ññûëêè -- 105.1 Êá -- 19.04.2004
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

11. CO in NGC 1530, aperture synthesis of a barred spiral
... NGC 1530 is one of the largest barred spiral galaxies in the northern sky, with bright CO emission. ... To trace molecular gas, we observed the line, with the IRAM Interferometer. ... Properties of NGC 1530 and observational results . ... Then in a frame rotating with the potential, the periodic orbits are ellipses either parallel to the bar ( ) or perpendicular ( ), depending on the radius of the orbit. ... We observed the molecular gas in the bar of NGC 1530, a barred SBb spiral in the line. ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 12.6 Êá -- 08.12.2003
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

... The Co­Addition Technique Applied to Images of Galaxy Cores W. W. Zeilinger Institut f˜ur Astronomie, University of Vienna, T˜urkenschanzstraúe 17, A­1180 Wien, Austria P. Crane, P. GrosbÜl and A. Renzini European Southern Observatory, Karl­Schwarzschild Straúe 2, D­85748 Garching, Germany Abstract. ... One may therefore take full advantage of the high resolution FOC images by co­adding them with (high signal­to­noise) ground­ based data. ... References Crane, P. et al. ...
[ Òåêñò ]  Ññûëêè -- 76.9 Êá -- 12.06.2006
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

13. Search for distant radio galaxies in SAO
... The search for distant objects which can be both galaxies and quasars is one of the most important problems of observational astrphysics, because it allows one to determine cosmological parameters connected with the time of appearence and evolution of stellar systems, large scale structure of the Universe. ... Radio galaxies are important objects to be studied because they are sources of infrared-optical-ultraviolet continuum, emission lines and continual radio emission. ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 9.3 Êá -- 02.10.2012
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 9.3 Êá -- 01.10.2012
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 9.3 Êá -- 01.10.2012
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

14. The Stellar Content and Distance to the Nearby Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxy
... In this paper we present the results of detailed B, V, R, I, and H study of the isolated nearby blue compact dwarf (BCD) galaxy NGC6789. Judging from the literature the observed galaxy has not been resolved into stars up to now. ... The distance of the galaxy, estimated from the tip of the red giant branch (TRGB) is 2.1 Mpc which places NGC6789 close to the Local Group. ... Key words: nearby galaxies: dwarf galaxies (NGC 6789): distance moduli: star content . ... Distance. ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 5.2 Êá -- 19.11.2010
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

15. Chandra's View of M86
... We detect three main diffuse components: the Virgo ICM at ~2.4 keV, the extended halo of M86 at ~1.2 keV, and the cooler central and stripped gas of M86 at ~0.8 keV. The most striking feature is a long tail of emission, which consists of a plume ~ 4' north of M86 and two main extensions emanating from the plume. ... Ram pressure stripping from an aspherical potential can also explain the split "double tails" seen in M86 and in other Virgo cluster galaxies in the field. ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 4.0 Êá -- 01.10.2012
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

16. Äàëåêàÿ Ãàëàêòèêà - ïîïóëÿðíî îá àñòðîíîìèè
... Î Äàëåêîé Ãàëàêòèêå . ... Òåïåðü â Äàëåêîé Ãàëàêòèêå âû âñåãäà ìîæåòå óâèäåòü ñâåæèå ôîòîãðàôèè Ñîëíöà. ... Ôîðóì . Ôîðóì "Äàëåêîé Ãàëàêòèêè" - ïðåêðàñíîå ìåñòî äëÿ îáùåíèÿ âñåõ àñòðîíîìîâ. ... Íîâîñòè èç êîñìîñà . ... Ïîäïèñàòüñÿ íà íîâîñòè Äàëåêîé Ãàëàêòèêè Âû ìîæåòå çäåñü: . ... Íîâîñòè èç Äàëåêîé Ãàëàêòèêè - ïîïóëÿðíî îá Àñòðîíîìèè . ... Åñëè âû õîòèòå âûðàçèòü ñâîå ìíåíèå î ñàéòå "Äàëåêàÿ Ãàëàêòèêà", èëè ïðîñòî ïî÷èòàòü ìíåíèÿ äðóãèõ ïîñåòèòåëåé - ïîæàëóéñòà, çàõîäèòå â Ãîñòåâóþ êíèãó . ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 48.9 Êá -- 02.02.2013
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû
Åùå â ðàçäåëå: (Ïîêàçàòü âñå ðåçóëüòàòû (>2) - )

17. Kinematics of galaxies: catalogue
. Back to A.Zasov's homepage.
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 1.7 Êá -- 15.01.1999
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû
Åùå â ðàçäåëå: (Ïîêàçàòü âñå ðåçóëüòàòû (>3) - )

18. Spectrum-Roentgen-Gamma - The astrophysical Project at IKI RAN
... The study of the Large-scale structure of the Universe and measurements of the Dark Energy equation of state; The exploration of the growth and cosmological evolution of supermassive Black holes in the Universe. ... In course of the all sky survey SRG will discover about 100 000 galaxy clusters and 3 million AGNs. Galaxy clusters are the largest gravitationally bounded objects in the Universe and are best explored through the study of X-ray emission from the hot intergalactic gas. ... 2016 IKI RAN ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 8.3 Êá -- 10.04.2016
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû
Åùå â ðàçäåëå: (Ïîêàçàòü âñå ðåçóëüòàòû (>956) - )

19. Dark Matter in Spiral Galaxies
... ROTATION CURVE: When studying spiral galaxies it is invariably found that the stellar rotational velocity in the disk remains constant, or "flat", with increasing distance away from the galactic center. ... The rotation speed of the stars in galaxies is found NOT to decrease with increasing distance from the galactic center (see emission lines in the spectrum), implying that the overall mass distribution of the galaxy is different from the light distribution. ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 7.2 Êá -- 02.10.2012
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû
Åùå â ðàçäåëå: (Ïîêàçàòü âñå ðåçóëüòàòû (>730) - )

20. (S-7a) The Black Hole at the Center of our Galaxy
... Our Sun is part of a huge wheel-shaped collection of stars. ... Astronomers have long suspected it was a very massive black hole, and that every galaxy had such a central mass, created early in the history of the universe. ... However, unless that object happens to be headed directly at the black hole (a relatively small target) it will just swing around and fly away again, like a comet making a pass at the Sun. The velocity acquired in falling towards the black hole also helps it escape. ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 9.5 Êá -- 21.12.2007
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 9.5 Êá -- 22.12.2007
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

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Àñòðîíåò | Íàó÷íàÿ ñåòü | ÃÀÈØ ÌÃÓ | Ïîèñê ïî ÌÃÓ | Î ïðîåêòå | Àâòîðàì

Êîììåíòàðèè, âîïðîñû? Ïèøèòå: èëè ñþäà

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