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На этой странице приведены все страницы, которые ссылаются на http://www.astrosociety.org/edu/resources/useduc03.html. Показаны документы 1 - 1 из 1.
1. ASP: Astronomy Education in the United States
home education > resources . SEARCH ASP SITE: Match ALL words Match ANY word . ... Education from Mercury . ... Astronomy Education Bibliography . ... Astronomy of Many Cultures Resource Guide . ... Let me begin by asking the question: where does astronomy education take place in the United States and Canada? ... But I want to argue that astronomy education happens in many other places as well: . ... it happens when someone reads a popular book on astronomy, or leafs through a science magazine . ...
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Ссылки http://www.astrosociety.org/edu/resources/useduc.html -- 26.7 Кб -- 02.10.2012
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