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На этой странице приведены все страницы, которые ссылаются на http://www.naic.edu/~nolan/radar/Castalia.html. Показаны документы 1 - 1 из 1.
1. Arecibo Planetary Radar
Radar Astronomy Group . ... This instrument will enable the Observatory to detect asteroids over a very much wider radial range than with the old 420 kilowatt system. ... Here are some recent images of asteroids obtained with the Arecibo Planetary Radar. ... The following data were taken by various observers using the Arecibo Observatory 12.6 cm radar. ... Chris De Vries wrote a description of how to reduce planetary radar data , using the 1988 Venus data taken at the Arecibo Observatory as a model. ...
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Ссылки http://www.naic.edu/~nolan/radar/ -- 7.6 Кб -- 24.02.2005
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