Astronet Ïîèñê ïî àñòðîíîìè÷åñêèì ñàéòàì English Russian
        Òî÷íàÿ ôîðìà ñëîâ   Î ïðîåêòå   Ñàéòû   Ñïðàâêà
Íàéäåíî äîêóìåíòîâ: 91878 (156 ñàéòîâ) ---- Âðåìÿ ïîèñêà: 0.26ñåê.   

Ïðåä. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | Ñëåä.

Ïîêàçàíû äîêóìåíòû, ñîäåðæàùèå ôðàãìåíòû òåêñòà èç äîêóìåíòà

21. ASP: A High School Curriculum in Astrobiology
A High School Curriculum in Astrobiology . Astrobiology is a truly integrated science. For example, when extreme environments of Earth are examined as a springboard to the search for life in the Solar System, other subjects?the biology of microorganisms, the chemistry of nutrients, the process of respiration, and the nature of autotrophic habitats?are intimately entwined and must be considered in one breath, albeit a long one. ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 8.9 Êá -- 02.10.2012
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

... Several CCD suppliers specify their devices without taking into account the effects of dark current and temperature. ... The influence of dark current is becoming more important, especially with larger integration or storage times at elevated temperatures. ... The temperature will influence the dynamic range through dark current, shot noise on the dark current and temporal noise of the output amplifier. ... Increasing the integration time automatically increases the dark current. ...
[ Òåêñò ]  Ññûëêè -- 266.5 Êá -- 26.01.1999
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

23. Future Prospects of Variable-Star Catalogues
XXVIII General Assembly of the IAU, SPS15 Beijing, August 31, 2012 . N.N. Samus, S.V. Antipin "Variable Stars and Data-Intensive Astronomy" . During the 26th IAU General Assembly in Prague, the IAU Division V (Commissions 27 and 42) considered the future of variable-star catalogues. ... To discuss these problems and to look for their solutions, the IAU Commission 27, on behalf of the IAU Division V, created an informal working group, chaired by the GCVS editor, Dr. Nikolai Samus. ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 6.3 Êá -- 04.02.2013
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû
Åùå â ðàçäåëå: (Ïîêàçàòü âñå ðåçóëüòàòû (>48) - )

24. Could This Be Considered The ... - an Astronomy Net Blackholes2 Forum Message
Blackholes2 Forum Message . Forums: . Atm ž Astrophotography ž Blackholes ž Blackholes2 ž CCD ž Celestron ž Domes ž Education . ... Post . ... Could This Be Considered The .. ... Post Message | ... . About Astronomy Net | ... Unless otherwise specified, web site content Copyright 1994-2016 John Huggins All Rights Reserved . Forum posts are Copyright their authors as specified in the heading above the post. "dbHTML," "AstroGuide," "ASTRONOMY.NET" & "VA.NET" . ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 13.1 Êá -- 09.04.2016
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

25. Bright Supernova Bright Supernova
. Please standby and you will be automatically connected to the new location of the unframed Supernova page. Or, click on the link above. If you have questions or problems, please email me at David Bishop . Last modified: Mon Aug 27 12:40:15 EDT 2001
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 2.4 Êá -- 05.02.2013
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 2.5 Êá -- 18.01.2015
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû
Åùå â ðàçäåëå: (Ïîêàçàòü âñå ðåçóëüòàòû (>37) - )

26. Plasma theories [Oulu] - last update: 28 May 1995, 0800 UT . Advanced plasma theories are extremely important when one tries to explain, for example, the various waves and instabilities found in the plasma environment. ... In the kinetic theory it is necessary to know only the distribution function for the system of particles. ... The dependence of the distribution function on the independent variables r , v , and t is governed by an equation known as the Boltzmann equation . ... Hot plasma theory . ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 8.4 Êá -- 21.12.2007
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

