Astronet Ïîèñê ïî àñòðîíîìè÷åñêèì ñàéòàì English Russian
        Òî÷íàÿ ôîðìà ñëîâ   Î ïðîåêòå   Ñàéòû   Ñïðàâêà
Íàéäåíî äîêóìåíòîâ: 638526 (215 ñàéòîâ) ---- Âðåìÿ ïîèñêà: 1.96ñåê.   

Ïðåä. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Ñëåä.

Ïîêàçàíû äîêóìåíòû, ñîäåðæàùèå ôðàãìåíòû òåêñòà èç äîêóìåíòà

21. Personal Space - exploring your personal cosmos
... If you could point a telescope anywhere in the sky, where would you look? The Personal Space web application allows you to make a direct and personal connection to the universe by linking significant events in your own life with what was above you in the sky at that moment. ... Personal Space is an online invitation to connect with and explore the universe in an intuitive way by presenting beautiful astronomical images of the sky overhead at key moments and places of personal significance. ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 5.4 Êá -- 28.02.2014
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 5.4 Êá -- 28.02.2014
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

22. Short Abstract; Mar. 1995 CONPAS workshop
Modern requirements stipulated for the Networking Technologies . Brief Review of the problems under solution. ... Distributed Collapsed Back Bone Technology Advantages and shortcomings of different approaches. Switches against routers. ... Position at the IS market. Position of the modern high-speed technologies. ... Review of switching technology. Review of the switch market.Classification of switches. ... Big corporate networks implementing switching and routing technologies. ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 2.7 Êá -- 13.11.1995
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

23. The Effect of Continuum Variability on Spectral Indices
Next: Conclusions Up: Selection Effects Previous: Inconsistent (or Inconsistently Applied) . Another possible bias, present in this as well as all other surveys which use spectral indices based upon nonsimultaneous data in their selection process, is due to variability. ... In order to minimize the effect of non-simultaneous radio survey data upon our samples, we decided to expand the common definition of flat-spectrum radio sources to extend to (instead of 0.5). ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 7.8 Êá -- 03.12.2003
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

24. Laboratory for Spectroscopy of Molecular Structures
... Laboratory for Spectroscopy of Molecular Structures . ... News . ... A new article entitled Description of optical properties of cholesteric photonic liquid crystals based on Maxwell equations and Kramers-Kronig relations has appeared in Physical Review E. Congratulations to Grigoriy Ksyonz on his first publication! . 25 th February 2013 . ... 22 nd November 2012 . ... 22 nd February 2012 . 4 th Workshop on Liquid Crystals for Photonics 2012 will take place in Hong Kong December 9-11, 2012. ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 9.9 Êá -- 04.04.2013
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

25. Phil Plait's Bad Astronomy: Misconceptions: The Planet X Arguments in a...
... Bad Astronomy . Misconceptions . ... Bitesize Astronomy . ... The Nine Planets . ... The webpages on this and other sites give lots of details, but I thought it might help if I made a brief synopsis of the arguments I and others make to debunk this pseudoscientific silliness. ... The Sun is not acting in any way abnormally. There are not more earthquakes than normal. ... This is exactly the same sort of bad logic used in the earthquake argument, and is just as wrong. ... 2008 Phil Plait. ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 47.7 Êá -- 09.04.2016
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

26. PRCZ table
Pursuant to paragraph 25 of the FCCs Report and Order on a Radio Astronomy Coordination Zone in Puerto Rico, most applicants in the following services are required to coordinate their applications with NAIC: applicants for fixed or base stations below 15 GHz in Part 5,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,73,74,78,80,87,90,95,97, and 101. ... 5.70 Notification to the Arecibo Observatory. ... 1) The notification to the Interference Office, Arecibo Observatory shall be made prior to, or simultaneously with, the filing . ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 10.7 Êá -- 10.06.2005
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

... Table 1: Acceptable temperature difference Invar36 0 .0 5 C À (the CTE was selected as 0.7 for the FEA) Stainless Steel 304 0.002 CÀ(the CTE was selected as 17.2 for the FEA) Aluminium6061 0.0015 CÀ(the CTE was selected as 23 for the FEA) (2) Analysis of the temperature gradients of the mount generated by an ambient temperature difference of 0.5 CÀ on both sides of the mount Invar , S.S. or Al ... Stainless steel material is added to Table 4 and 5 for comparison with Invar. ...
[ Òåêñò ]  Ññûëêè -- 49.6 Êá -- 24.06.2010
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

28. ASP: Other Workshops, Conferences and Events
home events . ... Other Workshops, Conferences and Events . ... NSTA conferences offer the latest in science content, teaching strategy, and research, all presented by science educators who want to enhance and expand their professional growth. ... 2012 National Conference . ... This event promises to be a standout event with panels, fireside chats, lightning talks, book signings, and ... an extended opportunity to schmooze with glitterati from the worlds of science and science-based entertainment. ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 22.7 Êá -- 04.06.2012
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

