This diagram illustrates a floating image that overlaps the borders of two paragraphs in normal flow: the paragraph borders are clipped by the non-transparent parts of the image. ... A left-floating image causes the final three lines of the upper paragraph to float along its right side. It causes the first three lines of the following paragraph to do the same, and the remainder of that paragraph flows normally. The paragraph borders shine through the margin area of the image box. ...
... In doing so, the filter also reads all of the RTF markup that specifies the destination, paragraph and text styles of the next character. ... If the text was not SPECIAL, process the paragraph style . ... Using the HTML paragraph" markup name, the filter (using the .PTag table) knows what tags to generate for the text. ... For each matched entry in the .TMatch table, the filter uses the HTML "text" markup name, the filter (using the .TTag table, see 5.1.2 ) knows what tags to generate for the text...
... 3rd ISCC) Kunming, China, Oct. ... THIRD INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF CHRONOBIOLOGY AND CHRONOMEDICINE Kunming , China , October 7-12, 1998 REGISTRATION FORM This form should be typewritten Participant Title (tick): Prof. _ Dr. _ Mr. _ Mrs. _ Miss _ Ms. _ Surname: _______________ ... ____________________ Given name(s): ______________________ Country: _____________________ Nationality: ________________________ Registration fees: Participant Companion N of companions Amount U.S . $300 ...
Samodurov Vladimir Alekseevich . ... Uchilsja v srednej shkole № 13, chto v chem-to nalozhilo otpechatok na vsju sud'bu. ... Takix vuzov v nashej strane 7, kto ne znaet, i luchshij sredi nix - MGU. ... Eto sdelat' ne udalos', i prishlos' brosit' uchebu v nem i menja, razumeetsja, tut zhe zagrebli v armiju. ... JA nikogo ne agitiruju idti v armiju (osobenno sejchas), no tol'ko tot, kto tam byl, mozhet ponjat', chto takoe nastojash'aja shkola vyzhivanija i nastojash'ij muzhchina. ...
... Небо над Томском . ... Астрономические наблюдения в Томске . ... Полное солнечное затмение 2008 года . ... Выпуск 28 . ... Главным событием этой недели, безусловно, станет полное солнечное затмение, наблюдаемое с территории России, однако в Томске наибольшая величина фазы наблюдаемого явления составит 0.9886. ... Время верхней кульминации . ... Помимо парада планет, сопровождающего это явление, на темном небе появятся созвездие Большой Медведицы, которое расположится в зените. ...