Do we need various assumptions to get a good FCN? A new multiple layer spectral method Cheng-li HuangMian Zhang Shanghai Astron. ... No FCN ! ... FCN,FCN,FCN.. Multiple layer spectral method (MLSM) + Linear Operator Method (LOM) Finite Element Method (FEM) · · Traditional approach solves one order ellipsoid only. ... Main Idea of FEM Boundary Surface could be described as: Let's consider how to solve the dynamic equation: Traditional Approach: Equivalent Spherical Domain . ...
[ Òåêñò ]  Ññûëêè -- 1455.6 Êá -- 28.09.2014
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

... Correlation between ratio of peak fluxes of flare microwave bursts at 8.8 and 15.4 GHz (parameter S 9 /S 15 ) and spectral index of solar proton fluxes (parameter ?= lg (J 10 /J 100 ) calculated by measurements near the Earth in the >10 MeV and >100 MeV channels. ... The following events are marked by numbers (numeration according to Main Table): 41 - 14.07.2000, 43 - 12.09.2000, 59 - 26.12.2001, 63 - 15.07.2002, 81 - 20.01.2005. ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 6.9 Êá -- 05.05.2009
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

29. Could gas giants be considered stars that failed to ignite? |
... stars . ... Could gas giants be considered stars that failed to ignite? ... The distinction between gas giant planets and brown dwarfs ("failed stars") is a vague one. ... It depends on what gas giant youò??re looking at and how you distinguish a ò??planetò?? from a ò??failed star.ò?? A gas giant found in orbit around a star might be considered a planet like Jupiter around the Sun. An isolated gas giant is probably a failed star. ... Get instant access to subscriber content on! ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 63.5 Êá -- 10.04.2016
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

30. Algorithm for calculations of the Voigt function
Algorithm for calculations of the Voigt function . ... àëãîðèòìà ðàñ÷åòà ïðîôèëÿ Ôîéãòà ! ... ôóíêöèÿ Ôîéãòà ! òåêñò ìîäóëÿ íà ÿçûêå Ïàñêàëü (Delphi) äëÿ åå âû÷èñëåíèÿ ! ... ïðîöåäóðà Õóìëè÷åêà äëÿ âû÷èñëåíèÿ ôóíêöèè Ôîéãòà ! ... Humlicek 1979 JQSRT v21 p309 ! ... 2005A+A___442___11F 2006 Tepper-Garcia, MNRAS, v369 p2025 ! 2006MNRAS_369_2025T 2007 Letchworth and Benner, JQSRT, v107 p173 ! ... 2009JQSRT_110__376A 2014 Abrarov and Quine, J. Math. ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 9.2 Êá -- 07.08.2015
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû
Åùå â ðàçäåëå: (Ïîêàçàòü âñå ðåçóëüòàòû (>13) - )

Microsymposium 38, MS080, 2003 (A4 format) PHYSICAL AND MINERALOGY CHARACTERISTICS OF THE LUNAR REGOLITH IN THE AREAS OF THE THERMAL ANOMALIES. ... Comparison of the local cumulative number of particles N per 104 m2 and photometric roughness parameter I. In this report we research data of the IR thermal radiation, the rough structure of the lunar regolith and mineralogy characteristics upper layer of the surface. ... The spatial graphical function of the lunar-surface thermal radiation. ... Figure 3. ...
[ Òåêñò ]  Ññûëêè -- 533.2 Êá -- 06.10.2008
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

... This approach is uniform for all values of the system parameters and applicable to most limb-darkening laws used in astrophysics. In the cases of the linear and quadratic limb-darkening laws, we obtained analytical expressions for the light curve and its derivatives in terms of elementary functions, elliptic integrals and a piecewise-defined function of one variable. ... Besides, they do not allow sufficiently accurate calculations of the light curves for some limb-darkening laws. ...
[ Òåêñò ]  Ññûëêè -- 209.3 Êá -- 01.11.2013
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

33. VISTA - Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy
... Exposure Time Calculator (ETC) . Survey processing . ... VISTA is a 4-m class wide field survey telescope for the southern hemisphere, equipped with a near infrared camera (1.65 degree diameter field of view at VISTA's nominal pixel size) containing 67 million pixels of mean size 0.34 arcsec and available broad band filters at Z,Y,J,H,K s and a narrow band filter at 1.18 micron. A wide field visible camera, if constructed, could also be used on VISTA. ... Tile . ... ESO VISTA Public Surveys . ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 31.7 Êá -- 27.11.2014
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