... The Co­Addition Technique Applied to Images of Galaxy Cores W. W. Zeilinger Institut f˜ur Astronomie, University of Vienna, T˜urkenschanzstraúe 17, A­1180 Wien, Austria P. Crane, P. GrosbÜl and A. Renzini European Southern Observatory, Karl­Schwarzschild Straúe 2, D­85748 Garching, Germany Abstract. ... One may therefore take full advantage of the high resolution FOC images by co­adding them with (high signal­to­noise) ground­ based data. ... References Crane, P. et al. ...
[ Òåêñò ]  Ññûëêè -- 76.9 Êá -- 12.06.2006
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

30. FOSS
... 101) Áàéêè èç Ôèäî (7) Ëèòåðàòóðà (16) Ëèñòàÿ ñòðàíèöû ïðîøëîãî Âûáåðèòå ìåñÿö Àïðåëü 2016 (2) Ìàðò 2016 (4) Ôåâðàëü 2016 (4) ßíâàðü 2016 (5) Äåêàáðü 2015 (4) Íîÿáðü 2015 (3) Îêòÿáðü 2015 (5) Ñåíòÿáðü 2015 (5) Àâãóñò 2015 (5) Èþëü 2015 (5) Èþíü 2015 (4) Ìàé 2015 (8) Àïðåëü 2015 (5) Ìàðò 2015 (4) Ôåâðàëü 2015 (4) ßíâàðü 2015 (7) Äåêàáðü 2014 (7) Íîÿáðü 2014 (4) Îêòÿáðü 2014 (5) Ñåíòÿáðü 2014 (8) Àâãóñò 2014 (8) Èþëü 2014 (6) Èþíü 2014 (7) Ìàé 2014 (11) Àïðåëü 2014 ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 56.2 Êá -- 10.04.2016
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

31. Why We Took PEM Out of Apache
On May 17th, 1995, we were asked by a representative of NCSA to remove any copies of NCSA httpd prior to 1.4.1 from our web site. ... There was no encryption in NCSA's httpd, only hooks to publicly available libraries of PEM code. ... Because Apache is based on NCSA code, and we had basically not touched that part of the software, we were informed that Apache was also illegal to distribute to foreign countries, and advised (not mandated) by NCSA to remove it. ... EFF Crypto/Privacy/Security Archive . ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 4.9 Êá -- 01.08.2003
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

32. POLAR 2013
... Polar 2013 - . Polar Geophysics of Yamal: Observations, instruments, data bases . ... Nadym, October 21-25, 2013, RUSSIA . ... The program of the POLAR-2013 conference in Nadym will be devoted to following topics: . ... The International Conference ?Polar Geophysics of Yamal? is jointly organized by the Government of Yamal Region, The IZMIRAN (Troitsk), The Geophysical Center of RAS (Moscow), The Institute of Applied Geophysics (Moscow), The Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (St.Petersburg). ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 6.4 Êá -- 10.01.2013
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû
Åùå â ðàçäåëå: (Ïîêàçàòü âñå ðåçóëüòàòû (>554) - )

33. Jupiter joins Venus in the early evening |
... Tonight's Sky . ... SUN MOON MERCURY VENUS MARS, JUPITER SATURN . ... Observing . ... Why Join? ... Jupiter joins Venus in the early evening . ... That more brilliant one is Venus, and it s currently having its best showing for northern observers of 2015 as it shines brightest and appears highest in the evening sky. ... Only the Full Moon itself climbing higher in the southeastern sky this evening appears brighter. ... Only registered members of are allowed to comment on this article. ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 69.8 Êá -- 10.04.2016
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

34. Áàëëèñòè÷åñêèé öåíòð Èíñòèòóòà ïðèêëàäíîé ìàòåìàòèêè èì. Ì.Â.Êåëäûøà ÐÀÍ
... Èíñòèòóò ïðèêëàäíîé ìàòåìàòèêè èì. Ì.Â.Êåëäûøà . ÁÀËËÈÑÒÈ×ÅÑÊÈÉ ÖÅÍÒÐ . Î Öåíòðå . ... Áàëëèñòè÷åñêèé Öåíòð Èíñòèòóòà ïðèêëàäíîé ìàòåìàòèêè èì. Ì.Â.Êåëäûøà ÐÀÍ . Áàëëèñòè÷åñêèé öåíòð (ÁÖ) ÈÏÌ èì. Ì.Â. Êåëäûøà ñîçäàí ïî ïðåäëîæåíèþ Ñ.Ï. Êîðîëåâà è Ì.Â. Êåëäûøà â 1965 ãîäó. Íà íåãî áûëè âîçëîæåíû ðàáîòû ïî áàëëèñòèêî-íàâèãàöèîííîìó îáåñïå÷åíèþ (ÁÍÎ) óïðàâëåíèÿ ïîëåòîì ïèëîòèðóåìûõ êîðàáëåé è àâòîìàòè÷åñêèõ êîñìè÷åñêèõ àïïàðàòîâ íàó÷íîãî è íàðîäíî-õîçÿéñòâåííîãî íàçíà÷åíèÿ. ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 4.2 Êá -- 02.02.2013
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû
Åùå â ðàçäåëå: (Ïîêàçàòü âñå ðåçóëüòàòû (>47) - )

