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На этой странице приведены все страницы, которые ссылаются на http://www.arcetri.astro.it/science/Radio/red/arcobs.txt. Показаны документы 1 - 1 из 1.
1. Radioastronomy reduction procedures
The information path to prepare, perform and reduce a radioastronomical observation, using the Arcos correlator , is schematized in the figure: . The programs reside part on the computer network of the Arcetri Observatory, and part at the Medicina Radio Telescope . All programs running at Arcetri are written for a Sun workstation, and are public domain software, available upon request. Programs running at the telescope are written for a PC with DOS/Windows (or Linux).
Сохраненная копия
Ссылки http://www.arcetri.astro.it/science/Radio/red/red.html -- 3.6 Кб -- 03.09.2004
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