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181. Calendarium - сайт о календаре
... Православный календарь . ... Вечный календарь v2.5 Программа, позволяющая получать данные о любом дне григорианского или юлианского календаря в период с 100 по 3000 год н. э. В удобной форме предоставляется информация о православном и народном календарях, гражданских праздниках, астрономических данных о Луне и Солнце и др.. ... Православный календарь на год. ... Смотрите также: История календаря. ... История календаря. ... История календаря и хронология. ... Календарь и хронология майя. ...
[ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 23.2 Кб -- 09.04.2016
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182. Астрономическая информация на CD
... В настоящий момент сканируется знаменитый трехтомник "Гравитация" Мизнера, Торна и Уиллера. Книга была написана в 1973 году, а на русском языке вышла в 1977. ... современной теории гравитации. ... Монография выдающихся американских физиков Ч.Мизнера, К.Торна и Дж.Уиллера "Гравитация", выпускаемая на русском языке в трех томах, посвящена изложению физических основ, соременного математического аппарата и важнейших достижений теории тяготения Эйнштейна. ... Интересно ли Вам . ...
[ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 5.6 Кб -- 09.04.2016
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... Роман Евгеньевич Ильинский email : . ... Ильинский Р. Е., Ровенская Т. С. Дифференциалы луча в оптической системе // Вестник МГТУ. ... 1998.- ... Roman Ilinsky , Gradient-index meniscus lens free of spherical aberration, Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics, volume2, number 5, pages 449-451, year 2000 . ... Ильинский Р. Е. Определение реальных габаритов пучков в градиентных оптических системах // Прикладная оптика -2000: Тез. докл. ... 2000.- ... ROMAN ILINSKY . ...
[ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 19.5 Кб -- 01.10.2012
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184. Stardust va observer le cratГЕre de Deep Impact sur la comГЕte Tempel 1 | Ciel
... Ciel Espace, le magazine qui vous guide toujours plus loin . ... Ciel Espace, nouvelle formule, c'est . ... Accueil Stardust va observer le cratГЕre de Deep Impact sur la comГЕte Tempel 1 . ... Voir et mesurer le cratГЕre de Deep Impact permettra de savoir quelle est la consistance de Tempel 1 et dГїduire ses propriГїtГї mГїcaniques. ... De plus, les propriГїtГїs du cratГЕre fourniront aussi une indication plus prГїcise de la structure de cette comГЕte, qui a une influence sur sa rГїponse Г un...
[ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 32.1 Кб -- 09.04.2016
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185. Herschel and Spitzer see nearby galaxiesт?? stardust |
... Star Atlas . ... Gravitational wave search provides insights into galaxy evolution and mergers . ... The double star 54 Leonis, spiral galaxy NGC 3198, and emission nebula NGC 3199 . ... Herschel and Spitzer see nearby galaxiesт?? stardust . ... This new image shows the Large Magellanic Cloud galaxy in infrared light as seen by the Herschel Space Observatory and NASAт??s Spitzer Space Telescope. In the instruments' combined data, this nearby dwarf galaxy looks like a fiery circular explosion. ...
[ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 69.8 Кб -- 10.04.2016
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186. Return to Comet Tempel 1 | Astronotes
Astronotes Armagh Planetarium's Stellar Blog! ... Comets and Asteroids . ... Space Flight . ... Earth Satellites . ... By admin February 19, 2011 Posted in: Comets and Asteroids . ... Since it was launched in 1999, the Stardust spacecraft has travelled about 5.7 billion km (3.5 billion miles) on its odyssey from Earth to comet Wild 2, back to Earth then on to comet Tempel 1. ... Here you will find the latest news and views from the fascinating worlds of astronomy and space exploration. ...
[ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 41.7 Кб -- 09.04.2016
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187. Terry Mosely Astronomy Bulletins
This is a series of periodic postings by Terry Moseley of the Irish Astronomical Association . ... Issued 2003 December 17th . Mars Dust storms, lecture, TV, Bargain telescope . ... Another aurora? ... Issued 2003 September 30th . ... Issued 2003 September 25th . ... Issued 2003 September 21st . ... Issued 2003 September 14th . ... Issued 2003 September 12th . ... Issued 2003 September 11th . ... Issued 2003 September 10th . ... Issued 2003 September 9th . ... Issued 2003 August 29th . ... Aurora? ...
[ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 25.8 Кб -- 23.02.2007
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188. AAL Homepage
MAIN PAGE . ... LINKS . ... CONTACT . ... Finally, our members share their expertise by contributing with articles to our internet presence. ... 16/04/2016 . ... Join the AAL Seti@home BOINC Team! Current Solar Data (NOAA) . Solar X-rays: . ... Have you ever witnessed one? Moon landings were faked? ...ut NASA's Deep Impact Mission? ...? ... great Hubble Space Telescope? ...n Mars? ... For that, please visit the Contact page , where you can find the Web Team contacts along with others. ...
[ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 26.5 Кб -- 09.04.2016
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189. ASP: Good Astronomy Activities on the WWW
home education > activities . ... This activity is mostly just calculations, but students will enjoy figuring out the angle by which an asteroid headed for Earth needs to be deflected to miss our planet.[h] . ... Students are encouraged to play out the motion and positions of a comet and the Earth, relative to the Sun. ... Cute little activity in which younger students "interview" the Sun as a way of encouraging them to research various topics on the Stanford Solar Center web site. [e] . ...
[ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 18.1 Кб -- 02.10.2012
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190. ATNF Colloquium
ATNF Home . ... About ATNF overview . ... Australia Telescope Steering Committee . ... Murchison Radio-astronomy Observatory . ... Parkes radio telescope . ... Mopra radio telescope . ... Parkes | ATCA | ... Visiting Parkes radio telescope . ... Parkes radio telescope webcam . ... The Australia Telescope National Facility Colloquium . ... Recent results from the Spitzer Space Telescope suggest that magnetically powered, protostellar jet flows are reprocessing the disks that surround young stars. ...
[ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 27.6 Кб -- 01.03.2014
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191. Links to N.A.S.A.
. Links to N.A.S.A. Please Report any broken links or additions to: . Apollo Manned Space Program . CASSINI - Mission to Saturn . Clementine . Hubble Space Telescope . Lunar Prospector . Mars Global Surveyor . Mars Polar Lander . N.A.S.A . N.E.A.R. Space Station Status . Stardust . Ulysses . Voyager Interstellar Mission .
[ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 3.7 Кб -- 17.08.2005
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192. Amateur Telescope Makers of Boston
... These colors are not only beautiful, they give us clues to the stars’ sizes, ages and life cycle status. ... While stellar life is interesting, stellar death results in many of the objects that amateur astronomers love to observe including planetary nebulae, supernova remnants and black holes. ... Dr. Russell Pinizzotto is currently the Dean of the Faculty of Science and Engineering at Merrimack College in North Andover, MA. ... Copyright (c) Amateur Telescope Makers of Boston, Inc. ...
[ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 11.1 Кб -- 10.04.2016
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... From Ice Skater Physics to Star Birth in HII Regions. ... The group will meet at the Rte579 Astronomy Events for 2006 Edited by Barlow Bob Feb 20 - 25 Winter Star Party, Florida Keys, FL http : // Zombie Party, Atlanta, GA http ://www.atlan Apr 28 ­ May 2 Delmarva Star Gaze Star Party, Tuckahoe State Park, MD http ://www.delmarvastargaze South Jersey Spring Star Party, Belleplain State Forest, NJ http :// ...
[ Текст ]  Ссылки -- 805.6 Кб -- 09.02.2006
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... Introduction It may seem counterintuitive that X-ray astronomy should give any insights into planetary systems: planets, and their natal protoplanetary disks (PPDs), have temperatures which are far to o co ol (100 - 1500 K) to emit X-rays. ... The resulting X-ray emission gives unique insights into the solar activity, planetary atmospheres, cometary comae, charge exchange physics, and space weather across the Solar System (review by Bhardwa j et al. 2007). ... 2007; Gudel 2007). ... 2007, Planet. ...
[ Текст ]  Ссылки -- 1012.8 Кб -- 08.10.2009
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