35. Photon Technology International, AstroGuide Listing
The AstroGuide . ... AstroGuide | ... AstroGuide Listing . ... See many more Astronomy Listings by: Category or Alphabet . ... Listed Since February 17, 1999 . ... 732) 329-0910 . ... 732) 329-9069 . Web Site . ... Web . . About Astronomy Net | Advertise on Astronomy Net | ... Unless otherwise specified, web site content Copyright 1994-2016 John Huggins All Rights Reserved . dbHTML," "AstroGuide," "ASTRONOMY.NET" & "VA.NET" . are trademarks of John Huggins ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 12.5 Êá -- 09.04.2016
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

36. Dnepr LV with THEOS SC Blasts off from Yasny Launch Base.
... ISC Kosmotras . ... Baikonur Cosmodrome Yasny launch base Downloads . ... Dnepr LV (a converted SS-18 ICBM) with THEOS SC aboard was successfully launched from Yasny Launch Base several minutes ago. ... A new fuelling station and clean room 2 were used during the THEOS launch campaign at Yasny Launch Base. ... ISC Kosmotras' stock of orders contains signed contracts for five more launches scheduled for up to 2011 both from Baikonur Cosmodrome and Yasny Launch Base. ... 01.10.2008 . ... Dnepr Program...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 11.4 Êá -- 09.04.2016
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

37. PIC 16F627 Based EQ-5 / CG-5 Dual Axis Hand Controller - Àñòðîíîìèÿ è...
... Îáùåðîññèéñêàÿ íåäåëÿ "Àñòðîíîìèÿ íà òðîòóàðå" - 15-17 àïðåëÿ . ... Ïðàêòè÷åñêàÿ àñòðîíîìèÿ ? Àñòðîíîìèÿ è êîìïüþòåðû (Ìîäåðàòîðû: Deimos , Ed_Vazhorov ) ? PIC 16F627 Based EQ-5 / CG-5 Dual Axis Hand Controller . ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè,13933.0.html -- 29.2 Êá -- 10.04.2016
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

... Basic Observables: Zero-differenced phase and code ionosphere-free combinations of global GNSS network stations, corrected by P1-C1 satellite code biases (cc2noncc), daily observations with 30 seconds sampling rate Sites coordinates : IGb08 reference frame coordinates and velocities Displacements: solid tides, ocean loading, pole tide loading (IERS 2010) Geometric model : Receivers antennas eccentricities, absolute receiver and ...
[ Òåêñò ]  Ññûëêè -- 2427.5 Êá -- 30.11.2014
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

39. Laboratory of Quantum-size heterostructures
... Molecular beam epitaxy . Surface analysis . ... Molecular beam epitaxy and fundamental studies of semiconductor heterostructures (with quantum wells, quantum dots and superlattices) based on: . narrow gap III-V compounds for optoelectronic and electronic applications; . wide gap II-VI compounds, as well as ZnO, for visible range and UV optoelectronics and basic studies in the field of spintronics; . ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 3.4 Êá -- 24.07.2013
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû
Åùå â ðàçäåëå: (Ïîêàçàòü âñå ðåçóëüòàòû (>4) - )

40. lsst.tcc: python/tcc/base/array.h Source File
lsst.tcc š 1.2.2-3-g89ecb63 . ... Files . ... python . tcc . base . array.h . ... 2 š // minimal version of tr1::array, for SWIG . ... 11 š //namespace std::tr1 . ... std::tr1::array::reference . ... std::tr1::array::value_type . ... std::tr1::array::reverse_iterator . ... std::tr1::array::difference_type . ... std::tr1::array::const_reference . ... std::tr1::array::iterator . ... std::tr1::array::size . ... std::tr1::array::const_iterator . ... std::tr1::array::const_reverse_iterator . ...
[ Ñîõðàíåííàÿ êîïèÿ ]  Ññûëêè -- 18.9 Êá -- 14.09.2015
Ïîõîæèå äîêóìåíòû

Ïðåä. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Ñëåä.

Àñòðîíåò | Íàó÷íàÿ ñåòü | ÃÀÈØ ÌÃÓ | Ïîèñê ïî ÌÃÓ | Î ïðîåêòå | Àâòîðàì

Êîììåíòàðèè, âîïðîñû? Ïèøèòå: èëè ñþäà

Rambler's Top100 RFBR ßíäåêñ öèòèðîâàíèÿ