Astronet Ïîèñê ïî àñòðîíîìè÷åñêèì ñàéòàì English Russian
        Òî÷íàÿ ôîðìà ñëîâ   Î ïðîåêòå   Ñàéòû   Ñïðàâêà
Íàéäåíî äîêóìåíòîâ: 360321 (177 ñàéòîâ) ---- Âðåìÿ ïîèñêà: 0.89ñåê.   

Ïðåä. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Ñëåä.

Ïîêàçàíû äîêóìåíòû, ñîäåðæàùèå ôðàãìåíòû òåêñòà èç äîêóìåíòà

NASA JOHNSON SPACE CENTER ORAL HISTORY PROJECT BIOGRAPHICAL DATA SHEET NAME: Richard Horace Battin O RAL H ISTORY: 18 April 2000 EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: S.B. in Electrical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology , Cambridge , Massachusetts , 1945 Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology , Cambridge , Massachusetts , 1951 J OBS BEFORE NASA INVOLVEMENT: Instrumentation Lab, ... Battin, Richard H. Space Guidance and Navigation. ...
[ Òåêñò ]  Ññûëêè -- 110.9 Êá -- 06.08.2002
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

42. Index of /pub/atmos/
... atmos-2.96.0a.tar.gz . ... application/x-gzip . atmos-2.96.0a.tar.gz.md5 . ... 0.1K . text/plain . atmos-2.96.0a.tar.gz.sha1 . ... 2009-Nov-26 18:15:31 . ... 2010-Apr-06 11:03:37 . ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 16.2 Êá -- 09.04.2016
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

43. Alexei Kritsuk's Home Page
... Project page . ... Project workpage . Turbulence in the Multiphase Interstellar Medium . Project I | ... Project highlight | ... Towards simulating turbulence with adaptive meshes . ... A. Kritsuk, P. Padoan, M. Norman . ... A. Kritsuk M. Norman . ... A. Kritsuk, M. Norman, P. Padoan . astro-ph/0411626 | ... P. Padoan, A. Kritsuk, M. Norman, A. Nordlund . ... Introducing Enzo, an AMR Cosmology Application . B. O'Shea, G. Bryan, J. Bordner, M. Norman, T. Abel, R. Harkness, A. Kritsuk . ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 10.8 Êá -- 19.11.2010
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

... The bright supernova (hereafter SN) in the galaxy NGC 4527 was first sighted by S. Knight (USA) on April 13.17UT at magnitude ~14.0v. The report of the sighting was subsequently forwarded by phone to the AAVSO. ... SN 1991T. The galaxy NGC 4527 is an Sb(s)II type galaxy with an apparent Blue magnitude of 11.32 (Shapley-Ames, 1981). ... An analysis of this event utilizing visual observations by amateurs, plus a light curve is presented.. ... THE LIGHT CURVE: . ... ISN SN 1991T web page . ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 9.2 Êá -- 05.02.2013
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 9.3 Êá -- 10.04.2016
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû
Åùå â ðàçäåëå: (Ïîêàçàòü âñå ðåçóëüòàòû (>946) - )

45. East Siberian Center for the Earth's Ionosphere Research. Problems of the IS
Russian SHAREABLE DATA CENTER Institute of Solar-Terrestial Physics SB RAS . ... A most promising problem is to investigate the interaction of two VHF powerful radiowave beams in the ionosphere, whose difference frequency is equal to the plasma frequency in some ionospheric area (that is, the difference frequency is taken in the range 1-8 MHz). ... Two-frequency interaction effects are based on radiowave non-linear mixing, which is rather complicated when describing and modelling the experiment. ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 5.2 Êá -- 04.06.2001
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

46. European Astronomical Society(EAS): NEWS
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2007 18:15:45 +0200 (MEST) From: Alessandro Marconi <> To: Subject: Summer school on AGNs and VLTI Dear Colleague, here is the first announcement and call for applications for a VLTI summer school on "Active Galactic Nuclei at the highest angular resolution: theory and   observations". ... It is supported by 15 EU member states, including new member states, and thus integrates the entire European optical interferometry community. ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 18.9 Êá -- 28.04.2007
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