... COMPUTER SIMULATION OF RADIOWAVE MULTIPLE SCATTERING EFFECTS IN IONOSPHERE USING MONTE-CARLO METHOD . ... Distribution of reflected radiation on the ground is computed. ... Such influence can be remarkable if the scattering is multiple, i.e. the optical thickness for the scattering process is considerably greater than a unit. ... Radiation energy transfer in the slab is modeled by distribution of some particles carring small portions of radiation energy. ... The isotropic plasma approximation is...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 12.8 Êá -- 02.02.2007
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

... file but would like it to be automatically updated # again, run the following command: # sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg Section Files EndSection Section InputDevice Identifier Generic Keyboard Driver kbd Option CoreKeyboard Option XkbRules xorg Option XkbModel pc105 Option XkbLayout us ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 5.4 Êá -- 10.12.2007
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

... This model shows unstable l = 0, 1 and 2 modes of oscillations. ... We considered Kurucz's (1994) model atmospheres 14 Daszynska and Cugier 455.15 455.20 455.25 455.30 455.35 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 l=0 a) f=0.0 f=0.95 F l /10 ­9 + Offset [erg cm ­2 s ­1 nm ­1 ] l [nm] 455.15 455.20 455.25 455.30 455.35 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 l=1 m=0 b) l [nm] 455.15 455.20 455.25 455.30 455.35 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 ...
[ Òåêñò ]  Ññûëêè -- 136.4 Êá -- 12.06.2006
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

37. Astronaut Bio: Steven L. Smith (12/2013)
... Steven L. Smith . NASA International Space Station Program Liaison to the European Space Agency . ... SPECIAL HONORS: NASA Distinguished Service Medals (two), NASA Outstanding Leadership Medal, NASA Space Flight Medal, NASA Exceptional Service Medal, IBM Outstanding Technical Achievement Award and IBM Outstanding Community Service Award. ... NASA EXPERIENCE: Smith is a veteran of four space flights covering 16 million miles and seven space walks totaling 49 hours and 25 minutes. ... DECEMBER 2013 ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 7.9 Êá -- 09.10.2015
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

38. IUM10 conference: M.Blank
... We study ergodic properties of random maps defined as collections of nonsingular maps $f_1,\dots,f_w$ from a compact metric space $(X,\rho)$ into itself taken with probabilities $p_1,\dots,p_w$ ($\sum_i^wp_i=1$) and considered as Markov processes on $X$. ... In the first situation, when the random map is expanding on average, we mainly follow ideas borrowed from the theory of piecewise expanding maps and the corresponding Banach space is a version of the space of functions of bounded variation on $X...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 5.4 Êá -- 09.12.2005
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

39. Long description for frame layout example
This diagram illustrates a frame-like layout with 'position: fixed'. The illustration shows a four-panel frameset. The top panel ("header") covers the entire width of the frameset and takes up 15% of the vertical space. ... To the right of the sidebar and below the header is the "main" area, whose dimensions are computed based on remaining available space. Finally, at the bottom, the "footer" area is 100px high and covers the entire width of the frameset. ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 2.0 Êá -- 01.05.1998
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

STARMAKER: Programs for calculating stellar evolution C.S. Je#ery University Observatory, Buchanan Gardens, St. Andrews, Fife KY16 9LS, Scotland and Institut f˜ur Theoretische Physik und Sternwarte, Universit˜at Kiel, 2300 Kiel, West Germany. ... The program employs a Henyey code based on the Kippenhahn et al. (1967) prescription. ... 3.2 STELLAR OPACITY STARMAKER was originally written to investigate the e#ect of the Carson opacities of models of horizontal branch stars (Je#ery 1982). ... 1967). ...
[ Òåêñò ]  Ññûëêè -- 148.7 Êá -- 21.09.2005
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

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