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1. http://www.izmiran.rssi.ru/~ichertok/CHAINS/ANNOUNC/radio.htm
. Microwave Chains . The majority of the modified Nobeyama radio heliograms corresponds to the restricted range of the brightness temperature of Tb~5000-20000 K. On the negative Nobeyama radio heliograms, the white (i.e. absorption) features are radio filaments. October 30-31, 1992 . May 10-15, 1993 . November 1-4, 1993 . August 20-September 02, 1998 . Back to the parent page . Last update: 2 April 1999 .
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Ссылки http://www.izmiran.rssi.ru/~ichertok/CHAINS/ANNOUNC/radio.htm -- 2.5 Кб -- 02.04.1999
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