47. RapidEye Satellites Successfully Launched into Orbit on Dnepr Launch Vehicle
... ISC Kosmotras . ... Dnepr launch record 17 August 2011. ... Having been launched at 11:15 Moscow time from Baikonur Cosmodrome, the Dnepr LV (a converted SS-18 ICBM) successfully injected 5 RapidEye spacecraft into orbit. ... Dr. Vladimir A. Andreev, Director General of ISC Kosmotras, speaking on behalf of the Company, extended his congratulations on the successful launch to the launch customers, namely British SSTL, Canadian MDA and German RapidEye AG. ... Dnepr LV Performance . ... Launch Sites . ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 13.9 Êá -- 09.04.2016
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

48. Zeldovich-100 / International Conference / Moscow, Russia
Main Program Travel Where to go in Moscow Information . ... Monday 28.04.2014 is the last day when LOC can help you to arrange an official invitation letter for business visa if you concern about this type of visa to enter Russia. ... After this dead line it will only be possible to make a tourist visa. ... Passport number: 9. ... Most people travel to Russia on tourist visas. ... International Conference: Cosmology and High Energy Astrophysics (Zeldovich-90) 20-24 Dec 2004, Moscow, Russia . ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 13.5 Êá -- 10.04.2016
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

49. Meade Sports Optics - How to Select the Right Binocular
... Telescopes ž Binoculars ž Microscopes . How to Select the Right Binocular . Meade Sports Optics Support . ... Most commonly, binoculars utilize either porro prisms or roof prism s for this purpose. ... Example: The Meade 8x42mm Waterproof roof prism binocular has a field of view 367 ft. wide for an object 1000 yards distant from the observer, yielding a field of view specification of 367 ft. at 1000 yds. ... Example: Meade 8x21mm Folding Roof Prism. ... Meade Binoculars Instruction Manual . ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 19.5 Êá -- 01.02.2006
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

... The Co­Addition Technique Applied to Images of Galaxy Cores W. W. Zeilinger Institut f˜ur Astronomie, University of Vienna, T˜urkenschanzstraúe 17, A­1180 Wien, Austria P. Crane, P. GrosbÜl and A. Renzini European Southern Observatory, Karl­Schwarzschild Straúe 2, D­85748 Garching, Germany Abstract. ... One may therefore take full advantage of the high resolution FOC images by co­adding them with (high signal­to­noise) ground­ based data. ... References Crane, P. et al. ...
[ Òåêñò ]  Ññûëêè -- 76.9 Êá -- 12.06.2006
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

51. Main Page
June 14-19, 2004 . IAU Symposium 223 "Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar Activity" will take place on June 14-19, 2004, St. Petersburg, Russia, hosted by Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory. ... This announcement also contains information on visa applications and financial support.The abstract, registration and financial support forms are found on the meeting Web site at . ... Deadline for Financial Support Applications (including abstracts) . ... Abstract Form . ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 15.2 Êá -- 21.05.2007
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

Please enter the lightcurve file name and period search parameters: . Lightcurve file: . ... Apply the Heliocentric correction and convert all dates to Terrestrial Time (TT)? ... Also, the Heliocentric correction cannot be applied to such lightcurves. ... This period search service is also available at the mirror sites: Mirror 1 , Mirror 2 , Mirror 3 , Mirror 4 . You may download the latest source code distribution and install the period search service at your own web server. ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 6.6 Êá -- 24.12.2015
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû
Åùå â ðàçäåëå: (Ïîêàçàòü âñå ðåçóëüòàòû (>3) - )

53. Elena Seifina. Publications
... Elena Seifina and Lev Titarchuk "On the nature of the compact object in SS433: observational evidence of X-ray photon index saturation" 2010, Astrophysical. ... A.M. Cherepashchuk, R.A. Sunyaev, E.V. Seifina, E.A. Antokhina, D.I. Kosenko, S.V. Molkov, N.I. Shakura, K.A. Postnov, A.N. Timokhin, I.E. Panchenko "INTEGRAL Observations of SS433: Analysis of Precessional and Orbital X-ray Periodicities" 2007, 6th INTEGRAL Workshop, Eds. S. Grebenev, R.A. Sunyaev, p.411 (astro-ph/0610235) . ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 8.0 Êá -- 16.12.2013
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû
Åùå â ðàçäåëå: (Ïîêàçàòü âñå ðåçóëüòàòû (>19) - )

v ARIZONA CORPORATION coMMrssloN THE IRVIN MARVIN WINER I{EMORIAL OBSERVATORY, INC. IITOBILE for AuthoritY We are pleased to notify you that your Application transact business in Arizona tfas approved and filed on AUG t4; to 1990 WITIIIN SIXTY (60) You must publish a copy of your Appl-ication for Authority must be in a newspaper of generalDAYS fron the File Date. ... WITIIIN publication' must be delivered to the Comission for filing NINETY (90) DAYS frorn the File Date. ...
[ Òåêñò ]  Ññûëêè -- 42.8 Êá -- 06.12.2013
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

