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: 328890 (177 ) ---- : 1.46.   

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1. Vista with NGC 2170
... Credit Copyright: ESO /J. Emerson/ VISTA ; Acknowledgment: Cambridge Astronomical Survey Unit Explanation: Drifting through the one-horned constellation Monoceros , these dusty streamers and new born stars are part of the active Monoceros R2 star-forming region, embedded in a giant molecular cloud. ... Publications with keywords: star formation - molecular cloud - Monoceros . Publications with words: star formation - molecular cloud - Monoceros . ... NGC 2174: Stars Versus Mountains . ...
[ ] -- 15.0 -- 15.10.2010

2. APOD: 2010 October 15 - Vista with NGC 2170
... 2010 October 15 . Vista with NGC 2170 . ... Explanation: Drifting through the one-horned constellation Monoceros , these dusty streamers and new born stars are part of the active Monoceros R2 star-forming region, embedded in a giant molecular cloud. ... Visible light images show dusty NGC 2170 , seen here just right of center, as a complex of bluish reflection nebulae. ... About APOD | ... NASA Official: Phillip Newman Specific rights apply . NASA Web Privacy Policy and Important Notices . ...
[ ] -- 5.0 -- 12.02.2011

3. An investigation of the molecular clouds of the Carina HII region/molecular
... An investigation of the molecular clouds of the Carina HII region/molecular cloud complex - First results . ... The Carina Nebula is an extremely bright southern HII region embedded in a giant molecular cloud and contains some of the most massive stars known in our Galaxy. ... Here we present the results of the initial molecular cloud observations which were made by observing the 12CO(1-0) emission with the Mopra antenna . ... HII regions -- ISM: clouds, kinematics and dynamics -- stars: formation ....
[ ] -- 52.3 -- 08.04.2016

4. Arcetri Star-Formation Group Publications
... B. Vicini, A. Natta, A. Marconi, L. Testi, D. Hollenbach, B.T. Draine . 1998, A&A, in press . ... 1998, ApJ, in press . ... L. Testi, F. Palla, A. Natta . ... Francesco Palla . 1998, The Physics of Star Formation and Early Stellar Evolution, eds. C.J. Lada and N. Kylafis, in press . ... 1998, in "The Molecular Astrophysics of Stars and Galaxies - A Volume Honouring Alexander Dalgarno", edited by T. W. Hartquist and D. A. Williams, Oxford University Press, in press . ... Star Formation Group . ...
[ ] -- 10.7 -- 19.02.2001
: ( (>6586) - )

5. Brandon's Research
... Research . ... Star Forming Regions in the Magellanic Clouds | ... Made by B. Lawton (2010). Karl D. Gordon (STScI, Baltimore, USA) . Brian Babler (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA) . ... Lynn R. Carlson (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA) . ... Margaret Meixner (STScI, Baltimore, USA) . ... 16) Gordon, K. D., (26 coauthors), Lawton, B., et al. 2012, in preparation; Surveying the Agents of Galaxy Evolution in the Tidally Stripped, Low Metallicity, Small Magellanic Cloud (SAGE-SMC). ...
[ ] -- 12.8 -- 01.02.2013

6. AdelePlunkettAstro
... PhD Yale University, Astronomy, 2015 . ... MS, MPhil Yale University, Astronomy, 2011 . ... Plunkett, Adele L. ; Arce, Hctor G.; Corder, Stuartt A.; Dunham, Michael M.; Mardones, Diego; Garay, Guido 2014, ApJ, 803, 22, Assessing molecular outflows and turbulence in the protostellar cluster Serpens South . ... Department of Astronomy Seminar, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile April 2013 . ... Yale-University of Chile Meeting, New Haven, CT December 2011 . ...
[ ] -- 10.7 -- 15.01.2016

... This image shows clearly the 3-D structure of this star formation region: a large cavity, created by the radiation pressure from new-born stars located in the brightest area of the image, lies within a huge cloud of dust and gas. Identified as a truly indepedent star cluster, NGC 1980 is associated with this well-studied star formation region, around the brightest star seen at the bottom of this image, Iota Ori. ...
[ ] -- 4.1 -- 10.04.2016

8. Amateur Telescope Makers of Boston
... Tadpole Emission Nebula and the Flaming Star Nebula . The constellation of Auriga harbors the cluster NGC 1893 which contains the Tadpole Nebula (IC 410). ... The Flaming Star Nebula, IC 405, is the magenta/purplish area and is the reflection portion of this nebulous region. 5nm Narrowband filters; H-alpha: O-III: S-II - 60: 60: 40 minutes x 600-second sub frames, Total= 2-hours 40-minutes, binned 1x1. ... Copyright (c) Amateur Telescope Makers of Boston, Inc. ...
[ ] -- 4.0 -- 10.04.2016
: ( (>546) - )

9. The Music of the Spheres
... This is combined emission from all the gas clouds circling the black hole, between 0.1 and 10 light years out. ... These are the expanding clouds of gas left behind when a massive star comes to the end of its life and explodes, producing a supernova. ... Also known as the Veil nebula, a vast and beautiful whispy nebula left over from an exploding star. ... The Crab Nebula (120kb). ... Carbon Star (120kb) Red giant stars, surrounded by clouds or carbon dust. ... 3500 K star (64kb) , like Aldebaran. ...
[ ] -- 7.5 -- 02.10.2012

10. "Structure" publications in 2005 year
Our publications in 2005 year S.A. Pustilnik (SAO), A.Y. Kniazev (ESO, SAO), A.G. Pramskij (SAO) . Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 443, Issue 1, November III 2005, pp.91-102 (11/2005) . ... Kniazev, Alexei Y.; Grebel, Eva K.; Pustilnik, Simon A.; Pramskij, A.G.; Zucker, D.B. The Astronomical Journal, Volume 130, Issue 4, pp. ... 10/2005) . Pustilnik, S. A. Astron. ... Kniazev, A.Y.; Pustilnik, S.A.; Grebel, E.K.; Lee, H.; Pramskij, A.G. VizieR On-line Data Catalog: J/ApJS/153/429. ...
[ ] -- 3.9 -- 25.11.2005

11. Sunspots and active regions October 09, 2014
... Sun images . ... Active areas . October : 2014 . ... The following regions with sunspots can be now observed on the Sun's surface . Group number . ... Group length (in degrees) . ... Alpha . ... Coordinates and other characteristics of active regions are issued for October 09, 2014 00:31 UT The following H-alpha plages without spots can be currently observed on the Sun's surface . ... Coordinates and other characteristics of active regions are issued for October 09, 2014 00:31 UT . ...
[ ] -- 26.7 -- 11.04.2016

12. Armagh Observatory
... All previous such superstars have been found along with many companion stars in the centres of crowded star clusters. The star is known as VFTS 682 from the VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey catalogue of the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope (VLT) located at Paranal in Chile by means of the attached FLAMES instrument. ... Although VFTS 682 seems to be alone now it is not very far away from a very rich star cluster known as RMC 136 that contains several similar superstars. ...
[ ] -- 9.1 -- 25.05.2011

13. A 215 to 265 GHz spectral line survey of the Sgr B2 molecular cloud
... The spectrum of the Sgr B2 molecular cloud has been surveyed between 215 and 265 GHz towards 3 positions, the dense cores Sgr B2(N)and Sgr B2(M), and the quiescent core Sgr B2(NW). ... The Sgr B2 molecular cloud, located approximately 100 pc from the Galactic Centre and with a mass of , is one of the most extreme cases among star formation sites ( Lis & Goldsmith (1991) ). ... Of the 3 observed positions Sgr B2(N) has the strongest line emission in most molecular species with a few exceptions. ...
[ ] -- 7.9 -- 08.12.2003