55. Ya.B. Zeldovich All-Moscow Seminar of Astrophysicists
... Seminar archive . ... Seminar archive 2014 7 February . ... Ñâåðõúÿðêèå ñâåðõíîâûå è èõ ìåõàíèçìû èçëó÷åíèÿ (Superluminous Supernovae and their Emission Mechanisms) . ... Ñëó÷àéíîå áëóæäàíèå ôîòîíîâ â ðåëÿòèâèñòñêîì ïîòîêå: ïðèëîæåíèå ê ãàììà-âñïëåñêàì (Random walk of photons in relativistic flow and its application to gamma-ray burst) . ... In the relativistic flow, it has different behavior from the one in the non-relativistic flow due to the relativistic beaming effect. ... All seminars: . ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 11.1 Êá -- 09.04.2016
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû
Åùå â ðàçäåëå: (Ïîêàçàòü âñå ðåçóëüòàòû (>232) - )

56. Moscow workshop: The Sun from quiet to active 2011
... REGISTRATION . ... 119991, Leninski prospekt 53, Moscow, Russia . ... From radio to gamma rays results from space and ground based solar observatories . ... The Sun with high temporal and spatial resolution new look from SDO . ... Towards the Sun: InterHelioProbe, Solar Orbiter, PROBA-3, Solar Probe + . ... The Sun as a star: solar cycle and space weather . ... Head: E. DeLuca (SAO, USA), V. Kuznetsov (IZMIRAN, Russia) . ... June 1, 2011 (Wen) . ... Online publication of the workshop's program . ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 9.8 Êá -- 01.10.2012
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

57. Karazin University
... Schools . ... Dean?s Office . Departments . ... Applied Chemistry Department . ... Theoretical and Applied Systems Engineering Department . ... Economic Cybernetics and Applied Economics Department . ... School of History . ... Ancient and Medieval History Department . ... History ofšEastern Europe Department . Modern and Contemporary History Department . Ukrainian History Department . ... University History Museum . ... History of Russian Literature Department . ... School of Physics . ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 39.5 Êá -- 09.04.2016
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû
Åùå â ðàçäåëå: (Ïîêàçàòü âñå ðåçóëüòàòû (>290) - )

58. University Satellites and Space Science Education '2006
University Satellites and . Space Science Education . ... A SERIES OF ATLASES ON METHODS OF SPACE IMAGES INTERPRETATION AS A NEW TOOL FOR REMOTE SENSING EDUCATION IN EARTH SCIENCES . ... Special manuals in the form of atlases of satellite images and their interpretation results are within the best tools for support of the geographical and ecological research and thematic mapping. ... Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University, 2005-2006 . ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 10.2 Êá -- 21.12.2007
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû
Åùå â ðàçäåëå: (Ïîêàçàòü âñå ðåçóëüòàòû (>6705) - )

Microsymposium 38, MS083, 2003 (A4 format) MERCURY: LOCAL VARIATIONS OF THE PHOTOMETRIC RELIEF. ... Because of trajectory and pointing angle constraints the planet could be observed from Mariner 10 only over a small range of phase angles between about 75o and 110o. Therefore the photometric investigations are restricted to measuring the distribution of brightness on the Mercurian disk. ... Raw versions of real-time processing pictures FDS 0000984 and FDS 0000986 were used (images 196 and 202). ...
[ Òåêñò ]  Ññûëêè -- 346.6 Êá -- 06.10.2008
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

60. Instrument Data Fitting
... Inst Data Fit allows one to determine various parameters needed for instrument data files, including: scale, orientation and the position of the rotator with respect to the instrument. ... Run Inst Data Fit. ... Specify all fields above the "Fit Scale and Orientation" button New Rot_Inst_ang . ... Modified the instructions so that new scale and orientation values are applied to the instrument block before measuring center-of-rotation data (to solve a problem brought to light by SPICam). ... R.O. ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 12.6 Êá -- 10.09.2015
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

Ïðåä. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Ñëåä.

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Êîììåíòàðèè, âîïðîñû? Ïèøèòå: èëè ñþäà

Rambler's Top100 RFBR ßíäåêñ öèòèðîâàíèÿ