14. Astronomy HyperText Book: Interstellar Medium
Photon Scattering: Basic Principle of Photon Scattering . Audio Narration is available . No Scattering: Photon Source and Detector . ... For optical photons, scattering goes as wavelength to the -4 power. In the case of blue photons compared to red photons, this means that blue photons are about 10 times more likely to get scattered than red photons. ... Watch the blue photons scatter away from the detector . ... Interstellar dust make stars appear redder than they really are . ...
[ ] -- 4.2 -- 23.01.1998

15. The Tarantula Nebula
... The Tarantula Nebula , also known as 30 Doradus and NGC 2070 , is a large region of ionized gas surrounding a collection of newly-forming stars at the eastern end of the stellar bar in the Large Magellanic Cloud (many similar regions are scattered through the LMC; see Kennicutt et al. ... The false-color image above is a log-scale display of a mosaic of several images taken with a CCD camera on the 0.6m Curtis Schmidt telescope at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in December 1994. ...
[ ] -- 4.1 -- 19.08.2004

16. My publications
... Panoramic spectroscopy of galaxies with star-formation regions. a study of SBS 1202 + 583" . Hakopian, S. A.; Balayan, S. K.; Dodonov, S. N.; Moiseev, A. V.; Smirnova, A. A. 2012, Astrophysics, v.55, p.1 . The origin of gas in extended narrow-line regions of nearby Seyfert galaxies - I. NGC 7212" . ... Smirnova, A. A. ; Moiseev, A. V.; Afanasiev, V. L. 2010, MNRAS, v.408, p.400 (astro-ph/1006.5547) . ... Studying of some Seyfert galaxies by means of panoramic spectroscopy." ...
[ ] -- 8.7 -- 02.10.2012
[ ] -- 8.7 -- 01.10.2012
[ ] -- 8.7 -- 01.10.2012

17. A Spectacular View of the Lagoon Nebula | Astronotes
Astronotes Armagh Planetarium's Stellar Blog! ... Stars . ... Telescopes and Observatories . ... The majestic star-forming region in the Lagoon Nebula. The pale ring to the right is an internal reflection in the telescope. (Image credit: ESO/ VPHAS+/ V. Kalari and J. Vink (Armagh Observatory) . ... The 18 component images were further processed twice. ... Venu and his colleagues use images like this to identify individual young forming stars in the Lagoon Nebula and determine their ages. ...
[ ] -- 45.4 -- 09.04.2016

18. Galaxy sector, archive 1997
... 1997: . The character of internal motions of gas in 7200 HI clouds in the outer region of our Galaxy was investigated according to the data of the HI survey with the RATAN-600. It turned out that the effect of turbulence, as the main mechanism of gas motion is not essential, while it was discovered that 36% of the clouds are rotating. ... Periodic variations of optical emission of the gamma, X-ray and radio pulsar GEMINGA were for the first time discovered from the observations with the BTA. ...
[ ] -- 7.5 -- 10.04.2016
[ ] -- 7.5 -- 10.04.2016

19. Near-IR Imaging of Star-forming Regions with IRAF
... We report on our ongoing project ``Infrared Study of HII Regions Associated with Small Clouds.' ... These IR data, combined with optical imaging (which will be obtained from the IAC-80 telescope), IRAS survey maps, and existing CO observations of the associated clouds, will allow us to undertake a detailed investigation of the gas-to-dust mass ratio, initial mass function and the star-formation efficiency in these complexes. ... CHECKPSF: check the PSF (Point Spread Function) model, . ...
[ ] -- 7.4 -- 23.06.1998
: ( (>1251) - )

20. IDL programs
... This program was created for correlating chosen regions in the series of fts images. ... Chosen regions' . ... In this section the program counts the integral for each region of the grid for each image. ... As a matter of fact, the integral is total brightness of the region and it is counted by 'int_tabulated' IDL function. ... In addition, the program will show the count of the regions which correlate with the corresponding region (the brighter region means the bigger count) and its contour. ...
[ ] -- 9.9 -- 15.08.2003
: ( (>487) - )

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